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Al' Kaar retrieved a rope and a piece of cloth, contemplating how to capture the female argon still feasting when he suddenly noticed a distant figure.

Curiosity filled Al' Kaar's heart as he observed the black-robed creature, likely a human, walking alone in the desert.

Al' Kaar looked at Rilka, who was now licking the pot clean and sighed before resuming his search for the mysterious figure.

The figure in the black robe squatted down, picked something up from the sand, and continued walking. Al' Kaar took action, determined to know what the human was doing in the argons' territory.

"Rilka! Watch over Kamal! Don't her! I'll be back!" Al' Kaar shouted, glancing at the female argon one last time.

Rilka, her head out of the pot, frowned as she watched Al' Kaar sneak from cactus to cactus, his gaze fixed ahead. She shrugged and went back to tasting the leftover food.


Al' Kaar hurried his steps. The male argon moved agilely through the desert sands. The vast desert offered limited hiding spots, but it seemed unnecessary as the figure he trailed paid no attention to their surroundings.

The desert wind blew, revealing the black-robed figure's face. Al' Kaar's eyes widened.

Gray hair and pale white skin. A wizard! A rarely seen race. Ikh Da'af had once talked about a human legend that said humans created argons, while another tale depicted blue humans as sky creatures that fled from the heavens.

Regardless, one thing he was sure of was that wizards were dangerous for them. The pale-skinned race possessed the power to neutralize argons' regenerative abilities.

The Wizard suddenly turned, and Al' Kaar reflexively hid among cacti, although it wasn't the best spot given his blue skin. He had no better option.

The Wizard stood there for a while, looking in Al' Kaar's direction. The argon's heart raced with caution. His right hand was ready to unclasp the necklace key to release his neck restraint.

However, the human turned back and continued walking. Al' Kaar's face twisted in confusion. Could the Wizard be colorblind, unaware of my presence?

Al' Kaar waited until the Wizard was out of sight before he felt a slight vibration beneath the sand he lay on. A realization struck him.

Death Worm!

Al' Kaar stood up, formed a ready stance, and scanned his surroundings. The powerful tremors meant the monster was near.

A faint cry on the wind paled Al' Kaar's face. In the distance, Rilka had transformed and was ready to fly away, but it was too late. The giant worm struck, knocking her down.

Al' Kaar ran as fast as he could. Too many argons died because of the monstrous worm. He forgot about the Wizard and focused all his attention on saving Rilka.


Rilka rolled on the sand as the Death Worm spewed toxic slime. The female argon crawled and breathed fire at her foe.

The Death Worm writhed as the flames scorched its slimy skin, then slammed its body onto its would-be meal.

Rilka cried out in pain; one of her wings was pinned and torn. She spewed fire again to force the Death Worm away, giving her room to move.

Her wish came true. The Death Worm rose once more, but not to run away. The giant worm opened its mouth wide and spat a clear liquid directly onto her body.

Rilka was immobilized instantly. Her body convulsed, and her eyes widened.

The Death Worm's sharp teeth, dripping saliva, were just inches from her. Rilka's heart raced with fear. She wanted to live! She was young and hadn't even reproduced yet!

Rilka tried to calm herself but failed as the Death Worm lowered itself to swallow her. She had to see the pink cavity inside the monster's mouth that spread the foul odor.

Tears streamed from Rilka's eyes. She shouldn't have eaten so much earlier. Her stomach was too full, and her movements were sluggish.

They drew closer before a long chain with a knife at the end shot towards the Death Worm's lip and hooked onto it.

The Death Worm wriggled, trying to free itself. Droplets of saliva fell on Rilka repeatedly, causing her pain.

Rilka's wide-open eyes witnessed the scene. Al' Kaar, the peculiar man whose sanity she had doubted, grappled with the Death Worm. The male argon moved swiftly, coiling around the worm's body.

Rilka held her breath, her heart racing for a different reason now. Al' Kaar looked incredibly cool. The fear that had gripped her heart had turned into admiration.

The battle continued until Al' Kaar, with all his might, pulled the chain wrapped around the Death Worm's body, ending the monster's life.

Al' Kaar stood there, panting heavily. He wiped his weapon with his cloak's edge and returned it to his belt.

Carefully, Al' Kaar approached Rilka, who could only watch him, unable to move. He knelt to check on her.

"Damn monster!" Al' Kaar muttered when he saw Rilka's blistered skin from the slime.

He stood up and rushed towards Kamal, who couldn't escape because her irresponsible owner had tied her to a tree.

Al' Kaar ignored Kamal's complaints. He grabbed all the water bottles from the saddle and returned to Rilka, pouring water over her.

Rilka whimpered as her nerves relaxed. The female argon moved her fingers and toes slowly. Her action made Al' Kaar feel relieved.

"Calm down, I'll take you to the cave so you can rest," Al' Kaar said with a small smile.

He slid his right hand under Rilka's feet, embraced her, and stood, returned to her home.

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Copyright Luna S.Winterheart

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