Chapter 5

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I woke to a snow filled day, a blizzard had struck and most cats were in the dens. Beside me HollyWhisp was shivering, I curled around her to keep her warm and she started to purr.
"Morning sleepy head," I purred, she yawned and looked at me.
"Morning, awwwww I wanted to go hunting today but I guess all the prey will be in their homes," she said sitting up.
"Yeah plus it's freezing and this blizzard doesn't seem to want to stop," I said, I got up and ran outside to get some fresh kill. I grabbed a few mice a voles to feed everyone, I padded back to the Warriors den and dropped most of it off. I then went to Thislestars den, I dropped off two mice for her. I then padded to the elders den to drop off the rest of the rest of it, I got there and I saw her laying there. The smell of blood hit me like a wave of water, i looked closer and saw someone had murdered her. I sat back in shock as I smelled a strange scent, I looked into the shadows and saw a strange deep grey cat with very odd red eyes. I twitched my ear only then did they know I could see them, they hesitated before trying to escape. I stood in the entrance, HollyWhisp came up behind me.
"It doesn't take this long to......" She said but stopped when she saw the cat, she hissed at the cat.
"Why did you kill our elder?" I asked, the cat hesitated before replying.
"I was sent to do it by the dark forest they said if I didn't they would harm my family," she said he voice almost a sob, I felt pity for this cat.
"What's your name?" HollyWhisp asked.
"My name is dreamer and I have to go now please don't send other cats after me," dreamer said.
"If you go now your trackers will be covvered by snow," I said, she ran out. I went to follow her but I got to the middle of camp when I got stuck in the snow, I tried to yowl for help but the snow stopped me and I lay there stuck inte freezing snow. HollyWhisp noticed when the snow started to clear off because she came over, I sneezed and cough. She took me to the med cats den, Foxtrot came over and started to work on me.
"How did you get stuck?" Foxtrot asked.
"W-well I went to give Waterwish a mouse but when I got there she had been murdered by a strange cat, the strange cat pushed past me and well I got stuck in the snow," I said half telling the truth.
"Oh dear she was the best elder any cat could ask for," Foxtrot said his eyes filled with sadness, I knew he used to love Waterwish but he had been a med cat and if he had been mates with her he would have broken the code. HollyWhisp sat there her face worried, Scarletclaw padded in her face of shock but as soon as she saw HollyWhisp curled around me trying to keep me warm her temper went snap. She hissed and ran out, I seemed to have gotten her angry.

Sorry for the short chapter guys it's just I kinda need ideas for my story and I will add the twist when I feel it's right or my book will be as short as well a short book.

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