63. Gradually

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Dedicated to Ryan International School, Sanpada. I have truly got a lot from my Alma Mater! I can never repay what I owe this institution... A journey, memories, friends... And more than anything... A new me, a confident and happy version of myself!

"Everything is bound to fall in place, with time. That incomplete picture gets completed... Gradually."


19th January (I know that it has not been uploaded on your birthday... But I just wanted the date here... Sorry yaar... You know my reasons already... Happy Birthday HARINIGANESH8)

Sampurnaa's pov:

Maa and Dad just got back today. They are back after a month!
They arrived home at 8 a.m.
The bell rang and I asked Indrayan to open the door.

"Maa! How have you been?" I asked her immediately touching her feet
I did the same with Dad and they blessed me

"The house has been kept well in my absence. I guess I approve of my daughter in-law." Maa told me in a fake, stern voice

We had breakfast together after so long.
Indrayan has the first hearing of the case today. The elderly couple had come home to meet me yesterday, upon my insistence. They were really happy to meet me.

"By the way, since the house was empty, you two must have spent a good amount of 'quality time' together, right?" Dad asked the two of us, mischievously

Before I could reply, my husband obviously had to.
"Yes Dad, we did. We did the laundry, cooking, sweeping and even mopped the floor. Isn't it great?"

His tone was sarcastic.
"The house needs to be kept clean. And I thought that you believe in equal relationships... That is the reason I got you to do all that work." I justified

"Let me get this straight... The two of you only spent your time debating over who is supposed to do what?" Maa asked us astonished

I shook my head.
"No. We actually did the work after debating too. And we did go out together a couple of times."

"Where did the two of you go?"

This time it was Indrayan who answered, "We went to her house, to the temple..."

He was cut off abruptly.

"You two spent your time going to the temple and visiting Sampurnaa's place? Your father and I were so convinced that the two of you must have come closer over this period of privacy... But!" Maa cried out in despair

"Let me complete, Maa. We also visited the mall, the hypermarket and Marine Drive." Indrayan completed

His mother looked at the two of us. We were sitting next to one another at the dining table.
"You two better be going on a honeymoon sometime in the next three months." she told the two of us sternly.

We nodded helplessly. There is no point arguing or even discussing over the pros and cons of a 'honeymoon'! I have a job and even he has cases that he is representing his clients in... We can't just go somewhere out of the blue!

I was sorting things in my handbag when Indrayan walked in with some papers in his hand. His forehead was creased and he appeared to be stressed.

"What has happened?" I asked him

"Someone has appealed to the higher court for reviewing the sentences for molestation and rape in the case. Those who have been convicted for murder, drug dealing etc. have confessed to their crimes but the others haven't. A Public Interest Litigation has been filed for."

I stood up shocked.
"But the judge sentenced them didn't he?" I asked him for confirmation

He nodded.
"Yes. But the constitution of India guarantees everyone to appeal in a higher court if they think they are being wrongly sentenced or punished."

I cut in, "They are not being wrongly punished!!! How can someone say that? This is ridiculous! Do our statements not matter in court? We had audio proof too... And I had even got the pictures of the men with the help of the spy camera..."

My voice trailed off when Indrayan held up his hand to ask me to shut up

"You and I can't do anything about this! The case will be reviewed and restarted in the near future." he told me with finality in his voice

I nodded, still absorbing the bloody shock.

26th January

Today is Republic Day... Not just any Republic Day, but the 70th Republic Day! We have been asked to wear ethnic clothes today and report. There are special shows arranged obviously... And there is one that I will be hosting, at 7 p.m. tonight.

I woke up fairly late in the morning today, at 7.30 a.m.
Indrayan was up and he had even got me coffee.
The two of us have come closer gradually... We share our professional experiences and spend an hour talking to one another before going to sleep every night. It was like things had fallen into place all of a sudden... An almost fixed schedule... Getting used to each other's presence... It seemed peaceful.

We do quarrel and argue a lot... But I have read somewhere that it is a part and parcel of married life.

Bringing myself out of my baseless thoughts, I went to my wardrobe and took out the saree that I would wear at work today. It was white in colour with a purple border... Boudi gifted it to me at my wedding.

I tied my hair in a neat bun and applied vermilion to my parting. I applied some kohl and a bindi on my forehead.

"Sampurnaa, there is a courier for you." I heard Maa calling me

I clasped my watch around my wrist, sprayed some perfume and then walked down. 

"Sampurnaa! Here's your..." Maa stopped abruptly when she looked at me

"You look gorgeous, child. Here's your courier by the way." she told me with a smile on her face, while handing me an envelope.

I smiled back at her and then opened the sealed envelope to find a wedding card in it. I did not even read it... I know it is Priyanka's anyways! Speaking of which, I need to apply for two days of leave in March and obviously book my tickets to go to Chennai.

"Whose wedding is it?" Dad asked me while taking his seat at the table

"It is my friend, Priyanka's. She is getting married in March, in Chennai." I replied

"Sampurnaa, could you please help me serve?" Maa called out to me

Before I could go towards the kitchen, Dad stood up, gesturing me to sit down.

"Wouldn't want the beautiful saree to be ruined. Moreover it is a heavy brocade... Just sit here... I'll help her out." he informed me and then walked away before I could protest

I huffed in annoyance and took my seat at the table.

Indrayan walked in just then. It is a Sunday today, so he obviously doesn't have work to do.
"You don't have work today?" he asked me

"I do. Since it is Republic Day, they wanted the reporters to wear ethnic clothing today. I chose to wear this saree." I explained

"You look beautiful." he told me sincerely

I smiled and muttered a small thanks. Two minutes later, Maa and Dad were back with the breakfast and the four of us sat down at the table together.
Once I was done, I said goodbye to all of them and left home to go to the studio.

Indrayan's pov:

Sampurnaa and I have come closer gradually. We do kiss one another on the cheek and forehead... But never past that. She is more comfortable around me now, yet there is a strict boundary that we respect.
Today, I woke up earlier than she did. It is seldom that she sleeps for long... Hence I just let her.
I made her coffee and left it on the bedside table and then went off for a jog.

When I returned back, Sampurnaa wasn't in the room. I took a shower and got changed.

When I walked down, Sampurnaa was sitting in her place quietly. She was wearing a saree... And she, well looked really beautiful in it. Her perfectly kohl darkened eyes looked straight and held a depth that could drown a log of wood.
"You don't have work today?" I asked her

"I do. Since it is Republic Day, they wanted the reporters to wear ethnic clothing today. I chose to wear this saree." she explained

"You look beautiful." I told her sincerely

She smiled and muttered a small thanks while looking down at her lap. No matter how bold she becomes for the world, there is no way that she wouldn't blush at a compliment!

She left the house soon after as she had work.

Maa and Dad called me to talk to them just after she left. I wonder what it is about.

"Are you both happy with one another?" Maa asked me

We three were currently sitting in a triangle in the living room. Maa had called me to interrogate and investigate.

"Yes, I think the two of us are happy." I answered indifferently

"Do you both get the time to talk to each other, everyday? Do you share things?" this time it was Dad

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes and to rudely run away, I answered him as politely as I could,
"Yes, we talk to one another. We share things. We are taking things one day at a time."

Maa and Dad looked pretty satisfied, from their expression... So I got up quickly and excused myself from them under the pretext of doing work.

It is 8.30 in the evening now. Sampurnaa was supposed to be back by now... But where is she gone?

I was about to give her a call, when she entered the room.
"Hi! How are you doing?" she asked me in a tired tone

"I am well. You sound tired. Want me to get you something?" I replied

"Could you please get me some water?"

I went and got her a glass of water that she finished at one go.

"I am feeling nauseous since morning. I have a bad headache. I don't know what happened." she confessed sitting down on the edge of the bed while holding her head in her hand

"You only had some toast and coffee in the morning. Did you eat lunch?"

Sampurnaa's expression changed from a dazed one to a guilty one.
I sighed helplessly,
"You are well aware that you have blood pressure and blood glucose fluctuations. Why can't you take care of yourself? Wait here, I'll get you something to eat."

"Can I get some Maggi noodles?" she asked me hopefully
I nodded and was about to go, when she got up from the bed and made her way towards the washroom.

"Sampurnaa, please eat something and then go. I don't want you to get dizzy and then slip and fall inside. You can get severely hurt there... And we wouldn't even know. Just wait here for now." I requested her

"I will go down and eat. I am not fond of eating food in the bedroom."

"You are sitting here. You may go and sit at the study table." I told her sternly and went


When I got back, madame was taking of her earrings. Her hair was still in a bun. I kept her bowl of Maggi on the study table and sneaked behind her, and wound my hands around her waist.
She gasped in shock, but relaxed when she realised that it was me.
"You scared me!" she told me in a low tone
"I did not intend to... But I guess I want you to sit at the study table quietly and eat."

She nodded and then obliged to what I said.
"Can I eat later, please?" she asked me after eating two morsels
I raised my eyebrows inquisitively

"I just want to take of the damn pins and release my hair. I am having a headache... Please! I'll eat later." she tried convincing me

"You can continue eating. And once you are done, take a Paracetamol. I'll help you with the pins instead." I told her and directed her to continue eating

She made a face but nevertheless listened to what I said.
I went and stood behind her trying to take of the pins that she had so conveniently and liberally used.

"Your hairdo is so complex! How much time did you take in the morning to do this?" I asked her frustrated

She laughed.
"Leave it... I'll do it myself. And to answer your question, it took me 10 minutes to do that."

I stepped behind with 4 pins in my hand. There were strands of hair sticking out, but the bun was intact!

"Could you please get me the Paracetamol till then?" she asked me while going towards the dressing table.

I nodded and got her the pill from the medicine cabinet.

"Thank you."

She finally managed to take off all the pins.

"I'll put it down for you." I told her

She gestured me to go ahead while grabbing the water bottle for taking the pill.
I gently brushed my hand in her hair, separating the strands. Her wavy and heavy hair cascaded down her back. I looked at her through the mirror and caught her looking at me intensely.

As if in a trance, I leaned forward and kissed her left cheek. She flushed red, but did not say anything. Next, I kissed her right cheek. She closed her eyes at the contact. Her breathing was quicker and heavier. I put my arms around her waist and whispered in her ear,
"You could have left your hair open... Would have spared you some time and energy; and would have made you look even more beautiful, like now."
I kissed her earlobe and then placed a lingering kiss behind her ear.

She turned slightly but did not look into my eyes.

"I... I need to... Change... I will... Umm... be back."

I released her and she scurried away to the washroom, after taking fresh clothes from the wardrobe.

I walked out of the room. She did not say anything... But did I invade her comfort zone?


Sampurnaa's pov:

The day was a tiring one. I totally forgot that I had to skip lunch today, when I returned home. Indrayan was really caring and he even got me Maggi noodles just the way I like.
He even tried to help me with my hair... But let's say that was difficult for him. 
He did loosen my hair for me and then even complemented my looks. His kisses were way more intense today... Than ever before.
I know I interrupted and stepped away, but it isn't because I felt insecure with him or even because it was all new to me... I simply did so because I had a tremendous urge to use the washroom!

He stepped away without a word, the moment I asked him to; he did not push anything... And that is what I love about him.

I freshened up quickly and then went down to help Maa in the kitchen. Dad walked in to the kitchen when I was grating coconut.
"You don't have to do all this labour, Sampurnaa. I have seen how well my daughter lives with your parents; it will be a failure on our behalf if we fail to keep their daughter well. You are the only person in the family who went to work today, please go and rest instead of doing this work." Dad told me

I smiled at his concern, "Dad, it is a common misconception that the only people who work are the ones who step out of home. Your wife here has also been working the entire day... And I think I can say this on our behalf; we sort of love to care for our family, so even in fatigue, our body doesn't give up."

Maa nodded while stirring something.
"Maa, why don't you go and rest instead? I just ate Maggi, so I have a lot of energy in me." I told her

"Yes and she also skipped her lunch. Am I not right, Sampurnaa?" Indrayan spoke while entering the kitchen

Maa glared at me.

"You remember that you had been put on IV feed a few months ago? I know for a fact that you went for on field reporting too! When will you start instilling some sense of responsibility in yourself? After you have kids?" she asked me in anger

"I am sorry Maa. I was busy today. I will be more careful from next time." I answered her meekly

She patted my cheek and ordered me to get out of the kitchen. Next she threw out Indrayan and asked Dad to help her instead.
I went and sat on the sofa and switched on the television. The Kapil Sharma Show.

"You like watching comedy?" Indrayan asked me

"Yes. Watching comedy once in a while sort of refreshes your mind" I replied, without looking at him

He came and sat down next to me. I stilled momentarily but then relaxed soon after.

"When is the first hearing?" I asked him referring to the reopened case

"On the 29th. We can obviously not have more proofs than what we already presented at the court... I really don't know what we'll do." he confessed

"Maybe you should allow us females to speak out more in the court... Or even better, let me begin a hashtag on social media, '#FightForJustice'. We'll get that trending with the support of everyone else. We didn't do anything wrong... They did! And they sure do deserve to be punished!" I put my opinion in a straightforward and firm manner

He was silent and so was I.

Justice is such a brutal word! In order to get justice, you need to fight injustice... And when you think you are winning against injustice... Justice interferes! Look at the bloody irony!

When we thought we had finally managed to fight for our rights that the Constitution guarantees us, the same Constitution takes us out of the delusion! I hope things end soon though... Because we have already fought for months, for something that continued to torment women for several years!

"I am sorry... I am sorry because... I guess I pushed it too far." he told me looking straight at me, bringing me out of my thoughts

Why is he apologising? Realisation hit me then! Oh God... He thought that I was uncomfortable!

"Umm... Actually, I wasn't uncomfortable with you... I just hadn't used the washroom since the afternoon... I had to empty my bladder." I told him flushed

He started laughing at me.

"God! Sampurnaa, you just made me think that I had breached your space!" he told me seriously, once he had ceased laughing

I smiled slightly... He really does care, doesn't he?

"I promise, I will tell you whenever I feel uncomfortable. I wouldn't have stopped you had it not been an emergency at that time... And I am not telling you this just because you are my husband and that you have 'rights' on me, but because I am not uncomfortable around you. Being with you, killed my existing fear." I told him, looking straight into his eyes

His features softened as he put an arm around my shoulder. I shifted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder.
I felt a soft kiss on my head and we continued to watch television like that, laughing at jokes and cherishing the time that we got to spend together.

"We'll fight this again... Together."

To be continued...


Sorry... I know this is a super short chapter.

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