Chapter 12

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"I wanna fire you so badly..." Chief Chloe muttered, her paw propping her head up. The tabby cat was glowering at Gidget. The pair were currently back at the police station in her office. And it was clear as day that the feline was not happy. Her head bowed, Gidget could feel those green eyes burrowing into her soul as her chief lectured her, "You left your post, took on a task that you have not been assigned to and the thief, who stole nothing but a bunch of seed packets, got away! Don't even get me started on the fact that a kid could've been killed if you hadn't done something. Should I add anything else?!"

"Yo Chief?" Duke's voice came over the intercom, "Daisy Shih is back."

"Keep her down there," Chloe replied. Looking back at Gidget, she was about to say something when the door to her office burst open and a Shih Tzu walked in. Duke soon followed. "I'm sorry Chief, I tried. She's too fast..." the mutt panted. Walking away, he mumbled, "I need another doughnut..."

"Please tell me you've found Hu," Daisy begged as she went right up to the chief's desk. The scowl on her face replaced with sympathy, Chloe looked down at the small dog as she spoke softly, "We're doing everything we can Miss Shih but there are other missing animals too-"

"He's my son."

"I know-"

"He's been missing for two weeks!"

"We're deploying the best of the best to find these missing animals-"

"I'll find him," Gidget declared. Both dog and cat looked over at the Pomeranian as she hopped down from the chair and repeated, "I'll find your son." Daisy looked overjoyed when she heard that. In fact, she went over and gave her a hug. Chloe, on the other hand, looked like she was going to explode. The tabby opened her mouth just as the assistant mayor Pops entered the room with a smile on his face. He rolled his wheelchair in as he exclaimed, "I hear that Officer Adams is on the case!"

Sighing heavily, Chief Chloe glared at Gidget as she hissed in a low voice, "Yes she is. And she's gonna do it in thirty six hours."

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