Pirates of the Caribbooan Part 3: Crazy Man's Chest

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And now, to conclude our previous piratey adventures.

The grotto on the shores of Keelhaul Key was little more than a cave, shaped like an enormous bob-omb in the rock. Somehow, it had been carved to look like a pirate too.
Daisy stood by the outcropping of rock inside, watching with a hand on her weapon as Mario carried the giant box of priceless treasure closer into the cave, where they had smuggled it out only months before. The pedestal was just ahead.
"Hurry up, hotshot," she hissed.
"You know, if I'd known you were going to backstab me, I would never have bothered with this treasure," he said over his shoulder.
"Maybe that's part of the curse," Daisy snickered.
Mario sneered at her and turned back to the stone. Acting like he didn't care, he dumped the treasure chest down and opened it up, letting the crystals sparkle like magic in the cave.
"Here you are, oh mighty dead guy," he said, bowing mockingly. "Please pardon my former friend's stupid actions." He was just turning to go when Daisy cleared her throat and looked at him like he was a moron.
Mario growled under his breath like a whiny teenager and turned back to the treasure. Digging in his coat, he produced the last jewel. "Here," he said, drawing his hand across his bleeding face and dropping the soiled jewel into the chest.
Daisy watched expectantly. "The last piece," she said. For a minute all was still as the treasure sat silent in its original place.
Mario shrugged. "What are you expecting, a magical wind to sweep you off your feet? Well that takes care of that particular problem."
But right when he was turning around again, a giant boom shook the cave.
He paused as the thundering sound erupted from the ocean outside, followed by what sounded like a tidal wave. Daisy jolted up.
"What was that?"
"Probably King Boo come to turn me into his next play toy," Mario shrugged as he and Daisy began to dash out.
"If only," Daisy snorted.
And what do you think they saw when they came out onto the shore?
"THE KRAKEN!!" Daisy cried.
Within the time they had gone, all Crazy had once again broken loose. Sure enough, there in the ocean, tossing around the four ships like a baby's bath toys, was a giant, terrifying blooper. Yoshi's ships, including the Duke, had begun to fire cannons in an attempt to take it out.
"NO! DONT HIT MY BABY!!" Mario shrieked, seeing that the Scarlet Fire was almost under their fire.
"You've gotta be kidding me!" Daisy exclaimed. "Where'd that thing come from?!?"
"Aren't you supposed to be a genius or something?" Mario snapped. "Everyone knows that the kraken is under the command of Bowser the Terrible!"
Daisy's breath caught. "Well what are we gonna do?!"
As the Duke was closest, Mario suddenly had an idea. Fishing in his coat of endless holding, he pulled out a hook shot.
"What are you doing?" Daisy asked.
"Getting out there," he replied. "When there's a party at sea, don't hang out on shore."
"For once I agree, but how in Cortez' casket are you going to-
Mario turned and fired his hook towards the mast. A moment later he tugged the rope to test its strength. "Like that," he replied. He held an arm out to her.
Daisy crossed her arms. "Excuse me??"
"Would you rather I leave you on Keelhaul Key with King Boo?" Mario asked. "Hurry up, before the Duke gets grabbed by that monster."
Daisy paused and sighed in indecision. Finally, she ran over to him and nodded. "Take it away, captain."
"You might wanna hold on." Mario grinned and wrapped an arm around her, then turned to the rope. Daisy glared at him, but clung on tight as they rocketed through the air and back into the fray.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crews on the ships, meanwhile, had been having a fantastically nauseous nautical time. The ships tossed on giant waves amid the blooper's raging tentacles, like meatballs in an ocean of spaghetti.
"I REGRET EVERYTHING!!" Shouted Waluigi as he was flung from railing to railing. Multiple times he almost landed on his dagger.
"What do you have to regret?" a boo, Boofoon, asked, who was floating there watching in amusement. (Boos are pretty much unaffected by everything, which is why they make ideal pirates.)
Waluigi flopped to the deck and paused thoughtfully. "I dunno," he said.
Goombas and toads were flung in the air like popcorn. Bill the pianta was standing by the cannons, firing enormous shots into the water.
"Stop it, you fools!" Mario commanded. "You can't just kill a kraken!"
Everyone still on deck whirled to see Mario with the pirate girl fast in his arm touch down on the Duke. Frowning, Daisy pulled away and shoved him when he didn't let her go immediately.
"Captain Mario??" Wario and Waluigi echoed. (By some foolish miracle, those two were practically indestructible.)
"That's right, I'm your boss, so do as I say!" Mario commanded.
"Huh?! Shouldn't we be killing each other?" Booluga asked.
"Ordinarily yes," Daisy sighed, stepping forward. "But does this look like the time to be slicing each other's throats?"
The sea thrashed and the Duke tilted violently as they carried on like second graders.
Mario shrugged. "I'd be more than happy to return the favor, sugar," he told her. Daisy scowled at him.
"But I can't fight! I'm not immortal during the daytime!" Waluigi shrieked.
"Then go swab my poop deck, because that's all you're useful for," Mario commanded. "And your curse is over, you rogues. Enjoy your mortality!"
"Well then waht are we supposed to do!?" Wario asked, picking his nose. "If we can't kill the kraken?"
Here Mario grew still. "Leave it to me, mate," he said, glancing at the sky as if a giant sword would come crashing right down into the blooper.
It didn't.
Before anyone could ask what he meant, Yoshi came rushing over, toting a limp and blackened Luigi on his back.
"Mario! Mario, it's Luigi," he said urgently, struggling to stay standing.
"Luigi? What happened?" Mario asked in shock, grabbing the human's arm. He was floppy and useless like a rag doll. "Unconscious??"
"I'm so sorry captain, it's my fault," Yoshi cried. "He was caught in one of the blasts... grazed by a cannon from the S. S. Brass," he explained. "He looks pretty bad," Daisy observed over their shoulders, as if they couldn't see that.
"Cork up your pestilent blowhole!" Mario snapped at her.
In surprise, Daisy watched as they quickly transported Luigi inside to the captain's quarters.
"Who's that?" she asked with a frown.
"Aye, that be his brother," Lakitu said, who happened to be right next to her. "They were separated at birth, you know."
Daisy raised her eyebrows. "Well I'll be a yeasty codpiece," she said.
Inside, Yoshi and Mario managed to get Luigi in the only bed on the ship, which belonged to BJ. Fortunately BJ was so busy freaking out about Bowser that he didn't mind the bloody patient in his bed.
Surprisingly they also found Princess Peach there.
"Well fancy meeting you here, your highness," Mario tipped his hat slightly.
"Your comrades transported me to this ship," she replied carefully. To her surprise, however, the captain wasn't interested much in talking, being too wrapped up in getting the wounded man settled down. The cabin was far too small for all of them cramming inside, and the place was already tossing about as it was.
They had a medic Toad attempt to secure Luigi, but it was a miracle he didn't fall out of the bed with all the struggling he was now doing. On opening up his shirt a little, he soon delivered a grim outlook.
"I've got a grim outlook," the toad said.
"Oh my word, he's positively been torn apart!" Peach cried in horror on seeing the bloodstained garments.
Mario looked stern. "Torn apart is a condition you can deal with," he instructed. "Stay with him and keep him safe!!"
With that he tore outside.
"You ma'am, soak those rags and help me here," the medic Toad told her.
Eager to help in any way, Peach did as she was asked, and stayed with the toad by the injured Luigi's bedside. As they worked, he grew agitated and feverish.
"I don't like this," the toad said. "I think we've got foreign contaminants here."
"And what might that imply?" Peach asked.
"I'm not sure if we can help him."
Suddenly the entire ship rocked so jarringly that it was all they could do to keep Luigi in the bed. Beyond the walls they could hear an enormous wave of water wash across the deck.
Peach gasped. "What was that?"
The toad glanced around in disbelief. "Oh, starfish."
Now, if you think by now that you've seen just about everything that one could cram into a three-shot pirate episode, think again. Because outside on the deck there was a sudden jaw-dropping silence as the sea beneath the giant blooper began to rumble like an ocean quake; and suddenly Lakitu screamed.
"It's Rosalina!!"
And nobody had time to scream along or ask questions, because the next thing people knew an enormous explosion, like an undersea bomb, blew from the ocean.
In an instant the kraken was flung high into the sky, catapulted like a rubber chicken from a slingshot.
Wario and Waluigi, watching this, let their jaws hit the deck. "Well that takes care of that particular problem," Waluigi finally said.
And there, dripping and sprung from the surface of the depths, was a giantess, a woman that could only have been enchanted. She dwarfed them all, towering over the ocean like its ruler now roused from sleep. She might have been a mermaid but it was hard to tell; She was dazzling like the moon, and wore a dress adorned with starfish that seemed to mingle with the sea itself.
"WHAT IN BOWSER'S NAME IS THAT?!" Wario shrieked.
In an instant, a calm and quiet fell over the small fleet of ships. All stood frozen in anticipation. On the Duke, Yoshi and Daisy stared in amazement as a silent Mario suddenly stepped forward as if to meet the giantess. For a moment she seemed to pause and look at Mario directly.
"Honorable goddess Rosalina," he said, tilting his head as if in some allegiance.
She gently nodded at him, and for an awkward moment silence seemed to settle over the whole ocean. Then, almost as quickly as she had appeared, the mysterious Rosalina sank again beneath the waves.
For a long while after Mario stood alone by the stern, leaving the crews to murmur amongst themselves.
"Okay... did I just miss something??" Daisy demanded.
"The ancient sea goddess Rosalina," Yoshi said. "Incredible. I knew about it, but I'd never seen... Mario is one of the few gifted with the power to call for her aid."
Daisy tilted her head in awe. "He's always been a bit of a mystery," she snorted.
But before anyone had even recovered from that, a cry went up from the foobs. "Look!! A ship!"
Sure enough, out of the settling waves a new ship was approaching in Rosalina's wake. It was more like a war ship; it was enormous, with black sails that clearly told of pirates. But this time, not a person there doubted who it was.
"The Flaming Titan," Mario whispered, staring at the approaching doom. "Oh crag."
Slowly, the entire crew crept backwards, hiding behind barrels or whatever else they could find. Daisy groaned as the haunted ship slowly began to pull up alongside theirs, obviously intending to close in on prey. "I imagine this is somehow your fault!" she told Mario. The stubborn pirate ignored her entirely.
"Shouldn't we be running?" Wario asked in panic. "Or are we just gonna let this guy board us??"
Mario drew his sword. "No! Enough running. We came here for this purpose."
Everyone stared, mouth agape, as he strode in slow motion towards the plank, where by some magic he knew that the enemy would appear.
They just didn't expect him to not use the plank at all.
Because the next instant a huge monster crashed to the deck like a wrecking ball.
It was an enormous koopa, unlike any they'd ever seen; and his horns and fangs were a warning sign along with his one patched eye. Flaming red hair and scales that dripped with seemingly eternal seawater flashed before their eyes.
The whole crew fell silent as graves.
Except for Wario and Waluigi, who abruptly screamed like girls and bailed, jumping over the railing into the ocean.
Bowser the Terrible lifted his terrifying head. "Who has led this expedition to disturb my waters?"
Mario unflinchingly stepped forward. "I did," he said. "That's Captain Super Mario."
Bowser turned and looked him over with one hardened eye. "Well captain, do you not know the penalty of crossing my path?"
Mario raised his head. Just when he was about to say something remarkably witty, BJ's voice rose.
Everyone stared in amazement as the koopa kid ran out among them all, marching bravely up to the terrible pirate lord. He held the chest tauntingly.
"This is not his deal, it's mine, oh Bowser the Terrible," he declared. "I have come with a most priceless gift from the Isle of Delfino!" He held up the chest.
Bowser froze in disbelief. "No," he murmured. "You have not... you have returned to me my heart?"
BJ grinned as if he'd done a great service. "It is now yours again, my lord. Govern it as you will."
Bowser stared in great trembling, then all at once snatched it up. "At last," he murmured. "At last!!"
BJ continued to smile. The rest of the crew however, took a step back in caution.
Bowser finally turned back to the child. "You have done a deed of immeasurable value to me, son," he said. "But I must ask... why would you do this for an ancient crime lord like me? Did you not know the risk?"
Everyone shifted uncomfortably. BJ lifted his head. "I know, great sir. But this was my chosen quest. I have searched far and wide to find your heart and return it to you so that you may be free once again... and I might know the man I could call grandfather."
At these words a great gasp rippled through the ship. "Grandfather?" Mario echoed.
BJ lifted his head high. "I am Bowser Jr the 16th, from the line of koopa giants."
Pete the toad fainted into Lakitu's arms.
Bowser stared in amazement down at the tiny koopa. "My descendent... could it be?"
Mario stared in amazement that slowly turned to admiration. After all this... that's what he was up to!
"Now it makes sense!!" Mario suddenly exclaimed aloud. "You!! Your fire breath and... you're related to Bowser the Terrible??" He trailed into silence.
BJ didn't answer, only grinned proudly.
Bowser stared longingly at the chest he now held. Before he could open it, he stopped himself. "It does me more honor and pride than I ever could have imagined for you to take on this task for my sake," he told BJ at last. "Already I can't believe I might hold my life in my hands once again. I figured I would be trapped for all eternity... But... are you sure this is what you want?"
"Of course!" BJ said. "Papa, I wanted to meet you... to free you."
A wave of Awwwws ran through the ship.
Bowser trembled in excitement. "Yes... and I have wanted long for my freedom. But it was only my own greed that brought this upon me. I don't deserve, really, this reward. And... do you not know the price for releasing me?"
There was silence.
"Price?" Daisy finally spoke up.
Bowser nodded. "My actions will be punished forever," he said. "I cannot leave my ship unless the Flaming Titan has a new name and a new captain. There must always be one who watches over the door to the Underwhere.... such is the way of the curse."
Everyone stared in something like horror, the realization coming over them like a cloud of blooper ink.
"One of you must assume this role."
The cricket philharmonic symphony struck up the band.
Once again Daisy was the first to break the silence. "Wait. You mean..."
Everyone traded looks of alarm and even desperation. Bowser slowly nodded. "My replacement will become captain of the Flaming Titan."
BJ blinked enormous eyes at Bowser. "But... but that's not fair! You can't be serious," he pleaded. "I can't... I mean..."
"We are talking about taking on the curse of King Boo for all eternity, until further notice," Yoshi stated firmly. "This is... this is a joke."
"Well if it's so important, you could probably get one of the unimportant characters to do it," Daisy said, jerking a thumb overboard where the foobs had jumped.
"Look," Bowser said desperately. "It's not a terrible gig, mates, honest! Immortality on the high seas... it's got a nice charm!" he persuaded.
BJ turned to him. "This isn't fair! The legend never said anything about -
"I'll go!"
Everyone froze in shock at the sudden voice of decision. Widening her eyes, Daisy shook her head as Mario stepped forward, sheathing his weapon.
"I'll do it."
Yoshi facepalmed.
BJ looked ecstatic. "Will you really? Oh thank you captain, you're a hero!!"
Yoshi rushed forward and grabbed his arm. "Mario are you crazy? I don't think there's a way out of this contract!"
Mario shrugged. "Well... immortal life on the high seas. What more could I ask for in the first place?" he reasoned.
Yoshi paused. "I won't be able to follow you."
"Aw, it's for a good cause," Mario pointed out. "Am I right, mate?"
"Mario! Don't be stupid," Daisy scolded. "You've never been that selfless before, and it could be centuries before anyone thinks to free you."
"Maybe. But I appreciate the concern, sugar," Mario saluted her. She growled.
Then he turned to Bowser. "Well?"
Bowser mulled it over and glanced at BJ. The kid was so excited he could hardly think about what was now going on.
Finally he grinned. "I think that despite the fact we only met five minutes ago, I would like very much to rip your heart out."
Mario was skeptical. "What?"
"Well that's the only way to preserve your servitude. You have to separate your heart and keep it someplace safeguarded," Bowser said like it was first grade. "You could... give it to family, perhaps."
There were surrounding gasps of horror.
Yoshi yanked Mario again. "Captain, I implore you, don't do this."
"Wait!!" another voice commanded. Everyone whirled to see a heavily bandaged Luigi leaning wearily against the princess for support, having just emerged from the captain's chambers. He looked barely fit to live, much less stand.
The crew silently parted to make a path. With Peach's help, he staggered over to the two.
"Mario... you can't throw your life... away like this," he breathed. "You're... a big deal!"
Mario turned to him and shook his head. "It's a good thing to do, Luigi. I'm choosing this, so stay out of it. Savvy?"
Luigi shook his head weakly. "Look... bro... I know we never had a chance to... know each other," he panted, "but I can't let you... do this."
Mario tilted his head doubtfully. "Luigi..."
Luigi stumbled forward to Bowser. "Take me... I'll do it instead."
Mario shook his head in horror. "What bro, are you mad? You're not even a pirate!! What happened to that??"
Luigi looked at him with a sad smile. "I am now," he replied, resting a hand on his sword. "And Mario... I don't have long... to live anyway. You know that... I can't make it much longer. Let the curse die with me and be rid of it forever. Then no one will ever be hurt..."
Before anyone could protest further, Luigi suddenly fainted, leaving Mario to catch him.
The surrounding crew gasped.
"Luigi! Get up!" Mario commanded.
He didn't.
"He... isn't there anything you can do??" he turned to the medic Toad, who shook his head. "I'm sorry captain... we're losing him."
"Ohh..." Peach covered her mouth as if watching a sappy emotional movie.
Then Bowser stepped forward, drawing a knife. "Now don't fret yet. There is still one way you can save him..."
Everyone held their breath as he approached the dying man and eyed the chest.
"No," Mario said, but he knew it was pointless. "You can't..."
"Relax, captain," Bowser snorted, "I promise you this is the only way. It'll work."
And they all stood witness as Bowser the Terrible passed his legacy on.

Thus it came to pass. Bowser the Terrible was free, and BJ, his descendant, was never happier than the day he and his forefather set sail for a place they could call home. They never forgot the sacrifice of the pirate and the dorky carpenter - the fated duo whom they forever after referred to as the Mario Brothers. And would you believe - after all of his time in the ocean, Bowser wasn't quite so terrible after all.

The Flaming Titan, according to legend, passed on and received a new captain; and Luigi christened it the Dark Moon. On that very day he entrusted a most special casket to his brother for safekeeping.
"Then such is the way of the curse," Mario said solemnly, standing beside the plank with his brother. "It shall save its bearer."
Luigi turned to him. "I couldn't have survived any other way," he said. "You know that."
"Then... the curse will not die," Mario said.
Luigi shook his head. "It is mine now to bear, Mario. But you have an important part to uphold." He placed the chest in Mario's arms. "Can you keep my heart always close?"
Mario slightly nodded. "Always."
Luigi took a deep breath of the ocean air. "It is time for me to depart," he said, looking up to the deck of the Dark Moon. There, his new crew waited for him: ghosts and spirits, pirates and sailors long dead.
Mario looked down. "It's not fair," he said at last.
Luigi tilted his head. "Life's not fair," he replied softly.
Mario raised his eyebrows. Finally, he said, "See you around, Fluffyface."
Luigi gave the slightest smile. "If you last that long, Captain Hotshot."
He had just turned to go when Daisy appeared at the plank. "So you're going to leave without giving me a chance to meet Captain Mario's brother?" she demanded.
Luigi paused. "It... he's calling me," he said at last. "I must go."
Daisy leaned casually on Mario's head. "Well in that case, see you around," she said. "I own a certain part of the Caribbooan, too."
Mario frowned. "You do not," he said, shoving her away.
Daisy grinned. "Well who can say if you're telling the truth? You never told me you had such a cute brother."
Luigi blinked in surprise and his heart might have beat against his chest - if he'd still had it.
Mario crossed his arms as Daisy stepped forward. Then, without warning, she grabbed Luigi by the shirt and stole a brief kiss.
"Just in case," she said.
Mario was fuming. "Why you pestilent little-!"
Daisy swatted at him and stalked away triumphantly, leaving Luigi stricken speechless.

You may also be wondering what happened to the foobs, who apparently killed themselves on Bowser's appearance. Well, it turned out they were fine. They jumped overboard into the Duke's lifeboat, a small canoe called the Codfather. To disguise themselves further, they had dressed up in some lacy dresses they'd found on the Scarlet Fire.
"Can you row any faster?" Waluigi complained, fixing his bonnet. "I don't fancy getting caught!"
"Maybe it would work if I used you for an oar," Wario replied.
"Look, we're completely mortal now and I'm trying to do the best I can to take care of my body," Waluigi replied. "I don't know much about living anymore."
"Well, hopefully living men don't usually row around in canoes dressed like ladies," Wario replied.
"Excuse me, gentlemen," a voice from above suddenly announced. They whirled to see Mario standing at the rail of the Scarlet Fire, with Daisy beside him. Both wore amused looks of pity.
Mario coughed. "Bowser has left," he informed them. "Do you think you'd like to come back on board now?"

With most things resolved, the lengthy epilogue was beginning to come to a close. All that was left was for the remaining crew members to settle ship arrangements.
"Well, I guess after all that has transpired, you want your baby back?" Daisy said with a sigh as she and Mario walked the deck of the Scarlet Fire.
"Absolutely," he snapped. "And I want a full reimbursement for the four months I spent on Forgotten Isle!!"
Daisy stopped and crossed her arms, giving him a narrow look. "How about I give you your ship without a fight, we part ways and call it even?" she suggested.
Mario glared at her. "And you'll keep my old idiot crew?"
Daisy shrugged. "Yes... unless you want them back."
"Nah," Mario said. "I've got a better one." He grinned at Yoshi, who waved from the S. S. Boollion.
"Okay... then I'll just need a ship of my own, Captain," Daisy said at last. Mario paused thoughtfully.
"Look," he said. "I don't know why I would ever help you with that, sugar," he said, "but if it means that much, I'll see what I can do."
He stepped away towards the wheel. Daisy couldn't help grinning after him.
"So you're serious?" she said.
Mario shrugged. "For as good as my honesty's worth," he said. "Which might not be much, but y'know..." he stood against the wheel and sighed, leaning towards her regretfully. "It never would've worked between us, sweetheart."
Daisy narrowed her eyes and nodded, a sour smile coming on. "You can keep telling yourself that."

So it happened. Captain Mario soon after returned to the Mushroom Kingdom with Princess Peach, and at her request he appeared before King Toadsworth himself.
Peach spoke mostly on his behalf. "After witnessing his trials at sea, and seeing how he would give up his eternity to spare a young boy from a curse, I have come to realize that his heart is noble," she declared. "And never have I met a man more deserving of praise or honor."
Expecting a new punishment even worse than the previous one, Mario had been more than surprised by the king's words. After all that had transpired, he was impressed by the pirate's saving of his daughter and sought to reward him.
"There are only two things I would ask, your majesty," Mario replied. Unable to withhold a grin, he glanced at the princess.

Thus it happened that Mario was able to repay Daisy with a new ship; and with immense pride, she became captain of the Daisy Cruiser.
Princess Peach herself soon deigned to acknowledge Mario's request, and with her by his helm they sailed away for the open Caribbooan on the Scarlet Fire. She forgave the pirates for all they had done; and by some small chance she and Captain Daisy over time became dear friends.
Mario still sailed with Yoshi and his crew, ever looking for a 'harmless' objective; although the thought of his brother was never too far from the front of his mind. And every time he looked out to sea, he imagined the dark ship and its legions of ghosts, led by a dorky carpenter who had given away his heart; and he vowed to one day break the curse that kept them apart.


And so it is told
And thus I end my tale
Of the boy and the girl
And the ancient treasure of fable.
Whether ''tis true or not
You'll still have to think through,
But I'll tell ye what I think
Of the Curse of the Dark Moon.
This is the name by which it came to be known,
And it seems quite plausible as the proof has shown.
For although I tend to forget,
And I'm getting older too,
Some things still run for me
Such as my name of Lakitu.
And though the curse still stands like this
I swear, you'll hear it near and far
If ye ever meet a Captain Mario,
His cheek still bears the scar.

The End


NintendoJedi: Okay guys, shoot.

Wario: Me first. WHAT THE HECK?!?

Waluigi: You mean What the crag.

Toad: That was amazing! Magic spells, daring sword fights, a prince in disguise!!

Blue Toad: Uhh, I think you have the wrong story. Anyway, what gives?! I didn't have a real role!!

King Boo: Hey, neither did I, and I still ruled the whole thing. 😎

Daisy: Dang, I had a ton to comment on but it's been so long I forgot it all.

Luigi: *sniff* That was... so darn sad!!!

Peach: I have to agree... but lots of fun!

Daisy: Yeah, I was pretty wicked. I OWNED you people!

Mario: Yeah, that's what you think, sweetheart.

Daisy: !!! I will get sword happy with you.

Bowser: I think we can all agree I was pretty wicked.

BJ: And me! I was so brave and awesome -

Mario: So was I! I was so wicked -

Luigi: Okay we get it!! I don't know. I'm just... recovering. It seemed kinda unfair to me.

Mario: Life's not fair.

Luigi: ...

Daisy: Well hey, it was pretty darn epic sometimes. And at least nobody died this time!

Waluigi: I think it should have been about a rogue pirate who wore purple.

NintendoJedi: Yeah, I'll keep it in mind.

Toadette: Although it was violent, I still loved it!

Wario: And here I thought she dreamed about lollipops and roses all the time.

NintendoJedi: Guys, you know it was inspired by the movies.

Mario: What movies?

Daisy: *facepalm* Seriously?

Mario: Seriously. I need this to become a movie.

Waluigi: But let me get this straight. Luigi literally...?

Luigi: Yes.

Wario: So you actually gave your-

Luigi: SHUT IT!!


Mario: I think the conversation is over, time to get back to real life.

Wario: Hah, you're just hoping to avoid any awkward confrontations regarding Daisy.

Waluigi: Yeah, she's MINE!!

Yoshi: *sigh* Unfortunately real life is no less complicated...

NintendoJedi: Hey, welcome back to Crazy Mario Land.

And there!! It is finished!!
Sooo, I hope you guys at least sort of liked my parody of Pirates of the Caribbean! I had been hoping to do something like this for a while.
And now. To be honest, I don't know when I'll be able to update again - it could be a while, it could be next week. (Don't count on that.) But whatever happens, I PROMISE that the next episode will be super simple!
And yes, this baby was ripe with references! Happy searching.

So, in the meantime, make sure to have daring sword fights, don't let your heart get torn out, and s t a y c r a z y !

~ NintendoJedi

And yes, now you can listen to the song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Now go see the movies XD

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