3. 1

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It's autumn. The leafs around have a beautiful shade of red and yellow. The setting sun let's her light shin at them in the right angle to let them glow. I want to stop and take a good look at this beautiful landscape but I certainly can't. I hear yelling people who scream some commands. "GET HIM ALIFE!" "DON'T LET HIM GO!"  they scream. The only thought that crosses my mind is 'RUN!' so I do it. I run as fast and as far as my feet can carry me. The cold air hits my face and let's it heat up but I can't stop! Not now! The armed crowd runs after me but kind of got away. I don't know how, they just disappeared. How weird...
However, when I noticed that there isn't anyone after me now I stopped. 'Where am I?' I ask myself.
Right now I am still in a forest.. But this can't be the same one! Everything around me seems sick and gives me chills. There is no bird chirping and anything like that. Just me breathing and the dry leaves under my feet.

I walked a little deeper, just to be sure and ended up in the middle of nowhere. Again. I can't go around forever. I have to take a break and think about what's coming next. I escaped but now I have to survive.
This gives me a dejavu... This is just like when I was in the so called psychiatry. I will always have to accept my fate and do what other people want me to do. It has always been like that. I should look around for a good place to hide. There is a large tree right next to me and it seems to be in a good condition. So I climb it up and sit down on a stable and high branch.

A strange noise wakes me up. I jump a little before I control myself. 'When did I fall asleep!?'  I haven't realised that there was someone else until I see a guy with a yellow hoodie and black mask which covers his face completely. Drawn on the mask is a red frowning smiley. The way he moves his hands shows me that he is really frustrated by something. Soon after the first guy follows another guy. He wears a brown striped jacket and orange goggles. There are two hatchets attached to his belt and his jeans are muddy bloody and torn. The hatchets reflect the light of the moon right at me. Wait moonlight? Does this mean I only slept for a few hours? That can't be true! Maybe I slept for more than a day? That also doesn't sound realistic... However, I am curious what these guys are fighting about. Maybe I could get a new information that would help to get out of here? Like where I am or if there is a path to lead me out?

So I slowly climb down and make sure that I a m quiet. About 4 meters over the ground I sit on another branch and eavesdrop on the two strangers. "What if he gets hurt!? Boss would kill us!" the hoody guy states."C-chill! It's no-not like he is some k-kind of child! He's a-a grown up!" the other tries to calm him. 'so there is a third person somewhere around here!' just as I thought about it a smell reached my nose. It smells disgusting! Just like Bitchy after her 15 minute break outside! But who could be smoking right now? I look down left and up. Nothing! I can't find the source of the smell. Tired, I lay my head on my shoulder and continue to listen to the argument. When someone whispers into my ear "Shouldn't you be running by now?". Fearing what could meet my eyes I look to my right. There I was met with a white mask and feminine features on it. There sits a guy next to me. His right hand holding a cigarette and the other holding a gun. "You have one chance to tell me who you are and what you want. If you don't this pretty gun will shoot right into your head." he threatens. 'AND HOW TF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT?!' I really would like to keep my life but this guy is a great thread to me... Would it count as self defense if I push him down?... Who cares if someone finds me I go back either way!

As fast as I can I kick him down. Sadly he holds onto my foot.' This guy is stressing me more than the experiments!' There we are hanging from a tree and my thin arms holding us. And who would have guessed that now the other guys also noticed me? And guess what? They also have weapons and they way they are holding them tells me they already shoot people with it.
"Need a little help Masky?" the hoodie guy asks. "Very funny. Could you help me to get him down?".
"S-sure thing" twitchy guy answers Masky. Without hesitation he throws his hatchet and it landed right next to me in the branch.
'Perfect... This will be fun' feel the sarcasm! That's a disaster! I just escaped from hell, I don't need to visit the another one ! The branch breaks and I fall down, together with Masky. I try to land next to Masky so I could run right after but of course right after I try to get up, I have a gun pointed at my head. Situations like this happened dozen times before. Random guards wanted me to get out of my room. Even though the scientist said otherwise. They wanted me to get in trouble. 'You know what to do' a voice whispers. Yeah, they are right! I know exactly what to do. I grin at the hoodie guy provocatively. "What?! Do you think I won't shoot? Well guess what, we three are professional murders. "

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______________? ______? ___________
1010 words

There will be a part two of this chapter. It won't be as long as this but I will definitely make it. I hope you liked it! If so please leave a vote and if you didn't like it then please write in the comments what you didn't like. I will try to make it better.
I am going to sleep now.

Bey ~

Haru ~

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