All Aboard the Madhouse

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One Mushroom Kingdom day, the birds were singing (like they always do), the flowers were spinning (like they always do), and there were lovely clouds staring down from the bright sky (like they always do). It was all perfectly perfect, and Mario picked up the vibe on his way to the mailbox that morning.
"HELLO BEAUTIFUL WORLD!!" he exclaimed very loudly as he nearly busted down his front door at 7 AM. As you can and will see he was extremely charged up today.
A cranky toad's shout came from beyond a nearby wall of bushes. "Do you mind?! I'm sleeping here!!"
"No you're not!!" Mario replied equally as loud. Then he skipped to the mailbox. If you cannot already tell, whenever checking the mail is relevant, it usually means something in it is about to ensue (usually something either horribly horrifying or terribly stupid). This is one of those latter times.
Inside Mario found a letter from Nintendo.
The first moment he saw it he almost stopped breathing from shock.
"Oh no," he gasped. "What if they're firing me because of what I said to Wario last week?" He froze in horror. "Or even worse... they found out about that thing I put in Luigi's soup?!"

Luigi: You put what in my WHAT?!

Mario: It's nothing just go away!! :3

Anyway, the letter.

Dear Nintendo Veteran,

You have been formally invited to this year's annual Nintendo Convention in Gamesville, Japan (may or may not be a legit location). As one of the company's flagship characters, you and all of your household are requested to attend (that means you MUST come). The date and time is irrelevant to the story except for the fact that it is tomorrow and you must leave immediately upon receiving this letter. Meet at 9 AM outside Peach's castle for pickup. Any toiletries you leave behind will not be replaced.


The Nintendo Staff

Mario's eyes popped and he dropped the letter. Then he turned and hightailed into the house, jumping and banging so much that a heavy book fell off the shelf right above Luigi's bed and bonked his head right in the middle of a wonderful pizza dream. Then Mario launched himself onto the bed and gave Luigi kidney failure.
Luigi shot up and wheezed. "Mario-!"
"No time for wheezing Weegie, you need to pack! Those toiletries aren't going to bring themselves!" Mario promptly grabbed a suitcase and started stuffing identical red shirts into it.
"And don't forget extra clothes!"
"And make my breakfast too!"
"And for Petey's sake, Luigi, get out of bed!"
Luigi, completely speechless now, stared at the wall and wondered why he hadn't been an only child.

As you have also probably guessed, everyone else got this same letter too. And lo and behold, when Mario and a dragging Luigi showed up with enormous suitcase in tow outside Peach's castle later that morning, the rest of the crowd was pretty much already there.
Toad was standing beside the doors to a big bus directing foot traffic with a megaphone.
"Right this way my good man!"
"Watch your step, Paratroopa!"
"Easy on the luggage, Wario!"
"No day-old cabbage allowed on the bus, sorry!"
"Newton's nickers, that's a lot of sprayable cheese!"
"HEY! NO Playstations allowed!"
Mario dragged Luigi and the luggage over to where Peach was standing nearby talking to random people.
"Oh, Mario, there you are! Good to see you made it," she greeted him way too cheerfully for the time of morning.
"Heh, yeah," Mario said, dropping a snoozing Luigi onto the ground.
"So I guess everyone's invited to this convention, huh?" Peach asked as they proceeded towards the bus which was being loaded.
"Uh-huh," Mario replied, watching the windows of the bus as a rowdy group of toads initiated what looked like a pillow fight over several rows. The bus was freakishly long and had a bunch of Nintendo logos all over it (well duh). The only thing was nobody knew where it had come from or for that matter, who was supposed to drive it.
"What do you imagine it will be like?" the princess wondered aloud.
"Oh, I bet it'll be peachy," Mario said, trying to be as cute as possible today (because reasons). Nobody really asked if he was talking about the bus trip or the convention; and it was a shame, because I'd be interested to know that too.

After twenty minutes and a fight with Waluigi over the size of his luggage, the bus doors finally closed. Nobody bothered to do a headcount because no one could actually count that high. But let me assure you the moment they closed, it felt like instant prison.

Mario: Make that the MADHOUSE.

Wario: Look who's talking.

They had settled on Wario for some reason as the driver (the real reason is because he managed to win the deciding game of Go Cheep-cheeps which the contenders played on the dashboard. He cheated of course, but everyone was too crazy to care).
Mario cared at first, but he soon forgot about it. "Oh sure," he snorted, crossing his arms. "Give the fatso a fish and he's got a REAL license."
"Jealous much?" Wario asked as he settled into his spacious seat and adjusted the mirrors and the air conditioning and the windshield wipers and the curtains and the wheel and the decorative dice he'd just hung up and the sunglasses that had appeared on his face.
Mario growled and headed for the back, where his bench was supposed to be somewhere in the middle. There were maybe thirty rows, so to get there he had to go over about fifteen rows of jungle. There were airborne paratroopas and goombas diving off seat backs and toads chattering up storms and pelting each other in the back of the head with pillows they'd brought. And there were shy guys who weren't really acting so shy and koopa shells flying across the aisle (which is not to mention the random people sitting/lying in the floor of the walking path). Now if you have never been on a bus like this, I'll tell you why: there are no seat belts. That means no restraint whatsoever. The reason for this is probably so that if everyone gets so annoying and the driver crashes, no one has a chance of living to annoy another day. But that is just a theory. (A GAME THEORY!)
Bowser and Bowser Jr were sitting in a row near the front, right in front of Waluigi. Now his legs were so long and there was not enough room for them, so to sit down he had to prop his feet up on Bowser's backrest. You can imagine he did not like that very much.
"Hey Dad, what's that weird smell?" asked Bowser Jr.
"Feet wrapped in leathery burnt bacon," came the muffled reply through Waluigi's feet. B. J. did a double take as Bowser jumped up and roared over the seat back, causing the entire bus to rock dangerously to the side and sending Waluigi flying two rows back. He landed in Donkey Kong's face, where he was sitting with Diddy. A moment later he came flying back up so fast he made it all the way to the windshield and splatted there. Wario froze in his driving preparations and they stared at each other.
"'Sup," Waluigi nodded. Then he fell to the floor.
"We didn't order curly-toed weirdo, but I'll let you know if we change our mind later," DK called.
Somewhere nearby, Peach was sitting in a bench trying to avoid getting her head taken off by a couple of toads playing catch over the bench with a koopa shell while Daisy tried to cram her overly-stuffed bag into the cargo hold overhead. After about two minutes of that, Peach could tell they were getting nowhere fast.
"Um, maybe we could ask DK for a hand?" she suggested.
"Busy," DK replied from elsewhere, behind a curtain of shy guys who had discovered he was carrying bananas and were now clamoring for bus snacks. Daisy groaned and stood on the bench, shoving and pushing the hatch but ultimately failing to get it closed. Luckily, at that moment Yoshi came dashing down the aisle with Blue Toad on his back, pointing and shouting as Yoshi jumped the live obstacles in his way. Toads and others shrieked at the top of their lungs as they scrambled to get out of the path, but some got trampled anyhow. The ensuing wave caused DK to slap back the incoming forces, sending a toad flying back into the ceiling. He happened to smash right into the open hatch where Daisy was working, slamming it closed.
The toad giggled before his body peeled off and fell to the floor.
"Thanks!" Daisy said.
"Alright, it'd be nice if we could get moving sometime this year, miscreants," Wario called back. "We do have a twenty four hour deadline and there are whole continents moving faster than us."
"Well maybe it'd go faster if you started the bus!" Bowser shot back.
At this time Mario came through dragging a sleeping Luigi along the ground, stepping over toads who already looked like they'd gotten drunk. And mind you, the bus hadn't even started moving yet.
"Alright, doors closing now," Wario announced.
"WAIT!!" A voice cried from outside. Bowser threw up his hands and sighed. "What is it NOW?"
A moment later Toadsworth appeared at the door, suitcase in hand, panting like a dog in summer. "I really am getting too old for this crazy hooliganry," he said.
"Oh great, the obligatory old guy supervisor of the trip," Wario said. "Whatever, just get in the back. Alright, NOW we get moving! To infinity and beyond!"
"Wait!" Toadette cried. "We're still waiting for someone!"
Wario flopped back in his chair and scowled like he was having a convulsion. "OKAY I WILL GIVE THEM TWENTY SECONDS!!" He shrieked.
Just then the bus rocked violently as the doors busted open again, and a giant beast trampled the people by the door as he stampeded in.
Wario's eyeballs exploded. "PETEY PIRANHA?! YOU INVITED PETEY??!"
The piranha looked at him without eyes and made a weird noise, then proceeded to flap his wings to fly over the masses to reach his seat near the back. Everyone beneath stared as he fluttered and flapped his leafy arms and slowly but surely struggled to get by. After about thirty seconds of that, he plopped down near the rear and the entire bus noticeably leveled out.
"Well, I guess it's good to have someone of that size in the back to prevent a nosedive," Wario shrugged.
Petey was sitting in a crazy section (the non-crazy section doesn't exist) with Toadsworth among the koopalings (ha, you thought I'd forgotten them, didn't you?). They had brought along paper and paint and such to keep themselves occupied. Already it was being of use by serving as ammunition for their mock-snowball fight. Toadsworth sat in the middle of it all holding his suitcase over his head like a shield and praying he didn't get skewered. Meanwhile Petey just sat there and watched like the big dumb plant he is (Petey has hidden wisdom, he really does.).
Finally, Wario closed the doors. "Alright, if anyone else is coming they can hitch a ride on the outside," he informed, grabbing the microphone. "Okay people, attention! Welcome, random Mushroom Kingdom citizens and noisy, annoying neighbors. Thank you for choosing Propeller Toad Transport!"
"We didn't!" Somebody yelled from somewhere.
"Yes, I know none of you actually want to be here... but neither do I! Anyway, I'm you're ridiculously handsome driver, Wario, and we are ready to disembark in just a moment, so please secure your valuables if you have any, and we'll be leaving momentarily! It's an eight hour drive to the rest stop, so get comfy!"
There were numerous groans from everywhere.
"Hey, is there a bathroom here?" Toad called up.
The whole bus practically exploded momentarily at that statement.
Wario sighed. "Yes, there is a toilet in the back, people," he said. "Just open that door and have fun. But PLEASE do not leave it open whatever you do!"
On cue, Morton got up and went to go inside it.
Then Wario finally, at long last, started the bus. The instant it roared to life Toad screamed.
Peach, a few aisles over, called to him, "Nothing, Toad, it's just the bus."
"Yes, the bus."
"That's because this trip is going to utterly rock your world," Daisy put in.
"Alright, old ladies," Wario said, adjusting his sunglasses. "It's Wario time!"
Waluigi, still on the floor beside him, nodded. "Punch it!"
The koopalings were all plastered against the bathroom door as Wario floored it.
At that moment Mario was still trying to make his way to his bench, pulling Luigi by the arm. When the bus lurched, Mario was knocked clean over and took Luigi to the ground.
Luigi would have shrieked except that his lungs were completely incapable of doing so.
Then Bowser fell out of his seat and flattened Mario to the ground.
Wario in the front happily sang, "I think to myself... what a wonderful world!"

So, after only a few painful hours, the bus was finally on the road. Or at least, sort of. Wario was going so fast that the people near the front were doubting they'd even make it out of Toad Town before something bad happened.
And sure enough, it did. They weren't even out of sight of the castle before a random toad said, "I'm hungry!"
Immediately the complaint picked up and traveled along the rows, until the place was so loud that it might as well have been the convention.
"Can we go to Wendy's?"
"No! I am not stopping for ANYTHING!"
The toad who'd spoken jumped up on his seat and let loose a mighty scream that shook the very walls of the bus until it threatened to break. "But I'm HUNGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!"
Everyone in the vicinity had to cover their ears to avoiding hearing loss. Toads' voices, in case you didn't know, are very high pitched and screechy.
Then came the torrent of supporting excuses.
"Yeah, I didn't even have breakfast!"
"I didn't have second breakfast!"
"I'm ALWAYS hungry!"
"I wanna go to Waffle House!"
"Hey driver, can I have a cheeseburger?"
Wario cringed and tried not to lose it. "Just watch the road... watch the road..."
"Um, Wario, you're kinda failing at that too," Waluigi pointed out from the floor as the bus scraped a row of bushes. Wario shot him a glare.
"If you don't like the way I'm doing it then you can just abandon ship, beanpole!" He hissed. "I'll be happy to show anyone the door!"
"Excuse me, maybe I should drive," Bowser interrupted, leaning over a seat back to poke his head in. A toad sitting in that bench snorted. "Oh yeah, cause when someone says 'Bowser' the first thing I think of is a guy in a goofy hat driving a public metro."
Bowser frowned. "Hey, I was just trying to be helpful."
"You've been helpful enough," Mario spoke up from a bit further back. After the departure episode, he and Luigi had been liberated after some passengers removed Bowser from the aisle. It was nothing short of an ungraceful extraction.
Now, Mario sat listening to an MP3 player and trying to appear calm (and still as cute as possible, because reasons). Luigi was smashing his face in the window and doing something like hyperventilating.
Peach and Daisy, meanwhile, were gabbing over some castle upholstery catalogue.
"So do you think it's better in pink or blue?" Peach asked. "Ooh, or how about red?"
"Mm, man, I dunno, but I love that suede," Daisy murmured, shaking her head.
Diddy Kong a few aisles away sighed very loudly and promptly collapsed, pretending to be dead.
The koopalings in the back had been strangely quiet, and when one looked they found... Toadsworth guiding them in the making of toilet paper snowflakes. Even Petey was in on it, and I have to tell you, it's really funny in a big creature without eyes.

Luigi: Toilet paper snowflakes?

Wario: Cool idea! They're perfect for you nerds at Christmastime!

Mario: Make one more toilet joke and we'll see whose house gets toilet papered this Halloween.

Blue and Yellow Toads scampered over to see what they were doing.
"Watchya doin?" Blue Toad asked.
"This, boys, is the art of fine craftsmanship in the representation of nature."
The toads' heads exploded. Then everyone in the back had to get their spare clothes and scrub the mess off the walls and windows. (Not really.)
Mario, who had already gotten bored of his music, propped his head in his hand and sighed. "I'm-a bored."
"What's the matter Mario, wanna play barrels and ladders?" DK teased.
"What do you want, smash football?" Luigi snorted.
"On a bus?" Mario's eyes lit up. "Yeah! Or how bout a dance party!"
Just then there were some girly screams from the back. When a majority of the passengers looked, Petey, Toadsworth, and all the koopalings pointed at... each other.
"Or how about we play... murder in the dark?" Another voice suggested. Suddenly King Boo appeared, floating in the back by the toilet.

Waluigi: That about sums it up.

He promptly floated over and chuckled, "I'll be the murderer, Luigi can be the detective, and the victim will be Mario here!"
"Uhh... you just spoiled the whole point of the game," Daisy spoke up behind him.
King Boo kept grinning. "I know."
Luigi fainted and his head hit the bench in front of them.
"Hey, King Boo! You were invited too?" Bowser called from up front. King Boo floated over to do an overly drawn-out handshake. "Good to see ya, buddy!"
"Oh, and you too, Petey!" King Boo called back to Petey by the bathroom.

Mario: Why does the bathroom come up so much?

NintendoJedi: You haven't seen the half of it.

"So King Boo was just hiding in here the whole time?" Peach asked.
"Hey, don't welcome me too fast or anything," he replied. "And I brought friends!"
"Oh boy, I can't wait to meet these -"
Waluigi's smart mouth was abruptly cut off by a sandwich stuffing itself into it.
"Bon appetite," said the king, snapping his nonexistent fingers and sending a hoagie rain down upon the passengers. "I don't know what you idiots were planning to eat, but I figured I'd bring lunch."
"Heh," Wario said. "Hey, this fat marshmallow is my kinda guy."
King Boo narrowed his eyes. "I won't forget that, buddy."
"FOOOOD!" Toad shrieked to the heavens. "HALLELUJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Umm... Ditto!" Mario said, and began snarfing one down like a wolf.
The princesses looked at each other and raised their eyebrows. Then they shrugged and joined in.
The remaining passengers, as you can guess, were simply elated to have food. They had been deprived of basic needs forever (approximately an hour), and things quickly got out of hand.
No one knew where exactly the condiments had come from, but before we know it a hammer bro near the back called a shy guy lame. And THEN the next thing we know mayonnaise and salami is flying across the aisles and hitting walls.
Mario and Bowser jerked up at the same time. "Salami??"

A small toad kid sighed in his car seat. "Mommy, are we almost there?"
"Soon, Jimmy," his mother called from the front seat.
Little Jimmy moaned and turned to look out his window. His eyes widened. "Mommy, look at that!"
When the toadette turned she gasped in terror. "Get this car off the road!" she demanded to her husband.
The entire bus beside them swayed dangerously back and forth, and through the tinted windows overhead they could see the shape of a giant monster and about a billion other passengers diving all over the passenger car. It was accompanied by the sound of a rhino stampede and screams as from those caught beneath it.
The toad driver slowly raised his window. And he floored it.

Greedily munching a piece of salami he had pilfered, Mario reclined on his bench and used the unconscious Luigi as a footrest. "Now I'm-a telling you, this is the way to do it!"
The food fight that had ensued was thankfully short-lived (sadly so short that I couldn't switch the scene back from Jimmy's car in time).
"Alright hooligans, look alive! We're getting on the highway now, so nothing stupid from the back, you hear?!" Wario shouted.
Peach put a hand to her head and sighed. "I just realized that we are all blindly putting our lives into the hands of Wario."
Daisy shuddered. "Although, he's doing a surprisingly good job of it."
Meanwhile Wario had gotten into an argument with Waluigi, who was still in the front on the floor for some reason (probably because he didn't want to traverse The Valley Of Death to get back to his seat). They were looking at some picture on his phone and discussing it very loudly.
"What are you talking about, that looks just like me!" Waluigi insisted.
"No, that's a picture of me with your head photoshopped on!" Wario replied, entering onto an exit.
"Is not!"
"Okay, then when was it taken?"
"HA! Now get back to your seat before you fly out the window."
"Hey, don't tell him to do that!" Bowser yelled up. "That would be awesome!"
A number of nearby minions voiced their agreement.
"Yeah, what is he even doing up there anyway?" asked a toad.
"Um... I dunno," Waluigi said. "Maybe I would though if someone hadn't given me brain damage!"
"Boy, your brain came out damaged," King Boo said matter-of-factly as he floated over near the front. He had been merrily acting like he owned the bus for the past twenty minutes.
"Oh yeah?" Waluigi said. "Well how bout I damage yours?" Pulling out a tennis racket from his bag of holding, he swung at the boo. "WAH!"
King Boo disappeared, leaving Waluigi to face plant like an idiot.
"I don't have a brain, doofus," King Boo informed him. "I am naturally intelligent."
"Somebody open the door!" Bowser Jr. yelled, thoroughly enjoying this. Unfortunately nobody did.
Meanwhile Mario had left his seat (because everyone can do that willy-nilly) to go 'be cute' by the girls. He was leaning fashionably on the side of Peach's bench when suddenly the bus tilted dramatically, and he would have hit the floor and landed in a suspicious pile of orange goo had she not caught him mid-fall in the aisle. It was immediately on display for the legions of annoying passengers to see.
Daisy plopped herself over the seat back. "Well, I guess I am now obligated to say, 'This isn't what it looks like, people'."
Some hammer bro had already barfed into a paper Nintendo Barf Bag™.
Mario giggled cutely and got to his feet, just before the elephant in the room (or should I say, the koopa on the bus) came inching down the aisle.
"Bowser, every time you get up the entire bus is in danger of capsizing," Daisy said in annoyance.
"Well ex-CUUUSE ME, princess!" he replied, trying to wriggle past a shy guy who was desperately trying to avoid being impaled by his back. "Nature calls sometimes, ya know?!"
"Oh you can't - uggh," Daisy said, burying his face in her hands. Mario squeezed into their row as Bowser tried to get by, almost flattening the benches to the walls.
"Scuse me... pardon... sorry... pardon me... time to go to the loo!"
"TMI!" Yelled all the koopalings simultaneously.
When Bowser finally made it to the end of his long journey through, he found the tiny bathroom waiting for him.
Then he was in there for twenty minutes.
"I can't believe he actually fits in there," Wendy whispered.
Two minutes after he went in, Petey Piranha started dancing around like mad. So for eighteen wonderful minutes the entire bus felt like a washing machine as Petey did the potty dance right over the engine.
When the bathroom finally opened an eternity later, Bowser had to make the entire agonizing walk back. This time he bumped into a toad who face planted right into a bowl of chili he was eating (don't ask me where it came from).
Now right at that moment they were experiencing some major potholes that I conveniently put there. So when Bowser was passing by the princess' bench, the bus jolted and Bowser was taken down by Mario, who caught Peach, who was bumped into by Daisy. So Bowser's shell went right into the aforementioned chili, causing the toad to burn himself and throw it over the bench, shrieking.
"AAHH!!" And then they were stuck.
"Oh, uh..." Peach laughed nervously as she tried to extract herself from Mario's arms, but Daisy was pinning them all to the wall. And due to the g-forces, it wasn't like Bowser could get up or anything.
"Hehe, hi," Mario said.
Like the audience of a sitcom, the rest of the bus instantly reacted.
Daisy groaned. "This still isn't what it looks like, people."
"Hehe, um, do you think you could... if you could maybe grab that handle up there?" Peach suggested in embarrassment, squished where she was between Mario and Daisy.
"Problems back there?" Wario called.
But he didn't know the half of it. Petey, in the meantime, had come out of the bathroom (which was only half his size, by the way), releasing a fantastic aroma all throughout the rear of the bus. As soon as it hit the passengers they began to drop like from the plague.
"OH MY GOSH DO YOU SMELL THAT!?" Iggy screamed in Lemmy's ear.
"YES I SMELL THAT!" He screamed back.
"Oogh... driver," a koopa moaned. "I think I'm gonna be sick!"
"That makes two of us," a queasy toad said beside him.
"Oh please, no more," Donkey Kong said. "I can't take this smell anymore!"
"Look who's talking!" Wario commented from up front. "Look people, as long as the stench doesn't bother me, it doesn't matter."
"Gee, thanks," Mario said from where he was sandwiched. "Bowser, can't you do anything?!" he asked, squirming.
"Well it's not my fault you've really let yourself go!"
"Stop it! Just stop it!" Luigi cried from his seat, trying to cover his eyes, ears and nose all at once.
Just then the chili toad, who had magically gotten a new bowl of chili, got out of his seat to share it with a friend across the aisle. And of course, right at that moment there was a major bump, and he tripped, sending scalding chili all over a toad's face.
"AUUUGGHHH!!" He shrieked and scrambled out of his seat, running in circles like a maniac. He bumped into a hammer bro who was out of his seat, carrying a giant soda (which of course did not have a lid). The soda took to the air, sending a fantastic sticky, cold shower onto Waluigi, who was already on the floor. He jumped up like the Olympic high-jumper he is and bumped right into Wario, whose arm lost good grip on the wheel. The bus swerved, and there was an awful crunch.
And the next thing we know the bus is sideways and half the passengers are plastered to the windows.
"Oh, I guess it was about nap time anyway," Luigi said as he stared up at the other side of the bus.
Peach could only laugh nervously as she tried to fight gravity to get off Mario, where she had been thrown, in a rather awkward manner. Completely disarmed, he just lay there like an idiot. (Admittedly an idiot that was trying to act snazzy.)
Still the scene was somehow on display for everyone. "SHRIEK! MORE LOVE ON THE BUS!! AND ITS REALLY GROSS THIS TIME!!"
Daisy, who had managed to roll off to the side, shook her head. "Nope, not gonna bother explaining it this time."
Then a yell came up from the backseat. "Code brown! Code brown! The bathroom is broken!"
And then there was utter pandemonium as everyone stampeded for the doors.

After everyone had evacuated the bus, Wario called for some roadside assistance. Luckily, it wasn't badly damaged, so it only needed to be picked back up and the bathroom completely replaced and they could be on their way. (Yes, the bathroom damage was so great it needed immediate replacement.)
Unluckily, it took thirty minutes to arrive, so for half an hour they sat around on the roadside picking their noses while the more lively passengers chased each other and frolicked like three year olds all over the surrounding hillside. Mario, still very charged up today, initiated most of this, releasing his pent-up energy tackling toads and shy guys and rolling in the grass. There is a curse to being Super... and that is the unwanted energy.
Bowser Jr and the koopalings also went nuts, egged on by Waluigi and his tennis racket of wah-cking. Meanwhile the princesses stood around on their phones probably shopping online, and Luigi mostly just sat there and stared into the distance for half an hour. Whatever he thought of all this, he was too jarred to put it to words.
Bowser and King Boo hung around talking about evil stuff (plotting and stuff) while Petey Piranha spent the entire time flapping his wings and trying to flutter around on the hillside like a flightless baby bird. So that must have been fun for half an hour.
By the time the guys came and got the bus back on the road, it was night.
Wario sat in his seat with a groan as everyone shoved aboard. "Okay people, because of that wonderful side stop we just made, we will be driving straight through the night with no rest stop," he announced glumly.
"Look, I am enjoying it no more than you are," he grouched. "You can thank the idiot with the chili bowl!"
The toad promptly chucked his bowl out the window.
Wario ignited the engine as people shuffled to their seats (by that I mean punched and jumped and kicked and shoved until they made it, panting and exhausted, to their former bench). It was more crowded than the convention would certainly be.

Mario: What convention?

NintendoJedi: Figures, nobody even knows why you're taking this trip anymore.

Those who could fly grinned smugly down at the people who were stuck in a traffic jam behind Bowser, who had gotten stuck halfway up the stairs. The people ahead were getting trampled by people bigger than them, so in the aftermath there were a bunch of koopas and toads and shy guys lying on the floor.
When the engine came on Toad again screamed. "WHAT'S THAT??!"
"Nothing Toad, it's just the bus," Peach said calmly.
"Yes, the bus."
"Hey! It doesn't smell back here anymore!" Larry announced loudly.
Immediately an enormous applause broke out among the rear of the bus and soon carried over the entire thing.
Mario stood up in his bench and addressed the people. "Hey, this means it's time to PARTY!!"
Wario froze. "What? No, no no! No parties in the bus-!"
But Mario had already hung up a disco ball from his magic party arsenal and turned it on. Someone started a boom box and before we know it, a wild college party had broken out, with people dancing over seat backs to "Eye of the Tiger".
So back on the highway again, the Nintendo bus was the major attraction for tired sleep-drivers as rainbow lights and blaring music emanated from all their windows. If there was such a thing as a party bus this was definitely it.
"CANONBALL!!" Morton shrieked as Petey catapulted him to the front of the bus, sending him flying to splat on the windshield. Several shrieks of approval rang up from the spectators.
Mario was standing around on benches rocking his head to the music violently like some rock star while the others laughed and danced it up like a dorm party. Somebody brought Cokes, and then Waluigi had a blast spraying people over the seat backs. There were toads doing vader bombs, hammer bros singing along badly in microphones, and utter and complete pandemonium.
Wario drove like a solid rock, staring at the road in front of him and pretending the world didn't exist. That is, until Mario appeared in the front, probably charged up on something.
"Alright, it's-a time for Mario Kart!" he said, jumping into the driver's area from nowhere and grabbing the wheel from Wario. "This must be coming up on Toad's Turnpike!"
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! UNHAND THE WHEEL YOU NINCOMPOOP!" Wario hissed, fighting for prominence. The bus was starting to swerve around and the car near them honked loudly as their rear view mirror was almost taken off.
"Get in the back!" Wario demanded. He was promptly hit in the head by a real football somebody had busted out, and Mario caught it like the sports guy he is.
"TOUCHDOWN!!" Somebody yelled, and there were a few cheers.
Luckily, it was enough of a distraction to send Mario back into the rest of the bus, where they soon engaged in a long and very absurdly violent game of 'bus football'. Once a hammer bro threw it so hard that it caused someone's bag to explode, sending a rain of clothes everywhere, before hitting the bathroom door just as Luigi exited it. He was sent flying back inside and it probably didn't end very prettily for him.
Bowser Jr and the koopalings played some sort of tennis match with the koopas' shells, taking off people's heads in the process. King Boo and Bowser just stood around by the door drinking and having villain small talk (which means comparing their latest dastardly feats).
Then Daisy and Peach took turns singing songs with the mic, which was actually pretty good, while Yoshi ran around giving toads rides all up and down the aisle. Mario had ditched his hat in favor of a flyaway whatever-his-hairstyle-is, and DK opened some stringy putty which was shortly everywhere. By everywhere I mean: hanging off the ceiling, in drinks, spelling stuff on the windows, decorating Bowser's back, on Wario's head, inside King Boo, hanging as necklaces on the princesses, in Waluigi's shoes, all over toads' faces, in Mario's hair, and of course covering the floor. And Petey also probably ate some too.
(Toadsworth had long since hidden in the overhead storage compartment, in case you were wondering.)
So that wild bus party went on for about three more hours, and at 1 am it was showing a few signs of stopping. Toads started to collapse from the sugar rush and DK finally crashed with a bunch of garbage and putty on him. Everyone else soon followed suit, until at long, long, long last, Wario was the only one left awake. And he looked like he was ready to hit the grave.
So by 3 am, the bus turned dark and silent and he finally had his peace.
People were strewn like candy wrappers everywhere, seat backs and bathroom not excluded. Some people, such as the princesses, had actually made it to their seat and fallen asleep rather peacefully; even Waluigi, who was lying on his tennis racket with his rear in the air (covered in Coke). The koopalings had all draped themselves on Bowser, Yoshi was curled up in a bench with some toads and koopas snuggling, and King Boo was hovering half transparent at mid-height, doing what appeared to be resting.
Mario had crashed in his seat with his head on the bench back, snoring into the air rather loudly. Luigi was sleeping like a baby on his lap, using empty soda cans as a blanket.
And so for five wonderful hours, all was calm on the Nintendo bus. The trip had not originally been intended to turn into a sleepover. But by the end of the day, everyone was too crazy to care.

It was a cool dawn morning in Gamesville outside the convention building at 8 am when a zombieish Wario pulled the bus up at long last. Killing the engine, he grabbed the microphone and announced, "We're here, you dead weights! Please collect your belongings and exit to your right, I'm your driver Wario, always a not pleasure... goodbye!"
Slumping over like a dead person, he collapsed on the wheel and stayed there until all the sleepwalking people had shuffled off the bus. Finally, when they were all out, he exited the seat at long last, except he had to work to unstick it from his rear. When he emerged into the big parking lot, he tried to shoo the crowd toward the building. As he was doing so, a familiar voice called out to them.
"Hello there, you all! So wonderful to see you," Rosalina greeted them, floating over with a luma. She paused and frowned as she noticed everyone dragging their heels like zombies. They were wrecked and disheveled like they'd just gotten out of a wild college dorm party.
"You...are so have your own car," Wario breathed through clenched teeth.

So I suppose you are wondering how the actual convention went, and what happened after the whole trip ended. Well, turns out the bus ride was actually much more hectic compared to the events of the destination convention. But perhaps that is a story for another time.

Yes!! I finally updated this book after what felt like far too long 😫 I really didn't mean to just drop the book, and believe me I haven't forgotten about it. I guess I just hit this kind of slump for a while, got more wrapped up writing other stuff and drawing... but anywho, to make up for it I produced this overly long story which probably could have easily been longer!! So, sorry about all that.
Yes, it was inspired by an actual eight hour bus trip I took very similar to that one (although it didn't get quite so crazy, the bathroom really did smell up the bus and there really were people all over the floor). I definitely had a lot of fun with it, and while it was random, I hope you enjoyed the result.
So, references... Propeller Toad Transport and Toad's Turnpike as seen above are inspired by the Mario Kart 8 track. 'Barrels and ladders' is obviously Donkey Kong, and smash football is actually a name for Mario Strikers (I think it's in Europe). There are also probably some other smaller references I am too lazy to mention. And sadly no, the Nintendo barf bag is not a real, really legit thing.
So, I can't promise a time for the next episode of craziness, but until then, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned!


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