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The plan worked. I was successful. However, I still don't trust Alex. But I need to. I haven't looked at the file yet; but I haven't given it to him either. I wake up in the middle of the night, worried. Taking the file from underneath my pillow, I open it. I see dozens of pictures in a pile. The first one is of Caspian, sleeping peacefully. "Day 1" is inscribed at the top in scarlet ink. They must be pictures of Caspian every day at the institution, I thought. I skim through the mostly nondescript photos until I realize something. In many, a particular blonde headed girl is present. First, at lunch. Then, in a room I guess is for drawing. Even though the picture is blurry, I can see Caspian sketching, the girl watching him intently. I skip a few photos until I find one that was taken just a few days ago. What I see kills me. It's an image of Caspian kissing another girl; the same one as in the other pictures. I crumble. "Caspian," I whimper. I am hopeless now, dreamless. Lifeless. Soulless.  With a heavy heart, I continue to the other documents in the folder. There are seven; one for each cloning process. They describe in detail everything that had happened in the surgeries. Many, surprisingly, included dreams of me. Memories, as I perceive them, are described here. Maybe, I thought, there is hope for us in the future. I hope so, because no one can understand how much I need Caspian. Especially now. I skim through the other contents in the folder. I find a slit in the back, which contains a small yet thick envelope. My name is written on the front in what i now assume to be Doris' script handwriting. I open the envelope quietly, wondering if Doris had poisoned it with something like ricin. Opening the tightly folded letter, I pause, thinking about what could be inside. I soon realize that there is more than one piece of paper in the envelope. I decide to just open the letter first. It reads:
  Dearest Claire,
        I knew you would come for Caspian someday. A love like yours never fails. Even in the most difficult circumstances. I want to tell you everything. But I can't. Not yet. For now, I will only tell you what I can allow. Caspian is a star patient with excellent potential. We are rapidly continuing to develop our cloning process because of him. His DNA is, in a sense, picture perfect. Meet me in the room in which you got this letter on any day at noontime. I am counting on you.
  I decide that it's not safe to meet with her. So, instead I write back. The letter itself is brief:
  I don't trust you.
Eventually, I decide that the message isn't good or bad, but it would do. In reality, I haven't had a writing class in a year so I'm not expecting Shakespeare. This is beside the fact that it's three in the morning. Putting the letter back in the slit in the folder, I turn to the other sheets of paper. Unfolding the first, I gasp. It's a drawing of me, sitting in he dress I wore when I had first met Caspian's parents. I see the look on my face and remember what it was like to make it. When I see the small signature in the corner, I realize it's like a promise. Caspian hasn't given up on me. Not yet.

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