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"nobody ever knows, nobody ever sees"



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৲show name৲

lpf sun

৲show name meaning৲

-the lpf comes from the name of his farm, little paw farms

-sorin literally means 'sun'


eight years and three months


some type of pony draft cross with a little bit of brumby and iberian influence. he has large feet, and thick muscle, but he lacks the stereotypical draft horse look. he doesn't have feathers, nor if his pelt shaggy.  but he has thick skin and hard muscle. he has a bit of a brumby face but the hardiness of early iberian horses




fifteen point three hands high


panromantic heterosexual


-sorin is a little over average horse height, standing at fifteen point three hands and weighing a bit over eleven hundred pounds. though he is a little underweight. there is a lot of draft horse influence in this stallion from his unique grey on chestnut color, to his large dinner-plate sized hooves and thick skin. sturdily built, this horse, from a distance looks like older iberian horses, with their thinner legs and long backs, but he has a much larger and longer head and smaller eyes, leading on to give him a slightly feral appearance, like an australian brumby. his hooves are hard and very-well shaped so he doesn't worry about going lame or having issues with his feet. and while he has the influence of larger horses on his smaller-built frame, one has to be careful when asking him to jump since his bulk is hard on his thin bones. he can do small crossrails, and can easily go to two and a half feet, but past that is asking a lot. over time his structure could adapt to his large body, but it is unlikely.

-this stallion has a very unusual coat coloration, some may call it a type of roan, or a dappled grey chestnut, or some call it grey on chestnut. whatever the term is coined, this horse is magnificent, certainly an eye-catcher. he has the base color of a dappled grey, but across his body, from nose to tail are large swaths of a chestnut brown color, of which the dapples show through. those patches can be found on his nose, neck, shoulders, midsection, flanks, hooves, and scarcely on his haunches. though that color can also be seen in his mane and tail. his legs are dark grey and the parts of his face that aren't covered by the chestnut, his forehead and sides of his muzzle, are pale grey, if not white in some areas. sorin's eyes, though rather small, are a pale brown color with slight hints of bluey-grey closer towards the outside of his eyes. an while his eye color is unique and beautiful, he doesn't have very good peripheral vision and the things he can see are blurry and essentially just blobs of color.

"i left my soul, back there now i'm too weak"


-sorin is definitely a follower, not a leader, he has no desire to be the boss over any horse, however, he likes not being the only equine in his pasture. being alone doesn't sit well with this stallion and he has no problem running through a fence or desperately trying to jump over one to get to another horse. the equine forms very close relationships and can start to go insane and crazy when separated from his friends, behaviors such as him galloping from one end of his pasture to the other, incessant pawing at the grass, attempts to jump over a fence whether by getting stuck on it or rearing up right in front of it, and running through the fence. and while he has never offered to harm another creature that wasn't in his inner circle, he can be a bit pushy and dismissive of them. however, once in his inner circle, no amount of distance or aggression will turn him away, he is a friend for life. he gets very cuddly and gentle, making it hard to believe that he is the same horse that tried to trample a fence.

-due to his past, this stallion is very skittish, and rightfully so. he doesn't see very well and he has been taught from a young age to be afraid, or everything. from dogs, to humans, to trailers, to cars and anything else that makes weird sounds. horses are something that he isn't spooked by, but rather comforted by, since that is what he has known since his foaling. this horse spooks at just about everything that makes a sound, and just about everything that doesn't, quick movements will startle him, and loud noises will cause him to bolt. being in an unfamiliar place will make him uneasy and more likely to bolt at things he usually would only startle at, and cause him to startle at things that usually wouldn't bother him. sorin doesn't trust very easily, non-equines anyway, and he has been known to strike out when backed in a corner, not with the intent to harm, but with the intent to break free. this equine is heavily drawn to those with strong alpha-type mentalities that are more forward and confrontational. he isn't drawn in a romantic way, just in a general 'you are strong, you can take care of me and make sure lions don't come out of the woods and eat  me' way.

-sorin, once his walls are broken down, has a heart of gold, he will always remain true to those in his inner circle and will give his life for theirs in a heartbeat. nothing will break the bond between this horse and his closest companions, not even a wicked lie or broken trust, he will always come back. though it takes a while for him to get that close with any non-equine creature. this stallion will go great lengths to be with his close friends, and nothing that should scare or spook him, will come close to deterring him. so while in a calm state, he can be quickly swept into a frenzy of panic, but when defending or trying to get to a friend, all of his fears go out the window and the only thing he can focus on is getting to said friend. and while this is a bit of an issue, especially if he were at a show or in a separate pasture, he wouldn't care what harm was set upon his body so long as he can get to his buddy, so this aspect of him would work well if he was close with his rider/owner/handler.


-major; combined driving

-minor; low level eventing (amoeba-tadpole)

"most nights i pray for you to come home"



sabor; a nearly seventeen hand tall draft cross stallion, a dark colored dappled grey percheron cross. he lives on a farm far out in california, but was shipped in to montana to breed with a couple draft cross mares in hopes to create a new breed of draft horse, but sorin's mother accidentally got mixed in with the crowd and she became a mother. not much was known about the stallion, persoality-wise, but he was described as being a gentle giant, good with kids and comfortable to ride; sabor and sorin never met, and probably never will since sabor went back to california when all was said and done; alive; not in roleplay


lyra aka doctor shimmer; a smaller, roughly fifteen point tow hand iberian cross mare, though many just thought her to be a grade horse from someone's backyard. she was a beautiful chestnut with slight dappling on her chest and flanks. a natural athlete and a winner at almost any she she participated in. unfortunately after the mishap with sabor, they didn't want her foal and thus sold them off to the first inquirer. this couple hoarded cheap horses, and had small stock pens full of horses, giving them barely enough space to move around. when she gave birth to sorin, she tried to protect him, in a rather aggressive manner, and the humans beat the mare to death before taking her son away before he was weaned; sorin remembered how bravely his mother fought to protect him and how strong her love was for him to drive her attack a human, and because of her sacrifice, he has sworn to do the same for those that are in his inner circle. he was very close with his mother, as she was his protector and his best friend, joined at the hip. she taught him everything he knew, but unfortunately her lessons about humans were thrown out the window after that fateful day.


sorin has a lot of half-siblings, but none that he had ever met






during his time in the pens, as a stallion cooped up with mares, with no separation, he's fathered a few foals. but he never got around to meeting them, since the pregnant mares were moved to another small paddock to have their foals, and then the foals would be moved on when they were taken from their mothers

"now please don't go, most nights i hardly sleep when i'm alone"


-born on a small farm in western montana, sorin's life was loud and filled with the sounds and scents of too many horses crammed into too small a space. but it didn't bother him because he didn't know of any other life. in his pen, there were six other mares, two with young foals by their sides, one with an older foal and three with bellies larger than anything that he had seen. the mares, he learned quickly, brownie was the one with the oldest foal, muffin and gypsy had foals a little older than him, and haley, kelly and barnacle were the ones with the big bellies. the oldest foal was named benjy, by his mother, and simply 0145 by the humans. soldier and tanya were around the same age, but to the humans they were 0146 and 0147. making sorin 0148, though his mother called him night since he was a dark grey at his birth. in this time, lyra, night's mother, told him stories of her old life with humans that cared and loved her, and that as long as she was kind and respected them, they were kind and respected her too. she told her son stories about her life as a show horse, all her competitions and ribbons, she even told him about sabor, as best she knew any way. and sometimes she would make up stories, of faraway lands and creatures that didn't exist. but to night, it was real, he could practically see the land and the creatures, he was at the shows and running with other horses, eating lumps of sugar right of out the hands of children. and that is what got him through the searing pain of having a number burned into his flank, its what got him through the screams and cries of other horses, the snarl and snaps of dogs used to control the horses. number 0149 was born when benjy and brownie were taken away. he could hear benjy's cries for his mother, and he could hear brownie's cries for her baby, but the humans didn't seem to hear them. it was then that sorin, then night, had decided that humans were deaf. but when the screams could no longer be heard and the shapes of benjy and brownie were shoved into little pens with tons of other horses, it took a few days of course for the screaming to die down, but when it did, haley had had her foal, a filly named freida, she was the prettiest mare night had ever seen. though the humans called her 0149, and that number was burned in her flank. her screams of agony made night want to crumple to the ground and cry, but no other horse did so he remained silent. soldier and tanya were soon removed, and night knew it was becoming his turn. what he didn't expect, was that he was removed right after soldier and tanya, despite him being half a moon younger at least. lyra, his mother, number 0141, turned into a beast of blood and hate, and she attacked the humans when they tried to take her baby. she bit, she kicked and struck out to protect her colt. after putting two men unconscious, or dead, on the ground, one came back with a hunter whip, a cruel thing with a metal hook on the end and he beat lyra, until she was crumpled on the ground. night had just stood there in shock, but it only took a couple good smacks from the hunter whip for him to move from his mother and into the rough, unkind hands of more men that roughly placed him in a paddock with benjy and some other horses he didn't recognize. but he hung on to lyra's stories, so when freida was placed in his paddock, he shared those stories with her, and comforted them both.

-when he was three years old, he was still in that pasture, but he had noticed that freida was more than just a friend, and his brain would make him think strangely about her, but he always felt that he had to protect her from the other stallions he was with. night didn't get it until one day, benjy tried to get a little closer with freida and night almost lost it. he fought his pasturemate and kept him away from the filly. night, once he realized what his desire was, took his question to frieda, and she became his first 'mate' though once it was clear she was carrying his foal. the humans came in, and used their dogs and hunter's whips to move his love to the paddock with the foals and pregnant mares. this was the first time night realized just how much he loved freida. without a second thought, the stallion had plunged through the humans, galloped over dogs and took a flying leap over the fence to get back to her. he was of course caught and moved back to a paddock with higher fences. this one he simply charged through. so he was forcibly moved into a rusty trailer that he couldn't see out of. each step he took echoed across the whole enclosure. and whenever he panicked or tried to escape, his head would ram into the roof or he would hurt his body on the metal walls.

-when they let night out after a number of months, he was a changed animal, he was emaciated, he had no muscle tone and the light was gone from his eyes, replaced by fear. the time in the darkness of the trailer had damaged his eyes to the point where his peripheral vision was nearly nonexistent. for a three years he remained in a pen, he brushed death a few times due to his weakness and lack of food. but towards the end of those three years, he sired two more foals. though he didn't go crazy like last time. however, in his current pen, he was met with a familiar bay face, benjy. and he looked terrible, both were about six years old, but they bonded quickly, and again lyra's stories kept their spirits up and prevented them from giving in to death. because night was a larger stallion, and benji was built like an arabian, night was forcibly moved to another paddock so there was room for more horses with benjy. that drove the stallion insane and he continually tried to get back to him. and he was again placed back in the trailer. he remained there for two more years. getting just enough food and water to keep him alive. then the hoarders were busted. authorities came in and arrested the couple, and humane societies an sanctuaries were contacted, but it was no easy feat. there were over two hundred horses on the thirteen acre property. and veterinarians were called out to find out which horses were worth saving. night was moved into a group going north to a rescue with nine others. out of over two hundred horses, only one hundred and seventy were considered 'healthy enough' to travel to a rescue. thirty had to be put down right on the property, and the remaining others, amassing around forty horses were taken by surrounding farms. night didn't recognize benjy in any of the groups. however, he saw a familiar mare, freida, but she was gone in an instant, night didn't even have the chance to call out to her.

-trying to load night onto the trailer was a nearly impossible task and he had to be tranquilized before they could move his blindfolded body onto the trailer. he woke up mid-transport and began to freak out, so they had to stop and tranq him again until they reached their destination. night was the first off, but because he was tranqed, they had some difficulty moving him into a pasture. but it was done. night woke and immediately began to gallop down the length of his enclosure, searching for benjy or freida, but his body was so weak that he collapsed. when he woke again, he was on his side, in the field, so he absentmindedly nibbled on the grass, finding that it was good and was actually sustenance that he could put in his body, he would eat and eat and eat. eventually he was able to stand up and move around, trot and canter. but he was still quite weak and couldn't find the strength to barge through a fence or jump over it. though he tried. the rescue he was at gave night a name, sorin, named after the sun. something night, now sorin, preferred to his number. it wasn't long before he was adopted and was tranquilized, put back in the trailer and shipped to little paw farms.

"i think of you whenever i'm alone, so please don't go"

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