16.. japan, Alessandro was feeling something.

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" Sister in law, are you all ready you are going?" Elisa asked pouting her cheek, so cute and tempting that anyone could squeezed them, she was so adorable which made her like her.

" Yes, sweetheart! Are you sad? Why, I will return back!" She asked with love and care to the packet of cuteness, she shook her head and said," I want to know you, but let it be, I will when you came back! You are so good, sister in law, I like you!"

Looking at her cuteness, she made an awe face and said, " You can now! We can chater.. ", packing her bags with summer dress, as Japan is an Asian city, more hotter than Italy, and the most alluring place which attracted tourist the most.

" sister in law, okay, so tell me about your love story with my brother! Its for sure so romantic one, right? " giving her a shock, what was she asking, when?, there was no love story at all, it was the flow of time that she had to accept the alliance.

" baby, we were never in love!" she exclaimed, which made Elisa's eyes widen, because they look so adorable with each other that any one could thought the same.

" but then why you both married? You are so made for each other! " she asked bolt out of blue, making her chuckled.

She saw Alessandro coming inside the bed room. She smiled darkly and said, " Ah! That is because, I am real for only profit!"

He glanced her and narrowed his eyes, what she was saying.

"love and relation doesn't matter for me! Isn't it Alessandro?" She said eyeing him who was frowned and gawking her in vexation. He was quiet as he had no words to utter.

" I think, I should leave, mother is calling me!" Elisa exclaimed in midst of their glare towards each other, not waiting for a second she left from their closing the door.

" Are you mimicking me?" with narrow eyes on his handsome and tempting face, he said.

" No! I am saying truth. Isn't it truth! I am real for profit, darling! " with full confidence, she uttered glaring him.

He suddenly pinned her on the near wall clasping her both hands into his, looking each other's eyes depth ness, he whispered " baby doll, don't say anything which has consequences later!"

Feeling his husky breathe with his alluring body scent, trembling and shivering with such intimacy, she uttered with so much difficulty, " Who are you to say this? I am no one for you! Right? "

" you want to know!" he exclaimed with a dark smile. He roamed loosely his thick finger from her forehead to her lips, then her nape, giving a tingling sensation in her body, she was feeling weak in front of that hot specimen of Human race.

Oh god! What was happening to her!

Not wanted to show him that she was intimidated by him, she gathered all her confidence and courage, with so much of her force, she pushed him and said, " I am going to check my luggage. I Should! "

Alessandro chuckled noticing her temptation towards him, realizing he was wrong about that beauty who was his now.

He decided to invade inside her with depth ness, not leaving any nook and cranny.

He was sure that something happened with her that she build the thick walls around her. He wanted to break them and realized her the beauty of life which she made herself deprived.


Landing on the  New Tokyo International Airport , he looked at the beauty beside him who was dozed off , keeping a book on her face, startled seeing the book cover of bared to you, he smirked which type of book she was reading, full erotica, he lightly pushed her and said, " baby doll wake up! Japan is here! "

She frowned , on someone's intrusion in her beauty sleep, opening her eyelid, she looked him with her book. She was embarrassed what he was thinking about her, but she excused herself, after that they checked out the airport.

Sitting on the bed , Donna opened her boots, releasing her toes, which sweated her , wearing a yellow and red floral frock, she was looking breathtaking. He looked at her, for teasing her ,he exclaimed, flustering her, " Donna, your tastes are so classy and erotica! Not bad. I am not expecting such behavior of you, doll!"

" yes, you even didn't know a 5% of me, and don't try to tease me, otherwise you have to bear the consequences. Get that! "

" ah! What will you do? I tease you and will!" He exclaimed, agitating her more.

She gritted her teeth glaring his devilish face. " Donna! I know I am handsome, don't gawk me, after all I am yours ! You can do more baby, gawking will do no good! " He winked.

" Alessandro, not a word more, otherwise, I will smash your handsome face!" Shocking him, she warned him but rather than doing more argument, he yelled in excitement," Thank god, you accepted that I am handsome! Gosh! She got her brain back, for God's mercy. "

Donna shook her head in bewilderment, what this man was made of! He was really a streak, how she hooked with him ! Oh , due to the paparazzi!

Grabbing a summer dress, she went inside the wash room, ignoring him and his maniac talks, as it was for good rather than smashing her head into his useless talk, which made him gawked at her, what this girl was! Every single girl drooled over him , and there his own wife was not paying any heed to him, oh god! He should do something.


" Good morning Ma'am and sir I am your tourist guide here! I am Tsukasa. Have you both doing good! " A man of mid - forties , short , round, wearing a summer floral shirt and a short pant, hat on his head, looking like a native of the place, said to them. They greeted him. After discussion , they decide to go for Ishigaki , Japan's premier beach destination which gave a chance to explore the other islands in the Yaeyama archipelago .

Observing the outside scenery of that beautiful place, Donna was lost, Alessandro was looking at her tilted face keenly, with so much of love.

Was it possible that he developed feelings for her, but he liked her presence for sure, he was confused if it was also an infatuation which he felt towards Sofia.

With love in his eyes, he was staring her, wanted to hug her from behind, kissing her cheek, was tempting him. Her innocence was attracting him more, he was sure, Donna could never be a wicked, he thought wrong. She was hiding her fears and tears behind her hard demeanour .

" Donna, what are you looking?" Slowly ,he whispered lovely, Donna could identify his voice, which was filled with love and care, " Nothing, just the scenic beauty of environment. It is beautiful, isn't it?" She said not looking at him, because she knew if she looked then ,she would lost in his azure eyes, she would break all her walls , which she didn't want that easily, if he was also a cheat, if he cheated him, it surely broke her for forever.

" Sir, do you want to know more about Ishigaki ?" The tourist guide said in midst of their quite conversation. Alessandro nodded with curiosity, so he continued himself, "Actually, Ishigaki is a different place unlike other tourist place of Japan, it has not a pride of having temples and shrines which other cities have ,but it does have an exuberant nightlife for visitors who have the energy after a day of beach combing, water sports or climbing Mount Nosoko."

" What is temple?" Donna asked him, he chuckled and said, " Ma'am , temple is a holy places of Hindus, Buddhists, Jain's etc like the church in which you pray."


" Alessandro, please bring that surf board, please!" Donna exclaimed pouting her face, looking cute, with the personality which compelled anyone to do what she want, but he chuckled and said," baby doll I am saying ,come with me , we will board together. I am noy your personal escort! "

" but..." Donna whispered.

" Donna, I am not your servant! Come! " He exclaimed making her to look at his serious face, " Alessandro , I am not calling you a servant!"

" you will not agree, look now! What I will do. " He exclaimed and took her in his arms. Throwing her legs and hand she was constantly yelling to leave her, but he didn't and eventually she had to board her surf board by herself.

" Alessandro ,I hate you!" She whined , chuckling, he pulled her towards him and locked her in his masculine grip , the thought that everyone was looking them blow all her senses, turning crimson ,she tried to push him but he was way more stronger than her, he gripped her more, " repeat!" Confused she looked at him," I said repeat! What do you say? Come again darling, you hate me! Is it? "

Biting her lips, looking sexy she uttered with a dark smile," I hate you!"

Giving her a glare in her emerald eyes, she looked away when he was about to feel those plumpy lips, which eventually placed his lips on her cheek, " Alessandro, it's too much, please leave me! Everyone is gawking us. "

" I will never!" He exclaimed inducing a hope inside her that there was someone who was always remained for her, she didn't let any drop of tear which filled in her ecstatic eyes to shed, Alessandro didn't feel right, his heart was clenched and he let her off.


"Hello sir, I am paying all attention to her every move, she was going to Ishigaki with her husband, should I make her hostage and bring to you?" a man , who was stalking them said to his boss.

" No, it's not a time, just note her every activity , and when I command you, then take next step!" He ordered intimidating his goon, he nodded with the fear even he was not in front of him.


"Oh! It's awesome." Donna hooted in excitement, while surfing in a huge waves, Alessandro was looking at her blazing face, which had locks outspreaded on her beautiful face while balancing him with respect to a wave.

" Donna, do you like surfing?" Alessandro asked, with a loud voice, so that his voice could reach to her ears.

" like, it is an understatement, I love it, I learn it when I came Hokkaido!"


" Donna! This is for you." Alessandro said, giving her a magnum ice cream, while eating his. She took the ice cream, she amused and opened the packet.

Walking on shore, eating the ice cream, they were feeling bliss gathering the memories.

They were plodding, wetting their legs through the sea water, Donna asked, " Alessandro, tell me something about you?"

" what..?" perplexed he looked at her," I want to know you? Can't I!! " she smiled.

He chuckled and looked the other way, his wells proportioned body, and carved devilish face was too much to handle.


The blazing winds aroused the sensation in her whole body, feeling satisfied, her sparkling eyes were viewing the alluring beauty of the red sky, where the sun was going to rest, ensuring that he would come back with new hopes.
They were lying on the golden sand of the beach and watching the panoramic view.

"Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn."

" huh... " confused ,Donna looked at him, that he could be such a serious man.

" not my statement, but it is truly said by Ralph Waldo Emerson!"

Smiling she nodded looking at him, " Alessandro, I like you!"

Alessandro looked at her reminding what had she said," what?"

" yes ,I like you, can we become a friend in true sense? Can you become my friend? " She said with sincerity, hoping that there friendship could remain for forever, and smiled, looking her cute face, he nodded.

" I think, we can more than that, baby! I think I am falling for you Donna! " he exclaimed flushing her and holding her hands, entangling her finger into her hands.

He was such a flirt!



Observing a man in the meeting hall, Simone revived his voice, he was surely the one who kidnapped his Sofia, giving a disgusting look to him, he commanded the peon to bring him in his office.

" So Mr. Gambino, you there, sit!" With authority in his voice, he showed him a seat. Mr. Gambino smirked and set on the table, looking like the cheapest person there, he was good looking with a handsome face, but his intentions and deeds made him ugly.

Simone came to him and held his collar disgracing him, "How dare you to kidnap my Sofia! and why do you want to harm Donna?" yelled, punching him on his stomach. Mr Gambino sided himself after punched and smuggly said, " Do some shame son, I am your father. Is it the manner to talk and behave with your father. "

" My father is died in accident, don't utter any sh*t, you slimy creature! " He exclaimed with so much of disgust and hatred towards him, blowing his knuckles.

" son, whoever you believe your father is! But at the end, you are my son and blood. " He laughed showing his teeth.

" just shut up, and tell me the reason! Why you wanter to kidnap her" gritting his teeth, he asked.

" It's a secret! " He smuggly said, and let out a howl of evilness.

" but I am not that much tyrant , I assure you, I would destroy your friend's life and this storm didn't left your love untouched . I will destroy everyone. Do whatever you want son! " announcing the upcoming threat to their life, he laughed menacingly, and left his office placing his hand on his blazer's pocket.

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