#17: Dust

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"Well, we got our ragtag team ready." Payic said. "And it has four members!"

In the living room of the mansion, Payic, Serena and Kotaro stood near the entrance with five large suitcases and three bags. However, Ryuzaki, Maverick and Yozora stood across them with two medium sized suitcases and three large bags. Each boy had a dumb grin on their face.

"What's up with all the stuff? We're not going on vacation." Ryuzaki said.

"It's to prepare for any situation!" Payic exclaimed.

"But... five suitcases and three bags is cutting it just a tiiiiiiiny bit, right?" Ryuzaki said.

"It's better to be safe than to be sorry."

"Anyways, we'll be back soon with a dank as fuck Zeroth Dragon, and I hope you guys will too."

"Heh, don't worry. We'll nail this."

"See you soon, Payic." Ryuzaki said.

"You too, Ryuzu." Payic said. The two hugged each other, and kissed.

(Opening here)

"Callum, got tickets?" Izanoku asked as the group approached the the Belém Tower quickly.

"C'mon, don't underestimate my choaring skills," Callum showed off three premium tickets for the tower. "These babies will get us a good place to find Dust."

"Good work!" Izanoku said with lit up eyes. "Let's get Dust!"

While Izanoku, Callum and Zak were searching the land of Lisbon, Ryuzaki took a different approach to it; using a yacht on the Tagus river to search for Dust. It was of a grand size, being a modern model made from fibreglass, aluminium and steel. It was similar to a motorboat, with powerful engines that produced loud whirring sounds. The speed and quality of the yacht left intense ripples of water behind it, and created an illusion of sliding across the river seamlessly.

At the front of the ship, Yozora sat near the back under the shade while he carefully looked around. He enjoyed the view of the country, but anxiety that wouldn't quell kept bugging him. Leaning over the edge at the front of the yacht was Maverick, who was drinking a can of Budweiser gaily. Ryuzaki was laying back and relaxing next to Yozora.

"It's so sunny..." Yozora said, looking at the sky.

"I think we just got lucky, having good weather..." Ryuzaki laughed as he cracked open a can of Budweiser. "You want one, Yozora?"

"Um, no thank you. Thanks for the offer, though."

"If you say so," Ryuzaki said, taking a delightful sip.

The yacht was being steered around the river, by an AI Ryuzaki made. It was pacing back and forth as the three boys kept their eyes open at the front. It was slow, anxious and meticulous, however this was the best way they agreed upon to find the dragon.

"Guys, I know that reading is hard, but why is it even harder to find a big dragon?" Maverick asked.

"Beats me..." Yozora replied with unease.

"Give it time, Maverick." Ryuzaki said as he took another sip of his drink. "It's like making a cake. Gotta wait for the cake to bake before you can eat it."

"That's a horrible comparison." Maverick said.

"You're a horrible comparison."

"Hey, I might be a dumbass but I know what that means!" Maverick shouted.

"What would that be?" Ryuzaki asked.

"A horrible comparison to Yozora!"

"...HAHAHA!" Ryuzaki bellowedwith tears in his eyes.

"Don't drag me into this..." Yozora muttered.

Passing a faint purple light in the river, the group of boys were unaware of it starting to glow even brighter. This strange occurrence was noticed very soon when the light became a dark purple, and reached to the surface unexpectedly. While Zak was still going up the stairs of the tower, Callum and Izanoku were already at the top, looking at the light curiously.

"Dust?" Callum asked. Izanoku stared at it, until she was certain. "Well?"

"I don't know." Izanoku replied. "I need the dragon to actually appear... Plus, I'm not really one to swim."

"Lucky for you, I do!" Callum took off his clothes and shoes, before taking a leap of faith into the river. People on the tower started laughing and screaming as they watched him jump into the water head first in his underwear, while authorities began to scramble after him. Izanoku simply bit on her nails quietly and pretended she didn't know him. Zak reached the top and walked over to her.

"What did he do this time?" He sighed, picking up Callum's belongings.

"He's going to swim to that purple light..." Izanoku said quietly.

"Let's go at the bottom to meet him." Zak replied. She nodded, and the two started heading downstairs.

Turning his head around, Ryuzaki stood up and looked over the edge of his ship after hearing a loud splash. His puzzled expression slowly turned into shock, and Maverick walked over to join him. Yozora looked at the two with an unimpressed poker face, as both boys started cursing loudly and stripping down to their underwear.


"Wait, wait, wait, what?"

"Dust is in the water! DUST IS IN THE WATER!" Ryuzaki shouted in a panic. Yozora's eye twitched.

"I can't swim..."

"Which is why you stay put and pull us back up!"

"Broviet Man!" Maverick shouted, raising his arm with a bracelet in the air.

His white skin slowly started to transform into silver; with a white glare coming off him due to the sun. He had become covered in metal, and jumped off the ship, swimming towards the purple light. Ryuzaki gave a peace sign before throwing himself into the water as well. All Yozora could do was watch, pray, and get the ladder.

In the area where the purple light was being made, Callum swam as fast as he could to it. The source was near the bottom, and shone very brightly under the rippling waters, even thought it was trapped between two large, grey stones. His eyes narrowed as he set his sights on the item trapped. A muffled yell came from his mouth, and his hand cut through the waters, before plunging it between the rocks. Gritting his teeth and moving his hand around, Maverick got closer and closer to him. Ryuzaki was catching up quickly, and the two approached the unaware Callum.

"Damn it! My fat as fuck fingers can't reach the damn card!!" Callum thought, growling. He began cursing, but it was silenced by the surrounding waters.

"Hey bitch boy, eat this!" Maverick shouted, also silenced by the river. Tightening his metal covered fist, he slammed Callum in the cheek, making him float away with a violent hack. His hand was forced out from between the rocks, and Maverick began punching them repeatedly. The water the river was composed of kept shaking violently as Maverick pounded his fists against the rocky sides of the river with power.

In response, Callum rubbed his punched fist and pulled out a closed butterfly knife from his boxers. He opened it up to show the sharpened blade, and charged straight at the metallic Maverick. However, Ryuzaki rushed in and grabbed the blade heroically, and narrowed his red eyes. His lips turned into a small smile as Callum became enraged by him.

"I might be rich as fuck, but even I'm not immune to pain..." He chuckled in his thoughts. The blade cut against Ryuzaki's hand, making it bleed and dye the water around his hand in a wispy red. Callum began yelling.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"


A fist came crashing down at Ryuzaki's chest, winding him. He released the blade and fell back, closing his eyes with a wide grin.

"I'll live. I'm a main character, after all."

"DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!" Callum shouted, throwing his knife down at Ryuzaki's chest. Instead, the knife's blade broke in half against the surface of something silver. Something shiny. Something hard. Callum gasped, gritting his teeth and narrowing his eyes. His lips turned into a forced smile.

Stopping Ryuzaki's death was Maverick's metal arm protecting his best friend. Ryuzaki grinned, and took a deep breath while floating in the water. Ryuzaki began swimming over the now cracked open rocks, while Maverick blocked Callum off from interfering by having a fist fight with him. The brawl had lots of bruises, punches, kicks and shouting. The metal against skin left cuts on Callum's pale skin, while Maverick breathed in and out tiredly.

Plunging his arm between the broken up rocks, Ryuzaki grabbed Dust with a wide grin. He waved it in the air cheerfully while it glowed purple, and began swimming back towards the yacht. Maverick grinned as he watched Ryuzaki swim away, and blocked Callum off from following him.

"I wonder what's for dinner..." Maverick thought as he kept blocking Callum and defending his relentless attacks.

"YOZORA!" Ryuzaki exclaimed as his head popped out of the river's surface. In horror, Ryuzaki looked at the yacht he had bought. On it, Izanoku looking over the edge, winking at Ryuzaki, and Zak, who had Yozora tied up and silenced.

"Nice ship you got there, Ryuzaki." Izanoku cooed, looking down at her enemy. "I'm gonna be nice and give you ten seconds to hand us Dust, or your friend here will be sacrificed~"

"...you dirty bitch." Ryuzaki muttered as Callum swam up the surface with a victorious expression.

"Damn, aren't I retarded... All I had to do was choke the poor guy to death." He cackled. Ryuzaki slowly turned his head and looked over at Callum. His teeth were grinding against one another, and his white eyebrows were pulled in between his nose. Something was sparked inside Ryuzaki. It was the spark of anger.

"You... killed Maverick?"

"Yep. Dead. Sayonara. Buh-bye. I managed to grab his neck and I choked him to his demise."

"So? That's one of your pals down. What about the other?" Izanoku asked cheerfully, while Zak prepared to kill Yozora with a knife. "Do you wanna save him? Actually, don't answer that, since I know the answer: Of course you do."


"Yes, yes, what will it be?"

"I'm a genius yet..."

"Hurry up!"

"Why am I frozen at... at this..."

"No response, hmmm?"

"She's just bluffing isn't she?! They're all lying! No way would Maverick die... nor will Yozora!"

"You have a mouth, don't you? Use it!"

"So... why can't you do anything now, Ryuzaki?!"

"Well, I guess that's ten seconds up."


"Zak, kill him."


"Yes, mistress."


"Ah, the little boy speaks." Izanoku smiled evilly. "So?"

"You... you..." Ryuzaki's shoulders went up and down as he cracked a smile. "You dumbasses..." He began laughing loudly.

"Huh?" Izanoku looked at him quizzically. "What's funny now? Inhaled some laughing gas or something?"

"Voice command: Self-destruct." Ryuzaki muttered darkly, laughing.

The yacht began beeping in the inside, while Izanoku, Zak and Yozora looked at it.

"He's gone crazy..." Izanoku muttered.

"Voice recognised," The computer began to speak. "Preparing to destroy self in approximately 0.10 seconds."

"Shit, Zak, jump into the water!" Izanoku shouted loudly, as she began to fall into the river from the ship. Zak opened one of his eyes and leaped off the edge in style, while the yacht began to explode into pieces. Callum, Izanoku and Zak began swimming away from the self-destructing vehicle, while Ryuzaki floated in the water helplessly.

Smoke began filling the surrounding area, and chunks of steel, aluminium and fibreglass dropping from the sky and into the river and the land around it. Yozora landed into the water, and floated over to Ryuzaki with bloodied cuts and burns. He looked at his two empty hands, and closed his eyes. Looking up at the grey, hazy sky, he let out a loud roar of anger.

"Seriously... don't underestimate my choaring skills..." Callum stifled a laugh as he looked at the Zeroth Dragon in his possession. The group was hidden within a dark alleyway, with the each of them looking at the card in Callum's hand, and the card he stole from Ryuzaki.

"Zeroth Dragon of End of the World, Dust..." Izanoku looked at the card, trying to dry her wet hair. "It's... weirdly beautiful."

"Callum." Zak said, looking at him. His spiked hair felt flat against his wet forehead.


"Did you actually kill him?"

"Fuck yeah." Callum smirked. "He might have metal skin, but he's like any normal human - if he can't breathe, he's dead. Shits simple."


"Well done, Callum." Izanoku clapped gleefully. "You did great."

"Thanks fam. Let's get the fuck outta lesbian and go home to Tokyo." Callum said. The other two nodded in agreement.

"Let's get some clothes for you first." Zak coughed at the almost naked Callum.

"And some gum for you." Callum clicked his fingers at him with a small smirk.

(Ending here)

"We lost Dust?" Yozora looked at Ryuzaki who was sitting between two beds. They were currently in the mini mansion Ryuzaki bought in Portugal, and on the bottom floor where the medical room is. It was mainly in the colour of light green, and had white accents to brighten it further. The windows were open and light shone in, making everyone inside feel a little better.

"Yeah...I had it in my hand but..." Ryuzaki gritted his teeth angrily. "Somehow I lost it!"

"Don't be hard on yourself," Yozora replied. "What else were you supposed to do?"

"I could've done everything but destroy the ship..."

"You panicked and it's alright. We're not made to think under pressure."

"But... I'm one of the smartest minds in the universe. How the hell did I lose my composure during battle?! This isn't like me!"

Looking over to his right, Ryuzaki looked at Maverick who was hooked up on lots of medical equipment. The main ones were a heart monitor, an IV drip, and a mask to assist breathing over his mouth and nose. His eyes were closed and his body was in pain and had minor bruises. Ryuzaki was gazing at his friend with anger for himself, and sorrow for Maverick.

"...it's quite fortunate he lived." Yozora said. "Who knew those bracelets had a fail safe feature."

"I didn't." Ryuzaki replied. "Once Maverick's back up, we're going to England. I'm not losing another Zeroth Dragon..."

"...right." Yozora nodded. "Thanks, Ryuzu." Ryuzaki turned to look at Yozora, before looking away with a frown.

Next time on Z World:

#18: England

"Hello, hello, welcome to home of the Queen, tea, roadmen and right idiots! England!!"

"Should we be wary of acid attacks?"

"Wow, Kotaro! I didn't know you spoke english!"

"I've done kendo before..."

"Ayato... I've heard that name before."

"How about the shankers?"

"Oh, yeah, it's quite different. I used to live in Japan actually. Reason why I know the language pretty well. Mixing in with these folks just helped out my English." Marie chuckled. "Anyways, my house is a little ahead this path."



Well, here's chapter 17! This is the collective 100th chapter of Cray's Collapse and Z World! Woop woop!

Anyways, the plot thickens!

Ryuzaki: This chapter was 7.8/10, too much water

Quite literally too...

Btw, I was originally going to make this a naked Cardfight between Ryuzaki and Callum while they were on the yacht as it sailed down the Tagus river. But guess who stopped me >.>

Ryuzaki: Yourself?

No— wait a minute...

Ryuzaki: Fox has a massive brain

I was going to say the fans but... damn, yeah, it was me...

Ryuzaki: I got the real win here, since I don't have to show off my sweet sweet baby Heritage with my penis out

....there's so much wrong with that sentence...

Ryuzaki: My heritage exists because of my great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great ~~DAIYUUUUUUUUUUSHA~~ grandad's penis.

But you're a clone?

Ryuzaki: Or am I

Someone get this man his origin story

Ryuzaki: Available in the C4 OVAs, if Shida can get his lazy ass to write it


Ryuzaki: ~~I swear I'm not a clone~~

That's what they all say...

Ryuzaki: Nee, nee, Fokkun, will I ever get a Cardfight?

In like 30 chapters you do

Ryuzaki: Well shit.

Well, please kindly fuck off to your dimension and tell Ryu to stop sending characters into the Author's Notes!

Ryuzaki: Sure. *disappears*

Thank God...

That's all, Fox out!

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