2. Gorgeous.... You... - Abhigya one shot

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This is your crazy coming up again with another one shot....

Seriously something has gone into my head.. I'm becoming more and more crazy and making you all go crazy with my crazy writeups...

Today I was randomly surfing net... One simple advertisement got my attention so much...

So I tried this one shot, keeping it as my inspiration.... The story gonna have Pragya, Ro dadi, Sarlama and Abhi as the cast........


Let's move to our one shot...

"Gorgeous... You.. "

The big outdoor stadium is filled with the hustle, blustes of People who are looking forward to see the sensational athletic competition, which gonna decide who is the best runner in the country....

The big racing track is getting ready for the competition... People are roaring and chirping happily and is screaming the names of their favourite stars...

Soon, all the players in their sports outfit, comes and takes their position and is getting ready to face off the final challenge, to win the trophy..

People are eagerly waiting for the 100m running race to start soon...  Curiosity is getting doubled, as all eager to see, who is the fastest runner In the country....

When it's time, the participants takes their positions and the whistle blows... The players starts to run, as fast as they can... Tension fills the whole place...

Everyone's gaze is fixed on the legs of one player and all are screaming only the name of the player... To be precise, the whole stadium is chanting only the player's name as the mantra...

Everyone are wishing and praying for
the most wanted player  of the country to win the coveted title... The player is the favourite among the group, who is an inspiration to the younger generation and the most wanted youth icon....

All players are running, as fast as they can... It seems like watching a thunderstorm is passing quickly like a lightning, before our eyes... None could predict who is going to win...

The players run like even air could not make up to chase them... No one is focising on their faces and all their gaze is fixed only on those player's legs only....

They reaches the finishing line...

A pair of legs touches the line.... The crowd cheered, roared, whistled, danced and felt more happy as their favourite icon wins... The name Pragya Arora echoes the whole place....

Pragya Arora, the famous athlete, who is a youth icon, has added one more feather to her victory... She happily lifted the winning trophy and thanked all the crowd for thir wonderful support....


After the prizing ceremony, pragya reaches her home happily, to show her winning trophy....

Pragya: Maa, dadi.... Where are you two.... Come come here... See, again I won...

Pragya hugs her maa Sarla and her dadi and gets blessings from them happily.....

Ro dadi: Pragya beta... Congrats... We all know you will win... You will win much more trophies and make us all to feel proud....

Sarlama: congrats beta... Go and freshen up come... Let me prepare something for you...

Pragya: Maa... What happened to you... You are fine na... Why are your sounding very low??? Is Anything bothering you??? Are you not happy, seeing my success???

Sarlama: Nothing like that beta... Leave it..

Pragya: Maa.... Don't you feel happy for my winning??

Sarlama: I'm always proud and happy for your win Pragya, because I know you are a good sportman... But??

Pragya: But??  Speak out maa.... I want to know the reason for your worries....
Sarlama sighs : I'm much worried for you life, Pragya ... Already you have a dark complexion... Now you are always prone to sun's heat often...  You need to do a  lot of practice to win a match and its making you to look even more darker...

I want me daughter to happily get married... As a mother, I always pray for my daughter's happy life... But reality is, no one is ready to marry a darker girl.... I'm worried a lot, Pragya...

I told you many a times, to use fairness creams and go to parlour and all... But you are not interested to make yourself look beautiful...

Ro dadi: Enough sarla... You are talking too much... Our pragya is gorgeous... Her success shows her will power... She will get a best life for sure

Sarla: But beeji??? You are not understanding....

Pragya: Ma , dadi can I speak??? It's nothing like you yhink ma... These creams dont transform me to get a milky white skin and I'm not a fool to fall for such stupid ads...

Moreover, you all know that how shy and inferior I'm earlier... I struggled hard to come out from my thinking that I'm looking horrible and with darker complexion...

Now, this Pragya is no more the inferior girl... She is the inspiration to the young people and the most wanted youth icon... I am confident and this is enough for me to lead a happy life...

Dont worry too much... If love and marriage is in my fate, I will get married for sure... Or else, I will be a trend setter and role model to many and I'm damn sure , I will live happy all my life...

Sarlama and dadi hugs Pragya, with teary eyes... They prayed that someone will love and marry Pragya and makes her to be  blessed with a happy life...


After some days,

Pragya as usual started her practice session... She can't focus on her training as Sarlama's words are ringing in her mind continuously... Sarlama's cries, her worries, her concerns bothers, Pragya a lot...

As her focus and attention is not in the ground, she fails to notice the stone on the track  and falls down... Blood starts to ooze out from hee legs....

The Coach is startled and runs towards pragya, who is in deep thoughts... He lifts Pragya in his arms  and makes her to settle in the nearby chair.... He gave a deadly glare to Pragya and makes her to  drink water... Pragya hungs her head down and utters sorry to her coach....

Coach: What happened to you, Pragya??? Where is your mind haan??? You are not at all focussing on your practice... What's bothering you???

Pragya: Nothing coach..  I'm absolutely fine... Sorry... Some family issues... Just got carried away...  I will take a break for 15 minutes... Then we can continue... Please...

Coach sighs : Alright... Take rest and come soon...


After mentally preparing herself, Pragya moves towards the ground with full of determination and hope and concentrates and practices with new enthusiasm and confidence...

Later in the evening, Pragya finishes off her training and is about to go out... Two strong hands blocked her way... Pragya smiles on seeing Abhi and gestures him as what....

Abhi: Can I have word with you, Pragya madam??? Can you come with me, for a drive??? Please...

Pragya:  I will come... But???

Abhi: But???

Pragya: But I want to know, whom I'm going to talk??? Is that my coach- the threatening and strict, khadoos, Abhishekh mehra or my best buddy- my sweet Abhi....

Abhi chuckles: Seriously, fuggy... You are an unique piece..

Pragya: That's why no one is there to love me and marry me, right....

Abhi: Whaaaattt.... Come again...

Pragya: yeah , I know you want to know whats bothering me, right??

Abhi: yes... I'm worried on seeing you getting stressed and restless, many a times... What Happened sweetie....

Pragya: Abhi, mom is worrying a lot... She wants me to have a happy life and get married soon... But tell me, who is there to love me and marry me??? Who will like to have a dark girl as their bride???

Abhi: why are you thinking so low of you, Pragya???? What's in complexion and all...

Pragya: It's reality, Abhi... Men admires beautiful girls and fair complexion is what they expect from the girls....

Abhi, I want to tell you something... You like me as a friend and you cares for me, as a coach... You are way more handsome and girls are adoring you a lot...

Better you too, dont talk to me like a friend.. Who knows, beautiful girls will feel bad, if they see you talking with me... Even your friends can tease you for talking to an ugly girl like me...

Abhi: This is absolute stupidity... Don't talk nonsense, Pragya...

Pragya: Please Abhi,... Try to understand.... You are my only friend, who understands me very well... I don't want to lose you at any cost ...

Abhi: It's not going to happen in your dreams too, Pragya.... I won't leave you ever, in my wild dreams too... Keep this in your dumb head... Abhi will be with his fuggy always...

Pragya: Abhi... You are not understanding... Alright... Alright... Let me zip my mouth... Don't scare me okay... Sorry baba... Please... Please... Forgive your fuggy na...

Pragya shows her puppy face and Abhi gently pats on her head... Both gets inside the car and reaches the outskirts of the city... They get down hand in hand and enjoys the cool breeze in the sea...

After sometime,

Pragya: Abhiii... Can I ask you one thing??? You won't mistake me na... Do you really like me???

Abhi: Yes of course... I like my gorgeous lady... My love, my life, my friend, my soulmate, my woman of dreams and my secret crush fuggy - my sweet lovely Pragya, so much...

She is the best always and I don't find any woman, gorgeous like her...

Pragya is completely dumbstruck and tears oozes out from her eyes, uncontrollably...

Abhi: Fuggy... I love you so much.... Will you marry me??? Will you be my soulmate??? Don't think that you are not worth to be liked and loved... I love you so much and I will assure you that I will give you the happiness, you deserve...

Abhi hugs Pragya tightly and kisses her forehead, pouring all the love he has on her... He cups her face and wipes her tears and is looking at her expectantly....

Abhi is shocked to get such a reply from Pragya and he too reciprocated it by entwining the dual pairs to mingle for a happy union... They cherished their lovely moments...

The two lovely birds Pragya and Abhi enjoys their love life and wins more trophies and gets success after success... They married happily and lives a very happy and beautiful life...


"Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"...

Don't think low of yourselves, with your complexion...

A women's beauty lies in her nature, her behaviour, her character, her modesty and so on..

Don't judge and underestimate a woman by her figure or complexion...

Leave all your worries...

Feel proud of yourselves....

Stay blessed and have a happy life...

May all your lives be colourful and joyful...


If you like this story, please feel free to read, vote and comment...

Yours buddy


signing off..

Be back soon with another story...

Stay tuned...


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