A Fourth of July Wish (Part 9)

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We started walking back to the house, and my foot was hurting like I had been shot. I bit down on my lip, trying not to make it obvious.

"Kyle you're a terrible actor you know that?" Melody told me. I knew she already figured me out like a picture.

"Yeah. I know." I told her, trying to make my voice not shake from pain.

"Come on, let's go watch a movie or something, you're going to need to start walking around again when we see the fireworks." Melody told me. We walked in the house through the kitchen.

"Where have you two been?" Alice called to us as soon as we walked in. Hey eyebrows were scrunched up in worry. "I was starting to think of calling the police that I lost two kids in my own house." Alice said, putting her hands on her hips. "You guys didn't even tell me that you two went outside, or anyone else!" Melody and I both looked at the floor.

"Sorry." We both mumbled.

"What in the world were you two doubt?" Alice asked us.

"Building a roof." I answered honestly. Alice glared at me.

"If you're going to lie Kyle, make it a believable lie." Alice said.


"No butts, Kyle go to your room." Alice told me. I didn't try talking back again. I limped over to my room, not looking back at ether Melody or Alice. I fell on my bed, my leg mussels thanking me more than ever. I hated making Alice feel disappointed in me, sure I had done a lot of things to make her feel that way, but I hated the feeling. It seemed the more I tried, the more I failed. Most of all, I hated Alice thinking I was lying to her. I hated that more than anything. The door creaked open, I turned away from the door, not bothering to look at who it was. I already had an idea of who it would be.

"Kyle?" Alice asked. I turned around, sitting up at the edge of my best, Alice sitting right next to me. "I'm not mad at you-"

"You should be! You should be storming with fury! I went out of the house without asking! I've been using  this leg all day, no matter how many times you told me not to! I ran around the house when you asked me not too, I stole food from the kitchen, I made noise all around when we still have people over! Alice how in the world can you say your not mad at me! I'm mad at me!" I said. I threw my head back on the pillow of my bed. "I should have never come to Michigan with you. I should have stayed in Chicago and live with my own life! I shouldn't have run away from the problem! I should have faced it. I should have let you go far away to collage so you can get a normal life! I've ruined you're life! I ruin everything, cause I'm just a bad kid!" I yelled.


Author's Note

That's a new side to Kyle. I hope you're not all mad at me, but I'm already planing how the next chapter is going  I go, but this is going to be the longest Fourth of July ever.

Guys this is Minho. He's 15 years old, and he was born on January 13th.

Guys if you didn't already know. Minho is like the reason I don't have a boyfriend. He's a little perfect little thing. Guys I love Minho.

And Kyle. And Thomas. And Max and everyone else. Other than Patrick. I hate him so much.

Word Count: 618

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