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It was almost 10 pm and Shivaay was working on his laptop.

Anika entered the room with two plates of dinner.

A- Shivaay, What's wrong with you? You're continuously working since afternoon and you didn't came out for dinner too. You know that you're ill and it's not healthy for you to overwork or skip dinner.

Anika sat beside him but Shivaay was totally lost in the laptop.

A- Shivaay, are you listening to me? Okay. Come on have dinner.

S- Hmmm.. what's for dinner?

A- Noodles.

Shivaay looked at Anika with a chuckle.

S- Seriously, noodles as dinner?

Anika glared at him.

A- This is the only thing which I can cook without burning so shut up and start eating.

Anika said sternly and Shivaay chuckled at his cute wife.

S- Okay. Feed me.

Anika looked at him with widened eyes.

A- What? Me?

S- No. Your ghost. Come on baby. I'm working and you can feed me like a good wife and then I'll show you something.

Anika was in shock. Why was he behaving so loving and caring? Did his fever got worst?

S- What are you thinking, honey? Feed me, I'm hungry.

Shivaay said with a pout and Anika nodded in shock. She took the noodles in the fork and forwarded it towards him. Shivaay ate the first bite and smiled widely.

S- Ummm... Not baby, wifey. This is good. Come on you too have it.

Shivaay made her eat the noodles. They fed each other. After finishing dinner, Anika looked at him in Confusion.

A- But you said you were too busy to eat your dinner yourself then how did you feed me?

Shivaay chuckled and pecked her cheek.

S- Because my wifey is so cute. Now come on, I've to show you something.

Anika nodded her head and scooted a little closer to Shivaay.

Shivaay turned the laptop towards her.

S- Okay. So as we're starting our new business, we need a name of the business, some posters and logo and a place.

Anika nodded her head.

S- So have you decided any name?

A- Yes. I always wanted to name my company as 'Together till eternity'.

S- Done.

S- This is the main poster of the company.

S- And this is the logo. Did you like it?

Anika was stunned after looking at the poster and logo. It was so beautiful.

A- But how did you know the name of the company?

S- I might have saw your diary with all the details of the company.

Anika looked at him with widened eyes.

A- What? You cheat? You looked through my Diary. You know that it's bad manners, right.

Shivaay chuckled and pecked her cheek.

S- I know baby but I'll commit any crime to bring a smile to your face.

Anika looked at him with softened eyes and a blush covered her cheeks.

Shivaay smiled at her.

A- but what about place? We don't have anywhere where we can set up our office.

S- Who said we don't have a place?

Anika looked at him in shock and Shivaay smirked.

S- I've finalised this place. We'll take it on rent and then maybe later we can buy it.

A- Wow! This place is so beautiful.

S- hmm.. But we have to decorate it like office and hire some employees.

A- I don't think we should hire employees this soon. We're not even sure if this business will work or not. I've some temporary contacts who help me in wedding planning like decorators, caterers, etc. What do you think?

Shivaay was proud of his wife. He smiled at her.

S- As you say boss.

Shivaay said with a salute and Anika blushed.

S- I just hope we can start our work soon.

A- Hmm.

Shivaay rested his back on the wall behind the bed. He looked at Anika and spread his arm for her. Anika was hesitant for a moment but then she shifted closer to him and He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Anika slowly rested her head on his shoulder.

A- Shivaay?

S- Hmm..

A- What changed between us? You heard them right.

Shivaay looked at Anika in shock. How can Anika know him so well?

His eyes filled with tears.

S- I think you were right when you said that name and bloodline doesn't matter, it's the love which matters. I know I'm not perfect. I committed mistakes in the past. My biggest mistake was not treating you right. I'm sorry for treating you bad but I don't regret marrying you. I couldn't wish for a better wife than you. I'm sorry for everything I did. I lived half of my life, loving and caring for those who don't even like to take my name but I don't regret it. But now I want to live my life for the woman who actually cares for me.

Shivaay said while looking at Anika with a small smile.

Anika's eyes got filled with tears.

A- I'm sorry for what happened. I can't fill their absence but I'll try my best that you don't ever feel alone. I promise. Thank you Shivaay, for being with me.

Shivaay kissed her forehead.

S- I should be the one to thank you for always being there for me.

Anika smiled and rested her head on his chest.

Soon they both drifted into sleep in each other's arms, unaware of the storm coming their way.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter.😁😁

How was it?😊😊

Did you like the name of Shivika's wedding planning business?😅😅

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