Future Vs Past

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Sam Wilson has just arrived from his morning run when he hears a knock on the door. Not expecting visitors at this hour in the morning, he goes and opens the door, before seeing Steve, Natasha, and Daikon there, having smoke and debris in their faces.

Sam: Hey man.

Steve: I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low.

Natasha: Everyone we know is trying to kill us.

Sam: *pauses for a bit* Not everyone.

He lets them in as he makes sure no one sees them. They later cleaned themselves up, as Steve and Daikon noticed Natasha looking sad and thinking about something.

Daikon: You okay, mom?

Natasha: Yeah.

Daikon knows that's a lie. Steve knew it as well. They went up to her as they sat beside her.

Steve: What's going on?

Natasha: When I first joined SHIELD, I thought I was going straight. But I guess I just traded in the KGB for HYDRA. I thought I knew whose lies I was telling, but...I guess I can't tell the difference anymore.

Steve: There's a chance you might be in the wrong business.

They chuckled a bit as Natasha stares at Steve.

Natasha: I owe you.

Steve: It's okay.

Natasha: If it was the other way around, and it was down to me to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?

They sat there in silence before Steve responds.

Steve: I would now. And I'm always honest.

Natasha: Well, you seem pretty chipper for someone who just found out they died for nothing.

Steve: Well, I guess I just like to know who I'm fighting.

Daikon: True.

Soon, Sam comes into the room.

Sam: I made breakfast. If you guys...eat that sort of thing.


After they ate their breakfast, they began discussing what is going with SHIELD.

Daikon: So, the question now is who, in SHIELD, could send a missile right at us?

Steve: Pierce.

Natasha: Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world.

Steve: But he's not working alone, Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star.

Natasha: So was Jasper Sitwell.

Steve: So, the real question is: how do the three most wanted people in Washington kidnap a SHIELD officer in broad daylight?

Sam Wilson: The answer is: you don't.

Sam places a file in front of Steve as they stare at him.

Steve: What's this?

Sam: Call it a resume.

Nat opens it and sees pictures of Sam with his para-rescue team.

Natasha: Is this Bakhmala? The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you. *to Steve* You didn't say he was a para-rescue.

They then see a picture of Sam's colleague, Riley.

Steve: Is this Riley?

Sam: Yeah.

Natasha: I heard they couldn't bring in the choppers because of the RPGs. What did you use, a stealth chute?

Sam Wilson: No. These.

He hands Steve another file as he opens it. Daikon catches a glimpse of what's inside and whistles in impressiveness.

Steve: I thought you said you were a pilot.

Sam: I never said pilot.

Steve: I can't ask you to do this, Sam. You got out for a good reason.

Sam: Dude, Captain America needs my help. There's no better reason to get back in.

Steve: Where can we get our hands on one of these things?

Sam: The last one is at Fort Meade, behind three guarded gates and a twelve-inch steel wall.

Steve looks at Nat and Daikon who shrugged their shoulders.

Steve: Shouldn't be a problem.


After Sam abducts Jasper Sitwell, he was taken on top of a building by Steve, Natasha, and Daikon. Steve pushes him across the rooftop as Daikon and Natasha follow him.

Steve: Tell me about Zola's algorithm.

Sitwell: Never heard of it.

Steve: What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?

Sitwell: I was throwing up, I get seasick.

Steve grabs him and brings him to the edge of the building. Sitwell just smirked, knowing Steve wouldn't send him down.

Sitwell: Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers.

Steve Rogers: You're right. It's not. It's theirs.

Daikon and Natasha double kicked Sitwell off the roof, as he falls, screaming in fear.

Natasha: Oh, wait. What about that girl from accounting, Laura...?

Steve: Lillian. Lip piercing, right?

Natasha: Yeah, she's cute.

Steve: Yeah, I'm not ready for that.

Daikon: You find any opportunity to try to hook him up with someone, mom.

Natasha: You got a better option, Daikon?

Daikon: Nah. Have no time for that stuff.

Soon, Sam, in his winged jet pack suit, flies up, holding Sitwell before tossing back on the roof. He lands on the roof as his wings retract into his pack.

Daikon: *after seeing the wings retracted* I think I have a good idea for my blades.

Soon, they approached Sitwell, who held his arms up like the cowardly wiene he is.

Sitwell: Zola's algorithm is a program...for choosing Insight's targets!

Steve: What targets?

Sitwell: You! A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa City. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! Now, or in the future.

Daikon: The Future? How could it know?

Sitwell looks at him and laughs for a bit.

Sitwell: How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it. *Steve and Natasha look at him in confusion* Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future.

Steve: And what then?

Sitwell: *realizing he talked too much* Oh, my God. Pierce is gonna kill me.

Daikon gets annoyed as he grabs him by his shirt with one arm and pulls him closer to his face, as Sitwell's feet are seen dangling off the roof. Sitwell shriek as he had never seen Daikon or Daniel this angry. Sam was surprised to see how strong Daikon is.

Daikon: What then?!

Jasper Sitwell: *scared* Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time.


Everyone is seen driving on the highway to the Triskelion, with Steve on the front passenger side, and Nat, Daikon, and Sitwell on the backseat.

Sitwell: Can someone tell me why Daniel is involved here? Because-

Daikon pulls out a gun and aims it on Sitwell's eye.

Daikon: Want an eyepatch? So, shut the hell up, Sitwell.

Sitwell: Why are you so aggressive?

Daikon: None of your business. So be quiet, before I fill your insides with lead. Got it?

Sitwell shakingly nods as Natasha spoke.

Natasha: Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here.

Steve: I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly.

Sitwell: What?! Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea-

Suddenly, something hit on the top of the car, before a metal arm breaks through the window, grabs Sitwell, and launches him into the other side of the road, getting hit by a truck.

Soon, shots were fired into the car as Natasha and Daikon took over before Steve pulls the break handle stopping the car. Soon, the shoot falls of the car, before stopping himself with his metal arm. He stands up as everyone stares at him.

Daikon was glaring at him. That's him. The one responsible for his years of suffering as a test subject and the deaths of many innocent people, including Nick Fury. The one who he was to be the next puppet for HYDRA. The Winter Soldier.

Just before Nat could shoot him, another car smashes them from behind, pushing them towards the Soldier. The Soldier then jumps back onto their car, smashes through the windscreen, and pulls out the steering wheel.

Nat and Daikon tried shooting at him, the Winter Soldier jumps onto the vehicle behind them. The foursome's car is being pulled off the road Steve holds on to the car door.

Steve: Hang on!

Daikon, Nat, and Sam hold onto him as he breaks open the door, and they slide on the car door through the streets.

Soon, the other car stops as some HYDRA agents come out and join the Winter Soldier. One gave him a Grenade Launcher, as he aims at Steve. He pushes Nat away and holds his Shield up, as the Soldier fires a grenade at him.

This sends Steve flying off the bridge and into a bus below, as it later causes a big crash on the street. Soon, the other agents started shooting at Nat, Daikon, and Sam, who took cover in several stopped cars.

Soon, Daikon and Nat shoot them, only to dodge a grenade fired by the Soldier. Nat runs in the opposite lane while Daikon continues shooting at the agents, providing a distraction for his mother and protecting Sam.

Soon, the Soldier sees Nat running on the opposite lane and fires a grenade at a car near her, causing it to explode. Nat comes off the bridge and used a grappling hook to land safely down the road.

The Soldier was given another gun as he heads to the edge of the bridge and aims his gun at the bus where Cap was still in. Natasha sees his shadow and quickly shoots him in the googles. He removes them before firing at Widow, who hides behind several cars before running off.

He then jumps off the bridge and lands on a car without any damage to his legs and makes his way to find Romanoff. The other agents got to hook themselves onto a car to head down, only for Daikon to be seen running towards them, firing them with a rifle. One goes down to take out Steve as the others fired at Daikon. 

He then jumps from a car before rolling back up, shooting one, shooting another approaching him, before grabbing him and slamming him down.

Another pulls out a knife and starts swinging it at him, but Daikon dodges it with ease. He then ducks under a strike, punches the agent in the gut, then an elbow to the head. He then catches his arm and stabs him with the knife against a car door, before punching him out of consciousness.

One that didn't die tried to shoot him only to shoot him from behind, only the shot by Sam.

Daikon: Thanks.

Sam: No problem.

Daikon then runs and jumps off the bridge and lands on that truck before continuing running as Steve takes care of the other agent with a minigun. He hears an explosion as he quickly towards where it happened.

Then, he hears a gunshot. He was shocked for a bit, then gets enraged as he runs even faster. He knew Nat got shot by the Soldier, which makes this even more personal for Daikon.

He sees the Soldier on top of a car aiming his at something, most likely at Natasha. He jumps and tackles the Soldier down. The rolls back up and they stare at each other.

Daikon glares at him, as voices in his head tell him to go and kill this son of a bitch. That he hurt many lives, directly or indirectly, killed Nick Fury, and...hurt his mother.

Soon, the two charge at each other and went into hand-to-hand combat, blocking and striking at each other, having the full intention of killing each other. The Soldier tries to use his guns, but Daikon knocks them away he could use them against him.

After several blocked and dodged strikes, the Soldier went for a punch with his metal arm, but Daikon ducks under it and knees him in the gut. He went for a spin kick, but he caught it and sent him flying against a car.

Daikon got up as the Soldier brings out a knife. They charge at each other as they exchange several strikes, with Daikon avoiding the knife.

When Daikon dodges a strike, Daikon kicks him in the gut, punches him in the side of the head, then the gut, followed by an uppercut, and a hard spin kick, sending the Soldier back against a car.

Daikon charges at him, and slams his head against the car window, before the Soldier elbows him with his metal arm, followed by a knee to the gut. Steve arrives and sees them fighting as he then heads over to Natasha, who's holding her gunshot wound on her shoulder.

Steve: You alright?

Nat: Peachy.

They look at the fight and and Steve was amazed that Daikon was able to match up against the Soldier. Daikon ducks under another strike and headbutts the Soldier before looking in a Sleeper Hold.

The Soldier responds by stabbing Daikon in the side with the knife, only to be picked up and slammed onto a car.

Daikon looks at his wound and sees blood coming out. He ignores it as he hopes over onto the car and starts punching the Soldier several times. The Soldier punches him in the wounded side, stopping him, then kicking him off the car before kiping up.

He jumps and goes for a punch on Daikon, who rolls away, making the Soldier slam his fist against the road, making it crack. Daikon charges at him, only to be kicked onto another as the Soldier pulls out a knife to stab him again.

Daikon blocks it, as it was pushed beside his head, pulls to the side, and steps out of the Soldier.

He moves to his side, grabs him, and hits a hard uranage.

Steve, after tending to Natasha and her wound, runs towards to fight to aid Daikon. Daikon kips up as Steve yells at him.

Steve: Catch!

He tosses his shield at him, which Daikon caught with ease before attaching it in his arm.

Daikon blocks a strike from The Soldier with the Shield before smacking him with it. He backflips and throws the shield on his metal arm, damaging it before running towards him, leaps onto him, and hits a backflip kick onto the Soldier.

Daikon lands and grabs him by the face and throws him to the other side. In doing so, he removed the mask as the Soldier slowly got up.

Steve stands on Daikon said as he passes him his Shield.

Steve: You okay, son? *seeing the visible wounds on the side of his torso and bruises on his face*

Daikon didn't say anything as he stares at the Soldier. But when he turns around, however...

Everyone was shocked. Even Daikon stepped out of his anger and was in disbelief. The guy he was fighting to the death against was Steve's once thought-dead best friend...Bucky Barnes.

Steve was the most in shock. He couldn't believe his friend was not only still alive, but had been doing HYDRA's dirty work for years.

Steve: Bucky?

Bucky: Who the hell is Bucky?

He pulls out a gun and aims it at Steve and Daikon until Sam comes out of nowhere with his winged jet pack, knocking him away. Bucky has a brief look of realization, but he quickly brushes it aside and takes aim again, but before he can shoot Natasha uses the grenade launcher he dropped against him.

He then vanishes from the explosion. Soon, the foursome hears sirens after which they are surrounded by HYDRA agents being led by Rumlow.

Rumlow: Drop the shield, Cap! On your knees! Get on your knees! Now! Get down! Get down!

Steve held his hands up as the agents quickly put him, Daikon, Nat, and Sam in handcuffs. The four stayed silent as they were then put into a van, before being taken away.

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