2: Wedding

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Soon enough the loud chimes of the bell ringing echoed within the wooden walls of the church. One by one, the guests arrived at a steady pace and seated themselves according to their positions within the family.

The priest, of course, came in first holding the bible. Abby, who successfully forced Rensa into a decent dress, almost burst into proud tears. Mia, being the mother of both sides of the almost wedded couple, came in and walked Lax to the aisle before running back to greet the bride. 

Kat and Jen looked at each other and smiled. They started to walk down the aisle on a normal pace, throwing flowers onto the ground to decorate the blank red carpet. However, Kat sometimes threw the petals at people's faces without a care, all while still throwing them on the floor with her partner. Jen mouths "I'm so sorry" to each victim of Kat's flowers, sounding not sorry at all.

The maid of honor, Rika, held on to Malik, who was the best man. Together, they walked down the aisle, stopping for a while as the Photographer and Videographer, Manyee and Pat respectively, took their cameras to record memories. 

Finally, the bells chimed again as Kaz came in holding a sign saying 'Here Comes The Bride' with a smile and walks toward her seat next to a blank-faced Xin.

The giant doors slowly opened as the bride arrived with all her glory.

Glace's face couldn't be seen clearly because a veil was covering her face but without a doubt, Lax's heart started beating fast as a red flush came across his cheeks. This made him think again 'God I love her so much'. 

Glace and Mia locked arms as they slowly walked towards the altar where Lax and the priest stood, smiling. 

With that, the wedding ceremony started. "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Glace Nuit  and Lax Galaxy, and soon to be Mr. And Mrs. Galaxy. 

Rensa opened the bible as she flipped through the pages and started reading a specific one; Ephesians 4:2. 

"Glace, do you take Lax as your lawfully wedded husband? Through better or worse, through rich and poor, through sickness and health until death do you apart?" Rensa asked and then added in a whisper to her beloved sister. "I'm asking because I don't wanna wed you to him."

Glace stopped herself from wheezing out loud and said, "I do."

"Now, do you, Lax Galaxy, take Glace as you lawfully wedded wife? Through better or worse, through rich and poor, through sickness and health, until death do you apart?"

"I do."

And with that answer, Rensa smiled. She felt like she could trust Lax with her sister and never hurt her.

"Well now, Csar. The wedding rings please?" Rensa asked as Scar grumpily went to the altar and presented the newly found rings to the couple. The couple reached for each other's rings as they hold them tenderly, not dropping them. 

"I saved their asses by finding their rings," Kaz whispers to Xin and Kat with a mischievous and prideful look on her face. "How impressive." "Mhm, Noice. I'm relieved."

"You may now state your vows," Rensa said once more and gave them the mic.

"I vow to be with you until the end of time. I vow to not let anything get in our way (which unfortunately includes Aki's flirting) and love you with all I have. Woah, this is the most romantic shit I've ever said, but I meant all of it, my fluffy king. I shall love you always," Glace said as she slipped on the ring onto Lax' ring finger.

"I vow to always be by your side, even if it means I'll help you with your torturous schemes against Solar. I also vow to never let you go into the unknown world until we all turn into frostbite. I promise you that my queen," Lax replied to Glace's sweet vow as he also slipped the gold ring onto Glace's slender ring finger.

"And with that, I pronounce you as husband and bride! You may now kiss the bride!" Rensa exclaimed causing everybody to either cheer, clap or cheer and clap.

Glace and Lax looked into each other's eyes for a second as if asking for permission, with both receiving a nod. Lax picked up Glace and connected his lips with her sweet coral-tinted ones. The crowd cheers once more for the newly wedded couple.

Rensa quickly removed the priest's robe that she was wearing and rushed in to partake in the picture taking. She then ran outside, taking a party popper and gave one each to Jen, Mia, Kat, and Jena.

The couple locked arms as they were about to get out of the door but Lax had an idea. With his large figure, he scooped up Glace, holding her bridal style. Glace let out a loud yelp in fear and surprise as she was lifted off the ground. "PUT ME DOWN!" She screeched at her spouse.

As soon as they exited the church, they were met by everyone cheering and party poppers firing. The wedded couple then went inside the car and stopped to take a breather until...

"LAX!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!" Glace shouted, embarrassed that her husband just did that.

Her outburst caused Lax to chuckle. "Sorry my queen, I just can't help it!" which made Glace pout her coral-tinted lips and crossed her arms.

Lax smiled when he saw this. "Sorry my queen, it won't happen again," and kissed her cheeks.

And with that, the car drove off to the wedding reception.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Earlier on, before Abby started to chase Rensa down to wear the dress, Rensa saw the elemental brothers entered the church. After stalking them for a bit, Solar went to the bathroom while the others went to find a seat. Just as Solar left the bathroom, Rensa covered Solar's mouth to prevent him from screaming and dragged him to a room nearby. She had prepared a few syringes that was in her pockets and took some of Solar's blood with them. 

"I'm sure Glace would love my gift! Who wouldn't love a glittery banana?" Rensa singsonged as she carefully set aside the syringes full of blood.

However, she noticed that her victim was currently pale and hardly conscious. "Oh, are you dead? Guess I took too much blood out of your system. Hopefully not. My sister would want you alive. Oh well, I hope you'll like this, my dearest sister!~" Rensa exclaimed looking happy and unbothered about what she just did.

"Oh! I nearly forgot! I don't want you waking up Solar~ That'll ruin the surprise!~" She happily chirped as she took out a tranquilizer and stabbed it into Solar's shoulder, then grabbing a nearby cloth to cover his eyes and used a gag to prevent him from screaming. 

Mia who happened to pass by the room where Rensa was talking to Solar, entered out of curiosity, only to see Solar who was asleep with Rensa holding a syringe that was previously filled with the tranquilizer. Rensa heard the door open so she turned her head, only to see Mia. "Hey Mom, look at my present for Glace!" Rensa showed her present.

"Oh, dear..." Mia then took her phone out and called IKEA. "Hello, can I get a human-sized fridge, please? Don't ask why."

"Can you make that two Mom? I'm gonna need another one." Mia sighed and talked to the IKEA person again.

"Can you make that two? And please send it to the Catholic Church, ASAP. With no questions. Thank you!" She looked up to see Rensa gone. She sighed and left the room, closing the door behind her before leaving to do whatever she was going to do.

Turns out, Rensa left to the kitchen, to put the blood in the fridge. Right after putting the blood in the fridge, Rensa saw the cake, so she decided to yeet her doll up there. With that, she left the kitchen to go find Ice.

Too bad she couldn't find Ice at the time. And for some weird reason, the human-sized fridges were here. Mia asked the delivery man to bring the fridge to a room next to the room where Solar was kept in. Mia thanked the delivery men and went to find Rensa.

After a while, Mia managed to find Rensa and told her, "Rensa, the fridges are here. It's in the room next to Solar's."

"Thanks mom~," Rensa said with a smile. She skipped off to Solar and carried him to the room with the fridges. She put Solar in one of them making sure to wrap him with ribbons first before closing the fridge. Then she tied a ribbon around the fridge to finish up her gift for Glace.

During Rensa's "gift wrapping," Kat passed by with a basket full of petals that she was really excited to have for the wedding. She imagined herself throwing petals at everyone's faces and especially hoping to throw some at Scar's face for revenge. While she was daydreaming, she suddenly stopped, noticing Rensa as she glances her in concern. "Um... Why the hella fridge—" she thought until she hears Solar's name being muttered.

Kat starts to sweat profusely; now knowing what Rensa was doing when realization hits her. "Oh boi, can't wait for the gift opening," she mumbled under her breath as she slowly walked away from the scene.

'I have some hella weird friends.'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I can finally publish this after days of inactivity. Also, this is just the beginning of a more chaotic shit happening in the reception. Happy holidays, everyone.

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