Chapter Seven

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Here it is! Chapter 7! :D
Sorry about it being so long since I've written and publishing Chapter 6 twice on accident. Happy Reading!

Captain Haddock sighed as he sat by compartment window. Outside it was getting dark and he knew it was getting close to dinner. That also meant he would have to face a certain person he would rather not encounter.

A quiet knocking was at his door, and at first the Captain froze, but then came a reassuring voice.

"Captain it's only me," and then William's voice was only in a whisper, "Don't worry, I haven't seen her in the hallway."

Captain Haddock slowly rose, and came to the door. He simply walked out and said,
"Thanks lad."

As they went along, the Captain thought of something.

"Say, where's Tintin and Ella?"

They were getting closer to the dining car and William spotted Laura through the small window.

The expression that William had, didn't escape Captain Haddock's notice,
"Go along, I'll go and see if I can get the other two."

William chuckled, "Good luck, I tried to get them a little while ago, and they sounded..quite occupied."

Captain Haddock suddenly let out a bray of laughter, "Well. They do have a baby on the way. They had to acquire it somehow."

William shook his head and went on to the dining car. As he did he turned back,
"Just go get them, will you?"

The Captain couldn't help but let a chuckle and saluted, "Aye."

Captain Haddock made his way back, and to Tintin and Ella's compartment. He took a second to compose himself, and knocked.

After a few moments, Tintin answered the door. Rather disheveled looking, and he was mostly peeking around the door.

"Hello Captain."

Captain Haddock gave Tintin a knowing look, "We were beginning to wonder where you two went."

Tintin smiled sheepishly, "Yes. Well, we'll be coming shortly."

A few moments later, Ella and Tintin came out and joined Captain Haddock. As they began walking to the dining car Ella had two strands of curls that had come loose from her elegant hairstyle.

"Ella, you have-" Tintin tried to help her, but it was no use.

She sighed, "I'll be right back, you two go on."

As Ella made her way back, the Captain couldn't help but ask Tintin as they walked into the dining car, "So, you two lost track of time? You're usually very particular about not being late."

Tintin nodded towards William at the back table, sitting with the rest of their party. He muttered under his breath, "I didn't mind this time."

As they made their way to their party's table, Captain Haddock unsuccessfully hid his laughter.

Tintin seemed agitated and said in a quiet manner, "Captain, I believe you know why we were late. However, I don't appreciate you finding it amusing."

Captain Haddock nodded and clapped him on the shoulder, "Tintin, I was only amused because I couldn't help but imagine your brother-in-law's expression after he realized why you two were late."

Tintin stopped and stared at the Captain, "You mean.."

"Lad, we all know what happens, especially since you have a baby on the way. I just just don't think William wanted to hear you two."

Tintin rubbed his face, "I see."

At this moment Ella walked up behind them, "Tintin, are you alright?"

Tintin smiled at her and nodded, "I'll be fine. Come on, I'm sure everyone is wondering why we aren't coming to the table."

William was quite aggravated, although no one else would know by his expression.

Bianca was quite happy seeing her niece and Charles sitting next to one another. William could tell Laura was miserable, but he did everything he could to help her, and as the Captain approached a lightbulb went off.

William stood and quickly whispered, "Captain will you sit next to Bianca and I'll take your original seat. I could sit next to Laura."

Captain Haddock gave him a grim look, "Do you know what your asking me?"

William gave him a pleading look, "Please, Captain."

Captain Haddock slowly but surely, sat next to Bianca Castafiore. William sat down next to Laura and gave Captain Haddock a grateful look.

"Oh my darling Captain. You changed seats to be by me, you are wonderful!"

The Captain quickly ordered a strong drink, he knew it would be a long night.

William smiled at Laura and she blushed, "You changed seats."

He nodded and pretended to think hard, "It seems I have,"
He leaned in and said quietly,
"I wonder why I would do that?"

William couldn't help but notice how her blush became deeper and she said, "I can't imagine."

Charles on the other side of Laura looked as though he had eaten something very sour, "Ah, William. It seems you have joined us."

William leaned forward, "Oh I just came to see Laura to be quite honest."

Charles seemed at a loss for words and Laura's eyes gleamed with admiration towards William.

Tintin got Ella's attention and pointed to Mr. Finch, "That is the director and owner of the theater group that works on this train."

"Are you excited to solve the mystery?" She took his hand under the table.

He smiled and squeezed her hand, " It will be fun, I am glad this will only be a staged murder."

Ella smiled and then it faltered and she rubbed her stomach, "Mm."

Tintin worriedly watched her, "Ella, what is it?"

She sighed, " It's alright. I can tell it's a false alarm. It felt like the pain I had that night at home."

"Are you sure? Do you need to go and lay down?" He put a hand on her bump. He could feel the movements under his hand.

Ella laid her hand on his, "I'll be alright," she leaned in and whispered, "perhaps it's from our excitement earlier."

Tintin laughed and then sobered, "we shouldn't do that again until the baby is here. I don't want to risk anything."

Ella  quiet for a moment and looked down at their hands, "Maybe you're right. Tintin these pains feel the same as before, like when we were at home. So surely nothing is wrong?"

A glass was struck and everyone's attention was towards Mr. Finch.

Before Tintin turned his attention to Mr. Finch.
He kissed Ella on the cheek, "I love you. As long as they aren't different I'm sure our little one is just fine."

She smiled warmly, "I love you too and I'm so glad for your reassurance.

They then both turned at listened closely to the Theater director's small introduction.

"Good evening, I am Edward Finch and Director of our wonderful Theater group. I am the proud to announce our murder mystery will begin shortly."

Everyone applauded and Tintin smiled at Ella. Soon after the announcement everything went back to normal, conversations got quiet, and the train had a certain rhythm on the track.
Suddenly, the lights went out and a gunshot was heard and screams filled the dining car.
Tintin could feel Ella grab his arm. William heard Laura gasp and he found her hand in the dark, and she was silently thankful for his support.

The last thing heard before the lights came up was the Captain exclamation, "Blistering Barnacles!"

When the lights finally came back on, everyone was in a flurry of conversations. Many were peering at the table in the corner, and some were blocking the view. As everyone settled down, Tintin couldn't help himself and he made his way to the scene.

At first Tintin was full of excitement and he came upon the small party, but as he watched what was before him, his stomach twisted into dread.
Mr. Finch was clutching his throat and blood was beginning to stain his dinner jacket coming from his bloody coughing.
A man sitting beside him was making orders to different severs.
A woman who Tintin could only believe to be Mrs. Finch, was hysterical.

As this was all happening, Tintin saw the table of actors across the room and their faces full of horror as they watched Mr. Finch spluttering. Tintin walked over to them.

"Excuse me, but was the gun a part of the show?"

A woman spoke up, and placed the revolver on the table, "Yes, but it's full of blanks and we always point it towards the roof when the lights go out, just to be safe.

Tintin and the rest of the actors at the table stared and studied the roof, but there was nothing.

"Thank you." Tintin turned his attention back to Mr. Finch.

Soon as he slowly began to quiet, Tintin thought Mr. Finch wasn't going to make it. However, Mr. Finch slowly began to breath regularly and say a few syllables. Tintin walked to him.

"Mr. Finch, how are you feeling? What do you think happened?"

Mr. Finch looked very pale and said,
"I think someone is trying to kill me."

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