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Previous :

"What?! Do you think I won't shoot?!
Well guess what we are professional murders!"

Now :

With a mocking gesture I act like I'm hurt by his words and put a hand over my the place where my heart's supposed to be. Within a second I get ready and a devilish grin appears on my face. My h/c hair hides the rest of my face. I was hopping to get a good fight soon. I look at the weapon I got from this guard. 'Only 3 bullets left... That means each has to hit the right target... Is there something else I could use?-'. Before I could look around for anything useful, I had to throw myself against the floor. How could I forget about the weapons that are pointed at me! Shit that was close. "Not bad.. Let's see if you can dodge everything!" the white masked guy said, well most likely screamed. The hoodie guy shoots 3 times. Right, left, down. I jump as high as I can and hold onto a branch. This was to close! I have to do something!

My intuition told me to go for the hooded guy. I run at him and pull him down to the ground with me. I see a knife hanging at his belt and grab it. Right before I could cost any damage the masky guy pushes me of. Now armed with a knife and a gun I may have a realistic chance of 10% to get out of this. "Why don't you give up? There is no way out of this.  There are three of us and you are only one! Just let us kill you!" the now not stuttering guy said. After everything I endured!? No! There is no way in hell I will give up.

Pov Toby :

The suddenly stern look on his face surprises me. Did I trigger something? That.. Can't be good.  He comes running at me and I swing my hatchet at him but he dodges in an inhuman speed. He tries to get me with the knife but I move aside. Just enough so that the wound would heal properly. The intruder looks surprised by the fact that I didn't even flinch. 'What now? Huh' I think. He runs right at Masky and slams his head against the tree. Was that a cracking sound? Did he really break Masky's head?!
Wait! He changed his tactics! The slamming against a tree didn't affect him that much. Like we know from our leader! He has a strong pain tolerance! I use the moment of confusion and throw a hatchet at this damn guy. He tries to dodge but it hits his shoulder and is stuck there. "Hoodie! Your turn!" I scream. But instead of Hoodie Masky makes his turn and shoots from a near distance.

The intruder grabs  the handle from my hatchet and uses the blade as a shield. Smart move and so fast! Without thinking I  rush to him in order to get my belonging back. With the knife, which he got from Hoodie, he stabs in my stomach erea. Like always it doesn't affect me. I loos a lot of blood but I can still get the hatchet back. With a fast speed I run back to my position.

Your pov:

I noticed that they have a really good teamwork and that they have all this planned out. The wound stings but I can endure this a little longer. It is silent and the atmosphere is so thick that you could cut it with a knife. When I heard clicking on both sides and a following explosion sound I knew what I needed to do. As fast as I could I doge the bullets but a bullet touches me on the upper arm. 'Shit!'
I shoot the yellow one in the right knee and the masked one in the left knee. They won't be so agile now. The last one has either a high pain tolerance or he doesn't feel pain. Which means I have to get him down. The others try to shoot me while I run to him but I dodge everything. Once I was there I loosened his belt and slam his head against another tree. I repeat it over and over again until I was sure that he was knocked out. Hoodie and Masky seem to be out of bullets but just to be sure I grab the knocked out boy and hold a gun against his head. With a head movement I show them to throw away their weapons. They understand and throw half of them away. I repeat the gesture but this time I pull the trigger halfway through. Hasty the throw the other weapons away.

Satisfied I let the boy slid to the ground and make my way out of there sight. I climb into a tree and jump to the next one. Just like a cat. With fast movements I got down on the ground because I can feel something is coming for me.
'Let's laugh death right in the face!'


I suck at writing fighting scenes but I did my best and I would like some feedback!

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