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3rd Pov :

The trio returned to the mansion when they treated there wounds. After a 10 minutes walk they reached the mansion. They enter without hesitation and were greeted by a certain demon. The eyeless man with a blue mask sighs and shakes his head in disbelief and annoyance . "You like to see me suffer, don't you?" he ask the returned proxies. "Maybe just a little bit. Could you call Slenderman?" the well known mask guy request. With a nod the cannibal left to find their boss who should be around his office. He finds him in the storage room roaming for food that he left there.
"Sorry to disturb you sir but Masky, Toby and Hoodie returned. Btw I put it in the fridge. The smell was really disturbing" with that said he turned around and walked to the infirmary.
Slenderman also made his way to the wanted informations. When he arrived he was surprised by an EJ who curses under his breath and a squealing Hoodie "Didn't I tell you to go easy?" the boys mutter a short sorry before Masky reasons "The boy has great potential. Of course we could've beat him in less than 10 minutes but where would be the fun! He seems to think about every detail before he does his next steps and he has a lot of stamina as well. His pain tolerance is not that good but it's perfect for starters. ".
" Well seems like we found a new member " Slenderman says." But you have to hurry! Toby got him really bad on his shoulder. He might just die out of blood loss "

The boy wandered around getting paranoid as the feeling of being watched grew. He looked around from time to time hoping that he would find any kind of clue. But there wasn't anything that could have been related to the stalker. He knows there must be something watching him. He walks deeper into the woods than he would like but going back could lead to some weird reunion with certain people.
After a while he came across a line. The almost dead looking trees stopped suddenly and trees with an unnatural dark color started to spread. He is about to cross the boarders. This would make him a victim and prey of multiple creatures. But when he caught a glimpse of something moving in the corner of his eyes he felt a weird force holding him back . This makes him stop his journey. Should he risk it? This could be dangerous.. but it could also be a trick to get him question his own decisions.. He looks at the wound on his shoulder. His treatment barely made any difference. He never had to do this by himself. The blood is still flowing out of his body painting his white clothes in a dark shade of red. 'Beautiful' the boy thinks.

Knowing that he would feel dizzy in a few minutes he sits down. 'How did Bitchy  say?.. Laughing death right in the face is the only way to end the suffer. Or something like that' she always said dumb shit like this. But at this moment he is starting to think that some of this might make sense. Who knows.
His arm slowly gets numb and moving it feels like cutting it off.

The sound of static plays in his ears making it hard to think. What is that? He looks up seeing nothing but this weird line made out of dead and cursed trees. Laughing at himself he gets up holding himself on a tree. Otherwise his legs would  give away. The sound gets louder and louder making his ears ringing. The feeling of being in danger increases and the paranoia fades away being replaced by adrenaline. He now knows that there is someone hiding from his sight. At the point where his ears start to bleed a tall and slender man appears in front of him. He looks up to see the face of his new acquaintance. 'No face?'
The creature has pale white skin and on his face was everything missing. He even doesn't have ears.
The static makes his ears bleed. 'And who the fuck are you supposed to be?' the boy thought as he felt blood dripping down his face. " I can help you." the creature says. 'How!? How do you speak? That's weird! But if I think about it.
.. You're the best weird thing I ever met' a picture appears in his mind. It's one of the terrible methods to get a reaction out of him. Some woman stood in front of him and pulled her shirt of to expose her naked chest while he got shocked on this damn chair. Everytime he thinks about it he cringes at the memories. The slender man also seems to cringe.
"Understandable". 'Seems like you can read minds.. what was your offer and please hurry I am starting to loos consciousness' the boy states. "Ofcours. I want you to join me and my.. helpers. You would have to do a few tasks and in return you get a room, food, freedom and you could train your strength"  the creature's offer is good and has nothing to complain about. 'uhm... Sure, why not' with that said he feels his legs loosing strength. He prepares for the impact when he starts to break down as he was no longer able to hold himself. But the impact doesn't come. His new boss holds him up with one of his tendrils. After that he gets embraced by the dark and comfy void.

Slenderman carries the boy to the mansion since teleporting could possibly kill him. As he reachs it the trio is already in front waiting for him to return. Nobody questions his decision and moves aside as he walks in the halls. He gives the boy to EJ. The demon sighs and turns around to walk in the other direction. 'I just want to eat something! Is that to much to ask?' he whines in his mind.

When M/n starts to wake up he hears muffled noises and cursing
He tries to open his eyes but the blood loss was to strong and his body to weak. The permanent torture weakened it making it impossible for the subject to escape. But he did and he wouldn't let this weakness get the best of him. The demon noticed the struggle of the boy and hopes that he won't wake up to fast. EJ is exhausted. He hasn't eat for a while now and there are constantly people wanting something from him. No wonder he accidentally dropped his scalpel. It's now stuck in the leg of his new patient...
Not good! Not good at all! The blood that could be coming out of his wound might actually kill him! If he hit the aorta... Seeing the death already coming makes his hand move on there own. With one move he gets the scalpel out and grabs something to clean the wound. It's pretty deep but not to deep. If he acts fast this guy might live..

As the teen finally wakes up he noticed a slight itching. As he sees the new ^scratch^ he wonders what might have happened. "Ah! Sleeping beauty is finally awake!"
the technically blind man states.
'What or who the fuck is sleeping beauty?' M/n asks himself. "Not gonna talk? Then I am gonna call the boss and then I can finally eat something!" the man with the blue mask says after he waited for an answer. Since he had to watch the boy he didn't have time to get food or leave for other businesses ..
Annoyed isn't the right word anymore, you would have to say pissed..
" You don't have to call me.. You are excused.. Get something to eat and sleep for at least two hours."
With a nod the male leaves the others to get the promised meal.
"Hello M/n, how are you? "  his new boss asks. ' I feel like a bag of shit..'
"You lost a lot of blood out there"
M/n clearly hears the worry in voice. He knows that there is something else he wants to say but he keeps it from him for the time being. 'I experienced worse..'
"I figured that. I just want to warn you. There might be people who you don't like or more likely hate but pleas refrain from killing them.. And if you want to go in the woods or somewhere else, you have to inform me. Understood?" the tone tells M/n to nod and to not question his decision. But who could be meant with hate? There are a few persons who could fit but nothing special.. 'He doesn't mean this guy, does he?'...

Slenderman took M/n to the living room as he made sure he was alright. In the living room wait a bunch of men women creatures and not defined beings. They all got called for a meeting. "Hello my children! Today I want you to introduce you to the newest member. His name is M/n L/n. He doesn't has a killer name yet but I hope this will change soon. And just to make sure, I want Ann and Jeff to be careful around him."  Slenderman speaks after they positioned them selves infront of the crowd. Ann is a little confused but accepts the fact that M/n might has a complicated past. But Jeff, oh boy.. He looked at his superior like he just made a ridiculous joke.  "Jeff, I'm not joking." he tries but Jeff is stubborn and just laughed.
'This laugh..' bursting in rage M/n closes his fists ' He should watch his mouth..' nobody noticed the sudden change in the boys eyes as Jeff spoke "What's he gonna do? Try to kill me?"
Everyone thinks the same. But Jeff should hold his mouth now. The shell of the teen is slowly breaking. But this psycho didn't even think about it. "He's just like his pathetic mother! Useless and stubborn! No wonder your father left!" again with this crazy laugh. M/n couldn't hold it anymore and let's go. Right after it appears behind Jeff.

1744 words! Almost 2000!
By the way! Thanks for over 100 reads! I hope you enjoy the story so far but now I have a few questions.

Do you have some creative girl, boy and non-binary names for me? I would also like last names (I just don't have the energy to think of one)

Is my writing alright?

How many chapters should I make?

Do you want an q&a?

Any suggestions for better plot twists?


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