Chapter 36

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Hiccup's POV

I looked around and all I saw was darkness. I tried moving but I was restrained by heavy metal chans. I looked and saw a small square window at my eye level. I looked out and the hall was dimly lit with two torches. I saw two guards walk in.

"I demand that you release me right now!" A girl shouted. I couldn't see their face since their back was facing me, but she sounded young. Mercy's age actually. I have to help her.

"Queit you." The guard said and smacked the girls head. She grunted and kept still. I struggled to release myself from the chains and help the girl, but I remembered something.

This is just like my dream.

I looked around for anything that could tell me where I am. I heard a door open and then a loud thud echoed through the hall, followed by a grunt.

"Welcome to your new home sweetheart." A voice said to the girl who was laying in what looked like a bedroom.

"This... isn't my home." She said and took shallow breaths, struggling to manageg words.

"It is now." The voice croaked. "You'll live with me, daughter." He added. The words took me by surprise. Daughter? What does that mean?

"I... am not... your.. daughter." The girl stuggled with talking. I could tell she could hardly breathe, something was hurting her.

"You are now." The voice said and walked away from the room, leaving me to be able to look into the room and see who it was. Oh gods.


Mercy's POV

"You are now." He croaked. I felt shakey and I could hardly stand.

My stomach had a sharp pain that crippled me and I collapsed to my knees. My head felt whoozy and it was like the entire room was spinning around me. I couldn't move my arms from their postion at my stomach. I looked forward and saw a bed. I knew I had to drag myself over there and lay down. I picked my heavy body up from the ground, and dragged my feet to the bed. Once I was there I climbed onto it, still clutching my stomach. I looked at the spinning ceiling.

And that's when it went black.

Fishlegs's POV

"Anyone find anything?" Astrid asked as she walked in.

"Nothing." They replied and shook their heads.

"What about Hiccup? Shouldn't he be here by now?" Ruffnut asked.

"He could still be looking." Allysa said.

"I'll go look at where he was searching. Maybe he's still there." I said and took mounted Meatlug.

"Are you sure Fishlegs? There could be something dangerous out there, and you aren't the dangerous type." Astrid asked.

"I'll go, Astrid. Just stay here until I get back. I'll try and be quick." I replied.

"If we wanted quick I would send Allysa and Violet." Snotlout sneered.

"Snotlout it's not about quick." Tuffnut said.

"Actually it could be. Maybe Hiccup ran into some danger and he needs our help, and fast." I said. "I hate saying it, but Allysa and Violet are the best ones for the job right now." I added.

"You can't be serious. Why me?" Allysa asked.

"Oh let me think about this one hm," Snotlout began sarcastically. "Gee I don't know maybe it's because you have a NIght Fury!" He added with the same sarcastic tone. Allysa punched him in the face and he fell to his knees.

"I'll go but Fishlegs can come with me. Maybe there's a dragon out there or something." Allysa said and mounted Violet. "Let's go." She said and we took off towards the forests. We flew over the main trails in the forest, then to the more hidden ones.

"Uh, what's that?" I asked and pointed below us to what looked like a broken tree.

"Only one way to find out right?" Alllysa said and flew down to it. I followed and landed shortly after her. "Why did this break. It looks like a heavy person or dragon was in it, and the tree couldn't hold the weight."

"Dragon. Rumblehorn to be exact." I said and pointed to the trail of Rumblehorn prints. We walked alongside the prints until we reached the cove. The tracks came to a stop until down below where it looks like they cornered someone against the wall. There was two small boot prints near the dragon prints.

"Well those can't be Hiccup's tracks." Allysa said crypticaly. "But I know who's they are. We need to get back to the academy now." She added and we ran back to our dragons and flew to the academy.

"ASTRID!" I shouted as we landed. We both ran to her as she gave us a worried expresison. "Someone has Hiccup." I added.

"And Mercy." Allysa stated.

"And trained dragons!" We shouted at the same time. We both glanced at each other. She narrowed her eyes which sent a shiver down my spine. She then looked back at Astrid, who was showing us a stressed look.

"Okay so all we know is they have trained Rumblehorns. We have to see if Valka encountered any other dragon riders while she was away." Astrid stated then we all ran to our dragons anf flew to her house. Once we got there Astrid stepped up and knocked three times.

"Oh hi Asrid!" Valka greeted cheerfully and stepped aside, opening the door more so everyone could walk in. "Sorry for the mess, what brings you here?"

"Hiccup and Mercy are missing and the takers have trained Rumblehorns." Allysa started.

"We came to ask and see if you remember meeting any other dragon riders while you were away." Astrid finished.

"Well other then Drago, not that I can remember." She said. "What if we took Skullcrusher? He could smell the tracks and find where the other Rumblehorns went."

"Is that possible?" Snotlout asked.

"It could."Fishlegs said.

"After all, he found Hiccup by just a whiff of his helmet." Valka said.

"Let's go!" Astrid said cheerfully.

"Woah there. You aren't going. You can stay with Gobber until we come back." Valka stated and held Astrid back.

"No let me go with you!" Astrid said and struggled against Valka's grip.

"Astrid you can't put yourself or your child in potential danger. Hiccup would loose it if something happened to you." Allysa said in a calm voice. Astrid stopped fighting and sat in a chair. She put her head in her hands. "I'll stay with her, you guys go."

"Allysa are you sure?" Valka asked.

"Astrid needs some support right now. Now go, we don't know how much time we have."

Hiccup's POV

I kept looking at the chains mounted in the wall. With enough strength I should be able to get them out of the wall. But it's going to take a while. I heard rustling of chains from across the hall from me. I did my best to peek out the window and see who it was. When I saw who it was, a waveof relief passed over me, but also brought a wave of stress.

"Toothless!" I shouted.

"Keep it down in there!" A guard shouted.

"Toothless! Hey bud it's me! I'm here!" I yelled softer. He looked at my with a happy expression, but then looked at the chains once more, and began trying to wiggle out of them. "That isn't gonna work bud, just let me get out of these and I'll help you." I said and yanked the chain.

I saw the hinge shift out of place slightly, making small bits of debris crumble to the ground. I kept pulling until my hand slipped off the chain. Half of the hinge was removed from the wall when I heard a door squeak open. I stood still and looked out the window. A guard walked to my door and unlocked it, then walked inside with a tray of food. He walked over and unlocked my chains, which was really a stupid decision, and then he walked out. I ran over to the door and looked at the lock. The key hole was small, so I need to find some sort of tiny tool to fit. I looked around for anything but it was all stone and metal chains. And a spoon. Wait, a sppon I can use this! Okay now all I need is something to sharpen it with.

Mercy's POV

When I heard the guard open the door down the hall, I tried to peek in and see who was in there. But they blocked my view with their stupid body. I sat down against the door, until I heard the doorknob turning. I got up and stood in the corner, hoping that they don't see me.

"Oh Mercy sweetheart no need to hide from me. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." The man said as he walked in.

His face and arms were covered in scars and his sounded like he had something stuck in his throat. He tried to come near me but I quickly ran to the other side of the room. The door was open a crack, so I had to stealthily sneak over and open it, then get out of here. But my nausea spells and sudden dizziness made it almost impossible to sneak around.

I need to think of something fast.



Sorry this is late

I just updated it from my phone I'm at school right now so this A/N will be short.

I hope you enjoyed!

And I just updated wattpad so I can put pictures at the beginning from mobile so that's why there's a picture

And there will be pictures from now on

Anyway I'll stop stalling from PE now.

See you in the next update!


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