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Summary: you spill your feelings about Daisy to Mack, not knowing she's right outside the room and hears everything you say.

You haven't been on the team long, only a couple of weeks. But it didn't take you long to figure out you liked Daisy as more than just a friend. The second you had walked into the base and she was waiting for you with a kind smile, standing just a bit behind Coulson, you were sold.

She had shown you around, chatting away about the things that happened in every room or hallway, laughing at the memories. During that tour, you were sure you had been staring at her more than actually taking in the base. There was a certain positivity and strength radiating off her that left you in awe and made you lose any train of thoughts you had.

She was also the one that you trained most with, just because you were secretly scared of May and Jemma wasn't a fighter and you were sure you couldn't take on Mack. Before each session, you were more nervous than you should be. Her tight workout clothing kept distracting you and she definitely left you flustered, and not by the intensity of the workout.

You hadn't thought Daisy noticed, because she never said anything and never flirted with you in any way, but that was far from the truth. Daisy had noticed, but she was sure you didn't actually like her like that and that it was just superficial.

Both of you thought the other didn't like you, resulting in a lost chance, day after day.

Mack, however, had noticed immediately it was real and you clearly liked Daisy that way. One day, after a long day of business in the SHIELD base, he found you sitting on the couch in the common room, drinking some tea and reading a book on your tablet. Normally, you would do that in your own room, but you liked people walking in and out, making conversation with some of them. 

It was simple socializing, but it was relaxing and caused you to work on your connections with your new teammates and colleagues. 

''Hey,'' Mack's soft voice interrupted your reading, sitting next to you. For such a big guy, he was extremely kind and gentle. You really liked him. He felt like the big brother you never had.

Looking up, you dropped the tablet in your lap, giving him your full attention. ''Hey, what's up?'' you smiled kindly.

What you didn't know is Daisy was on her way to talk to you too, but Mack beat her to it. When she heard you asking that question, instead of walking away, she stopped right beside the door, careful to stay out of sight. She didn't know why she did that, but something in her wanted to hear what Mack was going to ask you.

''I just wanted to see if you were starting to feel at home here, but I believe this answers my question,'' he laughed, gesturing to the tea and the digital book. 

You chuckled, a sound that caused butterflies in Daisy's stomach.  ''I do. Everyone is very nice.''

''Just nice, or maybe a little more?'' Mack implied, a smug smirk on his face.

Of course, you instantly knew what he was hinting at, dropping your eyes down to your lap. You felt your cheeks heat up while you awkwardly played with the string of the teabag in your cup. 

Outside, Daisy's heart sped up and she leaned a little bit closer towards the door, making sure she caught your answer.

''I have no idea what you are talking about,'' you tried to deny. But there was no fooling Mack, just like there was no use trying to fool anyone in this base. Sometimes it felt you were being analyzed for anything you did and said and it was annoying at times, like now, but also very useful.

''Come on, Y/N,'' Mack nudged you. ''She likes you too, you know.''

Daisy froze in her spot. You liked her? She never thought you would. A wide smile grew on her face. Like an idiot, she was smiling to herself in the middle of the hallway.

Hope flared in your own chest as you snapped your gaze back to Mack's, figuring out if he was serious. It seemed very unlikely Daisy felt the same way. ''She does?''

Mack raised a shocked eyebrow. ''Are you kidding me? Head over heels.''

You wanted to act on your feelings, but was way too afraid to mess up what you already had now. ''I don't know, Mack. What if she doesn't like me the same way I like her.''

Daisy wanted to storm into the room there and then, yelling that she absolutely felt the same way. However, that would mean revealing herself as an eavesdropper, which was both creepy and weird. So she just stood in the same spot, hands sweaty and heart beating faster each second. 

''And what way is that?''

Without missing a beat, you answered honestly, smiling to yourself. ''I definitely want to kiss her every time she walks into the room.''

Daisy's heart stopped beating altogether and she had to stop herself from walking in and making a cliché entrance. She wanted to squeal and scream at the same time, but the passing agents already looked at her weirdly for standing in the middle of the hallway for no reason. 

Mack's eyes lit up, happy for both you and Daisy. ''There you go,'' he said. ''You should make a move, ask her out.''

''We can't exactly go to a nice restaurant and have a date like a normal couple.''

''That's alright, you just cook her a nice dinner and watch a movie. I'm sure she preferres that anyway.''

You nodded, something Daisy couldn't see. ''Thanks Mack,'' you said to him after a short silence, letting the idea roll around in your head for a bit and deciding you liked it. The gratitude was also for pushing you to admit your feelings, no longer hiding from them.

''Hey, anytime.'' Mack patted your knee. ''Let me know how things... progress.'' He winked suggestively, getting up from the couch. 

You threw him the most annoyed glare you could and he took off, laughing on his way out. 

Daisy had no idea how fast she had to get out of there, but rushed the other way as casual as possible, hoping Mack didn't see her. 

In her giddy state, she almost ran into some agents in the hallways that sent her some weird looks but she didn't care. You actually liked her. Like liked her. 

Upon making it back to her bedroom, she quickly closed the door behind her, leaning against it with a huge smile on her face. Her chest was all warm and the butterflies in her stomach were fluttering wild. 

One thing she knew for sure: if you weren't going to ask her out fast, she would.

On the other side of the base, unbeknownst to her, you still sat on the couch, repeating the conversation with Mack over and over in your head. You couldn't believe she felt the same way. Never did you dare to dream she actually liked you. 

After all those weeks of waiting, you knew you weren't going to wait a moment longer. With a body full of nerves and a good kind of excitement, you forced yourself out of the room and to Daisy's bedroom.

You were going to ask her today. With a life as a SHIELD Agent, you knew there was never any time to waste. 

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