Random Waltz

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I'm exhausted, but before I go alseep on the bus that I'm in, I want to say that I am alive. Well thank Calculus homework packets that take away so much time from me. And going to tutorials for literally every class but APUSH.

Right now I came from a campus tour of UT Austin. Definitely reaffirmed my decision to go out of state. I need a smaller school, as my feet are currently killing me. The rain didn't help at all. Nor walking up and down hills to get to places. Did I forget to mention that I woke up at five in the morning?

Okay, it wasn't so bad. I went to some panels that talked about video game designs, virtual reality, the psychological side to music, and the general career of cinematography. I also went to plenty of places such as Starbucks, where I then played card games as I drank a mocha.

As in life in general, I've been great. Seriously, need to catch up with all the recent books that I've been seeing on Wattpad. Not to mention making some time to actually talk to people, but that might not happen until an actual week.

So I hope that you're doing well. For now, I'll fall asleep on the bus so when I do get home I can watch soccer games and relax. And worry about homework that I have. Bye for now!

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