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This story already has almost 200 reads! That's so much if I compare that to my laziness.. ^^''
I'm working on changing that(my laziness)..
3rd pov:
As M/n sees the horrofied looks of most of the creepypasta and how they get in a fighting position,he quickly snaps out of it. The shadow that started to grow behind Jeff and started to disappear again. 'I need to learn how to control that' he thought to himself. His fist are clenched to a fist and his nails are drilling into his skin. His only thought is about controlling himself, he doesn't notice the blood that drips from his hand. With a somehow worried look Slenderman watches their new member. Jeff continues his rant about how useless M/n and his mother are. How pathetic the last act of love was. That her sacrifice was for nothing and that he wouldn't do this mistake. Right now M/n wishes he could speak and tell him to stop but these damn scientist made it impossible. People like Hoodie, Masky, Toby and others still watch closely for the shadow that just disappeared. As they look around they notice the blood that drips down from the boys hand. "Hey kid.. Are you alright?.." asks Hoodie in a worried manner . Everyone now turns to the teen and have a look of worry, well besides EJ. He just sighs annoyed.

He slowly nods but keeps on looking at Jeff with a hateful look. Slenderman sighs and shakes his head."I will explain everything  now.. M/n here is.. well mute..".
Jeff uses the chance and laughs again. "The freak can't even speak and defend himself!". This time Jane couldn't hold it anymore. "Says the one that has to use eydrops every half hour or his eyes will dry out because you had the great idea to cut your eyelids off! So don't act like the little bitch you are and let Slenderman speak!"
The serial killer was taken back from this. Nobody dared to speak to him like this until now. He chuckle in a deep tone and shakes his head like a disappointed teacher."Says the one that got bleached from me..you don't get to tell me what to do!".
The teenager had enough, he couldn't just let Jeff do what ever he wants! Someone had to get Jeff back to the ground. He loosens his fist takes a deep breath and concentrates on the shadows behind Jeff. The shadow starts to rise and grow. He let's the shadow grab the shadow of a knife that lays around, while an other shadow holds Jeff feet to the ground. "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?" the victim screams in disbelief. The shadows grib tightens. He can't get away now.
"M/n.. Let him go. We don't have that many resources.." Slenderman tried to reason. Jeff on the other hand is utterly scarred. He can't move nor get the shadows to let go of him. He can't even touch them.
M/n rolls his eyes but let's Jeff go.
Jane snickered at Jeffs helpless face as he falls to the ground. It seems like Slenderman talks to Jeff telepathically because, not even one minute later, he apologizes and stays silent for the rest of the introduction.

The teen figured he wouldn't be able to memorize them all so he made a list. He even wrote down a few Infos next to some names. For example he wrote next to Janes name that she hates Jeff as much as he does and that they would get along quite well or Toby, he has tourett and got problems with speaking sometimes, he is energetic but annoying at some points. But the only things that stands next to Jeffs name is a self drawn skull with a few cracks. Everyone noticed that and got a bit surprised by the teen that analysis them within seconds. Jeff on the other hand got the message and leaves the boy alone
'I don't want to forget their names.. That could bring great confusion into my list'
"M/n. I don't want you to ever do this again. Not towards one of my workers" Slenderman says in a cold and stern voice. His non existing face would show the same expression as his voice does. M/n furrows his eyebrows something is unfitting. He had this feeling more often than he should and as his gaze wandered around the room, he could see something hiding in the shadow he used to control. It was grinning and laughing at him. But.. Who is that? He didn't answer for a while and for some reasons, Slenderman can't read his mind. It's like something is blocking him out.
After a minute or so, M/n snapped back to reality. The face disappeared and so did the laughter of it. Slenderman now could search through his mind but certain memories are still protected by the block. "M/n... What did you see?" Slenderman asks worried, that wasn't usual. This was something serious! 'It... It doesn't matter'
"To my office. NOW"

Your pov:
With a hanging head and a snickering Jeff in the background, I leave to the long corridor. These hallways look like theirs... This.. ^hospital^ surly left marks on my soul.. However, I should worry about Slenderman.. He has been more quiet the past few minutes. Sure he wasn't talkative before, but now he doesn't talk at all and you could feel how angry he is from a 10 meter distance. What did I even do? I was just spacing out a bit? Or is it because of Jeff? Or my list? I don't know what I did wrong. Soon I could see the gigantic door on the end of the hallway. It's painted pitch black and has a golden frame. This also looks odly familiar to me..
Slenderman opens the door and motions me to go inside. He shortly after follows me and sits down behind his desk. I have never seen a desk that was that neat and clean.
He clears his throat and speaks codly "M/n.. What was that? Explain"

' The shadow thing or the spacing out thing?'
I sigh defeated. 'Alright. I bet you already know where I come from and I bet you already know about their tactics and experiments. Such as letting patients kill each other, torturing them physical and mental?
But do you know about the underground projects?'
"No? Tell me about it"
' 100 subjects, all human and 100 assigned scientist. Each scientist had a diffrent sampls of an untested medicine. The subjects had to be young and shouldn't have any one left in their life, not even friends. 12 died in the first two days. The liquids destroyed them from inside after it got injected. They melt their veins and later their whole body structure. The thing that was left from it was a puddle of the injected liquid. Another 10 days later, 20 committed suicide. Their liquids made them go insane.
38 have gone wild and had to be killed. The rest of them got scarred and some scientists hesitated, was it really worth the 70 life's? No, they all thought so, but they didn't stop. After 1 year, there were first signs of some sort of success. 2 children could somehow control objects, telekinesis! But the concentration made veins in their had pop.. They died in an instant. The last 28 also started to slowly fall apart, until only one object was left. That had shut themselves inside their room. For 3 years.'
Slenderman looks confused, even though he got no face. "How do you know about that?"
' Subject 087..that's me. They convinced me to leave the room and in exchange for cooperating I get food everyday. That was better than starving. With time my greyish eye colour changed and my hair slightly grew into a weird mix of f/c
and my original hair colour. Shortly after I learned to control shadows and form them. They talked to me, kept me sane.. I even got a few human like beings.. Even though they don't have a face, they smiled and laughed with me. The certainly can interact with objects and listen to my command...is that all you wanted to know?'
"... No, I actually also wanted to know what your killer name should be?"
I think for a moment before I make my decision. This is something that can't be changed easily.
' Masked Nightmare.. That will be my killer name! '
"very well then, I wish you a great first day and I hope you'll enjoy being here and don't regret your choice"
Slenderman says his final words and I can finally leave. Maybe I could make some friends?

________________! __________________
I should have slept less.. 8 houres sleep is to much and for isn't enough.. I will go with 6 today.
Leave a vote and you might be surprised later on~

Bey ~
Hope you enjoyed it and please let me know if you have any questions or found any mistakes!

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