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Stupid cold.

Stupid Speedoria cold.

I want my Uncle Barry.

But he can't come near me or he'll get sick. I'm n quarantine since meta humans can't be near me. Suddenly the door opens and Dick walks in. He can't be here I'm quarantined.

"Youcan'tbehereI'msickwithspeedoria" He looks at me and scrunches his eyebrows  trying to figure out what I said.

"Wally since your sick I'm here to take care of you." He looks at me. "Since it only effects metas. So I don't have to worry about getting sick." He smiles. "Now sit up I made you a whole pot of soup and I expect you to eat it all... Doctor Robin's orders" Okay at this I have to giggle. Doctor Robin.

He walks over and sets it in front of me holding the spoon up to my mouth "Say Ah" I open my mouth to laugh and e sticks the spoon in my mouth. Okay this is REALLY good soup. I take the spoon from him and eat the entire thing in seconds. Robin laughs pulls out a napkin and wipes my face off.

"You really need to learn how to be neater when you eat Wall man" I roll my eyes "IamperfectlyfineeatingthewayIdo." I look around realizing Artemis isn't there. "HeywhereisArtemisshe'shumantoo. Didshenotwanttohelpyouout?" Robin blanks looking at me confused.

"Any way you could mime that out for me so I could better understand what you're saying Wally?" He sits on the bed next to me taking the empty bowl out of the way so I can mime it out.

I pull back a bow and arrow movement and put my hands up in the universal question position "You want to know where Artemis is?" I nod he gets a look of jealously flash across his face before grinning and saying "Like I'd let that harpy bother my best bro while he's sick" He looks down at me "What kind of friend would I be if I did that? You are already sick and you would be annoyed on top of that?" I look at Robin. Was that really jealously I saw on his face? "HeyRobiniseverythingOkay?"

He looks at me trying to figure out what I said "Are you okay Wally nod if your okay shake your head if you need something" He comes really close looking concerned. He was so close I was tempted to kiss him.

I mean I've wanted to for years ever since we were kids and I first met him. He's never accept me though and he would be so weirded out by me liking him so I just sit there staring into his bright blue eyes full of concern. He holds my hand "Wally I'm right here mime out what's wrong so I can help you." He says quietly as if I'm a scared child.

I rub my eyes trying to say I'm sleepy and fake a yawn I really don't want to deal with my feeling for Baby Bird right now. No don't call him that, Gah. He nods "So your sleepy huh. I can help with that." He lowers the lights and climbs into bed next to me. "Just get some sleep Wally." He pulls me to his chest and lays down next to me. I've never been closer to just kissing him as I have been laying in his arms with his scent of lavender soap and slightly musky scent from working out.

Suddenly I find myself stretching up and planting a kiss on his lips as his eyes are closed and they fly open and he blushes. "W-Wally." That's it I've ruined out friendship. He's never gonna speak to me again. I just lost my best "Mmph" He's kissing me back. We are kissing and it's the greatest single moment of my life. He pulls back

"Please tell me that you didn't just kiss me because your sick and delusional and that you actually like me?" He looks at me with such hope in his eyes. I reply by kissing him again ad pulling my arms apart trying to say I've loved him a long time. And I make a heart with my hands before kissing his cheek pulling him into a hug "I'velovedyouaslongasI'veknownyou"

He smiles so big I'm surprised it fits on his face, wrapping his arms tight around me. "I love you too Wally" He buries his face in my chest, before sneezing. I laugh "Guess you can catch the speedster cold huh?" I'm starting ti feel better since my healing ability is making the cold go away quicker

He sneezes again "No I'm not it's just allergies"

For the next couple of days I take care of my little Birdy and then we start dating once he's better. Sigh I can't believe I kissed him. I can't believe I had the courage to go for it. But at the s same time I'm so happy I did.


Well this took me longer than I thought to make special thanks to @supercomicsman for helping me work through my initial problems putting this story together. You should check out their work they are amazing. I really enjoy their works,

Well I'll be back tomorrow with another chapter of different planet birdy. Well later today depending how you look at tit and where you live

Well Bai

Love you 

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