22 | A Night For Us

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The ride back to his apartment was mostly awkward silence and subtle glances.

Kian didn't want to come up too hard and fast on Enzo. They were still new to whatever had started developing between them. At least Enzo was. Kian had known his feelings for the boy since he was fourteen. He was finally ready to acknowledge it with an open mind.

He received one single text from Audrey earlier as they ascended the elevator. His phone dinged in the deafening silence between the boys.

I'm spending the night at my friend's dorm tonight. Have fun, Kay.

Kian typed in a quick thanks and shoved his phone inside his pocket. He chanced a glance at the boy beside him and gulped at the unreadable look on Enzo's face. It appeared calm before the storm. Enzo was leaning his back lazily, his hand spread out and grip tight around the metal bar.

For two people who couldn't stop kissing just a few minutes ago, they seemed to be weirdly civil the whole journey to his room. Once the door closed though, in seconds, Enzo was out of his leather jacket and into Kian's arms, his face pressed against Kian's neck. Kian wrapped him up tightly, feeling his strength suddenly, calm and collected.

"Fuck," Enzo whispered, pulling himself off Kian's body and running a shaky hand through his hair. "I've been dying to do this. I don't know what's happening to me."

After a second's hesitation, Kian reached up and held Enzo's shoulder, guiding him to the couch. Enzo let him. Kian could touch Enzo without feeling burnt with shame. And he wanted to touch him this way for years. This beautiful boy with music in his bones and soul-deep smiles looked at him as if he meant everything. "We should probably slow down. Talk about it, and then think about how to proceed further."

"Yeah. We should do that."

"Do you want to take a shower first? You've been playing drums non-stop all evening." Kian cupped his face, marveling that he could dare to do it, and Enzo didn't jerk away from his touch either. "Bathroom is through there if you still remember it."

Enzo moved his hand over Kian's and nodded.

"Meanwhile, I will fix us some hot chocolate. Yeah?" Kian smiled warmly and gathered himself off the couch. He said, edging towards the kitchen and began rummaging through the cabinets. Did he want alcohol instead? The hot chocolate was a better bet. Kian didn't want to get drunk with Enzo. When he got drunk, he lost his senses. He would not want that to happen right now.

"Yeah, hot chocolate sounds about right," Enzo said, shoving his hands inside his pocket and turning towards the door that led to the bathroom.

As soon as Enzo disappeared and shut the door after him, Kian flew through the living room and tried to clean it as much as possible. "Clean" was probably the wrong word. It was more like hiding as much damage as possible. He rearranged the throw pillows and cushions on the couch to make it appear cozy enough for a lovely evening with your date, then cringed and put them back wherever they were lying previously.

By the time Enzo padded back out, Kian was done with the hot chocolates. He filled two mugs, tipping them with whipped cream just the way Enzo liked it, and brought them over.

"You didn't forget the whipped cream," Enzo smiled up at him, taking the mug from his hand as he sat down on the couch beside him.

"I remember every single detail, Enz. Two years isn't enough to forget all that I've grown up knowing about you." Kian released a low laugh, leaning back on the couch. He made sure there was enough space between them. So it wasn't weird, and they sipped their hot chocolate in silence.

"So..." Enzo began, drawing the word out and turning to face Kian. "So, what are we gonna do for the rest of the night, huh?"

Kian choked on his hot chocolate.

Enzo frowned at Kian, shifting a little closer towards his coughing, rasping self and patting his back like his mother used to do back at home. "What? You want me to leave?"

"Of course, I want you to stay." Kian laughed. "But I've no idea what to do. It's not like we can create blanket forts and read some comics as we used to during our sleepovers."

"Well, we could. We're practically having a sleepover here." Enzo grinned. "Moreover, who doesn't love blanket forts and comics? And now we can also kiss, which is so much better." Now he was back to how this night began in the first place, and Kian could only nod at the boy, his heart already doing a backflip and eyes following the movement of Enzo's lips as he took a sip of the hot chocolate and winked at him. Damn, his charms. It always worked on Kian.

"Then I better hurry." Kian set his hot chocolate down and rushed to the closet to collect the extra blankets and pillows. But also to hide how he was blushing. Luckily he had a lot of blankets, and he also grabbed some from Audrey's collection. The girl loved blankets so much that her mother got her a blanket on every single holiday visit. That came in handy for Enzo's blanket fort romance idea.

"Are you sure we can create one like the old times?" Enzo asked, his eyes sparkling at the sight of the blanket pile on the floor.

"If you want one, you should help me. And hell yes, we are doing it like the old times." Kian laughed at Enzo's grinning face as he roamed around the living room to figure out a way to make their fort happen.

In the end, they set up their blanket fort with the help of a few chairs and had to use all of the blankets to make a genuine fort out of it. Kian stuffed it with enough pillows and cushions to give it a cozy vibe and was pretty proud of the results. The delight on Enzo's face was so worth the effort. They busted two cans of chilled beers and set up the night lamp inside the tent just for the aesthetics, and now they were sitting beside each other, chugging on the beer, and Kian was dying of anticipation.

If it were on him, he would take the beer can from Enzo's finger, toss it across the room and then kiss him breathless. But of course, he didn't want to scare Enzo on the first night of their togetherness with feelings out in the open and all. So, he waited patiently.

"This is perfect. Isn't it?" Kian mumbled, trying to break the awkward silence between them. He took a sip of the beer and cringed at the fact that he was the lousiest date.

"Yeah," Enzo said, pulling out his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and playing a piece of light western trance music. Something mellow and on a low volume. Kian looked up to find Enzo staring at him. "Now it's perfect."

Fuck! Kian wanted to grab Enzo and kiss him so hard that they both stopped breathing. He wanted to feel his pulse against his fingertips, get rid of his t-shirt, and taste his collarbone.

"Quit looking at me like that." Enzo tipped his beer in Kian's direction and shook his head with an amused look.

"So, you're cool with this then." Kian waved his hand between their chests and raised an eyebrow at the boy leaning back on his elbows. "Make me understand how you're suddenly into boys."

"Do you remember when we played seven minutes in heaven at Derek's party?" Yes, he remembered. He had never stopped thinking about that night ever since Enzo showed up again. That kiss changed everything about Kian's sexuality. But more than anything, that kiss was a reminder of what he truly wanted and could never have.

"Yeah, I do," Kian whispered, mimicking Enzo's position and leaning back on his elbows, a little buzzed. When he looked up, he found Enzo gazing at his face like before, only this time his smile had an edge.

"That was the first and only time I kissed a boy." More like he got kissed because Kian was the one who leaned in first.

"So?" Kian asked.

"So...I tried."

"You tried what?" Kian's voice trembled a little. What was he getting at?

"I tried to kiss girls and forget about it." Well, no surprise there. Kian had tried something similar. The only difference would be that Kian had also kissed other guys.

"And were you able to forget?" Kian asked, dropping his head on the blanket and squeezing his eyes shut.

"Does it look like that? If I forgot about it, why would I be dying to kiss you; ever since I saw you." Enzo scoffed, falling back beside Kian, their bodies dangerously close. "I'm not going to lie. At first, I only wanted to be friends, but then we kissed again, and I knew."

"You knew that you like kissing boys?" Kian turned to his side and peered at the boy curiously.

"No, not boys." Enzo looked up at him, and a smile started to bloom on his face. This smile had so many hidden confessions, and so did his words as he said, "Just a boy. I like kissing a boy named Kian. And I don't know if that makes me gay, bisexual, queer, or crazy, but I can't stop thinking about you. All I need, all I want is you."

Forget about sexuality. Forget about the preferences. Forget about everything. At that moment, Kian didn't give two shits about anything else except Enzo's words sizzling through his veins and the soft smile on his face warming his heart. So, he leaned forward, resting on one of his elbows while reaching for Enzo's face with his other hand to bring it closer to his own. He gave him enough time to back out if he wanted to. He didn't.

Enzo exhaled right across Kian's trembling lips just before he pressed their faces closer and met Enzo's lips with his own. Kian didn't find any hesitance in his kiss. It was rather passionate. He could taste beer, hot chocolate, and his unique self on his tongue. Yes, tongue. They hadn't used them before but were using plenty of them now. His hands dove into Kian's hair and then shifted to his sides, his fingers digging into his skin over his t-shirt.

They broke apart with a gasp, Enzo's midnight eyes right there with Kian as he breathed against his lips. "I'm not sure how to be with a guy, Kiki, but God I want to go all the way with you, your way, and find mine too."

"Wow," Kian released a low laugh, delivering a soft kiss on his cheek. "You know how to turn on a person with just your words."

"What does that supposed to mean?" Enzo moved his thumb over Kian's cheek and pulled his face off his neck to look into his eyes.

"It means you've to put your quick learner skill to use because I'm going to teach you exactly how to be with a guy," Kian said in a low voice, his hand already tracing Enzo's abs through the thin fabric of his shirt. He didn't want to break the spell.

"Where does it lead us?" Enzo asked, his hand moving over Kian's as his other hand moved to hold his face.

"I don't know, Enz," Kian said, not wanting to say the words hanging at the tip of his tongue. It means I'm in love with you, and I want you to be with me forever. Instead, he said, "Can we go back to kissing?"

Enzo smiled up at him, pulling him closer. "Okay, let's just kiss."


Author's Note: Hello there! If you are enjoying it so far, let me know your thoughts about the story.

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