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"do you ever feel like a misfit?"


"each and every one of us has a fire that burns inside us, and they can try like hell to put out that flame, but as long as in our minds we know who we are meant to be. they don't stand a chance"



✲name meaning✲

power/might of the wolf

✲biological gender✲



two years and six months


failed experiment


american akita


-ulric has the ability to make any part of his body that has fur to harden to steel and become impenetrable. in this state he cannot be affected by other dogs' powers, nor their physical attacks, and at the start of his power (ie when he is strongest) this gives a slight boost to his strength, but only when ramming into something, he an also activate part of his power (ie causing only one part of his pelt to become impenetrable). but he can't just activate and deactivate his power since it takes a while for his pelt to become impenetrable and a long time to come out of it as well. he can even disable the power of other dogs for a few seconds (like ten). because he has been training with his power and becoming more familiar with it, the akita has been able to hold out anywhere between thirty to forty minutes.

✲mutation/power limit✲

-when in this form, the steel coat slows ulric down like crazy, not only that but he fatigues very quickly, and if he uses his power for too long it can start creating painful bruises and can go so far as to start fracturing his bones. if he continues to hold out under the pain and stress, eventually his body will give out and he will pass out. when he passes out, he can easily be out for a couple days to a week. and normally if he goes to thirty minutes without a break, he needs a cool-down of three-four hours. he was considered a failed experiment because of the physical drawbacks of the akita's power/mutation and because they didn't think that they would need a canine that could withstand the powers of the other dogs, since they most likely had planned on being able to control them.

"everything inside you is dark and twisted"

✲short description✲

ulric is a handsome, giant male american akita primarily colored black and brown, with the brown coming in shades that vary from a pale tan to a dark chocolate. he as a white chest and paws with round dark brown eyes

✲detailed description✲

-ulric is a monster of an american akita, weighing at one hundred and forty-five pounds and standing at twenty-nine and a half inches tall, his size is due to selective breeding and the fact that his mutation/power requires him to be a little bulkier. the male is built to be tank-like, a powerhouse of pure muscle and bone, with a compact back, a wide chest, well-developed hindquarters and strong shoulders. characteristic of akitas, this dog has cat-like feet with thick paw pads allowing him to walk gracefully and silently, despite his heaviness of bone, especially in his legs. the dog has a high tail-carriage, a near double-curl, very thick and soft. the dog has a large head, set on a thick and muscular neck, blunt and triangular in shape, his ears, though smaller, are set high upon his head and typically shifted forward and kept tense, they are slightly rounded at the tip and set fairly far apart from each other. this canine radiates strength and power, and even for a larger dog, they would find him to be a difficult opponent.

-the akita has a beautiful mixed coat that contains black, white and various shades of brown. primarily the male is a mottled brown, consisting of a dark brown on his back, across his shoulders and on his face a little, in faint stripe-markings. accompanied with these markings is a dull black color that is found on his ears, between his ears and outlining the white marking on his chest, and just under his white tail-tip. the black can also be found accentuating the darker brown markings on his back and shoulders. the rest of his body is a bit of an ombre, starting with the dark brown/black that fades steadily lighter almost to a near white before it hits another dark brown/black patch. these lighter spots are found on the back of his neck, his forelegs and his hindlegs to tail. ulric is not without white markings, and those are found on all four legs, covering his paws and going almost mid-way up his leg, and a white splotch can be found on his chest, stretching down his belly a little ways, a final white marking is on the tip of his curled tail. this male, because he was thrown out for being a failed experiment, lived a while on his own in the wilderness around the lab and got in a number of scuffles with other animals and even the plant life. the most prominent of his scars cover his muzzle and face from a scrap with a weasel. and the fur hasn't grown much around those.

-ulric's eyes are rather small, deep-set and the color of dark chocolate, the eyes rims themselves are tight around his eyes and are black in color. his eyes are often shrouded in the shadow of the anger he harbors for the humans and for being a bit of a disappointment, sure he can force them to take on a softer tone when talking with his packmates and conversing with those he likes, but outside of that, he has an rbf. however, at the slightest speculation of danger, his gaze can switch to one of unmatched hostility that can make even the most stoic canine tremble. because his eyes are small, deep-set and dark in color, they don't reflect his emotions are simply twin black abysses that eat up everything in his line of sight. nothing gets past the akita's gaze, seeing as he is very attentive and has the innate ability to memorize a location exactly and can pinpoint if one thing is slightly different.

(faceclaim is malcolm_the_akita on instagram)


a mix of peppermint and coffee with a slight after-smell of clover

✲physical strengths✲

-ulric is a giant of a dog, selective breeding has caused him to become rather large, though not abnormally large for his breed. it doesn't help that he is built like a common-day bodybuilder, which contributes heavily to his weight since muscle is very dense and weighs more than fat. but because he has to lug around his weight everywhere, plus his mutation, the canid has great stamina and can take hits.

-the akita can also memorize any location after being there one time and can point out any difference in the area when he returns to it. call it a photographic memory, but this skill can't really be applied to anything else. but it helps out with his attentiveness and enables him to better track a quarry based on their movements and where they went to escape or where they are hiding and if they moved anything.

-ulric has his mutation that offers him protection from everything for a decent amount of time, and has gotten to better know his power, so he trains and tests his limits and tries to condition himself to go longer. each time he goes as far as he can, then tries to go a little longer without taking on too many physical issues. progress however is rather slow and he has only been able to lengthen his time from thirty minutes to forty, on a good day.

✲physical weaknesses✲

-ulric is not a very quick mover, his bulk makes sure that he struggles to keep up with the average dog, nor is he very agile, this dog, being quite large, can't spin and pivot easily on his paws, nor while running can he just flat out leap over a log without rebalancing and readjusting his stride. he's a bit of a clumsy fellow, constantly tripping over roots, vines, his own paws and sometimes nothing at all, when running he can't always move out of the way completely and when running past a tree, he may shoulder-check, or hip-check it.

-the akita, because he is a large breed, and is abnormally large, as he ages, will start to have issues with joint pain and arthritis due to his mutation and his natural bulk. and while his breed is sturdy enough to withstand the muscle of such a large canine, ulric is again, larger than average and because of his constant pushing himself with his power/mutation, it puts more unnecessary stress on his joints and bones.

-ulric, because he is a rather large and not very sneaky dog, he is not a great hunter. he steps on every crunchy leaf and twig and can't seem to figure out how to crouch down and move forward without developing a painful cramp. he can't fit under bushes, nor can he hide in grass because he gets uncomfortable because he has to crouch twice as low as the majority of the dogs in his pack.

"oh, but it's okay to be different"

✲detailed personality✲

-ulric is very protective of his pack and the dogs in it, he always around to lend an ear or a shoulder to cry on and will always be the first to try and settle disputes between certain members. he is always the first dog to volunteer to help out with anything, including hunting which is definitely not his strong suit. because he is so protective, the akita is extremely hostile to any and all outsiders, he will be the first to confront them, and will be sure to let them know that they are not welcome. he is very attentive to any and all details and is very good at analyzing an enemy and figuring his best course of action when in combat. he takes on his role as a protector very seriously and always looks out for his pack physically and mentally, he talks to his packmates and makes sure that they are alright and are not dealing with any unnecessary strife. this lumbering canine, though sweet and genuine towards his pack, is not the sharpest tool in the shed, he's more of a happy-go-lucky type canine that has those few areas that he is intelligent in. he known how to talk to others, he knows how to analyze and understand others based on their body language and he can memorize landscapes after seeing them only once. but outside of that, he isn't very intelligent or philosophical.

-being large and strong has caused this male to be a little bit cocky, he knows his strength and he knows what he is capable of and is very confident in what he can do. however, when presented with a situation he isn't very familiar with, his confidence can wane and he is a humbler. but when a task falls into his wheelhouse, he is all over it and is very confident in his abilities to deal with said task. ulric is the type of dog that needs constant reinforcement that he is doing well otherwise he can become anxious, worried and he will essentially turn into a different dog. the akita tends to latch on to mentally strong individuals and feed off of them to give him a sense of belonging, which has worked well for him and has caused his self-doubt to decrease dramatically. being thrown out played a harsh role in his mental growth and caused the bulky canid to feel inadequate and worthless, but due to the crowd he was surrounded with, the male has been able to grow and prosper into a more confident individual. and because he can recognize his own growth, he feels that he owes it to his pack to protect them.

-ulric a friendly dog, when around those he trusts, any canine outside of that category is an enemy and he will let them know that. but he always carries a smile when around his packmates and is always available to talk to. when by himself, it is a different story as he gets a little wrapped in his own regret and anger. but he usually doesn't like to be off by himself and likes to smile and relax around his packmates. the akita is a genuine canine, he truly wants what is best for his pack, and he feels that in order to accomplish that he has to be protective and he has to bare his teeth at any sight of a potential enemy in order to keep his pack safe. his thought process usually starts with helping out his pack, but because he is a shitty hunter, the only way he can think to benefit his pack would be to protect them from any perceivable threat, from there it goes straight to food. the male can be manipulated with food, though it would have to be an ample supply of food, and it would have to come from a source that he trusts. but in all, the brown dog truly wants to do right by his pack and keep them safe, even at the expense of his own health.

✲preferred gender✲


✲mental strengths✲

-ulric is a very good judge on what is good and what is bad, meaning he is able to perceive a threat long before that threat proves itself to be one. though usually in the case of outsiders, he is typically quick to jump to conclusions and instantly deem them as untrustworthy. the akita has a good moral compass and can make educated-ish decisions based on little to know evidence.

-the akita is a mentally strong individual in the sense that it is impossible to get him to waver in his loyalty. once his mind is made up, it is not subject to change, ever. he will never give up on his packmates and never would he turn his back on them or give them any cause to turn their backs on him. to have his trust and loyalty is to have those aspects of him for as long as he is alive.

-ulric tends to better get along with smaller dogs that are also mentally strong and mentally forward (ie sassy, sarcastic canines with a sharp wit) they say all the things he is afraid to say, and their feistiness makes him laugh. he loves their characteristic fearlessness and tends to be able to find solace in their ferocity and willingness to talk down to other dogs, even if there is an obvious difference in size and strength.

✲mental weaknesses✲

-ulric is quick to jump to conclusions about each and every canine he meets, and from there it is near impossible to have the male change his mind about a particular canine. once his mind is made up via first impression, it will stay that way, and because he is typically a good judge of character, he trusts his instincts enough and won't go back on their decision. intruders are a whole different story, if he gets the wrong idea about the meaning of their entrance into his territory then it doesn't matter what his gut deems them, they are bad.

-the akita is not the smartest dog out there, though he tries his best. and while he has the few things that he is intelligent in, he lacks overall intelligence and cleverness that most dogs tend to have an abundance of. and while the term 'book-smart' definitely doesn't apply to this particular dog, he tries his absolute to make up for it with his other redeemable qualities and intelligences.

-ulric is rather quiet, he doesn't speak his mind for fear of upsetting other dogs. again, this doesn't apply to outsiders and dogs that he doesn't trust. nor does he speak harsh truths, he tends to sugar coat blunt truths, or he will completely avoid speaking about them whatsoever in order to avoid negative confrontation. he refrains from being very opinionated or forward so he upsets the least amount of individuals as possible, and while this trait isn't exactly admirable, he wouldn't wish to change that aspect of himself.


-large bodies of water; being able to swim is such a help to the akita, it takes the stress of his body off of his bones, and the coolness of particular bodies of water eases the pain of the bruises and muscle pains that come from his extensive self-training regime.

-trees; ulric loves trees, he loves the variety that they come in, the different shapes, different sizes, different types and different smells. he loves the idea of trees and that they can support so many different lives and can be a haven to so many creatures. he also enjoys the shade they provide and the patterns placed on the ground by the sunlight filtering through the leaves.

-training; the akita loves training and pushing himself to the max, he loves pushing his limits and overcoming physical barriers. ulric loves getting stronger and adding muscle to his structure, he loves the strain and the push, he likes to feel strong and training helps him feel confident in his body.


-intruders; if it wasn't already obvious, the akita hates intruders with a passion. he doesn't like them waltzing on his turf, he doesn't appreciate them catching his pack's prey or just lounging around as if waiting for his pack to grow unawares before striking. ulric has no trust nor ounce of kindness in his soul for dogs that don't belong, or have no connection to the pack.

-hunting; ulric is obviously horrible at hunting, meaning he just isn't a fan, even though he would still try to help out his pack if they needed it. he hates desperately trying to keep up with the other dogs and he doesn't enjoy the cramps that form in his legs when he crouches and tries to sneak up on prey.

-mud; the akita's thick pelt is near impossible to clean, and ulric is such a large dog that it is near impossible for him to get every little crevice of his skin and pelt. he feels claustrophobic when his pelt is caked with mud and debris and even worse so when there is nothing in his power that he can do to get it clean.

"'cause baby so am i"



-emdar; a giant black and white male akita with small pale brown eyes, a bit of a monster, weighing just over one hundred and fifty pounds and standing right at twenty-nine inches tall, emdar was bred to be a threat. named as one of the most sought after american akita studs in the world, the dog, imported from greece, was chosen by the scientists specifically for his size and strength. he only met with ulric's dam once and that was to breed and then he went back to his owners; according to ulric's mother, emdar was rugged, handsome and just enough cocky that he made any female swoon, and she swore that her pups carried his good looks. she didn't hate emdar which was strange for the female considering she had been matched with studs in the past that she hadn't liked at all; alive; not in roleplay


-mota; a beautiful red/brown female akita with small white markings, she was a rather large american akita as well, weighing a little over one hundred and ten pounds and standing at twenty-seven inches tall. she was an incredibly intelligent dog, and while ulric seemed to have missed out on that aspect of his parents, he didn't get skipped over with his mother's protective nature and insane loyalty. mota came from a breeder in canada and she was bought for the purpose of breeding larger american akitas for the scientists, unfortunately ulric's siblings didn't inherit his lack of brains, and they felt that he would be the easiest to control, not to mention he was quite large and imposing, even at a young age; ulric and mota got along, as they were mother and pup, of course they were separated too early, but in the few months they were together, ulric and his siblings prospered under their mother's care and they all loved her to death, for they had all inherited her loyalty; alive; not in roleplay


-qiros; a large jet black male akita with a small splash of white on his chest. this male was incredibly intelligent and was the leader of the pup pack, which the others were fine with. he was around ulric's size and build, just a lot smarter. the only reason he wasn't picked was the fact that even from his young age, the scientists were not able to control the pup, and they feared he would turn on them or hurt the other dogs because he would be unable to respect the hierarchy; qiros and ulric got along moderately well, ulric was what one might call an 'enforcer' he followed qiros around and made sure none of the other pups dared challenge him, not that any tried of course, they were more than happy to allow him command. qiros never really respected his dumber brother, but still loved him because they were family, qiros just always believed it was his responsibility to make sure the other male didn't get himself killed; alive; not in roleplay

-hirnos; a large dark brown and white male akita with white paws and pale brown eyes. this male, though smart, was not very dominant, nor was he a very active pup, he preferred to sleep the days away instead of get up and be alive. and while that lifestyle was fine, it was not what the scientists were looking for so they didn't pick hirnos. not that he cared; ulric and hirnos got along quite well, even though ulric wasn't near as smart, hirnos was patient with ulric, not that the former did much else, and did his best to teach his brother basic things, like why certain toys squeak, or the behaviors of the humans and what different words and tones meant. there was a mutual respect between the brothers, even if they didn't play together as often as ulric would have wanted; alive; not in roleplay

-ulios; a beautiful red brown male akita with no white markings and dark brown eyes. this male wasn't near as big as his littermates, nor was he as smart, but he could follow directions much like ulric. when it came down to it, the scientists eventually sided with ulric because of his larger size, not that they knew what that meant. ulios lived in the moment, he loved life and was happier not knowing much, he didn't see his intellect, or lack of, to be a downside and certainly didn't stop to think that he was any smaller than his littermates; ulric and ulios, despite being similar in personality, they didn't get along so well since both had a mental target of where they wanted to be in the lives of their mother and littermates, though of course their attempts would be in vain, they didn't know at the time and kept on. ulios and ulric never fought, but often squabbled or would have mini competitions to see who could be more favored, but when it came down to it, they were brothers and they loved each other as such; alive; not in roleplay

-vebus; a silver, black and white male akita with dark brown eyes. this male was a beast, extremely intelligent and the largest of the litter, and while he could have been the leader of the pup pack, he preferred to be a bit of a loner. off by himself. of course that didn't stop him from hanging out with his small family and getting to know his littermates, he just didn't prefer to meddle in their affairs. that didn't mean he wasn't present in his littermates' lives, vebus just had an old soul and would rather spend his time looking at life from a more philosophical standpoint. he had no love or appreciation for the humans, so it was clear to them that this pup would be a threat and they were quick to rehome him; vebus and ulric got along the best, for ulric was drawn to the quietness of the loner, and found solace in bluntness that his brother offered. vebus rather liked his brother and enjoyed the time they would spend together, speaking on whatever matters came to mind, and trying to help his dafter brother to better understand the world that they were living in; alive; not in roleplay

-phedia; a red brown female akita with a white chest and paws. built like a tank, phedia was the largest of the two female pups, and acted as such, she was pushy and bossy. though not towards qiros, for she knew either qiros or ulric would put her in her place, for as big as she was, they towered over her. the scientists had the same issue with phedia that they had with qiros, hence why they didn't pick her, they didn't want to run the risk of themselves or the dog getting hurt because of her refusing to listen to them or to the other dogs; phedia, outside of wanting to rule the world, got along well with ulric and didn't hate his guts like she hated qiros', for she found herself to always be in competition with her littermate. but with ulric she didn't feel that sense of competition and rather enjoyed his companionship and was glad to have his easy-going soul as her littermate; alive; not in roleplay

-tonja; a black and white female akita with pale brown eyes. this female was closer in size to the average female akita, being only a slight bit heavier, but being around the same height. this female was very submissive and kind and never had the desire to do much outside of relax and chill with her family. and because she lacked the desire to do much, the scientists didn't really want her for they feared she would be too weak, and they didn't want any harm to come to the gentle pup, so she was found a good home; ulric and tonja didn't speak much, seeing as tonja was usually with hirnos since they both had similar mindsets. but the times they did speak, it was always about something ulric hadn't thought of, meaning that usually their conversations required him to think and above average amount, and even then, most of the context would go right over his head. though he liked spending time with his sister, the mental strain was enough for him to pick vebus over her, not that she minded, for tonja had hirnos to talk to, and those two were bonded for life and went to a new home as a pair; alive; not in roleplay






any and all intruders

"i'm a little crazy underneath this"

note; aesthetic made by the one and only, out-of-this-world, gorgeous Celeber


-voiceclaim is corpse_husband

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