A Fourth of July Wish (Part 10)

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"Kyle-" Alice tried.

"Just stop. Stop." I said.

"Kyle." Alice said a little louder.

"Just LEAVE ME ALONE." I yelled and then I planted my face into the bed. "Please." I add quieter. Alice tried touching my shoulder, but I shrugged her hand off.


"Alice. Just leave me alone." I said, my voice muffled up. She didn't say anything after that, but I felt her get up from the bed. I heard the door close shut, and then what did I do? I cried. I cried again.


Author's Note

No this isn't even a chapter, but I hope you all are learning a little bit more about Kyle.

To be honest. Yes you're all going to hate me for calling this a chapter. But hopefully I'll update tomorrow.

No it isn't like 2:00 AM when I'm writing this, it's actually 11:00 PM. I know this chapter suck. I'm sorry. I really am. Because a hundred words doesn't deserve to be called a chapter, and I'm so evil I am calling it a chapter. I'm sorry.

Word Count: 181

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