4. The poor referee - Abhigya os...

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This is your crazymahiz coming up again with  a funny one shot....

This is just a funny thought striked in my mind... Any criticisms to this story are most welcome... No offence to any characters used... It's purely imaginary...

Lets move to our os...



It's a fine morning.... Completely tired and exhausted Rockstar. Abhishek Mehra, is sleeping peacefully in his cozy bed.... He is very late yesterday night, as his concert ends only at late night...

Rockstar abhi is in deep sleep, when two little hands hits his chest, as hard as it can... Abhi is highly irritated and twists in his sleep... But, thd two hands hits him hardly, making him to scream in pain...

Abhi: ouchhhhhhhh.... Aaaahhhh What the  hell is that???

The two hands again starts to hit him again and again, as Abhi is not all paying heed to them...

Abhi: Arrey, what happened to you two??? Why you two are hitting me like this??? Listen my sweet kids... Papa is really tired... So, allow me to sleep for some time and I will settle your matters later....

Voice 1 screams: Papa.... Listen to me...

Voice 2 fumes: Dad.... Sleep later... You first listen to me...

The naughty little ones of Abhigya, the twins of 6 years or simply saying the great fighter cocks, shameer and  shameera are sitting stubbornly and want Abhi to listen to them...

Abhi: Okay... Okay... Relax... I will listen to you both... Can't you two stay calm for some time... What's the issue now??? Come on, tell me...

Shameer: Papa, this shameera is not hearing to me...

Shameera: Why I have to hear you??? Can't you, listen to me???

Shameer: No I'm saying it correctly... So, you only have to listen to me...

Shameera: No ways, idiot... Im only saying it correctly.... So, you listen to me...

Abhi: stopppp ittttt.... What's happening here????  Stop arguing and tell me what's the issue???

See... I'm very late yesterday... I'm hell tired, as  I didn't get proper sleep... I want to sleep peacefully...

Please.. I beg you both.... Tell me, what's the matter... My head is bursting in pain...

Shameera: Papa... Don't worry... I will massage your head...

Shameer: No need of your boring massage,,, I will give you tablets, papa... It will ease your pain...

Abhi: Stop you, two... I know to take care of me and my wife is there to see me... You both don't bother about that...

Tell me what's the issue, right now??? Or else... (With a mischievous smirk) How about calling your mom???? She will settle your issues, better than me...

Both screams in union,:  Noooooo....

Shameer: Papa... I will tell you... We were watching cartoon... I said, Ben 10 is best... But this shameera is saying it's not...

Shameera: Haan papa.... That stupid Ben, uses aliens to fight... My Chotta bheem is the best...

Abhi in an irritating tone: Is this the issue, you both were arguing for???

Both nods their head as yes ...

Abhi: I will solve this issue.... No arguments and no further discussions... Okay....

Both agrees, by noding their heads....

Abhi: I will say .... Neither Ben 10 nor chotta beem is best.... Popeye is always the best... I love Popeye, so much... Popeye, the sailor man, hoo hoo....

Both gasps in shock, as neither of them won... Abhi asks them to go and study... Both reluctantly agrees and moves out, as Abhi strictly said that he will say this matter to their mother... With fear for their mother, they stopped arguing and started to study....


Abhi after having two hours of his beautiful sleep,  freshen up and comes down... He enters the living room... The sight infront of him, makes him to get horrified and freak out...

The living room is completely messed up... The sofas are turned, upside down... Cushions are scattered in the floor.... The room seems like, it has faced a huge hurricane....

There stood the two devils of Abhi and Pragya, who are the reason for this mess and they are standing in the opposite side, glaring at each other....

Abhi just imagines what will his wife do, if she sees this.... Abhi horrifies as  she will kill everyone for sure... Abhi will become the main victim and she will bash him mercilessly, for over pampering them...

Poor Abhi started to sweat hard, knowing very well about his wife's reaction, as he is always becoming a space goat because of their kids... He is badly strucked up with the naughtiness of his kids...

Abhi yells angrily : What you guys are doing??? Are you two babies???? Don't you know, you both are grown up and should be a role model to your younger siblings....

You two are of 10 years... You should be an example to your younger ones.... But... you both are fighting like small kids...

The two kids, Priyansh and Priya, hungs their heads down...

They are also the twins (elder kids) of Abhigya and they are simply, the fighting bulls of 10 years...

Priya: I'm not at fault, Papa... He is the one.... He is always troubling and messing up with me...

Priyansh: No papa... I did not do anything wrong... She only did it... She is always finding fault in me and blames me for the mistake, I've never committed...

Abhi (roars): Stop ittttt.... No further explanations or blah blah blahs.... Say it directly... What has happened???

Priya: Papa, I want to see movie...

Priyansh: I want to see cricket...

Priya and priyansh had a huge fight arguing to watch whether a cricket match or a movie and keep on pulling the tv remote hardly...  They quarrelled and argued and that's the reason for huge mess in that room...

Abhi:  Enough... Listen you both... Stop fighting ..  End of all discussions...

No movie .... No cricket... Move you both... Go and study, quietly.... I'm going to watch news....

No sound should come... Or I will call your mom... Go....

Both silently went out hearing their Mom's name... They were throwing daggers on each other and cursing the other silently...

Abhi sighs and thinks of his fate... He loves his kids very much... But this silly fights, really irritates him a lot...  When his wife Pragya got pregnant, Abhi was in cloud nine...

But to Abhi's disbelief and adding to his misery, both the time they are blessed with twins.... ( A boy and a girl)....

He loved his kids too much and pampered them a lot... But Abhi does not like them fighting and arguing, as he hates to act as a referee....

The kids always comes to Abhi, to settle all their issues.... All the kids are frightened before Pragya and Abhi is the one, who has to get beaten up and got torn in their fights...


The house is completely like a war field... The kids were fighting for a long time... But there is no sight of his beautiful wife pragya... If pragya is there, no one will fight and acts like good kids...

Abhi doesn't know where would have Pragyà gone, without informing him... To his irritation, her mobile is also not reachable...

After 2 hours, Pragya enters home with a wide smile in her face...

Pragya comes near Abhi and sits in Abhi's lap and hugs him tightly... She kisses on his cheeks and ruffles his hair...

Abhi does not react to Pragya and is sitting like a robot....

Pragya: What happened to my Rockstar??? Why are you in mood out??? Did the kids do anything wrong??? Wait... I will go and see them...

Abhi: Arrey, fuggy... Stop it na... I've settled their issues... They are like that only... Don't scold them... Please...

Pragya: Hmm... okay... Too much protective towards kids, haan... That's why, they are behaving like that... Act strictly with them Abhi or they will dance in your heads...

Abhi: Leave it , fuggy... Where have you been??? I've been calling you, for a long time... If you are in home, they will be quiet ..... I don't need to act as referee...

Pragya blushes: It's all because of you, my naughty hubby... I told you, many a times.... But when did you listen to me, haan.... Now you have no choice, Rockstar... Get ready to face it...

Abhi: What have I done, fuggy??? Don't keep suspense like this.... Tell me na...

Pragya: I told you to control your naughtiness... But you never listened to me... I missed out... I went to check with the doctor, asI had little doubt... now, it's confirmed....

Abhi: whaatttt.... 😨😨😨😨😨

Pragya:  Congratulations, My naughty Rockstar.... You are going to become papa again... That too, we are going to have twins again....

Abhi gasps in shock... He faints and falls down, not able to bear the biggest shock of his life.....


Hope, its upto the mark...

If you like this one shot, hit like and give your valuable comments.... Any suggestions and criticisms are most welcome...

Until we meet next time,

Your crazy buddy,


Bidding adieu....


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