Chapter 21- Flights

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Word count- 5214
So, I fucked up.
I realise I've made John a completelylyly different person from what I meant to make him.
He was meant to have a slight overly awkward nerve, but during the story, he would develop into a confident person.
But I flipped the switch, now John doesn't act more confident, he acts more masculine.
Instead of what I mentioned above, he's gone from feminine to slightly masculine. Which is something that should NOT  in books?
This is not something that happens in real life, which real life is what I aimed for.
But... Ack. I'm pretty mad at myself. I'm just really disappointed with this shit.

"Do. You even. Realise. How early. It is." I growled.

"It's not that early, Alex. Get over it." John turned back to me and pushed up his glasses stubbornly, in a way to shut off any more of my 'bickering'. 3:22 am, on a Tuesday morning. And the flight to Paris was departing at 8 am. John was going to and fro from each room in the dorm, mildly humming. I, on the other hand, sat grouchily at the kitchen bench with no motivation or energy to notice what he was even doing.

The rest of the group were to meet up a block away at the SkyBus stop at 3:40. And John had just gotten me out of bed- and if it wasn't for that I would have stayed in bed. I had no motivation to wake up early like he did. And usually when I was forced out of bed I'd be a bitter mess, but that early morning my instincts decided that I would act like an actual child whose mother just woke them up for school. Seduction would not work on me this time.

I stubbornly stomped over to our couch and feeling the childish behaviour overthrow me, I collapsed head first onto the pillows. It took a while for John to come back into the living room and once I heard footsteps entering the room I turned over and narrowed my eyes towards John's figure, who was glaring down at me with daggers in his eyes.

"Get up, Alexander."  The couch was slim and it was quite easy to roll on the other side and just topple onto the ground, in which when John rolled me onto my other side, I crashed onto the floor with an enormous thud that nearly knocked the wind out of me.

I simply replied and crossed my arms. "No." At this point I wasn't even planning on falling back to sleep, I was already wide awake (yet I was somewhat delirious). I just wanted to annoy the crap out of John for waking me up. 

John groaned slightly and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Alexander, we don't have time for this! We have to leave soon!"

"I don't care." Jesus, I sound like a stuck up toddler. I mentally mumbled to myself- kicking my legs up and tossing myself back onto the couch.

He let out an exasperated breath. "Look, you want to go to France. Right?"


"Well, we won't be able to get there if you don't get your ass up." John finished with a snarl, turning away to the suitcases.

"Wow. Someone's snappy. No swearing." I sat up with a mutter.

John didn't look back, except twirled a small curly strand of his auburn hair. "Well, I'll just go to Paris without you and find a handsome baguette boyfriend to replace you."


After a pot load more of bickering and complaining, John finally managed to drag me out of the house with a sour expression- but soft enough to let anyone notice that he was only fooling around. Our stop was only an inch away from the Skybus stop, but there was no possible way we were going to walk a few blocks away at 3 am with two heavy suitcases in pitch black and 42 degrees.

John drove Eliza's smart car from the student car park area in the dark night as I slumped in the passenger seat. I was in no condition to drive with my behaviour, according to John. Our suitcases packed in the dark blue boot, the drive was voiceless and mute, even the car engine was hushed to a point of silence.

The car came to a halt, meters away from the Skybus where our friends awaited. John clutched his outstretched arms onto the wheel- almost as if he were straining- and sighed. "I hope I didn't hurt you, Alex."

I turned to him in alarm, completely dropping the childish act. "What? Why would you think that, sweet pea?"

"Hm..." John's shoulders tensed up and faced the window, turning away from me slightly. 'I just thought I might have been too rash on you."

"What- John! Of course, you weren't!" I reasoned, letting a small sympathetic smile creep at my lips, soon evolving into a playful smile as I spoke again, "if it's anything I was too harsh on you. I acted like a child, I don't want you to take it seriously. I was just fooling around."

John turned at me with a bitter expression and pursed lips. "Alex I knew you were playing. You're always acting like a child." He leaned over and scuffed up the top of my hair up. "Come on, the bus is coming soon," John added before clicking the car door open and swinging his legs out.

I let my tense shoulders fall and heaved, shutting my eyes and savouring a silent moment in the car. Just to unwind. Though I didn't do this regularly in front of John, I'd go into the bathroom and just turn the lights off, leaving me in utter darkness. This then is when my eyes get peace. A moment of peace and silence.

I finally open the door, pulling myself out of my comfortable position. John handed me my raggedy suitcase- indeed when I boarded the plane from the Caribbean to New York, my items were scarce and I did not have any extra money to buy wants. Only essentials. But with John around, he has been more than generous to me, expanding my belongings in a broad range from books to journals and all sorts. He's been more than enough in my life, and I thank whatever god there is up there for blessing me with the chance of meeting and engaging with John.

"Lex." John reached his spare hand out (his other hand occupied with his luggage) to cup my left cheek. "What's on your mind, hon."

I leaned in slightly to John's familiar, warm hand. Soft and pure. "I'm alright, John. I'm-"

"You SICKOS! Get your asses over here you lovebirds!" A slightly faint voice screeched from a space away from us two.

John and I stared dumbly yet knowingly at each other. "Peggy." John rolled his eyes with a sly smirk. We could already hear the shrilling whisper yells of her sisters scolding her for such childish behaviour in such early hours. "We're coming!" John called back in a soft tone, apparently too soft to hear from over near Peggy as she kept yelling.

The two of us set our luggage on the ground and strode over to the group: Angie, Theo, Burr, Eliza, and Peggy were gathered in front of the Skybus signpost next to a bench, Eliza of the five nearly close to suffocating Peggy as she kept her hand tightly around Peggy's mouth in attempt to shut her up.

Eliza turned to me with a plead for help in her black eyes. "Alex. She's a handful. You don't know how much shit she put us through this morning." The neatly sky blue dressed teen explained to me in Duplan with an exasperated tone.

"You look terrible." I complimented her in a mumble as a reply back. Eliza just glared at me with solid eyes and a sour expression, more so like the one, John wore moments before. A trace of a smile was stained on her lips as she inhaled a snort. Peggy took it as a good time to 'escape', visibly biting Eliza's palm that covered her mouth and let loose from Betsy's strong grip.

Angie walked up to John and I, much so after Eliza and Peggy took their fallout away from us. "How are you two this morning?"

"Mmm." I suddenly became overwhelmed with a sense of overprotection of John. I slumped my head on his shoulder and nuzzled into the crook of his shoulder blade.

John in return gave me a small affectionate pat on the head and started to tenderly rub a spot on my head. "Alex threw a hissy fit this morning. He's just tired, aren't you?" John looked down at me- we were around the same height, I was merely a few inches taller than John- so it was quite alarming to have to look up at John.

I nodded quietly and snuggled deeper into him, hugging his waist like a koala. John stiffened slightly, before clinging his arm around my waist as well in response.

"Oh god, you guys are too cute I swear on Peggy's grave." Angie chuckled, giving John a pat on the shoulder.

Behind Angie, Peggy called out from Eliza's grasp. "I thought Phillip was your least favourite sibling." She grumbled menacingly, almost like a taunt or a threat. Eliza only rolled her eyes and seemed to be completely done and fed up with her sisters and their bickering.

"Phillip is my least favourite brother. You're my least favourite sister." Angie snapped back with a hint of amusement.

I sighed, leaning off of John but tugging his hand and leading him to the bench seat and sliding down. My body rested at ease and I could almost feel the mechanism and gears in my system slowing down to rest. John sat down beside me, quietly examining me with peaceful eyes. My eyes, on the other hand, were nodding off and hardly staying open. I could faintly watch on as John brushed a piece of hair out of my face, which had lead to stroking my cheek ever so softly. Any contact with him made me shudder. The mere thought of John anywhere near me made my heart sting sickly sweet.

"You can lean on me and doze off, Lex." John softly spoke in my ear, and I obliged with appreciation. With a slight shrug, I tilted my head on his shoulder and added my body weight onto his. I felt so comfortable and at home, even with the slightly chilly breeze and the sound of Peggy's gay screeches.

"Here, you should try listening to this," I suggested softly, bringing my right earbud to Alex's ear. The Schuylers, Alexander and I had taken the five seats at the back of the Skybus- Herc and Laf taking a double seater on the right, and burr, Maria and Theodosia took a three-seater on the other side of us.

Merely 10 minutes after we arrived at the Skybus stop, the bus came to pick us up- and along with that, I noticed that Alexander was quite drowsy and swayed slightly when standing. Nearly as soon as we sat down in our seats, his head drooped to one side and he started breathing heavily. I frowned as he tossed and turned to reach a state of rest, so I decided to lend him an earbud with my music playing. It was a mix of calm lo-fi beats that I discovered the evening before our departure. It helped me relax quite easily, and I thought that it might be able to sooth Lex.

He took the earbud hesitantly, plugging it in his ear and leaning back in his seat and slightly tilting his head towards me. He looked peaceful, yet for only a moment. Alex leaned forward again and sighed heavily. "I can't sleep."

I looked up from my iPad which I was currently reading a story on, and frowned. "Huh?"

"It's not working," Alex mumbled.

"What, the music?" I took the earplugs from him gently so that I had hold of both earplugs, and listened from both.

Alex shook his head with a drowsy smile. From the corner of his lips, I noticed a ditzy trail of a smile. "no, I mean the sleeping part. It's not happening."

"You mean you won't do it?" I asked, stifling a giggle.

"No, it's just... It's not coming naturally."

"Oh." my mouth fell into the shape of an 'o' as I nodded in understanding. "Is this okay?" I muttered as I snaked my arms around his waist and pulled him closer towards me, keeping mind of the seatbelt that set us apart. His body was now closer next to my side. My heart subconsciously pumped itself full of rainbows instead of blood.

"Mhm. T-Thankyou." Alex mumbled, sniffing and snuggling into my neck and letting his warm breath tingle on my skin.

"did you do that on purpose so you could be closer to me?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Yea." Alex straight up admitted with no hesitation. "I love you."

I tensed up. My stomach squeezed into a knot. "Mm- yes."

"John?" Alex murmured, slightly wonder-eyed.

"Mhm." I forced the tightening in my stomach to cease and caused my stomach to squirm with pain. Stop making this harder than it should be, John. You're overcomplicating things. You don't need to act like this. It's not about you. Stop being an attention whore. Stop thinking. Stop thinking. Stop breathing-

"I love you too," I replied with a weak smile and leaning back again.

After four hours of putting up with drowsy Alex, I finally came to an understanding.

Alex hasn't had coffee all morning.

And this wasn't good.

We had entered the airport close to 5 am, yet Alexander was still sleepy as heck. Nearly knocking into walls, stumbling on his own feet, and even more, he had been most ever affectionate to me. He had hardly left my side the entire walkthrough. Only when he had to be scanned by the metal detector would he part from me, in which he didn't seem to like. He was on the urge of snapping at the man who scanned him and laughed at Alex's feeble attitude.

Yet I didn't laugh. This wasn't good for me. This wasn't good for Alex. This wasn't good for anyone. I slithered over to Eliza and out of sight of Alexander and uttered, "We gotta get Alex some coffee ASAP. before he does something that will get us into shits."

"Dear God, he needs it before the devil strikes upon us all. Who said you could swear?" Eliza smacked my arm playfully and strutted away laughing.

I rolled my eyes, turning to Alex as he was finishing his overly long metal detector scan. The man smiled in satisfaction before releasing Alex from holding him up and gave us a wave. I waved back awkwardly, unlike Alex, who didn't wave at all. He took the fingertips of my hand drowsily and rubbed them against his own fingers as we walked with our luggage to the food court. Thank God.

"Alex, hon, you want something to eat?" I murmured in his ear and nudged him.

Alex shrugged and leaned into me and nearly falling over. "Coffee."

"Oh, I'm definitely getting you that." I teased with a smirk, "But you need something else. A sustaining breakfast."

"Who the fuck eats breakfast at 5 in the morning." Alex groaned, hiding his face in the depts of my jacket. I laughed heartedly and pulled his hair from his face. "Fine." Alex sighed with an exaggeration on the 'i' and dragging it out, "But we're getting Maccas, kay?"

I snorted in disbelief. "You think we'd go anywhere else?"

"Eh. You said once Starbucks was better. But then again Starbucks doesn't make full meals, so it wouldn't work. Wait, do you think there's a Starbucks here?"

"Maybe? I'm not letting you have too much coffee though." I rolled my eyes.

Aaron and Theo causally scooted over to us. "Where are you guys getting food from?" Theo glanced down at her watch as she spoke, "We have to be at the gate at 6 am."

"Maccas," I replied shortly at once.

Aaron nodded. "So that's four who want MacDonald's... three for Wendy's, two for Starbucks and one person that wants Burger King."

"Wait, so there is a Starbucks?" Alex asked with hope, noticeably becoming more perk and awake from the topic of food. More or so coffee. When Theo inserted a nod in response, Alexander rose from my shoulder and grabbed my hands. "I've changed my mind. I need Starbucks."

"Oh dear. You're definitely going to be awake all day now." I groaned slightly, then smiling at the face Alexander was making. Any face Alexander makes I'd smile at. God, he was too handsome and lovable for me to not think that. "Fine."

"Yesh. John, you are the best boyfriend I've ever had. Please don't dump me for a handsome baguette boyfriend." Alex pleaded mockingly. I grinned ear to ear. Such a dork.

"Very funny, Alex."

"This aeroplane treating you well?" I turned toward Alex, who seemed to be fretting slightly. His coffee from Starbucks, which he still hadn't finished, had to, unfortunately, be thrown into the bin. We had managed to get in the plane before departure and took our seats eagerly waiting for takeoff.

Angie, Eliza and Theodosia had the first row of seats we booked, then Alexander and I (along with a spare seat for another traveller), then Peggy and Maria (who were sandwiching a lady in between them when we had taken our seats, the lady was already there and no one thought to ask her to move, so Peggy and Maria gave peach other glances of panic as the lady sat between them.) and then Herc, Laf and Aaron.

"Mhm. John." Alex looked towards me. Dead in the eye.

I took out my earphones and faced him in return. "Yeah, hon?"

"I'm a bit scared," Alex admitted, biting his bottom lip.

I frowned. "Oh. What of?" This was unusual for Alexander. I hadn't known a lot about his life behind but I sort of got the jist that it wasn't a story that could be commonly threaded into a dinner table conversation.

What does this have to do with it, John? Stop overthinking.

"Just of planes. There were a lot of dodgy planes in Nevis, where I came from. A lot of flights failed, and no one preferred going by plane, thinking it would almost certainly crash." Alex explained with a small sigh. He didn't like talking about his life, I could tell. He tended to become slightly uncomfortable, shifting in his seat and scratching the left side of his nose where his stress spot was. "I uh, now whenever I think of aeroplanes it has a bit of a negative view, you know? It's not really that bad though."

"Ah." I grabbed his left hand and squeezed it tightly with fond eyes. "Its okay, I'm here the whole time."'

Alex let out a snort and his fingers balled up as he laughed, his nose scrunching up. "God, you're so cheesy."

I began to retort, but the Captain's voice began playing over the speakers. We whipped our heads around, watching as the staff started to instruct us of safety. I was not new to any of this, so I just gazed out the window for a solid few minutes. There had been countless family trips overseas, to boost my father's reputation in politics of course. What else would it be- to spend time with his family and enjoy the lovely moments? Most uncertainty. He treated all of us with respect, but when it came to spending family time, he abandoned us and went out for dinner with folks. Mother was in with it as well, both of them.

My thoughts snapped back when a slight jolt of the aircraft stirred me. The staff had disappeared into the cabins, signalling that the plane was about to take flight. Alex had his eyes set dead in front of him, grasping at the armrest in search of my hand. I rested mine on his when I noticed that it was glossy and trembling.

"Hey, you okay?" I glanced over and made slight eye contact with him.

"Mhm." Alex nodded feebly. The plane started to rumble and slightly roll across the tarmac endlessly.

I leaned into Alex so that we could talk at a normal level. "Get ready, k? It's gonna be a bit bumpy at first."

Alex snickered nervously. "You could have made a sex joke out of that, but you didn't. I'm disappointed in y-you... Okay." He stopped slightly when the plane started going at a faster pace, turning on the tarmac. "John, I'm scared. John, John." The noises from the engines were roaring like a furious beast at this point, and I could hardly hear anyone else over the loud hisses of tires.

Alex's grip on my hand was turning into a death grip, though I managed. His eyes were shut extremely tight and facing down. "It's okay." I murmured to him. "You're fine."

The plane finally lifted off the ground and I could feel my weight flying away with the plane and becoming light. As I had the window seat, I flickered my gaze to outside. After a few moments, the sea was visible, and the plane was dancing in the clouds far above the water. The small pearl waves that created a flurry of white foam looked like specks of glitter and dust in a massive carpet of sea blue. It was magical.

"Lex, have a look, " I muttered, tugging at his hand. Alex finally cracked open an eye and gazed outside into the whirling clouds around us.

"It's beautiful." Alexander marvelled with big, curious eyes.


Now the rest of these chapters are Frenchy things because I don't in France and have not a thoting idea of what it's like. I'm going off miraculous Ladybug so fite me
This.... This is not intercourse, but it's a make-out session. Pray for me oh god.

Third Person
"Named under Marquis de Lafayette?" A lady with a thick French accent spoke at the reception of our hotel. She had a pearly white smile and moles on her neck.

"Oui." Laf grinned. "Mes Amis et moi sommes très excités de visiter Paris, pas beaucoup ont été ici avant." ("My friends and I are very excited to visit Paris, not many have been here before.")

"Oui, oui. Enjoy your stay, and Au revoir!" the woman called out steadily. We set our bags down onto a trolley that out delivers our luggage to our rooms, hopping into the elevator one by one. Alex slumped his head on John's shoulder as the lift moved up.

"what time is it," Peggy mumbled and rubbed her eyes. Any comment about lyric chains will be fucking deleted.

Hercules leaned against the elevator wall with exhaustion. "9 fucking pm." He sighed.

"Jesus, it took us that long to find our way through that airport?" Angelica chuckled light heartedly.

"3 hours," I added.

Burr added a facepalm to the mix. All of us were crazily exhausted and had no strength to do anything. "You know, why don't we just go to our rooms and sleep?"

"I was hoping someone would say that!" Peggy wailed, more emotional than A four-year-old girl whose ice cream dropped on the fucking concrete.

"why didn't you say it, you thot?" Theodosia giggled teasingly.

"Cant be bothered."

We stood in silence for another second before John piped up, "Um, Angie?"


"You have the key card, right?"


"To pick a level so the elevator will start moving, right?"

Angie's eyes widened in understanding, "oh. Fuck. I forgot to start the elevator." she mumbled, causing everyone to laugh endlessly.

Once Angie picked the floor we were instructed with (level 26), the elevator open moments after and we all stumbled out with drowsy eyes. Alex felt like he was the only one that wasn't groggy. Nor was John.

There was a row of doors that marked a different hotel room, along with candles next to each one to set the luminous scenery.

"It's beautiful." Eliza breathed out, bounding to Angelica and ripping the keycard from her hand and swiping the mechanic device on the door, which was assumed to be a digital lock. The door opened successfully, and she and Peggy wandered inside.

"Keep your voices down, you two! There are others sleeping on this floor." Theo called out.

Angie butt in. "actually, there aren't. There are only enough rooms for the pairs we were assigned beforehand- five." she replied with a smirk.

"We booked a private level," Laf added with a grin, high fiving Angie and failing massively, ending up laughing on the ground.

After a brief discussion, the group split ways into their different rooms and "calling" beds. John and Alexander took the second room to the lift, in the middle of Maria and Peggy's room and Aaron and Theo's room. Alex slammed the door, locked it behind them and slid down the door. John collapsed onto the bed, scanning around.

The room was moderately small, not too big, but set with a dark colour palette. The bathroom, with a moderate sea green tiles, was lead into the small hallway. The bed had small rose petals scattered across the sheets, some of them John crushed. He scooped them up and placed them on an oak bedside table and walked over to the curtains, drawing them open slightly.

The view was unlike the view from New York City, where there were only lights from tall buildings. There were street lights and park lights from far down below that obliterated together and made a galaxy of lights, flickering and dimming. The whole scene had a slight touch of romance to it. Oh, what Paris, the city of love, could do to someone in less than a minute.

"Hey, Lex. Come over here." John beckoned Alex over, who was gazing at the bathroom. He peered into the living room and gaped at the view.

"God, it's beautiful." His eyes grew large with wonder in a matter of seconds.

"Not as beautiful as you," John muttered softly, taking Alexander's hand and squeezing it lightly. John drew the curtains forward so that no one could peek in to see John plant a long kiss on Alexander's sweet lips.

"Pfft, your so cheesy, " Alex cracked up between the kiss, snaking his arms around my waist. John hummed slightly and pushed him deeper into the kiss. From then knew that things were getting heated.

We backed up into the bed and nearly toppled over in a giggling mess as John pushed himself up onto the backboard. "Mm, " Alex tugged at Lauren's shirt with his hand, slightly digging his nails into his side. John pulled closer to him and deepened the kiss, tangling his legs with Alexander's and slightly licking his bottom lip. He twisted Alex's waist and pulled him down so that he was on top.

"Rude, " Alex smirked with a slight pant and tugged at John to bring him down for another kiss, slamming their lips together. Alex trailed his hands down John's sides to the hem of his shirt and slipped his warm hands underneath and roaming John's freckled body, earning a hearty moan from John. "what happened to innocent John, hm?" Alex cooed, pulling his hands out and straddling his waist.

John gave a small huff and dug his lips back into Alexander's. "I just... Wanted to give you... A surprise..." John mumbled with passionate kisses. Alex unbuttoned John's shirt one by one as he slid his tongue in John's mouth.

Alex disconnected their lips for a second and panted heavily, marvelling at john's bare chest and biting his lip. I am so fucking uncomfortable 

"God, you're so beautiful." Alex murmured and tugged john closer by his curly hair so that his breath was creeping on John's neck.

"Don't...Mm- be like that." John sucked in his breath as Alex trailed down his neck with his tongue and pressing small kisses to his line.

"Like what, Johnny?" Alex grinned before leaning up and planting his lips on Johns bare freckled skin and sucking harshly. "A-Ah~" John bit his lip slightly, losing dominance as Alexander flipped him over and swapped positions for the second time that night. He returned to the same spot and continued to suck on John's skin and occasionally nibbling it.

"Mm, y-you know what, you- ah, I...ha~" John hadn't experienced anything like this before. He had seen it multiple times in his mother's soap operas, but never first hand. it was breathtaking. John continued to pant heavily and unbutton alexanders shirt as well, something he felt he should have done before. The shirt was thrown halfway across the room and John became helpless under Alex's control as he started to tug at John's curly hair and sending him through waves of slight pleasure. "Mph- Ah-Alex..."

Alex finally stopped sucking at John's neck and began roaming his chest with his soft hands, curving nonsensical patterns into his skin slightly. Alex was about to return to John's neck when there was a small knock at the door. Both their stomachs jolted.

"falsificateurs, your luggage has arrived." A deep voice from the lobby called out.

This gave weight off of their shoulders but there was still the fact that they were half naked and in the middle of a make-out session. "I'll get it. John slithered from underneath Alex and gave him a peck on the cheek before slipping into the bathrobe he spotted before in the bathroom and opening the door.

"Ah, thank you so much, young man." John was handed Alex's luggage first then his own, but couldn't help but notice that the man was oddly staring at a part of his face. He walked off after a "you're welcome", leaving John confused and frightened.

"What happened?" Alex called from the bed with concern.

John put the luggage down in the hallway and walked over to the bed. "Is there something on my face?"

"Well, no, but there's a big ass Hickey I made that won't leave anytime soon."

John clasped his hand over his mouth, his face burning maroon with embarrassment. "He... He was staring... Oh shoot, he saw my Hickey! He was stating at my Hickey!" John whimpered, sitting back on the edge of the bed.

"Oops. Sorry peaches." Alex chuckled slightly.

John groaned. "Oh, why'd you have to put it there?"

Alex crawled towards John with a sly smirk. "I can give you a different one, then. Somewhere lower than your neck so no one will see it." Alex whispered, trailing his fingers over John's now bare chest. Starting from his chest, to his stomach, then lower and lower...

God. Was he ready for this? This would be a long few weeks.


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