3. That's what she wants.... Abhigya os

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This is going to be an emotional one shot which is going to speak about what a woman always want and desires... It conveys the feelings of a married women and her problems...

Presenting to you the one shot,
"That's what she wants...."

Starring Abhi and Pragya...


Abhishekh Prem mehra is a workholic... He is a great business man... He is very adamant to win all the business deals and he makes sure and works hard to win and succeed in whatever business, he deals....

He has gone for US to get a business deal and he is very busy in setting up a branch there too.... He never cares about family or anything... What matters to him most is only his business...


One fine day,

Abhi is very busy with his files and is sitting there tensedly, as some issues were going on... Suddenly a pop up sound from his laptop alerting about a mail and a notification of message in his mobile comes at the same time....

He just checks his mobile and laptop and wonders, who it might be...
It's come from the same person and he is hell shocked as he never expected that he will get a message from that person....

The message reads to check atleast the mail... He with sweaty hands and panicked heart, opens the mail, praying hardly that nothing wrong should happen....

It comes with a video file as attachement.... ( You can also imagine the same video file in wh....app too)....
Abhi immediately downloads the file....

The video opens....

A woman dressed up in her simple saree with kumkum in her forehead and her neck adored with the mangalsutra is stands there, looking very pale and sad....

A genuine smile creeps up in Abhi's face on seeing her face, after a long time and he traces his hand lovingly on her petite figure, which has lost all the hopes to live....

The video plays:

How are you??? Hope you are doing good..... May god bless you to get succeeded, in all the business you enter...

Sorry to disturb you, during your work time... Sorry for troubling you these 3 years....

I hope you remember me.... I'm Pragya.... Pragya Abhishekh mehra.... Your legally wedded wife of 3 years...

Do you remember what day is today??? I know you have forgotten it... Don't check your calendar for the events...

I know it's not going to matter to you anymore.... But for me, it's way too precious...

Yes, it's the same day which brought us together.... It's the day that makes us one... It's the day that tied us in a beautiful relationship of marriage.... Yes the day which you hate the most.... Our wedding anniversary...

Sorry to remind you of the horrible day, which you want to forget.... This is the last time I'm troubling you...

I want to speak for a last time to you... Please bear with me, for five minutes... Sorry in advance...

Marriage is a very beautiful bonding... Ours is an arranged marriage...I fell for you, when I first met you....

I love Abhi the person, who married me and not the businessman Abhishek prem mehra, who does not consider the woman , the wife who is waiting for him and longing to have atleast a glimpse of him...

I don't know, where you are right now??? No calls, no messages and no infos where you are too... I even contacted your office... They informs me that it's highly confidential....

Who am I to you???

I'm not a mere furniture in your house... I'm a human, a woman have all sorts of feelings.... I'm a woman, who is desperately waiting and longing for her husband....

I'm not talking about s**ual needs or any bodily desires, I'm having for you... Sorry if I hurt you....

All are thinking only physical needs and intimacy makes a marriage to work.... But it's completely wrong....

Do you know what a woman needs and wants???

She wants her husband to love her truly.... Hold her hands, whenever she feels insecure.... Care for her, when she is unwell.... Appreciate her, when she cooks....

Forgive her, when she does any mistakes... Pamper her , when she feels week.... Surprise her, to make her feel loved.... A lot more is there....

Why I'm saying all this to a feeling less man like you, who never bother about my presence too...

Marriage is not a realtionship, which ends with a single day, doing 7 pheras, filling the kumkum, tying mangalsutra and having suhagraat....

It's an eternal bonding of two hearts, to stay together, till their whole life... I know it's no use, to tell you all this...

Sorry for all the troubles I have given to you, all these years... Thanks for bearing with me..

Live happily with your files, mobiles, laptop, meetings, business deals, new ventures, whatever you wish....

I'm leaving you, forever....

Stay happy and god bless you, with all happiness....

Send me divorce notice soon... I will sign it and free you, from the relationship you hate the most...

Last thing....

" I loved you , I love you now and will love you forever , Abhi...."

The video ends....


Abhi is crying vigorously and is keep on seeing the video again and again... He understands what mistake he has committed and how much he has hurtes her unknowingly....

Abhi's pov..:

What have you done Pragya??? Why you have decided to leave me???? Don't you know, how much I love you...

Who said ours is an arranged marriage???? Ours is a purely love marriage... I have seen you many a times, before marriage....

I fell for your charms, chirpy attitude, friendly gestures, polite nature, loving behaviour and childish antics and a lot more to say....

I made up in such a way that our marriage should look like an arranged marriage... I'm not avoiding you or forgotten you, my love... I love you so much Pragya... Please, come back to me...

You are my soul.... You are my life.... You are my breath.... You are my reason to live...You are my everything...

I'm working this much hard to bring the world under your feet and to give you all happiness, you deserves... I being a fool is chasing money, to make you to enjoy all the richness...

I thought getting rich will make you happy.... But I was completely wrong... I'm a fool and lately understands what you want... You need only me and not any of these monetary wealth...

I'm coming for you, Pragya.... I will surely win you back... I swear my dear love, I will give you what you want and desires....

Abhi knew where his wife would have gone... Not wasting much time, he immediately took a flight and moves to where pragya will be...


Abhi is impatiently standing infront of his inlaws house... He rings the calling bell continuously and prays hardly that only Pragya should open the door and no one should be in the house...

The door clicks opens... The sight before him makes his heart to bleed in pain... He saw his wife, his love, his soulmate Pragya, standing in front of him, lifelessly....

However, he is determined to win her back and to give her, what she desires... He is ready to fall on her feet and beg for her mercy too...


Pragya could not believe her eyes.... She rubs her eyes quickly and unbelievably looking at Abhi, who is standing in front of her... She stares at him angrily and kinds of awful words, lined up in her mouth....

Pragya: Is that you, Mr. Abhishek Mehra... I think, you have come to a wrong place... This is not your office... May I know, What are you doing here???

What do you want??? Can you please leave the place??? I need to close the door, as no one is there in the house... I'm not comfortable to invite any strangers to my house....

The word stranger pricks Abhi's heart to the core.... He composes himself and softly took her hands... Pragya pulls her hands quickly...

Pragya: What do you want????

Abhi: You...

Pragya: Whatttt... What do you mean by this you???

Abhi: You means.... Your... Your coffee... Coffee... Yeah... Can I come in? Can I get my favourite coffee from your hands?? It's long time na... I badly want to sip my favourite coffee...

Pragya grits her teeth angrily and without saying anything, moves inside.... She gestures Abhi to take a seat and she walks towards the kitchen to prepare the coffee...

She murmurs angrily....

I thought my Abhi has come to take me, with hum.... But this idiot and stupid dumb Abhishekh, the great businessman has just come to have his favourite coffee, that too by wearing my favoirite dress, which I gifted him for the first time....

He is hell adamant to irritate me... I will kill him... I'm hell angry on him... Why he is going to bother about me... I don't want to see him again... I don't care.... He is no one to me... 😭😭😭😭😭...

I hate him... Hate him to the core... Coffee my foot... Now too he is not at telling that he needs me and wants me back... Why Abhi??? Don't you love me and don't you want to be with me.... 😭😭😭😭😭

Pragya in between her murmurs, bangs all the vessels and prepares the coffee.... Silent tears are escaping from her eyes, continuously....

Her breath hitched, as she feels that her tears are being wiped by a strong hand... Pragya sees her husband Abhi is crying profusely and wiping her tears...

That's it... All of Pragya's anger gone in thin air... Pragya hugs abhi tightly and breaks down completely.... Abhi pats her back and comforts her...

Abhi: ssshhhh... Enough darling.... No more crying, my love... Sorry for all the sufferings you have faced, because of me....

Sorry for the loneliness, you have gone through.... Sorry for making you to wait and not for contacting you too....

I thought to make you happy, by bringing you all the richness, as you are my queen.... But I was completely wrong..

Pretty please, forgive your Abhi na.. Be my love and life forever, my dear..

I assure you, from now on wards, you are my first priority.... I will fulfill all your needs, wants and desires...

I will never leave you and will take you with me, wherever I go.... Even death can never separate us... Please pragya....

Can you accept your Abhi and forgive him for his stupidity and mistakes??? Can you accept my apologies???? Can you give us a chance??? Can we start it fresh from now on????

Pragya nods her head as yes and hugs Abhi tightly... They remain there like that for a long time, feeling and cherishing their missed love and togetherness for a long time....


After some time,

Abhi slowly whispers: I love you pragya... Belated anniversary wishes, my love....

He in a naughty and seductive tone says,

Can I get my anniversary gift, baby??? Can I get my love again??? Can I have my wife fully for me??? Can we love, darling????

Pragya shyly nods her head and is ready to enjoy her lost found love...


Relationships are very essential to live happily... Money does not make you all, happy always...

A successful marriage is that both husband and wife should respect, care, love, protect, cherish and spend time with each other, whole heartedly....

So respect all your relationships.... It's never too late... Show your loved ones, how much you care and love them...

Love your family and respect and consider all the relationships, before it slips from your hands....

It's now time to consider my writings and little time to care for me too....

😂😂😂😂 I made you all to feel right....

If it is so and if it touches your heart, vote and comment..... Your words are my inspiration and boost to write more....

With lots of love and care,

Yours emotionally turned friend,

Crazy mahiz....


With another one shot...

See you all...


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