Chapter fifteen

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 Chapter 15

*Warning- Lots of fluff. If you can't handle cuteness I suggest you leave now :D*

"Alex! Happy birthday!" Alex gasped and grabbed her knife from under her pillow, and sliced at whatever her attacker was. Being half asleep, she had no idea what was going on. "Ow! Again?!" Gabriel jumped back and held his cheek.

"Gabriel?!" Alex sat up somewhat and looked at the angel, waking up more.

"Obviously! What the hell?" Gabriel pouted.

"Oh get over it and heal yourself," Alex grumbled, putting the knife on the nightstand and pulling the blankets over her head.

"Mean!" Gabriel exclaimed, but did heal himself. "Hey wait, get up!"

"Ugh, why?" Alex groaned from under the covers.

"It's your birthday!" Gabriel nudged Alex, who continued groaning in protest.

"I don't wanna," Alex knew she was acting like a five year old, but she didn't care.

"Come on, get up," Gabriel laughed.

"What time is it?"

"Midnight...." Gabriel was still smiling.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Alex lifted her head and glared at the cheeky archangel.

"Nope! Are you going to get up?"

"Hell no," Alex flopped down on the pillow again.

"You can't stay in bed forever," Gabriel reminded.

"Watch me," Alex couldn't help but smile a little.

"Alex!" Gabriel whined, drawing out her name.

"Gabriel," Alex mocked his tone.

"Get up."

"Make me."

"Fine." Gabriel easily moved the blankets off of Alex and grabbed her, picking up the rather small girl and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Hey! Wait, no!" Alex tried to wiggle her way out of his arms.

"You asked for it," Gabriel chuckled.

"Douche bag..." Alex muttered and accepted her fate.

Gabriel laughed again and put her down, "Well, what do you want to do for your birthday?"

"Actually sleep for once," Alex muttered.

"No, seriously."

"I don't know...?" Alex shrugged. "I haven't celebrated it in like...eleven years or something..."

"Really...?" Gabriel asked, then realized she hadn't since her mother died.

"Yeah. My dad's not that into holidays." Alex chuckled lightly.

"Well...If you could do anything at all, what would it be?"

"Uh..." Alex thought for a while. "Well, we can't do much at twelve in the morning."

"True..." Gabriel frowned.

"Does that mean I can go back to sleep?" Alex hoped to get more than three hours of sleep this time.

"Yeah, fine..." Gabriel pouted again.

Alex chuckled a bit, "You're such a kid." Then she got a random idea, "Wanna join?"

"So you're the cuddly type, huh?" Gabriel smirked.

Alex blushed and looked away, "Shut up."


Alex woke up to find her head on someone's chest. What...? Oh, right. She lifted her head slightly to find Gabriel looking at her. "Oh, angels don't sleep huh?"

"Nope, but it's fine," Gabriel shrugged a little.

"What time is it?" Alex moved away from the angel and grabbed her cellphone off the nightstand. Noon...? "Did I sleep for twelve hours?"

"Yeah, you were pretty tired huh?" Gabriel smiled.

"I don't think I've ever slept that long in my entire life..." Alex sat up and crossed her legs, Gabriel sitting up too.

"Did you think of anything you wanna do for your birthday?"

"Uhm. Well, I don't want you to do something too big. It's not that big of a deal," Alex continued thinking.

"Ok. We could just go out to dinner somewhere if you want?" Gabriel suggested.

"Yeah that works," Alex agreed. "What do you wanna do in the mean time?"

"Whatever you want."

Alex frowned, "I don't know what I want though."

"Is there a place you've wanted to see?" Gabriel asked.

"No, not really..." Alex admitted.


"Yeah..." Alex trailed off.

"Hmm..." Gabriel thought for a while.

They were interrupted by Alex's phone ringing. Alex grabbed her phone and sighed at the number on the screen. "Hey dad," Alex answered the '666' number.

"Mr.Crowley has requested you come see him." A demon said on the other line.

"What for?" Alex didn't feel like seeing her father.

"He did not say, I'm sorry miss," The demon apologized.

"Whatever. Where am I supposed to meet him?" Alex listened to the demon, writing down the address on her hand. "Ok. I'll be there soon." She hung up and looked over at Gabriel.

"So, what does father dearest want now?" He asked.

"Don't know. He wants me to go see him though." Alex got off the bed and headed to the bathroom to change. "I'm going to go alone though, you two don't seem to get along very well."

Alex teleported herself to the address she got and was surprised to see where her father was staying. The abandoned house was falling apart, and looked horrible. She walked up to the door and opened it, only seeing a few demons inside. "Hey...where's my dad?"

"Hello, darling." Crowley came in from the other room.

"Hi... Nice place you have here." Alex gestured to the room around them.

Crowley frowned, "It's temporary." Alex could tell he was stressed.

"So why'd you want to see me?"

"I wanted to wish you happy birthday."

"Seriously? Why now? You haven't done that since mom died," Alex raised an eyebrow. This isn't like him... Then Alex knew, "Don't tell me this is 'cause it's the end of the world... That's just lame."

Crowley stayed silent for a while, "I got you a present..."

Alex was extremely surprised, "Really...?"

Crowley pulled a necklace out of his pocket and held it by the chain, letting the charm dangle in the air. It had a white gold chain and a white gold band that attached a light blue, square shaped, gem to the chain. Alex walked over to Crowley and looked at the gem. "Wait...this is mom's!" Alex held the gem in her hands and Crowley let go of the chain. "You still had it?" Alex remembered seeing her mother wear it all the time, no matter what she was doing.

"Yes. I've also put an Enochian protection spell on it." Crowley nodded.

"You know Enochian?" Alex looked back up to her father.

"Of course I do."

Alex smiled at the necklace, "Thanks..." After her mother died she never had anything to remember her by, but now she did.

"Come here, I'll put it on you." Crowley offered. Alex was still surprised her father was being so kind, but decided not to question it. She walked over and gave him the necklace, turning around and moving her hair so he could put it on.

Once he finished Alex backed away again and fixed her hair somewhat. "So..." Alex didn't really know what to say.

"You can go back to whatever you were doing now," Crowley stated.

"Ok, but wait. You know, right?" Alex wanted to see for herself what Gabriel had to tell him.

"That Lucifer has you bound? Yes."

"Yeah..." Alex muttered. "I guess I'll go then. Thanks again." Alex smiled and awkwardly teleported from the room when her father didn't reply.


Alex and Gabriel ended up getting to the restaurant a few hours late, and the restaurant was now pretty empty. Gabriel had forced Alex to wear a dress that matched her mother's necklace, and he was wearing a tuxedo, which Alex loved. She didn't want to go to a fancy restaurant, but once again, Gabriel forced her too.

She sat across from the archangel and adjusted the strapless dress again, regretting letting Gabriel pick it out. A waiter came over and handed them both menus and filled to glasses with wine.

He better not try and get me drunk... Alex thought as she looked over the menu. Everything was really fancy, and she had no idea what a lot of it was, but luckily they were still in the United States, so it was in English. "I have no idea what I'm going to get." Alex looked up to Gabriel. "Why'd we have to come to such a fancy place?"

Gabriel shrugged, "I figured you'd like it."

"It's nice... I just don't know what most of this stuff is." Alex laughed a little. "Maybe I'll just get salad..."

"Don't forget dessert though," Gabriel reminded her and she shook her head.

"Of course."

"By the way, where'd your dad get that necklace? It has an Enochian spell on it." Gabriel was looking at the charm dangling on her chest.

Alex held the gem lightly in her hand, "It was my mom's. He gave it to her a while ago. He said he knows Enochian and put the spell there." She explained.

"I see... Wait, how does he know Enochian?"

"No idea..." Alex shrugged.

A few moments later the waiter came back over, taking their menus along with their orders. The two continued to talk about random things as they waited for their food to arrive. Most of the time Gabriel was making jokes that they both laughed at, and they were lucky there was barely any other customers, because they'd have been kicked out.

After they ate dinner, Gabriel of course ordered a huge bowl of ice cream. Alex watched mostly as Gabriel devoured the dessert like it was nothing. "You're making me sick just watching you." Alex made a disgusted face.

Gabriel chuckled and flug a spoonful of ice cream at her face. "Hey! What the hell!" Alex went to grab a napkin, but Gabriel was quicker, snatching them up and making them disappear. Alex frowned and used her hand instead, but some ice cream stayed on her face. "Don't think you can get away with that." She grabbed another spoon and threw some of the whipped cream at Gabriel.

This begun a full on war between the two, who used the rest of the ice cream as ammo, covering each other in ice cream and hot fudge sauce. Alex saw another waiter walking by, two ice cream sundaes on his tray. She teleported behind him and grabbed them, then teleported in front of Gabriel and shoved both in his face. "Hey! No fair!" Gabriel complained, as the other people in the restaurant began to notice the food fight.

"You started it!" Alex exclaimed.

"Yeah? And now I'm gonna end it." Gabriel smirked, making more sundaes appear instead of trying to find more.

"Woah, wait a min-" Alex was cut off as her face was covered in ice cream once again. She wiped it off her face enough to see an angry manager come stomping over. "Oh shit..." Alex backed up, slipping on melted ice cream on the ground. Gabriel laughed at her fall until he, too, noticed the manager coming over.

"Looks like it's time to go." Gabriel didn't have time to teleport them both out of there before two large bodyguards grabbed them and threw them out the back door of the restaurant, into an alleyway.

Alex laughed, "Holy shit that was fun."

"Yeah," Gabriel agreed, also laughing.

"But we ruined our clothes..." Alex stood up and looked at her filthy dress.

"Oh well." Gabriel shrugged, standing up as well.

"Now what?" Alex asked.

"Now, this," Gabriel grabbed her by the waist like he usually did and kissed her. Alex smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.


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