XXII. ive been keeping tabs

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Chapter Twenty-Two 

ive been keeping tabs

3rd person pov 

kamari went to bed that night but she felt like someone was watching her, she didn't know what to do but she knew she had to get out of it. she didn't know how to handle it but she knew someone else would so she did what she had too. 

she sat in her room with her mom and she turned to her. 

"im being watched and the only person who can help me is your ex girlfriend, i need her help" she told her 

"alright but be safe, think through this clearly and make sure whatever you tell her doesnt go any further then you needing her help" she stated and kamari nodded her head. she searched through the database and found harleys number. 

"harley?" she asked as the phone answered

"Oh my dear girl , mari whats going on?" harley asked and kamari sighed as she looked at her mom who nodded. 

"someones watching me, i don't know who it is and i don't know why but i need your help, please" she exclaimed and harley began to research anything and everything around the girl to help her. 

"i can't find anything bloom, theres nothing but if i do, i will call you and tell you everything" harley said and kamari sighed thankfully. 

"thanks harley, i knew i could trust you" she was glad to know that harley wasn't going insane after joker had been killed. she didn't want her to go off the deep end and she could only hope that she wouldn't and then after the call ended, her phone rang again. 

"hello?" she questioned and she heard gars voice but tims in the background

"somethings happening to me kamari and i don't know what to do, im hearing voices and stuff and i just thought that maybe you could help" he said to her and she sighed. 

"alright what are you hearing? tell me everything and anything and i'll look for something between the lines" she stated and he sighed too. 

"thats just it, theres voices but i can't tell what they're saying, they lead me places but they're muffled and strange" he told her and she thought of something 

"has this been happening since you turned into a bat?" 

"sort of, my powers keep adapting over time and its strange" he told her and she nodded in understanding. 

"yeah no that makes sense, so what im thinking is your powers don't know how to handle the fact that you're changing and your body is changing as is your mind. it has a hard time even thinking of why this is happening so the voices might be yourself or us or other people trying to lead you to use your powers in the right way" she explained and he sighed. 

"i knew you would know the answer" he said and she smiled. 

"im just here to help" 

"hey dick needs us to meet him and rachel" tim said to gar and kamari sighed. she missed being with them but she needed to fix everything with jason and if staying here was what was fixing it then so be it. 

"hey be safe and have fun. i heard about lex luthor and conner. ive been keeping tabs, ill let you go but call me if you need me" she exclaimed and she ended the call as she laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling, ivy had been long gone as she went to her room after the call with harley ended. 

"you know you stare at your ceiling alot" jason said as he leaned on her doorway and he looked at her. she turned her head and made eye contact with him. 

"ya know you stare at me alot" she retorted and he smirked. 

"how can i not? youre just too perfect" he told her as he walked over and laid down next to her. 

"who were you talking to before i walked in?" he asked as he turned his head to her and she looked him in the eyes. 

"gar, his powers are adapting and he needed me to give him an answer on why" she explained and he nodded in understanding. 

"soooo" he led off 

"say what you have to" 

"im sorry" 

"you don't have to keep apologizing" she told him and he sat up as he looked at her and she sat up too. 

"but i do, i left you here after i broke your heart, i was a horrible boyfriend and i told you i would change but i didn't. i made your life a living hell and i should've been there for you instead of causing you that pain" he told her and she put her hand on his face and he leaned into her touch 

"you weren't a bad boyfriend jaybird, you were going through things, you were hurting, i mean we almost died, we got kidnapped, you got neglected by the titans, they blamed you for shit you didn't do. i don't blame you for leaving, sure i wish that you wouldn't have joined crane and done that shit but you can't take it back and you can't change it. you're trying to fix everything and thats what matters" she told him and he stared into her eyes making her stare back at his. 

"you forgive me?" he asked 

"i never hated you jason" she stated and he leaned in as he kissed her and she kissed back. there was the spark and the feeling that she craved for and missed. she missed the feeling of having him in her arms, she missed holding him and she missed being with him. her hands ran up to his hair as his moved down to her waist and he pulled her onto him. 

they pulled away panting and stared into each others eyes. kamari ran a hand over the mark under jasons eye as he ran his thumb over the mark on the side of her hip. she leaned down and kissed him again as he began to rock her hips onto his and he groaned out. the feeling of her against him. 

"have i ever told you how beautiful you are?" he asked her as he stared into her eyes and she smiled. she removed her shirt as he removed his and he ran his hand up to her collar bone as he ran his thumb over her and then he placed his lips to her chest as he led them down to her shorts and he removed them before he looked up at her and she nodded. 

after that, nothing was the same 


the way they're finally fixing things 

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