Chapter fourteen part two

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Chapter 14 part 2

         "Look, I'm sorry guys, I can't discuss it." The pastor apologized.

         "Dad it's okay." A girl came over with long brown hair.


         "It's Sam and Dean Winchester, they're safe." Leah assured. What am I just not here? Alex thought. "I know all about them," Leah continued.

         "You do?" Dean asked.

         "Sure. From the angels." Oh joy. Alex breathed in deeply. One time, one time I would  enjoy not having to deal with angels.

         "The angels. Awesome." Dean seemed to agree with Alex's thoughts.

         "Don't worry, they can't see you here. The markings on your ribs, right?" Sam and Dean looked at Leah, confused at how she actually knew all of this.

         "So, you know all this because the angels told you?" Sam questioned.

         "Yes, among other things." Leah smiled.

         "Like the snappy little exorcism spell." Dean pointed out.

         "And they show me where the demons are going to be before it happens, how to fight back." That doesn't sound like the angels I know. Alex narrowed her eyes slightly, not believing any of what the girl said.

         "She's never been wrong. Not once." The pastor walked over to his daughter and stroked her hair.

         "Dad." Leah complained embarrassingly.

         "Let me guess, before you see something, you get a really bad migraine, see flashing lights?" Dean assumed.

         "How'd you know?" Leah asked.

         "Cause you're not the first prophet we've met. But you are the cutest." Dean smiled. Alex rolled her eyes, as the pastor looked at Dean. "I mean that with total respect, of course." Dean tried to defend himself.


         Alex sat with Dean at a table in the bar while Sam tried calling Castiel and got him and Dean beers.

         Sam came over and sat across from Dean, handing him a beer. "So, you get a hold of Cas?"

         "Yeah. I left him a message.....I think...So ah, what's your theory? Why all the demon hits?"

         "I don't know. Gank the girl prophet maybe?" Dean suggested.

         Alex stayed silent as Sam shook his head and Dean asked him what was wrong, "Just, these angels are sending these people to do their dirty work."

         "Yeah, and?" Dean took a sip of his beer.

         "And they could get ripped to shreds."

         "We're all gonna die Sam, in like a month, maybe two. I mean it. I mean, this is the end of the world, but these people aren't freaking out. In fact they're running to the exits in an orderly fashion. I don't know that that's such a bad thing."

         "Who says they're all gonna die?" Sam asked. Alex didn't say anything, but she had to agree with Dean. "Whatever happened to us saving them?"

         Before Dean could reply, church bells started ringing and everyone began to leave the bar. "Something I said?" Dean asked.

         "Paul, what's going on?" Sam asked the bartender.

         "Leah's had another vision."

         "Oh great." Alex mumbled to herself.

         "Want to go to church?" Sam turned back to Dean.

         "You know me- down right pious." Dean took one last sip of his drink before the three got up and headed to the church.


         "Three miles of Talmadge Road." The pastor said, then Leah corrected him. "Five miles. There are demons gathered. I don't know how many, but a lot....So who's gonna join me?"

         Alex watched as a few people volunteered, then she looked to Dean to see what he wanted to do, and wasn't surprised when he offered for them to go as well.  "I'd like to offer a prayer." Alex frowned as every bowed their heads and the pastor began to pray. This is awkward.

         She smirked a bit when she saw Paul wasn't praying either, as he took a sip from a flask when the pastor said 'Amen'.


         Alex followed the brothers and everyone else as the crept up to the house the demons were gathered in. She adjusted her grip on her shotgun and prepared to fight. I might as well ask if they're Lucifer's demons or my dad's while I'm at it.

         She stood nearby Sam as he picked a lock to a door, looking out for any demons. They both looked towards the sound of a gunshot. Looks like it's starting.

         Sam finished unlocking the door and they went in and began to fight. Alex ended up in a room alone, except for one demon.

         "Hey! Who are you working for?" Alex called to the demon to get his attention.

         The demon whirled around and smirked at her before running at her and, to Alex's surprise, pinning her to the ground. The red haired woman who had a tank of holy water as her weapon came in, spraying the demon, who quickly got off of Alex. Alex covered her arms with her face as she got drenched in holy water too. "Again?!" She hissed as her skin burned and turned a shade of red.

         She pulled herself up off the floor, trying to ignore the pain so the woman wouldn't get suspicious. She ran into another room, where she got to see Sam throw his demon blade at a demons back, killing it. "Nice one." Alex complimented.


         "I guess that's what it's like, huh?" Sam sighed.

         "What?"  Dean asked.

         "Having backup." Alex nodded a little as she followed the brothers back to the Impala.

         She frowned at her once again soaked clothing as a kid probably a few years younger than Alex came over asking for a ride.

         "Hey, you saved my ass twice already, once more and you can drive." Dean smiled, tossing the kid a beer. "Hey, you earned it. Don't tell your mom."

         "Oh believe me, I will not." He chuckled and leaned against the car, opening his drink. Sam and Dean grabbed their own beers and Alex took the opportunity of the kid not looking to instantly dry her clothes. Sam noticed and chuckled a bit.

         Suddenly the guy started screaming as he was pulled under the car by a stray demon. Sam grabbed the female demon from under the car while Alex and Dean ran around to the other side and Dean pulled the kid out from under the car. "Dylan!" Dean moved his shirt to see that Dylan's throat had been sliced by the demon. "No!"


         Alex stayed outside the church while they held the funeral, but still listened to what everyone was saying. She could hear everyone moving around and talking all at once, so she moved closer to the door and listened harder, using her great hearing.

         "Jane, Rob, it's going to be okay. You'll see Dylan again. When the final day comes, judgement day, he'll be resurrected and you'll be together again." Alex narrowed her eyes as she listened to Leah speak. "We'll all be together, with our loved ones. We've been chosen. The angels have chosen us. And we will be given paradise on Earth. All we have to do, is follow the angels commandments."

         Alex pulled away from the doors and rolled her eyes, "That's all just a bunch of bullshit." The angels aren't like that. They couldn't care less what happens to us. If they did, they'd have put in more of an effort to stop all of this.


         Alex decided she wanted to talk to Leah, alone. So she waited until everyone left to do their own thing, then headed to where she thought Leah would be. When Alex got to the door she could hear muffled voices inside, that she recognized to be Dean and Leah's. He wanted to talk to her too, huh?

         She waited by the door for a few minutes, waiting until Dean came out. "Alex? You want to talk to her too?" Dean looked at her confused.

         "Yeah, just real quick. I'll catch up with you guys later." Alex nodded.

         "Yeah, alright."

         Alex went into the room and saw Leah sitting on a red couch, "Hello Alex." She smiled.

         "Hey." Alex sat on the armrest of a nearby chair.

         "Do you have something you need to talk about too?"

         "Yeah, I guess. I just have a question for you." Alex hoped she wasn't wrong about her suspicions.

         "Okay, what is it?" Leah was still smiling a little.

         "Are you The Whore?" Alex shifted her body weight when Leah looked at her like she was insane.

         "The what?"

         "The Whore of Babylon." Alex was sure that the 'prophet' wasn't a real one.

         "W-Why would you say that?"

         "Because what you're telling those people is wrong. The angels don't care!" Alex stood up.

         "And what are you going to do about it?" Leah's demeanour changed entirely. "You're not a servant of Heaven! So what can you do?"

         "I can still tell everyone else." Alex retorted.

         "Not if I don't let you." Leah sent Alex flying across the room.

         "It's going to take a little more than that to hurt me," Alex chuckled, standing up.

         "Yes, cause you're the anti-christ, aren't you?" Leah smiled again.

         "Exactly." Alex smirked, flashing her eyes to a deep red color.

        "Well if I can't kill you, I'll just do this," Leah teleported behind Alex, grabbing her arms and chanting something in what Alex assumed was Latin or Enochian. When The Whore let go, Alex's entire body was paralyzed.

         "Now," Leah brought Alex to a storage unit. "Why don't you stay here while I get everything else set up, hm?"

         Alex growled but was unable to do anything else as Leah left the room and locked the door behind her.


         "I got your message," Castiel slurred as he teleported into the room Sam and Dean were staying in. "It was long, your message. And I find the sound of your voice grating." He closed the mini refrigerator door and turned to Sam.

         "What's wrong with you?" Sam looked confused. "Are you.....Drunk?"

         "No!" Castiel denied as Sam raised an eyebrow. "Yes."

         "What the hell happened to you?" Sam looked over the drunken angel.

         "I found a liquor store..."  


         "And I drank it." Castiel continued slurring. "Why'd you call me?" He walked forward, clumsily.

         "Woah, easy," Sam laughed, steading the angel. "You okay?"

         Castiel moved closer to Sam's ear, "Don't ask stupid questions.....Now, tell me what you need." He moved away and sat on the edge of one of the twin beds.

         "There have been these demon attacks, massive, right on the edge of town. And we can't figure out why they're-"

         "Any signs of angels?" Castiel interrupted.

         "Sort of, they've been speaking to this prophet." Sam explained.


         "This girl, Leah Gideon."

         "She's not a prophet." Castiel stated plainly.

         "I'm pretty sure she is. Visions, headaches, the whole package." Sam informed.

         Castiel sighed as if he was annoyed, "The names of all the prophets, they're seared into my brain. Leah Gideon, is not one of them."

         "Then what is she?"


         Alex stood awkwardly in the middle of the small storage unit, bored and worrying about the townspeople. What's she mean by get everything else set up? She plans on killing the entire town doesn't she? Alex tried to move her body, to somehow break free from the spell, but wasn't able to.

         Hey douchebag! Alex called to the archangel, seeing no other option, but not expecting him to let her kill The Whore. She was surprised when she got no reply after waiting a while. Lucifer?  

         Dammit. Did she manage to cut off my connection?! Alex exhaled sharply and frowned. Well what the hell. I guess I wait for Sam and Dean to catch up.


         "Hey! We went out looking for- You alright?" Sam asked the next day as Dean walked in with blood covered hands.

         "Yeah, it's not my blood." Dean looked at his hands. "Paul's dead."


         "Jane shot him."

         "It's starting." Castiel sighed.

         "What's starting? Where the hell have you been?" Dean looked at the angel.

         "On a bender." Castiel snapped back.

         "Did he, did he say 'on a bender'?" Dean looked to Sam.

        "Yeah, he's still pretty smashed." Sam sighed.

         "It is not of import." Castiel dismissed. "We need to talk about what's happening here."

         "Well I'm all ears," Dean walked over to the sink to wash his hands.

         "Well for starters, Leah is not a real prophet." Sam sat down beside Castiel on a red couch.

        "Well what is she exactly?" Dean leaned against the sink.

         "The Whore." Castiel informed.

         "Wow, Cas, tell us what you really think." Dean dried his hands.

         "She rises when Lucifer walks the earth. 'And she shall come bearing false prophecy'" He quoted, reading from an old book, then pointing to a picture of the creature. "This creature has the power to take a human's form, read minds. The book of revelation calls her 'The Whore of Babylon'."

         "Well that's catchy." Dean commented, looking at a picture in one of the books.

         "The real Leah was probably killed months ago." Sam assumed.

         "What about the demons attacking the town?" Dean asked.

         "They're under her control." Cas replied.

         "And the Enochian exorcism?"

         "Fake. It actually means, 'you, uh, breed with the mouth of a goat.'" Castiel smiled. Sam and Dean shared a confused look, clearly not understanding the joke. "It's funnier in Enochian..."

         "So the demons smoking out, that's just a con? Why? What's the endgame?" Dean changed the subject to the real problem.

         "What you just saw, innocent blood spilled in God's name." Castiel explained.

         "You heard all that heaven talk, she manipulates people." Sam added.

         "To slaughter, and kill and sing peppy little hymns." Dean stood and went back over to the sink to put the rag he used back. "Awesome."

         "Her goal is to condemn as many souls to hell as possible. And it's....just beginning. She's well on her way to dragging this whole town into the pit." Castiel concluded.

         "All right. So then how do we go pimp of Babylon all over this bitch?" Dean asked. "And where's Alex anyway?"

         "I dunno. I haven't seen her since we got back from killing those demons." Sam shrugged.

         Castiel disappeared, then reappeared a few moments later, "The Whore can be killed with that." He placed a long, tan stake on top of the table in front of the brothers. "It's a stake made from a cypress tree in Babylon." He went over to the sink and got himself a drink.

         "Great. Let's ventilate her." Dean proposed.

         "It's not that easy." Castiel sighed.

         "Course not."

         "The Whore can only be killed by a true servant of heaven."

         "Servant like...." Dean trialed off.

         "Not you, or me. And Sam of course is an abomination. We'll have to find someone else." Castiel took a sip of his water.


         Alex could hear Leah telling the townspeople more lies about the angels. She could hear her talking about how Judgement Day was finally there. I suppose I'm not chosen, huh? Alex chuckled to herself. Leah continued to talk to everyone, and began listing off people who were considered sinners.

         Alex heard footsteps coming closer and the door opened revealing Leah. Behind her were a few of the 'sinners' she had named. Alex watched as the 'chosen' ones shoved the 'sinners' into the storage unit with her, none of them questioning why they were doing this. Alex was slowly able to move her body again, as the spell wore off. Perfect timing, now I can't just zap out of here.

         She stayed towards the back as everyone else trapped in the room screamed, and begged for the others to stop. Alex shook her head in disgust as a few children, no older than twelve or thirteen, were thrown in as well. Douchebags.....

         "Jane, is that everyone?" Alex tried to block out the screaming to listen to Leah speak.


         "Okay then, get the kerosene."

         "There are kids in there." Jane hesitated.

         "The angels named them for a reason. Jane, your son needs you to do this." Leah brainwashed the redhead.

         Alex sighed when no reply came from Jane, which Alex assumed meant she believed Leah. She stood in the back corner of the small room in silence until she heard Leah come running back into the room screaming about a demon.

         She tried pushing herself to the front of the storage unit, but it didn't work too well. "Fine." Alex muttered and teleported herself into another room. She ended up farther away then she had planed, damn spell must still be affecting me...

         Alex found Castiel laying on the ground in pain, blood coming from his mouth. "Woah, Wings, you alright?!" She crouched down beside the angel. Pfft, look at me, worried about an angel.

         "Leah's-" Castiel was squirming in pain.

         "Yeah, I know, she's The Whore or whatever, C'mon, let's get you out of here." Alex pulled one of Castiel's arms up and over her shoulders and helped him to his feet. The sound of fighting from the other room had died down, and Alex assumed The Whore was dead.

         "Cas! Alex!" Sam and Dean came over, Sam supporting the pastor. Dean came over and took the angel off of Alex, who could barely support the man who was at least two times heavier than her.

         "Dean, how did you do that?" Sam asked as they left the church.


         "Kill her."

         "Long run of luck held out, I guess."

         "Last I checked, she could only be ganked by a servant of heaven." Sam grunted.

         "Well, what do you want me to tell you? I saw a shot, I went for it." Sam and Dean helped the pastor and Castiel into the Impala, squeezing Alex between the two grown men. Oh this is comfortable.

         "Are you going to do something stupid?" Alex heard Sam ask from outside the car.

         "Like what?" Dean sounded confused.

         "Like, Micheal stupid."

         "Come on Sam, give me a break." Dean climbed into his car.


         Alex sat crosslegged on the edge of one of the twin beds as Castiel laid on the other one and Sam treated the pastor's wounds. "How's the head?" Dean asked, walking over to the pastor and his brother.

         "I'm seeing double, but that may be the painkillers," Pastor Gideon chuckled.

         "You'll be okay." Dean comforted.  

         "No," The pastor shook his head.

         "Where are you going?" Sam asked as Dean walked over to the door.

         "I'm just gonna grab some clean bandages from the trunk. Relax." Dean assured and left the room. A few moments later, they all heard the sound of the engine turning on and Dean driving out of the parking lot.

         Sam ran out the door calling for his brother. "Oh crap." Alex got up and went to follow Sam, but he came back in before she could. "He gone?"

         "Yeah." Sam sighed.

         "Where to, do you have an idea?"

         "No, I don't know," Sam shook his head. "Yeah." He admitted.


         Alex teleported back her and Gabriel's hotel room. She had offered to help Sam find Dean, but he refused so she left. "Hey, I'm back." She pulled off her jacket and tossed it onto her bed. "Gabriel?" She didn't see the archangel anywhere in the room. Leo was laying on the ground, sound asleep.

         Alex went into the bathroom and looked around there too, although she didn't know why he would be in there. "Gabrielllll?" Suddenly she felt arms snake around her waist, making her jump and pull away. She instantly had her gun out and cocked, aiming at a confused Gabriel. "Gabriel?!"

         "Well, hi." Gabriel chuckled. "Did I scare you?"

         "Yes!" Alex lowered her gun and put it back in it's place. "What the hell, man?"

         "You know, most people who get scared scream and run away, not whip out a gun." Gabriel pointed out.

         "Yeah, well..." Alex trailed off.

         "So what happened with the Winchesters?" Gabriel changed the subject.

         "Eh, it was fine. Turned out to be The Whore of Babylon, but I didn't even get to do anything." Alex shrugged and walked back into the main room, sitting on her bed and taking her boots off.

         "Sounds interesting." Gabriel commented.

         "Yeah, I guess." Alex placed her boots at the foot of the bed. "My body still feels weird from this stupid spell she put on me." Alex clenched and unclenched her hand into a fist.

         "What was it?"

         "I dunno. I think it was Enochian. Couldn't really tell."

         "Want me to heal you?" Gabriel offered.

         "No, I'm fine. It'll wear off soon probably." Alex shook her head. Why's he always worried about me?

         Cause the idiot has fallen in love.

         Alex was surprised to hear Lucifer's voice. Where have you been?


         Got more orders for me?

         No, just checking on you. I was unable to get to you earlier. Why's that?

         I don't know. The Whore chick put some spell on me...

         And you killed her, I assume?

         I'm clearly not a servant of heaven dude, Dean somehow did.

         Yes, that's right..... Lucifer trailed off.

        Yeah....I'm gonna go to sleep now, don't interrupt. Lucifer didn't answer, so Alex said goodnight to Gabriel and hid under the blankets.


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