3: Reception Part 1 (The Dance)

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The reception was a big hall lovingly decorated with white satin curtains, thin white trees that were devoid of leaves and hanging lanterns which served as the main lighting in the hall. Everything was white, even the bouquets of roses. The hall was dim except for the glow from the lanterns and the main stage where the newly wedded couple was delivered.

Of course, a wedding reception won't be complete without the sickeningly sweet scene of feeding each other cake and drinking wine with their arms locked.

The feeding of cake is normal enough if you don't count Glace nearly dying of a heart attack when she saw the miniature dolls on the top of the cake.

It caused quite a scene since Glace practically screamed "FUCK" and stumbled back to her husband-to-be who caught her.

"Easy, my Queen," Lax said in his soothing low voice.

Glace felt her cheeks slowly turn red to show her embarrassment. 'Fuck he's hot,' Glace thought once more as she refrained herself from inappropriately screeching.

"I'm sorry," she muttered as Lax helped her on her feet. "I was just surprised by the dolls and all."

The wine toast was a little more eventful. As per tradition, the two locked their arms together while holding the glass and took a sip of the wine.

Almost expectedly, Lax choked on his "wine", making some of the red liquid stain Glace's gown. 

"What's this?" Lax said, coughing slightly as he accepted the handkerchief from the waiter who came rushing in to assist the groom.

"Don't you like it?" Glace said amusingly while casually sipping her own drink. "It's Solar's blood, courtesy of Rensa. I must give her something good after all of this." 

Lax choked more on his drink and decided not to question the sanity of his wife.

Welcome to the wedding of the decade where nothing is normal and everything is fucked up.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Three young male figures were standing near the entrance chatting between each other about the current wedding situation they were in because of their parents who forcefully dragged them to attend this celebration. Frostfire, who was the oldest among the trio, kept fidgeting with his tight collar and his tie.

"Why is this tuxedo so uncomfortable?" the little boy whined as he felt his neck start to itch again from the collar and the sweat. He was about to start scratching again before Glacier stopped him.

"You should stop before it turns red, we don't want to deal with rashes, don't we?" Glacier, the mother of the trio toned, while he lazily stared at his turned-off phone screen. He was practically doing nothing but staring at it, growing bored with every minute passing by.

"But it's so itchy! Why do we even need to wear this? Can't I just wear short sleeves and open my collar a tad bit?" He asked, silently pleading to end his suffering.

"No, Frost," Supra rolled his eyes before adjusting his glasses. "We need to wear this clothing fabric for the wedding. Besides, we've been invited after all. Plus, you'll get killed by you-know-who," he arched a brow to his sibling. "First of all, our 'parents' dragged us here, and second, we had nothing to do with the wedding! Couldn't I just wear short sleeves... and maybe cut the tie part? The cold never bothered me, anyway," he finished with a huff as he crossed his arms.

"Frost..." Glacier butted in, giving a dead eye with Supra. The two shared a dark aura, both of them sending a warning to him, and they wanted him to be serious about this. Frostfire raised his hands up in defense while sweating, a bit terrified, "Fine, fine. If it makes you both happy... I'll bear with it for now."

Glacier calmed down, followed by Supra. Frostfire decided that they should change the topic to pass the time.

"So... how's the wedding so far you two? It is your first time attending a wedding," he asked the two younger brothers.

"Well, so far so good... It has been going pretty well like any other wedding that I heard from you, FrostFire. However, there are also many flaws that I have spotted throughout the time I have been here, one of them including some... unique dolls spotted around the area, others like the absence of my father, a ring going missing as well, I think? I overheard someone screaming that before..and some other chaotic actions that I'm unable to put into words as of now..." The youngest aspect answered, a hand placed on his chin in a thinking manner with his eyes staring to the side. "Is this normal for a wedding?"

"Pfft nah."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"So, this family just got weirder, and bigger," Kaz sat beside Dawn, who was clearly very tired of greeting god knows how many guests.

"Hahah... you can say that," Dawn looked up at the smiling faces of the lovely bride and groom, dancing in the endless night.

"I'm so proud of them."

"Same, sweetheart," Mia joined in, sniffing a tear but breathing a sigh of happiness. "I remember the first moment when I laid my eyes on my two beautiful children. Now, look at them! They've grown up so much in such little time."

Before she could continue, Mia was pulled in a loving embrace by Dawn, as she seemed pretty overwhelmed.

Abby sighted them from a distance, worried by Mia's condition. She tried coming over, but after getting a gesture from Kaz that everything is alright, she smiled and walked away.

"You are such a mom, you know that?" Kaz patted Mia's back, while Dawn simply chuckled.

"Hey! You guys!" Gail came running in, with a huge level of excitement. "Come on! Join us!"

"Yeah! Everyone's waiting for a group dance!" Jena butted in, panting heavily after having to catch up to everyone, told the three the same.

"Now.. Are you coming or not, losers?" Kat shouted while joining the butting in with Jena, she also catch up with Gail and Jena to naturally ask an obvious question.

Dawn, Kaz and Mia looked at each other and with a small smile said, "We're coming."

"Good," Kat grinned lazily before glancing at Rensa and shouting her name, "Rensa!?"

"On it— Let's get this party started!" Rensa bellowed so loud that her voice was heard over the speakers. Kat walked over to her. Xin was about to go over to Rensa as well until she saw something - a blue toddler-like doll lovingly held in Rensa's arms.

The doll's head turned to Xin and smiled eerily with its blue mouth. The doll's rotated eye and half-open eyes blinked up almost innocently, and with one more blink the toddler's thick blue lips curled into a wide creepy grin as it's brown eyes flashed red and stared intently at Xin.

'What the fuck, I thought I burned it! Why is it back!?' Xin internally panicked once more.

The blue lips of the doll slowly moved, lip-syncing, "Oh Xin, I'll always be here forever and ever, after all, no one can get rid of me..."

'It's surely saying something creepy but no one can stop me because I can't read lip sync!'

BUT THEN! Rensa's head turned toward Xin too as she placed the doll on her head, walking towards Xin and wrapping her arms around her.

"Oh Xin~ When will you learn that you can't get rid of us or more precisely get rid of me?~ I'll be here forever Xin, and you can't do anything about it!~ Got that?~"

"Yo, Xin, bro," Kat interrupted, walking over to her friend and smiling slightly. "You coming?—" 

Grabbing the opportunity, Xin immediately whipped out her scissors and pointed them at Rensa's throat. Rensa stumbled away from the attempt and Xin slowly backed away from her and towards the DJs, Jena and Joy. She glanced to Kat with her head shaking slowly. Kat gave her an awkward grin and let her go which made Xin very grateful. After getting a safe distance away from Rensa and her doll, she rushed under the DJ's table and put on her headphones. Curling up into a ball, Xin quietly sobbed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As Jolyn started the music, another individual climbed up on the stage. It was Beatrice!

"Hello everyone! I'm here tonight to sing! First off, I'm going to sing "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran!" Everyone cheered, and with that, the party started. 

A few songs later, the background music slowed down and everyone averted their eyes to the middle of the dance floor, where there stood Mia alone in her short Columbia blue colored dress with tiny dots on the edges that looked like stars. She was fiddling with the tips of her fingers gazing around the room with her pair of lime-colored eyes. It might not be as noticeable but deep inside her heart was pounding non-stop.

Her eyes then met with another pair that belonged to the person she had been looking for, the angel of tonight's celebration, the bride herself. The mother figure couldn't help but give a proud smile at the blessing sight of her daughter on her special day. The mother figure took a couple of steps towards the other before gesturing her hand and a miniature curtsy. "May I have this dance?"

Glace gave a smile in return before accepting the hand extended to her.

"Yes, you may."

It was a cheesy line but neither of them minded.

They took a couple of steps beneath the chandelier to make sure they were in the middle of the room. The sets of eyes focused on them were anxieties' worst nightmare and the bride herself started to get anxious herself. The mother noticed and she intertwined their fingers and squeezed it gently to reassure the other that everything was going to be fine. Soon Glace eased, her body relaxing as she placed her right hand on the other's waist the other on the shoulder, Mia following after as if looking into a mirror. She wasn't the best dancer but that wasn't going to stop her from enjoying the time spent with her little queen.

Glace slowly started the dance by stepping forward with her left foot as Mia took one step back using her right one. As the second beat came to play, Glace repeated the movement but with her other foot, Mia following after. She shifted the weight in her right foot like a gentle lean and as soon the third beat of the music could be heard she slid her left foot over to her right and her feet stood together and her dancing partner mirrored her steps. After that, the movements were just in reverse but with the opposite foot and it continued for a while.

Throughout the whole dance Glace was the one guiding her mother across the dance floor, and for both figures, it felt like they were in a dream as if both were floating. Mia couldn't hold the giggle that escaped her lips which slightly took Glace off guard but the dancing continued

"You look amazing tonight you know that?" Mia spoke her voice soft and soothing voice.

Glace gave a light-hearted sigh "You've already repeated that 10 times today."

"I know but, can you blame me for stating true facts?"

"I would have disagreed but something tells me you'll keep saying that until I agree."

"You've got that right!" That optimistic reply made Glace sigh again as they continued to sway away with the beat.

A sudden tap from behind the bride caused her to jump slightly. She turned around to be greeted with the sight of her dashing groom who had a smile plastered across his face. "Sorry to interrupt ladies but I think it's my turn to dance now?" his head slightly tilted to the right as he asked.

"Oh? Hasty are we?" the bride spoke as Mia walked towards Lax's side, grabbing his hand in the process, waiting patiently for him to start the mother and groom dance.

"Don't tell me you're jealous?"

"What, me? Jealous of my own mother? Of course not!" The thought of her mother, 'their' mother trying to make a move on his groom, who is also his son, would be ...weird in so many ways and seeing how she was a single mother who never bothered to find a father figure to help take care of them so she doubted that she would do so now.

Lax placed a hand on his chin in a thinking manner before a grin made its way up to his face. "Hey, don't worry, I'll save you my sweet moves when we dance alright," he gave a wink before walking off with the mother figure, leaving a flustered glace behind. and doing the same waltz Mia had done with Glace, except this one was a tad better due to her now getting the hang of it after dancing with her daughter. He kept his eyes on his mother, each step seemed to be planned but none of it felt forced. The mother had to admit, despite not being a dancer, she was going to remember both dances she had experienced tonight.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Soon enough, a series of taps on Glace's shoulder got her attention and she turned around. Her friend was there, beaming. "Hey Glace," Rika greeted.

"Rika!" The bride greeted back, pulling her in a quick hug and holding her hands. "Are you enjoying the party? Everything's going as smoothly as planned!" Her friend grinned again, indicating she was pretty satisfied.

"Well," Rika then fidgeted, her shyness getting the better of her. "Congratulations on the wedding! I didn't know you two were so in love, but it's so cute!" she quickly gushed at the newlywed bride. "Even with the height differences, it's all so cute! Everyone did a great job!"

"True," Glace chuckled. "Just a few days ago we were single and such..."

"Abby's next, right? I remember her catching the bouquet..."

"We have to plan the future wedding!"

They laughed. The maid of honor then smiled again, yet this time it was more of a smirk. "I'll have to visit and take the sweets from the table then," she said. "I'm leaving you to your man. It's your party, go ahead and enjoy it to the fullest, Glace."

They then hugged again and Rika, going on her tiptoes, whispered in her ear, "Tell me about your honeymoon, okay? I'm sure he'll treat you gently like a queen. Or else."

She then left for the sweets table with a smirk on her face, leaving Glace as a blushing mess and screeching "YA HOE" after her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, at the DJ area, Jena had decided to grab a drink and left Jolyn, Kat and Xin for a while. At the drinks area, Jena bumped into someone by accident. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Jena asked the person she bumped into before looking back up, only to see an oh-so-familiar face. "Quake!?" Jena said surprised. 

She definitely wasn't expecting to see him here. "Hey, Jena-" Quake then responded but was cut off by a wild Rensa popping up. 

"HEY GUYS!!" Rensa screeched loudly. 

Thanks to Rensa, Jena and Quake nearly fainted from shock. "RENSA DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT- YOU'RE GONNA GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK SOONER OR LATER!!!" Jena screamed back at Rensa.

"Jeez, chill Jena," Rensa said. They both then noticed that Quake was being silent, so they looked over to see Quake who was looking at the floor, panting, while his right hand was holding on to his chest and his left hand holding on to the table nearby that was supporting him. "Oh dear... Are you okay Quake?" Jena asked worriedly. 

Quake looked up and panted, "Yea, I'm fine... Rensa just scared me." Jena glared at Rensa.

"Sorry..." Rensa said sheepishly while scratching her head. 

"It's fine," Quake responded while Jena just sighed in exasperation. 

"So, now what?" Rensa asked. An awkward silence fell between the three. 

"Well, I'm just here to grab a drink for me, Joy, and Xin..." Jena responded with a shrug, "while getting a single bar of chocolate for Kat."

"What about you? Why are you here?"

"I'm just here to grab a drink," Quake responded. 

"I was just bored and saw you two here," Rensa chirped as well. 

"Well, I have to grab those drinks and chocolate now!" Jena then said, "Wait, that's a lot to carry. Let me help you." 

Quake then said, "No, no, it's fine!"

"No, I insist!"

"Why don't both me and Quake help you? We could chat while we get those drinks and chocolate. I want to grab a drink too ya know~ Come on!" Rensa said as she interrupted Jena and Quake's argument. 

Jena sighed and said, "Alright! Come on Quake, Rensa is going to leave us behind." 


The three chatted while getting those drinks and chocolate. Quake and Rensa then accompanied Jena back to the DJ area and went back to whatever they were doing earlier.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After what seems like seconds but had crossed about half an hour in their waltz and chatters in between it all, Mia stopped in her tracks causing Lax to do the same. The boy looked confused by the sudden halt but didn't question it as he waited for his mother to say or do something. Mia cupped both of his hands using both of hers as she looked up to his son with a gaze showing how proud she was. "You've grown a lot, both of you, and I can't explain the overwhelming happiness I feel right now. If you had a father, I'm sure he would be very proud of you right now."

Lax lightly chuckled "possibly," the soft expression on his mother's face was then averted into a more serious one. "Promise me you'll take care of her and make her happy no matter what."

"I swear on my life to be the best husband she will ever have."

"You better, if not I'll ground you for eternity," she glared, which was very rare for someone as happy and peppy as her.

"I wouldn't want that now would I?" He scratched the back of his neck, nervously laughing.

Her gaze softened and her previous expression returned.

"Alright then, I think it's best you go to your princess now, after all, you did promise a dance with her!" A small smirk appeared on Mia's face as Lax went off towards his love, grabbing her by the hand, caressing it gently and catching her off guard for a moment before she eased up, an angelic smile spread across her face.

The newly wedded bride and Groom then danced, others joining in, dancing along as the DJs played the song 'Perfect'. Meanwhile, we have Xin who's sitting with the DJs - she was afraid that Rensa might come after her with her army of creepy dolls. Jena and Jolyn promised Xin that they'll protect her from Rensa and her dolls. Not only that but Kat and Malik were also nearby the DJs, so they invited Xin to have an awkward conversation with them. 

"Hey Xin, ah are you ok?" Malik asked Xin. 

Jolyn responded for Xin. "She's just scared. Rensa and her dolls kept creeping her out." 

"She kept hiding under the table, at least she's no longer down there," Jena then said, "Well we better get back to work Joy. Kat, Malik can you take care of Xin for a bit?" 

Malik and Kat agreed and the three started their conversation. "Why are you so scared? Those dolls are cute." Kat then asked Xin. 

Malik and Xin looked at her disbelief. 

"How do you find that cute? They're creepy! Not only that but they keep coming back... I swear I already burned those dolls so many times but it's back again..." Xin trailed off as she shivered. 

"I strongly dislike dolls in general," Malik then said. The three then continue to chat together.

At another place the mothers of the group, along with Manyee, had assembled: Dawn, Abby, Mia, Kaz, Manyee, and Laura - all six sitting together, chatting.

Rensa, on the other hand, invited Cyclone to dance with her. Of course, Cyclone accepted then Gail came and asked Cyclone to dance with her. The two girls stared at each other, tension slowly rising, then with a nod, they both decided that they'll take turns dancing with Cyclone.

On the other side of the room, we have Thundy who somehow got the guts to ask Scar for a dance. Well, Scar took this chance and accepted only for one reason, which was 'accidentally' stepping on Hali's foot while they dance. 

If anything, no one pitted Gail and Rensa against each other for a very obvious reason. As the song played on, the melody stringing through the air, Rensa and Cyclone's dance began to escalate to something more than a simple dance. Soon it became a massacre of the feet, a frenzied dance, and Cyclone evidently struggled to keep up with Rensa's erratic movements. 

Eventually, Cyclone had to surrender and step away from the dance floor, his entire body aching and sore. Rensa snickered at his suffering and turned to her friend, who was howling with laughter as she pounded the table in an attempt to vent her excessive emotion. The duo then proceeded to link arms and find another victim within their proximity.

"That was hilarious," Gail commented, her face still red and puffy from laughing.

Rensa scoffed with pride and held her head high. "What'd you expect? No one can keep up with my craziness." 

From a distance, Quake and Abby sighed in exasperation. One of them was from the stupidity of his child, and the other was the exasperation caused by one of her friend's antics. They really didn't get paid enough to deal with any of this.

With the minor chaos ongoing, no one really noticed what happened, save for a few selected people. This was the group that has been dealing with these sort of situations ever since they'd met each other. Thunderstorm and Scar both stared at Cyclone, who collapsed on the ground as Blaze dodged his body, making no attempt to catch him.

"At least you're not him," Scar snorted, holding in his laughter as Thunderstorm struggled to maintain a straight face, his legs probably in black and blue from Scar's brutal footwork.

Thunderstorm bit his tongue, his fists clenched as he resisted the urge to punch her in the face. "Yeah. Whatever you say, airhead." 

"You really need better insults, pikachu. I've heard better from my pet dog."

"You don't have a pet. You probably killed it."

"That's my point, sparky," Scar grunted, cracking his fists. "Now fuck off. I still need to think of more ways to kill you in your sleep." 

If there wasn't enough chaos for the night, someone had to bring it too. Blaze, who was never the level-headed one among the elemental group, had unfortunately banded together with the devious minds of Cyclone and Thorn. Despite being out of commission, Cyclone was a lethal prankster whenever put together with the other two.

The mother group haven't involved themselves in any particular chaos yet, so Blaze thought that they should change that. Together with his squad, they posed as waiters and put alcohol in their non-alcoholic fruit punches, and they didn't suspect a thing.

Three minutes later, Mia collapsed on the table; Abby began screaming like a chicken that was about to be slaughtered; Dawn began crying and spluttering her life story; and Kaz sashayed over the dance floor and hijacked Glace from Lax. 

In the distance, Kat spat her drink that she got in shock, "Um, guys! No wait, Kaz!!—" She shouts catching the rest in surprise.

"Sorry, Lax, but Glace is mine now!" Kaz slurred. "You can go home now!" 

"Kaz!?" Glace cried, confused as one of her best friends whisked her away from her husband. "What are you doing?"

"Stay single with the group, damnit-"

Glace then noticed the red tint on Kaz's cheeks, along with the scent of alcohol in traces of her breath. Her head instantly shot towards her table as Kaz spun her around the dance floor, and that's when she noticed the anomaly in the sanest group of their team.

"WHO THE FUCK GAVE THEM ALCOHOL?" Glace screeched, trying to break free from Kaz. 

"I DON'T GET PAID ENOUGH FOR THIS!" Xin cried, still shivering under the DJ table after retreating from the awkward conversation with Kat and Malik. Even though Kat wasn't with the two anymore.

"SAME!" Kat shouted in the background, her voice echoed due to her distance. How this girl even managed to hear all that, it remains a mystery. "BUT WHOEVER THAT THOT WAS, IT AIN'T ME! I FUDGING SWEAR—"

"I'm dropping them into the pool," Sera deadpanned with no emotion. She began to drag their chairs outside, but Jen and Kat stopped her before she did anything drastic.

"Oh hell no, you ain't doing that, son," Kat yeeted the chairs back from Sera with Jen's help. "GiVe Me ThoSe ChAirs, thank you!"

Jen's head craned towards the three mothers, who were still out of character. Malik and Xin were already on the scene, trying to offer a cup of water to Dawn, but she was crying too hard to even acknowledge them. Lax tried to save his bride from a deranged Kaz, but he fared no better as Kaz was a master of dodging random dudes on the dance floor.

Fortunately, Jolyn and Jena were masters of saving everyone from any situation. If there was any bad news, it was that they knew how to deal with this at all. Surviving with all the crazy dolls in their lifestyle had trained them to endure such situations.

"Aight, that happened," Kat sighed, feeling very overwhelmed with these situations. Then an idea popped in her head when her eyes landed on the stage. 

"Ooh~" Curiosity killed the Kat, she went over the stage taking the action knowing what to do— to stop this stupid chaos mess.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Okay, I'm sorry but I didn't edit this. If there's anything that seems off in this chapter, I'll edit them after the exams. As of now, I'm dazed and sleepy as hell and I don't know what the cinnamon toast fuck I'm doing.

Or maybe I'll edit this tomorrow at school. Who knows?

This story just gets longer. Did you know that we're already at 13904 words (including the comments and memes)?

Also, I'm gonna post the behind the scenes comments (through pictures so that you'll know who wrote which) and the memes that my crackhead friends made.

I desperately hope that the story will end at chapter 4---

(1/31/2020: Finally edited this thing. Thanks to Rika for helping me with this headache.)

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