#16: Europe

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"I'm glad most of us could make it here today." Ryuzaki said, slamming his hands on the table whilst standing up. Sitting around the circular table were Yozora, Ryu, Maverick, Payic, Zeon and Rukia. "While not everyone could make it here, this is sufficient." Everyone in the room knew about the failure of capturing Zoa. They could tell the air was tense and anxious, with Ryuzaki also being off beat today. "We might have not gotten the Zeroth Dragon from Malaysia, but we can still win the war. If Zak, Izanoku and Kakashi have Zoa, we still have the advantage! Yozora and Chiharu have Stark and Drachma. But, after our failures, I realised we need to change our plans... that is why, I'm going to send two teams out to get two Zeroth Dragons at once!"

(Opening here)

"Hold on..." Payic blinked, a little surprised at Ryuzaki's bold statement. "Two at once? Isn't that a bit reckless?"

"No, that should increase our chances. Even if another group goes for a Zeroth Dragon, we will still have another group getting one." Ryuzaki explained. "However... it had occurred to me there might not just be one group against us, but two."

"Two enemies?!" Maverick exclaimed, flabbergasted.

"Yeah, two enemies." Ryuzaki nodded. "The obvious one is the trio that took Zoa. The second group... is possibly a network of hooded figures conspiring together to collect Zeroth Dragons. This one is the less stable theory, but my evidence is the two hooded figures Yozora and Ryu encountered. Yozora met Inferno, who held a Zeroth Dragon. Ryu, on the other hand, met Kai, who kept him captive for two weeks."

"So... they're helping each other out?" Zeon asked. "Hooded figures... Spectre... could he be one of them?"

"Quite possibly, if Kai was ready to sabotage Ryu's involvement in the jungle. However..." Ryuzaki took a deep breath. "We must also consider the fact that Izanoku, Zak and Kakashi were not wearing masks and had hoods on. This means they are two separate entities, no matter if they're working together or not."

"I get your logic, Ryuzu." Yozora nodded, putting his fist into his palm. "Both groups seem to have a possible relationship, and thus are working against us specifically. Because of that, we need to set up two groups at once to combat both if they go separate and have a better chance at getting a Zeroth Dragon. If they go sabotage one group, we'll still have another working and live."

"Yes. Plus, we have a much larger rota of members than they do." Ryuzaki said. "While I'm unsure of how many cloaked figures there are, I'm very sure that Izanoku, Zak and Kakashi are the only ones in their little trio, so that means they only have three members. On the other hand, we have about twenty people."

"Yeah, we got the advantage in numbers!" Maverick cheered. "So, now that we've established the enemies..."

"Ryuzaki." Zeon said abruptly. "While trying to find Yza I had a Cardfight with a man in a cloak and mask named Spectre. He used a Luard deck."

"What?!" Ryuzaki exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"I didn't think much of it... so I kept it to myself." Zeon replied.

"Was it on the same day he came back to the Mansion with his messed up hand?" Rukia thought, looking at Zeon.

"Well then... there's three confirmed cloaked figures. Why did he go after you?"

"We actually met up. He had possible information regarding Yza." Zeon said. "He would give it to me if I won the Cardfight, but I lost and got nothing."

"Oh great, so these cloaked people are also interested in Yza..." Ryuzaki groaned. "Hang on, let me think about this..."

"While Ryuzu is having a mental breakdown," Payic stood up and sighed with a small smile. "Our next locations are England and Portugal."

"Since when were Zeroth Dragons European?" Zeon joked, snickering.

"Anyways, we'll need a team of four to go to each." Payic replied. "Anyone want to come?"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Ryuzaki exclaimed. "I already said me, Maverick and Yozora would go to Portugal! Figure out your England team!"

"But Ryuzu, that's three members!"

"We only need three!"

"We need four!"








"Who said that?!" The couple exclaimed together.

"Me." Maverick said proudly.

"Okay, whatever, just don't come crying back to me when you lose the Zeroth Dragon in Portugal." Payic sighed.

"Wait... since when was I on your team?" Yozora said. "I have school!"

"Too bad, you're coming along for the ride!" Ryuzaki exclaimed.

"Well, I guess I get to see Portugal." Yozora sighed with a small smile.

"Right, so, now that we have one team sorted out, we need to figure out the team for England." Payic said. "So, is anybody interested?"

"Well, looking at the circumstances," Zeon announced. "I'll mull over it. But... I think I'll probably stay here to continue to search for Yza."


"I'm considering it... Although, since of what happened all those months back, I kind of fell behind in classes and so I gotta catch up..." Rukia said.

"Well, I know Inu isn't going, and Shika and Chiharu aren't here..." Payic thought with a weary expression. "How about you, Ryu?"

"Nah... I just got reminded why I hate getting involved in stuff that shouldn't be real." Ryu shook his head.

"I see... Well..." Payic swallowed a lump in her throat.

"I have an associate in England, if that helps." Zeon spoke up. "Her name is Marie Ainsworth, and she lives in England. I'm sure she'd be glad to help you guys out."

"Okay, that's two people... now I need another two..."

"Uh, if it isn't much hassle for him," Ryu said. "I got a friend named Kotaro who doesn't have much going on in his life. Plus he's pretty good with the English language."

"Ah, perfect! We can add him too!" Payic nodded.

"Payic, you should ask Serena! I bet she'd want to go too!" Rukia exclaimed.

"Ooh, good idea! She was really useful in the Void Incident!"

"Well, that's your team then, if everyone agrees." Ryuzaki smiled. "Worst case scenario I'll force Iqu to join you."

"Sure." Payic nodded.

"Well, now that we've sorted this out, I want to say one last thing." Ryuzaki sat down and coughed.

"Prepare for a speech." Maverick smiled.

"Be very aware of your surroundings, no matter what. This could very well end up leading to our deaths, just like how people died in the Void Incident. These hooded figures seem to be more troublesome than we thought, especially when once was able to capture Ryu and silence him for 2 weeks before he regained consciousness. And the guy Zeon faced apparently had information about Yza. While I'm not in charge of the case, I still want to find him as much as everyone else does, but the Zeroth Dragons take priority in the meantime. If these two are linked, that means we could possibly kill two birds with one stone. Knowing all of this, let's work towards getting all the Zeroth Dragons and finding Yza. You are all dismissed."

"Thanks, Ryuzaki." Yozora bowed, while everyone began standing up and leaving the mansion. Payic and Maverick went back to their usual business, and Ryu went to go back to his house.

"Zeon," Rukia walked over to him as the two exited the mansion. "Do you wanna go to the park?"

"Uh, sure." Zeon nodded.

"Great!" She smiled, before running to the shoe-rack near the entrance. "Race you there!"

"Hey, no fair!" He followed her swiftly to the rack and grabbed his boots. "You actually do running!"

"See ya there!" Rukia waved cheekily, running out of the mansion with a wide smile. Zeon put on his shoes and stood up, running after her.

"I'm home!" Yozora called out as he entered the front door of his modern house.

"Welcome back!" Chiharu exclaimed, walking out of the living room and hugging him. "Sorry I didn't join you guys."

"Eh, it's okay." Yozora shrugged. "I'm off to Portugal to find a Zeroth Dragon." He replied, taking off his sneakers.

"You're gonna leave me alone?" She pouted as Yozora laughed.

"Think of it as me going to do a concert there."

"Hmm, okay then..."

"Wanna play Vanguard?" He asked, patting her head.

"Ye, sure!"

Running past the dark green entrance, Rukia entered the park with a victorious smile on her face. "I win!"

"I hate you..." Zeon huffed as he slugged after her, breathless.

"Haha, sorry." Rukia panted. "Did you bring water?"

"What? No..." Zeon replied, before standing up straight. "Let's go get drinks from the vending machine."

"Good idea."

The two stood at the front of the vending machine, with Zeon taking large sips of melon soda and Rukia downing a large amount of iced coffee.

"Ah, that's the stuff..." Zeon said with a goofy smile. "Melon soda is best soda!"

"I prefer berry, but whatever suits you." Rukia replied as she leaned on the machine.


"Anyways, Zeon." Grabbing his wrist, she pulled up his sleeve abruptly.

"Hey, not in public..." Zeon said with a worried tone.

"Don't worry, no one's looking. I promise." Rukia began to examine his right wrist. "Good, there's no cuts there."

"I'm right handed, of course I can't use my left hand..." Zeon mumbled as Rukia took his other wrist and examined it. Her face turned to a disappointed one, as Zeon looked away.


"Whatever," Zeon snatched his arm away from her hands. "It's none of your concern. Even if you try checking me every day, I'll still do it..."

"But... they look worse than before..." Rukia said, as Zeon sighed stubbornly. "You're doing more cuts and making them go deeper... and I still don't get why..."

"You don't need to know why!" Zeon replied, curling his hand into a tight fist. "Just... let me do them in whatever way I want."

"The more you cut yourself, the more I get worried, y'know..." Rukia gently cusped his wrists as Zeon looked down at the floor. "I just want you to do it less. A lot less."

"..." Zeon bit his bottom lip in pain.

"I don't think you cut because you hate yourself. You cut for another reason... but I don't know what that reason is." Rukia replied. "Maybe it's part of the reason, but the real reason is hidden. And it's getting worse. More worse everyday... but you can't tell anyone it, because you don't have anyone to tell it too. It's something so secret... you can't even tell me."

"Ru... I..." He muttered. "Stop being so perceptive dammit..."

"It's just how I am." She said in a gentle voice. Zeon looked up at her with a shaking body and watery eyes.

"One day... I'll tell you."

"Then I'll wait for that one day. Promise me that."

"I promise."

"And I'll promise I'll help you, okay?"


Understanding silence lasted around the two.

"Let's go home, Zeon."


(Ending here)

"What's this lesbian place in Portugal?" Callum asked as he walked down the streets down the north of Lisbon, the energetic capital of Portugal.

The city were bustling, with all sorts of people from working class to poor class whirling past the trio of Callum, Izanoku and Zak. However, the eccentric amount of tourists visiting the area and people that lived there made it a prime spot to blend in seamlessly and enjoy the exciting adventure they were putting themselves through.

"Lisbon, you mean." Zak corrected him as they were walking towards a tall monument with a rich history of being a defence tower. It sat near the Tagus river of the country, where the smell of the sea had leaked into the clear and warm skies.

"Lisbon, lesbian, they're the same fucking word," Callum said as he looked through the wallet he had stolen from a passerby. "Daaaamn, this businessman had some nice cash! I'm no good at maths but these stacks of 20s look gooooooood."

"Well, don't forget our main objective. Dust." Izanoku replied aptly, looking around her surroundings.

Izanoku was in charge of guiding the group to avoid possible trouble with security or policemen, Callum was pickpocketing to get tickets to the Belém Tower, and Zak was acting as an information broker for the group.

"Dust? There's hella dust in the desert! We shoulda went to Egypt!"

"She's talking about Zeroth Dragons..." Zak sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Same thing." Callum rolled his eyes, pickpocketing a woman's purse. "Oh, her phone, quite interesting... besides, who names a dragon Dust?"

"Whoever made it. So, Izanoku, why are we going near the Belém Tower? Shouldn't we look at some places more... dusty?"

"Things aren't as obvious as they seem, Zak." Izanoku said whilst Callum continued to snatch things.

"Oh sweet, I hit some food!"

"Then what's your brilliant logic behind this?" Zak asked.

"Ayy, another wallet. Let's see here... oh snap, a passport?"

"A tip." Izanoku said with a sly smile.

"From who?"

"A guy named Inferno."

Next time on Z World:

#17: Dust

"Guys, I know that reading is hard, but why is it even harder to find a big dragon?"

"Zak, kill him."

"It's like making a cake. Gotta wait for the cake to bake before you can eat it."

"He's going to swim to that purple light..."

"Damn it! My fat as fuck fingers can't reach the damn card!!"

"You... killed Maverick?"



And now we enter Portugal! This is just for you, Shida~

Ryuzaki: Belém Tower? I swear this seems familiar...

...hey, I thought Ryu would leave me alone...

Ryuzaki: The readers liked this segment. *sips water*


Ryuzaki: Ikr? My bro's Maverick and Yozora, we finna get me some Palossands and turn it into Dust!


Ryuzaki: Inside joke.

Okay then...

Yozora: I'm excited to visit Portugal! I've never been in a country outside of Asia!

Maverick: I remember when we went to Portugal XD

Ryuzaki: Yep, you did some mad shit back then

You can find this in a C4 story, now get out of the A/N!

Ryuzaki, Maverick & Yozora: Hai

Thank you...

That's all, Fox out!

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