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I walk into the prison like building with my lab coat flapping in the wind. I don't know exactly where room 411 is, but I remain calm. If I accomplish this, then I will be one step closer to finding Caspian. To getting him back. I turn a corner professionally, smoothing my lab coat. ROOM 411. I see the bold letters right away. I pause in front of the door, wondering. Upon opening the door, I see an empty desk and an alphabetized filing cabinet. I look under H for Hayes-- Caspian Hayes. The file is the only one in the folder, so I grab it and tuck it into the pocket in the lining of my lab coat. Time to go, I thought. I close the fining cabinet and almost run into a woman coming into the room. Damn it! "Oh, hello dear! You must be new. I'm Doris." I smile at her, trying not to sweat. I meet her outstretched hand. "Hello Doris, I'm Claire." "Oh, I know dear. Welcome to Lab 13." I cringe at her sickening smile. "Would you like to see Caspian? I know you are very interested in his file. He truly is a star patient isn't he?" "How did you know--" "Oh dear, I know everything." She takes my arm and leads me into a bleached room. I see Caspian almost immediately. He's seduced by anesthesia. "He'll wake up in a few minutes, dear. Meanwhile, you can see what he's dreaming, or remembering, rather on the monitor here." She pointed to a small monitor with flashing images. I walk over to it, curious. First, I see an image of a girl's brilliant smile. Who is she? Then, an image of me, tears streaming down my face. I remember the day Caspian found me like that. It was two weeks after we had broken up. We were juniors. We had broken up after I found out that my cousin, Carter, had died in the war. I was devastated. Anyway, for whatever reason, I had been ridiculous with Caspian. I broke up with him. That, however had made my life so much worse. Firstly, I stopped eating-- especially at lunch time. I couldn't bring myself to even see my ex-boyfriend after what I had done to him. Even my obsession with lollipops waned. Their wrappers stopped littering my floor, and I became hollow. A shell of my former self. I had deep bags under my eyes because I couldn't sleep. Soon, the loss of Caspian had become bigger than Carter. Bigger than me. I became nothing without him-- not even a shell. My parents constantly worried about me, asking about friends, etc. that I could see. They knew it was too much for me to loose the two most important people in my life. One night, while I was shamelessly crying in my room, I heard commotion downstairs. I knew someone was at the door, but I couldn't register who it was. Before I knew it, Caspian was at my doorway, kneeling down next to me, calming me, soothing me. I stopped crying and grabbed a tissue. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, hugging him tightly. "Claire, my life has been shit without you-- are you kidding me?" "Mine has been worse." I sat up and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He brought me into his lap and I kissed him, over and over. I didn't stop until I heard my mom say "Oh, Caspian thank you for saving our daughter." I looked up at my mom embarrassed. Caspian hugged me and laughed. "With all due respect, Mrs. Winter, your daughter saved me." I could hear my mom's happy chirping as she left us alone. I was sitting in his lap, my arms around his neck. "Caspian I was a bitch, and I'm sorry." He nodded, and shifted so he could kiss me again. "I can't use words to describe what life was like without you." I kissed him, more wholly this time, and he kissed me back. "I missed you," I said truthfully. He shifted me again, reaching for the sketch pad underneath my bed. I let him bring me to the wall with him so he could draw. I sat on his lap, suddenly drowsy, and fell asleep. The next morning I had woken up in his arms. The sketch he had drawn was of me, vulnerable, crying, devastated. The screen went dark. I tuned around, seeing Doris checking Caspian's vitals. When Caspian wakes up, the first thing I see is his brown eyes. Shit! I'm trapped. Hoping that Doris is as slow as I think she is, I make a run for the door, successful. "Stop her! Looking behind me, I see six Caspian clones-- all with brown eyes running after me. Shit. I'm still running. The outside door is close, so I open it hurriedly. The limo is waiting outside. I run faster. Slamming the car door behind me, I look back. All six Caspian's were still running after me. "Drive!" I yell.

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