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A/n: I think I ruined my sleep schedule with all this nonsense worries like:

Why can't I be better?
Are my grades good enough?
Is my writing alright?
Why am I so lazy?
Things like this.
So here I am writing bullshit again! Yay! Comment if you read this dessert of creativity! And maybe leave a vote.. Pretty please?..
I'm desperate..
However let's move on!

Living with all this creeps is difficult. Non of them notice how annoyed I am when they bother me with nonsense. I basically lived in isolation for a couple of years, I don't know how nor want to socialize with them. Jeff convinced a few of them that I am able to speak and just don't want to. That's bullshit! I tried often and I always just coughed blood when I did. LJ tried to give me poisoned candy, Sally and BEN jump out of every corner and I swear, this perverted copy of Slenderman follows me around everywhere. I skipped every meal and if I consider that I haven't eaten in several days, I would say that I have the right to be mad!

I am hiding in my room, hoping that they don't come in without permission. I locked every door and every window. I even mad sure that my closet was clear and that no one is hiding under my bed. Paranoia isn't something new to me, but I never had to check under my bed. I lay down on my bed and relax for the first time in a while, after I made sure, nobody is in my room. But I got interrupted by a constant and eager knocking on my door. I wish I could scream at the person in front of the door and make clear how mad I am. Lazily I walk to the door and open it just to reveal a grinning Toby. I raise an eybrow and look at him, a bit annoyed.
"He-hey m/n.. W-we want-wanted to ask if y-you want to eat w-with us?"
His stuttering got a bit better. Maybe because he is more comfortable around me now?.. I don't wanna know what happened to him. He probably got screamed at more than enough to make the stuttering worse. I hesitate and look like I need to think about it first. I don't know what will await me at the dinning table, but I know that I need to eat, if I want to live a little longer.

With a nod and slight smile, that I force upon my face, I agree to eating with them.
It's like I turned on some light twitch. He got all excited and dragged me through the hallway and down to the dining room. As soon as I entered the room it went quiet. Even Jane and Jeff stopped fighting.
"Ah m/n good to see your going to eat with us!" Slenderman says. The atmosphere is a little awkward. I am just standing in the entrance, not really knowing what I should do, since I am used to being alone and eating alone. But hey, times change. Slenderman motions me to sit down next to Masky and next to Jeff and I, of course, do what he tells me to do. "So erm... What do you want to eat?" Masky asks, trying to change the mood in the room. I have a look over the table, it's not much but it's better than eating bread all day, right? I see a bunch of potatoes, beans and meat cooked in sauce. There was also toast and fruits. I point at an apple. I can't really eat more than an apple and dry toast due to the lack of food in the past few years. Masky nods and gives it to me, smiling and trying to act as friendly as possible. Jeff on the other hand, decides to stare at me with an unreadable face. After a few minutes he decides to grab my shoulder. I turn towards him and move his hand away from my shoulder. But typically Jeff, he just tightens his grip on my shoulder, threatening to break it, if I struggle to much. Jane gasps as she hears a small cracking sound in my shoulder. Once again, silence falls over the room.
The only thing that was heard was an annoyed sigh of EJ "Jeff, break his damn shoulder and I am going to turn you into a girl and stitch your mouth back together!" that was definetly not an empty threat and Jeff's knows this. He let's go and grumbly continues to eat. I can't help but to smile slightly,back in this lab/psychiatry with a bunch of wannabe scientist, I wouldn't even have got the chance that someone speaks up for me

Later I lay back on my bed and play around with the shadows and made all kind of forms. It has always been relaxing to just stay in the silence with no screams disturbing it. A idea popped up in my mind. What if I use the shadows for communication? I mean, if I can shape them I definetly can form letters.. But the tinier and complexer the form, the harder to keep them like that.. And letters have to be really tiny..or atleast I think they have to be.. I give it a try and concentrate on shaping small readable letters. I don't use words, just random letters to make it less difficult.

'It's harder than I thought it would be..'
I sense something walking through the hallway and stopping infront of my door. Whoever it is hesitates before knocking. The knock is loud and strong. The person is also definetly tall and heavy, since his footsteps were louder than usual. I suspect one of the Slender brothers, LJ or Jason the toymaker..
-"Come on~ Offender wants to
I sigh in my head and concentrate once again, letting words appear on my door. Offender jumps a little as he sees the letters, before reading them :

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
regret that we met,
fuck you

I made sure he read those words before letting them disappear again.

"Die" a deep voice sounds from behind the door,in the same moment gas slowly begins to fill the room. A deep laughter echoes through the hallway. He probably leans against the wall right now. But that doesn't matter now! I know this kind of situation. It's not the first time I get drugged this way. I learned how to out run this kind of situation. It smells sweet and disgustingly like cotton candy and bubble gum. I can only imagine what he uses this for. I open my windows and let the gas floot out of my room. Luckily I didn't forget how to unlock them..
I shake my head, since it gets a bit fuzzy from this sweet and luring smell..

Pov Offenderman:

I lean against the wall waiting for the drug to take place. Even though he opened the windows, he won't be able to outrun it. His room is flooded and the windows were opened too late. There are three possibilities, he comes out and runs right into my arms, he holds his breath until he passes out or he gives up and breathes in the chemical. Whatever it is, I'm ready to take him either way.. As far as I know, he is still a virgin.. That makes it even more fun! Other creeps look at me, shocked and staying away from the drug. Most of them got warned before I could even get to them.. Seems like they forgot to warn M/n.. How funny..
Suddenly a loud crack was could be heard and something falling afterwards. Then the door got slammed open and a M/n who doesn't seem to be affected at all comes out. He's angry.. Really angry.. How did he manage to keep his senses?..


I didn't forgot it! I was just... Uh... Distracted! Yeah! I was distracted! Now.. Where was I? Oh right! Have a good day/night and write me if you have new ideas!


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