XXIII. we're trying

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Chapter Twenty-Three 

we're trying

3rd person pov 

the next morning, kamari woke up to her head on jasons chest and they were both naked. she remembered the night before like it was nothing but she knew it was everything. she lost her virginity to jason and they would never be the same but she knew it wasn't a bad thing. 

she sat up as she looked around her room, she put on jasons shirt and her shorts as she leaned over and kissed his cheek. she brushed his hair back and smiled at him. his chest rose up and down softly and she couldn't help but stare. 

she walked downstairs and she began to make pancakes, it was her and jasons comfort food when they were in the titans tower. they would stay up together every night and just eat pancakes or watch movies, it was their thing after they got kidnapped but no one really knew that about them. 

"have fun last night?" ivy asked as she stood in the doorway and kamari turned to her mother. ivy was staring at the girls neck and kam knew that he had some how marked her as much as he could. 

"you didn't hear us did you?" kamari asked and ivy laughed as she shook her head and smiled at her daughter. she sat down and stared at her 

"no but you're glowing and your neck says otherwise" she told her and kamari smirked. she put the pancakes on a plate and handed some to her mother. 

"you make enough for jason?" 

"of course i did" 

"so that means you two fixed everything?"

"we're trying, theres still alot we have to talk about but me and jason are fixing everything. it was just odd to be without each other not knowing what to do" she explained and ivy nodded as she heard other footsteps and turned to see jason walking in 

"and i will leave you two alone" she said and she left them alone as jason walked over to her and leaned on the counter behind her. 

"hey" she said and he smiled as he stepped forward, he wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her closer. she sighed as he kissed her shoulder and swayed them back and forth. 

"i woke up and you weren't there" he stated and she turned to face him as he ran his hand over her collarbone 

"sorry, i wanted to surprise you" she told him and he smiled at her as he shook his head and sighed. he let his hands wonder around and she knew that he was just trying to remember last night and that she was there. 

"are we okay?" he asked her and she nodded. 

"we're okay" she replied and he smiled at her as she smiled back. he leaned his forward against hers and they took a deep breathe together as if they knew that they both needed it because truth was , they did. he kissed her forehead and then she heard her phone ring. 

she looked at jason and he nodded as she picked it up and he leaned his forehead on her shoulder as his hands ran up and down her back. 

"hello?" she asked as he kissed her neck and then he heard someones voice. 

"kam, theres a women, she runs a cult and shes going around killing people, dick might need your help" tim told her and she looked at jason 

"tim what would i be able to do? im in gotham with jason right now, how would i be able to help?" she asked and she heard him sigh but she had a thought of what she could do. 

"i'll research her and find out anything i can find, if i find anything i'll send it straight to you guys. hows the others by the way?" she questioned 

"well conner might lex luthor, kory and dick are working together, rachel lost her powers, gar got more powers, i started training to be robin" he ranted 

"wait wait back up rachel lost her powers?" she asked and he nodded. 

"yeah but she said shes okay with it, shes not so tired and annoyed all the time now" he told her and she nodded. 

"alright and youre training to be robin?" she asked and jason pulled away from her as he stared at her and she shook her head. he knew that it was tim, he knew tim was the kid that almost died because of him and he didn't want the kid to get hurt doing what he did but he knew that dick needed someone and jason wasn't that person anymore. 

"yeah dick has been training me but i wish you were here to help me, i mean you work with the other robin, you could teach me some of his moves" he said and kamari laughed. 

"well i think you should learn from him but i only work with one robin and one nightwing, however i will work with a tim whose training to be a robin" she exclaimed and he laughed making her laugh too. jason smiled at her as she smiled back even though she knew he wasn't robin, he was red hood and she would have to get used to that too. 

"thanks mars, ill call you later to check in but thank you for your help, truthfully i appreciate it" he said and he ended the call. kamari turned back to jason as she saw that he had turned off the stove and put the pancakes on some plates. they sat down together and ate them. 

back together again. 


these chapters are literally just until jason shows up in s4 but i wanted to show their connection 

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