21.. I Love Her.

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Joining her friends , Donna was gossiping about the controversies in their college.

" Donna, why have you deny that man to come behind you. Have you look at him? He is so gorgeous and handsome. I wish I could be his."  Arianna, her friend uttered.

" By the way, who was that handsome streak, don't tell me he is your Fiancé!" Charley, her friend commented.

" Have you ever flirt with him? "

" Don't tell us, you have already spend an whole night with that gorgeous piece! "

She was so flushed listening her friends' dirty conversation. She never thought about him like this. But was he really so mouthwatering, she wondered.

" Guyz, don't be a fool and I don't have any thing with him. "

" Oh so sad! So, Donna when will you made my encounter with him."

Flashes of his face came upon her vision ignoring her friends , she blushed could she made a thing with him!


Stephano opened the door of the Mercedes car for her. But she stopped there.

He could feel uneasiness with her constant staring. She was measuring every inch of his face.

She came to his cheek, her long heavy breathe was so tempting. She smirked seeing her effect onto him.

She whispered in his hear, " So now, Steph... You will not show your face to any of my friend, get that, Have you look how much they staring you!"

Flashback end.


She reminded how possessive she was for him, just his one look compelled her to fall for her.

She was used to be a eighth wonder of the world that time.

She wondered if she could feel same posssessiveness for Alessandro too, she blushed at this mere thought.

She was gazing his tranquil and sleeping face , she smiled.

She touched his hard brown beard, sliding it to his chin. He was so handsome, lovely and hers only.

She was awestrucked by her own thoughts. She looked at his juicy lips which she felt on her own lips before.

Her every action was measuring his face, she could felt a tender and warm feeling just by his single view.

She blushed and turned on other side and slept tightening her eyes like a five year old child.

Was she the same Donna de Costa who was once ruthless, fiery and bold!


Time is a tide and that one month with the bliss of ocean, greenland and some sparks had gone. They visited many panoramic and scenic places while discovering their own feelings towards each other.

This journey changed a lot in her life. She was now no more dejected and frustrated with herself. His presence made her day so beautiful.

Forgetting everything about her past, she enjoyed his presence, she was moving on in all sense.

His dazzling sparks on her were literally effecting her with full vague, his mere absence made her restless.

She could also felt his divergent gesture, he was no longer romanticising with her which pricked her like a thorns of roses.
All cheesy names and physical touch had long gone.


The game of Mr Gambino had touched its high peak, as time increases, his game also got closer to its end.

He made Sophia a mere pawn in his game. He was bluffing her till all his planning, now he was going to play his masterstroke.

" Boss, its her mother who have already died then why are you upon her?"

" as Mother as Daughter, she is mine, that man will have to pay for getting closer to her."

" But boss, you loved her mother not her!"

" I love Rebecca, but her father separated me and set her marriage with Gabrielle De Costa."

" Her mother forgot me, how could she! If she could never be mine, then she have no right to live, so I shot her."

He laughed menacingly at his own story, but love is not about possession. The thing which he called the love towards her mother was just his obsession and lust.



Alessandro's point of view.

That whole day was so hectic and tiresome, I had to catch up all the threads of the whole office.

The whole vacation disbalanced all the work there. Many files were piled up even after my father looked the whole office this month but still.

Glancing my wrist watch, I looked at the time, it was 7:00 pm.

I remembered my baby girl, she was so cute.

Her hard demeanour was only a facade, from inside she was as delicate as flower.

That whole month which I had spend with her was most beautiful, peaceful and lovely time of my whole life.

Her one view made me so mad, I started to crave for her. She was a red wine for me.

I still remembered when I realised I loved her. First of all I took my realisation as an infatuation, but then I grew slowly and figured out my own beautiful feelings.


I didn't know completely why she was so ruthless and fiery. May be something tragic had happened in her life!

When she said all my gesture as physical only, it hurt but after scrounging inside her more I realise she had an unknown aura of attraction and love towards me.

I wanted her to realise her own love, so I behaved casually with her. I stopped calling her by some cheesy names . I payed no attention upon her.

Her face clearly showed it pricked her but her inner turmoil never let her show what she felt.

Everytime when she looked at me, her sensual eyes sparkled and I loved that.

I love her.


Entering inside our home, I observed lights were switched on. Strange!

Who was inside the home, my baby girl should be in office only at this time.

She was so workaholic. Her professionalism made her a trending name in the cut throat competition of this business world. I admired her a lot, she was an example for all the women.

My stomach howled and my mouth was dried out.

I went to kitchen in search of food and water, there was she!

Oh god! My baby girl was in kitchen, I never expected this. Whatever it was, but she was looking so cute and beautiful.

I wanted to wrap my hands around her waist and put my chin upon her shoulder. Stop doing overdrama!

I was gazing her, she was trying to make sausages with potato. I bet if she knew cooking!

When she was chopping the potato, her finger came under the knife. Oh god! This girl.

" Ouch!" She shook her hand in vexation. My little nymph! Her moans were so irresistible.

" Let me look!"

I instantly came to her. Holding her finger I put it in my mouth, might be it would give her relief!

Her delicious finger is so sweet and soft too. It was so good.

I was panicked.

" What is the need for making food, maids will do?"

I could feel her gazing. I set her on the chair. Bringing a first aid box, I wrapped a bandage around her bruised finger.

" I am sorry." she muttered.

I looked at her soft and spotless face. Her emerald eyes were so sensual, if I could kiss them.

" It is fine but you would not cook anything, it is not your work."

She was listening me like a child did. She nodded. Why was she like this? She was the one who intimidated everyone.

I pressed the bandage for the confirmation, she yelped in pain.

" Baby doll, now everything will be fine."

" What did you call me?"

Her face was so excited, I realised I called her with the cheesy name!
Her enthusiastic face was what I want always.

I chuckled.

" Alessandro, please always call me with such names only, I don't like when you call me Donna."

Her overloaded cuteness always tempted me. I pinched her both cheek and whispered, " You are so cute, baby doll."

She smiled.

Alessandro's Pov end.


" Alessandro, I am thinking something! " She said gulping a piece of potato.

" what? " He looked at her.

" We are friends, right?"

" Yes."

" So, we should take our friendship to the next step!"

" What?" Shock was evident, what was she uttering!

" I mean to the business level, like we can become business partners, we can open our own company and a firm. "

He sighed, his naughty mind always took everything in other way, he should took a treatment.

That idea was great! He should consider this, at last they decided they would established their own company.

" So, which should be our topic for opening the company. " She asked.

" We can open our clothing textiles, we will import and export varieties of clothes. Besides this we would open a factory for the manufacturing of designer dresses, we will sell them. This will be a great profit earning topic, also a trending one. " He said.

She looked at him, why was she denying her own feeling if she loved him, she should clearify all her confusions.


Sitting in a restaurant, Sofia was waiting for Mr. Gambino. This was the time when the last string of her brother's death mystery could be joined.

Mr. Gambino sent his left hand with the file which had all the facts and reasons of her questions.

After handing over her the file of his brother's case, he left.

Sofia looked at the file, she was nervous. Taking a long heavy breath she opened the file.

Page 1

All his brother's information was there on that file.

He was working as a bodyguard for an eighteen year old girl.

He was so attracted towards her.

His misbehavior towards the girl was on its peak.

She complained to her father, he was out of his job.

This impulsed his anger.

He tried to misbehave with her.

In the self defence that girl stabbed a knife at his stomach and this led the curtain of life fell.

She was so shocked and dejected how could her brother did such an henious act.

A drop of tear fell on the file. Turning a page she read further.

Page 2

The back page story was the one which the world know but reality is different.

He never misbehaved with her.

He was a true and a good soul.

The girl was attracted with him, she was so obsessed and psycho towards him.

He never felt anything for her and did his all responsibility with efficiency ignoring her.

It infuriated her, she was already a stubborn and egoistic girl.

She couldn't bear rejection and in fury she took the overdosages of a drug which triggered her anger more.

She met him and the sense of rejection overpowered her so she stabbed a knife brutally 10 times in his stomach.

And the curtain of life fell for him.

That was a sole murder.

But this world is not about truth, it is merely of power.

Her father was in power and he protected her showing the different reality to the law.

Thus his murderer was set free.

May god gave his soul rest after getting accused by false charges.

The hot tears were constanly dropping from her eyes, she developed vengeance towards the girl.

Turning the page she read the name of the girl. That was unbelievable, how could she!

She knew that girl, her face was so innocent but appearances are deceptive.

That was the ugly truth of her life. She was such a disgusting person. How could she live a happy and peaceful Life after doing such a worse act.

" Donna, how could you? I will not spare you. You never deserve to live a happy life after snatching my brother. " She whispered with an aversion towards her.

What is stored in their life, to know more stay tuned.
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