[015] a bachelor party to remember

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[015] a bachelor party to remember

( trigger warnings for attempted sexual assault )

                                 Alice wasn't one hundred percent sure why she was here.

                                 Maybe she was desperate for some sort of escape. Maybe she felt as though the walls were closing in on her, even though all she was doing was pretending to get married. But being added to the Roy family was rather stressful. Alice needed to have a little bit of fun (and by that, she meant getting drunk) and she was in the mood to get dressed up. So she manages to buy her way into a secret party, finding herself right at home the moment she wanders into a bar and orders the first drink she can think of.

                               The thing Alice loved about this party was that there were no rules. It was a little bit of this, little bit of that, little bit of everything. And it's not as though anyone would be running to the press and telling them that Roman's future wife planned on getting drunk and possibly fooling around at this party. Everyone here had their own secrets to protect and Alice enjoyed that most of all.

                               So the last thing she expected was to see Roman there. He had just finished talking to Connor and he had ultimately ended up on his own. He definitely hadn't been expecting to see Alice at the bar either but lo and behold, his fiancee was there and she wasn't even wearing her engagement ring.

                               While sipping her drink, Alice immediately noticed Roman approaching her. And honestly, she ended up nearly choking on her drink.

                                "What are you doing here?" Alice questioned.

                                "What are you doing here?" Roman asked her back.

                                "I asked you first, Rome," Alice insisted.

                                "I told you we were having the bachelor party for Tom," Roman explained with a roll of his eyes.

                                "I didn't think you'd be bringing that here. This is gonna be awkward, isn't it?" Alice inquired.

                                "Maybe you should leave so it could be less awkward," Roman offered.

                                "What? No, you guys should leave. I was here first," Alice argued.

                                "Whatever. Just don't be mad at me when a ton of chicks end up wanting to sleep with me," Roman remarked. "I mean, this place is crawling with women."

                               "If another woman besides me talks to you, I'll literally buy everyone in here drinks," Alice snorts.

                               Roman scoffs. "Where's your ring?"

                               Alice looks over at Roman and sees that he was actually wearing his ring. It makes her feel a little guilty. "Forgot it. Besides, I wouldn't want to potentially lose it. I plan on having some fun."

                               "What kind of fun? I hope it's not on Connor's level," Roman replied. Deep down, he was hurt that Alice hadn't worn her ring. But he was going to act like he didn't care. "He swears he's a fucking rockstar right now."

                               Alice giggles. "I kinda want to see Connor in action. But first... I'm kind of in the mood to dance."

                               "Dance? Who dances at these things?" Roman raises a brow.

                               "Lots of people," Alice reasoned with a shrug. "Now are you gonna join me or what?"

                               "Me? Join you? Are you crazy?" Roman's eyes widened. If there was one thing Roman did not do, it was dance. "Besides, it's not as though this is the kind of party where you can dance."

                               "It is now," Alice argued before finishing off her drink.

                               She gives Roman a peck on the lips before she leaves the bar entirely, swaying her hips from side to side along to the song that was playing. And once again, Roman found himself doing exactly what he did best: watching Alice.

                               That's probably what he would've been doing the whole night, if it wasn't for him noticing Kendall going off to do something important. And like the nosy little bastard he was, Roman went to go and investigate.

                               If Alice was being perfectly honest, she didn't even notice that Roman was gone. She was just trying to have the time of her life. Alice ended up hanging out with a group of women for a while, including a beautiful blonde by the name of Tabitha. They had even danced together and everything.

                               But as Alice tried to relax on her own, she'd soon be pulled off to the side by a very upset looking Roman. Whatever had happened, Alice was going to undoubtedly hear about it so she braced herself.

                                 "Hey, do you remember dog pound?" Roman questioned.

                                 "What?" Alice frowned.

                                 "Remember when I used to tell you about dog pound? It was that really fucked up game my siblings played with me. Locked me up in a cage, wouldn't let me out until I finished the entire bowl of dog food?" Roman asked again.

                                 "Fuck, I dunno. I really don't wanna talk about childhood trauma right now. This is a party, Rome," Alice tried to make him move on but Roman was still stuck on it.

                                  "I need your help. Ken's trying to gaslight me into thinking it didn't happen," Roman persists.

                                  "It did. Yeah. But, like, you said you liked it," Alice responded.

                                  "What?" Roman faltered.

                                  "Yeah, it was fucked up. You said that a part of you actually liked it. I don't know if you actually did or maybe your siblings convinced you that you did but -," Alice began.

                                  "You're lying. Or maybe all the shit you've been drinking has fucked with your brain. Maybe you should lay off for the rest of the night, Amy Winehouse," Roman cut her off, his words filled with vitriol.

                                  "And maybe you should have some so you can be more fun to be around. God, you're so fucking annoying sometimes," Alice rolled her eyes.

                                  "I'm annoying?" Roman scoffed.

                                  "Yeah. Why do you think I'm here? I snuck off to this party to get away from you and your fucked up family for a day. But you won't even let me have that," Alice spat.

                                 "Look who's calling the kettle black. I mean, it's not like your mom and dad are going to be winning parents of the year," Roman argued.

                                 Alice huffs. "I'm not doing this with you. I'm not fighting with you just so you can get your dick hard or something. Just fuck off."

                                 "Is that all you can come up with? I thought you were gonna try to be a little more original."

                                 It was obvious that Roman was still upset about the whole dog pound thing (and Alice abandoning her ring back at the house), but now he was trying to take it all out on Alice. But Alice was not having it. Thankfully, she was about to find her way out.

                               "Fuck you," Alice hissed at him, beginning to walk away.

                               "Right, because that's all you're good for. I don't know why I expected you to remember anything. You're not exactly known around town for your sparkling intelligence," Roman continued. Alice pauses at his words, playing right into his wicked game the moment she turns around to look at him.

                               "What am I known for, huh? Go ahead and say it since you're dying to anyway," Alice frowned.

                               "Fucking every man you see. I'm pretty sure you have a larger body count than all of the whores that actually get paid to fuck here," Roman responded.

                               Alice laughs. "You're such a piece of shit, you know that? If it wasn't for our parents arranging for us to get married, no one would be foolish enough to marry you. You're too fucked up for anyone to love."

                               "So are you. If I'm gonna be alone, you're gonna have to be alone with me," Roman shot back. After all, misery loved company.

                               They were too alike. And it angered Alice completely. Staring at Roman sometimes was like looking into a mirror.


                               She turns around, blinking away her tears just in time to see a familiar face.

                                "Harvey?" Alice responds.

                                "This is the married asshole? The one that got you bitch slapped months ago?" Roman frowned.

                                "And you must be Roman Roy. I've heard... lovely things about you. I must say, you're a lot shorter in person," Harvey holds out his hand for Roman to take, only to lower it when Roman obviously didn't take it.

                               Roman laughs, although it was more forced than anything. "Funny, you fucking asshole."

                               "Ignore him. He's having a temper tantrum," Alice rolled her eyes.

                               "I was hoping to talk with you alone actually," Harvey offered.

                               "And why should I do that?" Alice raised a brow.

                               "Because I missed you," Harvey replied. And Alice had to admit, it worked like a charm. She wasn't getting anything from Roman and even though her feelings towards Roman were complicated, she was angry with him at the moment.

                               "So you're really going to ignore the fact that I'm right here?" Roman scoffs in disbelief.

                               "I'm sorry. I honestly forgot you were standing there," Harvey replied with a fake little smile.

                               "Alice, you can't seriously think of going off with him," Roman shakes his head.

                               "Why not? All you've been doing is pissing me off. And besides, I'm just doing what you expect of me. I mean, you did call me a whore a minute ago. I might as well prove you right," Alice shrugged.

                               "Alice, please," Roman says, looking actually genuine for the first time in his life.

                               "Don't tell me you're about to cry. You're not gonna cry, are you?" Alice taunted him instead.

                               Roman's features harden. "Fuck you."

                               "You wish you could. But you're too pathetic and insecure to try," Alice leans in close, making sure Roman heard every single poisonous word that left her lips.

                               And with that, Alice grabs Harvey's hand and lets him lead her away into another room. Just to twist the knife further, Alice smiles at Roman before they disappear into the room together.

                               Inside was a bed, one Alice immediately sat down on while Harvey closed the door.

                               "What're you doing here anyway?" Alice asked once Harvey sat next to her in the bed.

                               "I needed to get away. Things at home have been more tense lately since my wife found out about us," Harvey admits. "I'm sorry for her slapping you, by the way."

                               Alice chuckles. "It's not like I didn't deserve it."

                               "But still... I missed you so much, Alice. I've been thinking about you all the time. And then I heard that you're getting married to Roman and I knew I had to find a way to see you again. Even if it was for one last time," Harvey states, placing his hand on her thigh.

                               "You really missed me that much?" Alice asks.

                               She needed the attention and the praise. She needed to feel wanted. And if she couldn't get it from Roman, she'd have to find it someplace else.

                               "Of course I did," Harvey says before he leans forward and kisses her.

                               Alice kisses him back and he lies her down onto the bed, climbing on top of her. At first, Alice found herself being into it. It had been a while since she had done anything like this.

                               But then she started thinking about Roman. Alice started to actually feel guilty. And then she decided that she couldn't continue with this anymore.

                               "Harvey," Alice says while he starts kissing her neck. "Harvey, stop. I'm not in the mood."

                               "What are you talking about?" Harvey frowns, growing upset that Alice was actually turning him down.

                               "I don't want to do this anymore. This is a big mistake and I've changed my mind," Alice shakes her head.

                               "No, you're not. After all this time, I finally have you all to myself and now you're having second thoughts? Just relax and stop being a tease," Harvey replied, trying to kiss her again. But Alice moves her head away, glaring up at him.

                               "Harvey, I said no," Alice insisted.

                               But he continues to try and pin her down, pulling down his own pants so he could keep going. He was going to sleep with Alice whether she wanted to or not. He had waited too long for this.

                               Alice struggles to get away, beginning to cry out of desperation. She feels like that defenseless little girl again, left alone with the predator who'd take advantage of her. One who shared her own DNA. Alice knew she couldn't allow this to happen to her again. She wasn't sure she'd be strong enough to survive this again. 

                               "Stop it!" Alice shouts, gaining some strength to knee him in the balls as hard as she could.

                               Harvey groans and Alice takes the opportunity to push him off of her. She doesn't waste any time, rushing out of the room before he could grab her and running through the party. Roman sees Alice who looked very upset, beginning to run towards the exit. He tried to catch up to her but by then, it'd be too late.

                               Alice was already gone.

( 🥀💔🍸 )

word count: 2181
notes: fuck harvey, all my homies hate harvey

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