XXI. you stayed?

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Chapter Twenty-One 

you stayed? 

3rd person pov 

kamari stayed at the house, she kept the alarm going and she made sure that she had missions. she couldn't stay up in the house for too long alone, she hated the loneliness in such a big place but it felt like home and she felt okay with it. 

she heard the alarm go off and she changed into the green uniform that bruce had made for her. he invited ivy to live with them and jason came around once in a while but they never talked. the green uniform had something covering her mouth but not her eyes or her hands. she had green wrapped around her legs and sleeves on her arms that had thorns on them. 

"you got a mission?" bruce asked her and she turned to the man with a smile and nodded. 

"be safe kam, your mom needs you to come home" he stated 

"just my mom?" she questioned and he shrugged. 

"maybe me and jason do too" he told her and she smiled with a nod as she left the house and went to the location 

"maybe you should pick on someone your own side" she called to them as she wrapped her vines around one of them and made them let go of the women who smiled at kamari and ran off with her stuff. kamari jumped down and began to fight them but one on one more of them showed up and she couldn't handle it

"beating a women up, how mature" she heard and she smirked under her mask as she watched red hood attack the others and she finished them off with him. once they were done, they removed their masks and looked each other in the eyes. 

"you stayed?" he asked her and she nodded. 

"i wanted to stay, wanted to help and i couldn't leave us where we left off" she told him. and he sighed 

"i hurt you kamari, are you sure you really want to be with me again?" he asked 

"itll take some time but we make a good team so lets start as a team and work our way up" she exclaimed and he nodded as they left the people laying on the floor and called the cops so they couldn't hurt anyone ever again. 

they got back to the house again and she opened it as they walked in together and he looked around. kamari had changed some things around with bruce and made the house a home 

"i see you've changed things" he said and she nodded with a smile. 

"i have, me and bruce got bored so we changed" she told him and he nodded. 

"i like it, its very you" he stated 

"oh you know me do you?" 

"i know you very well" he said as he brushed her hair behind her ear and she smiled at him making her smile back. the two of them knew that flirting wouldn't get them anywhere but it was good for them to try. 

"jason?" they heard and they turned to see bruce standing there. 

"hey bruce" he said and kamari sighed and smiled. 

"im going to go change out of this and maybe call the others, haven't talked since they left" she stated and the two men nodded as she walked upstairs and away from them. when she got there, she heard her phone ringing and she answered it 

"hello?" she said and she heard tims voice 

"mars you won't guess where i am" he said excitedly and she smiled with a shake of her head 

"give me a hint" 

"alright im just gonna say it, im in metropolis" he exclaimed and she laughed. 

"as in where superman is located?" 

"yeah he wanted to meet conner but hes not here right now, we don't know where he went but ya know its alright. its metropolis" he told her and she nodded in agreement. 

"i hope youre having fun" she exclaimed as she put her shirt on and then her shorts. the shirt wasn't hers, it was jasons that she stole but he didn't need to know that. she remembered being 17 and seeing the place for the first time, she was now 21 and she couldn't imagine everything that had happened to her. 

"i am , also dick got me a bo staff, hes going to train me. i wish you were here to see it" he stated and she smiled 

"i do too but ya know gotham needs saving and i have to be here to stop things" she told him 

"is jason there with you?" he asked and she sat down and nodded. 

"yeah he is , we stopped some guys earlier today and we worked together, hes changing for the better" she told him and she then heard a high pitch noise 

"ill call you back, something is happening" tim said and he ended the call making kamari sigh. she missed them more then anything but she knew that she needed to stay home. 

"who was that?" jason asked as he stood in her doorway and she turned to him 

"it was tim, theyre in metropolis right now dealing with something" she told him and he nodded 

"is that my shirt?" he questioned and she looked down at it before looking back at him and nodding. he smiled at her and she smiled back , the two of them knew that things weren't going to fix themselves over night but she was beginning to trust him again. 

"you did good today" he stated 

"yeah you did too, thanks for saving me"

"you didn't need saving" he told her and she laughed with a nod and smiled. he stared at her 

"i didn't but im happy to know that you wouldn't just let me get killed" she exclaimed and he nodded as he looked around her room 

"i would never let that happen to you, after everything i've done, making people want you dead or alive, you almost dying. im not going to let you get injured or hurt for just saving people who need saving" he told her and he walked out of the room as she stared. 

she missed him and he missed her. they were a good team and hopefully they would stay a team.


so for the next few chapters, it might slightly be based on the show but barely 

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