Prologue: Shopping Mall of Horrors

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(1st Person PoV: Kuro's)

I followed Kaoro to what I assume to be a food court.

"Soobway, Kuma Express, and Cinnabuns," I heard him muttered.

I looked around to see that there were food stalls (?) with those exact names. There were more though.

In the corner of my eye, I spotted a person.

They were dark skinned, tired and was eating a sandwich that appeared to be from Soobway.

Kaoro walked up to the person and I followed after him.

They looked up and they did not look happy to be here.

"What do you want?" They asked.

"I was just wondering if there were other people here. Turns out that there is," Kaoro explained.

All they did was yawn at this.

"Mmm ok. Makes sense. Go on an expedition in the prologue, that sure is original," they noted sarcastically.

"Hey I have a question," I said while getting closer.

They grumbled something under their breath.

"Do you happen to be enrolled at Sora Academy?" I asked.

I just wanted to know whether my suspicions were true.

They nodded.

"Surprisingly. Let me guess, you're going to introduce your name and talent," they said.

"Umm...sure," I muttered while fiddling around with my fingers.

"I'm Kuro. Kuro Tamashi and I'm the...Ultimate Coder," I said with a slight bit of hesitation.

I didn't like talking to people as much.

Their eyes turned to Kaoro and he tapped on the handle of his hatchet.

"Kaoro Tanaka. Ultimate Nature Survivalist," he said.

"Well guess it's my turn," they yawned.

"Why-Enn Ell-Enn, Ultimate Insert," they explained.

"Why-Enn?" Kaoro asked.

"Hey I was spawned with this name," Why-Enn said, glaring at him.

Spawned? I thought.

"Now please go away. I'm trying to eat here," they said and went back to their sandwich.

"One last question," Kaoro said.

Why-Enn groaned at this.

"Make it quick. My sandwich is waiting," they yawned.

"Are there any other people here?" Kaoro asked.

"Yes there are and it's not because this is the prologue. Also someone is coming in right now," Why-Enn pointed to someone who was just walking in.

"Ok thanks," Kaoro left to go speak to that person.

"Umm bye," I murmured.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Why-Enn raising an eyebrow.

But when I turned to look at them clearly, Why-Enn was just eating their sandwich.

"Oi who the f*ck are you?" That person asked.

"My name is Kaoro Tanaka. Do you know where we are?" Kaoro asked.

"The hell I don't," the girl shook their head, tiredly.

"Could we at least get your name? I think it's best if we could get something to call you by," I pointed out.

The girl rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Listen up because I'm not going to repeat myself. I'm Renora Shiroi and I'm the Ultimate Mastermind. No I'm not elaborating on that, leave it to your imagination," she explained.

"M-Mastermind?!" I cried.

"Geez what's with the stutter? Are you like a soft boy or something?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

"No I'm just...surprised about your talent," I explained.

"I'm just messing with ya. But seriously, drop the stutter. It can't get annoying," they said.

"I don't stutter all the time, damn it," I rolled my eyes.

"Looks like someone is a little angry," Renora smirked again.

"Let's not argue. Do you happen to know if there are others?" Kaoro asked after staying silent for a long time.

"There are a couple of people at Macy-Penny," Renora pointed in front of us.

"Ok thanks," Kaoro said and dragged me away.

A/N: ever just...wander around Wattpad and then realize that you have an applyfic to do?

Yeah that's me.

So here ya go!

3/4 of the intro cards were made by the amazing BoriBopHop go give him a follow! They are an amazing artist!

The other intro card was made by me! Idk why but the way I drew Kaoro kind of reminds me of Eryn. Hmmm, now I think I should draw Eryn sometime next time.

Sorry if I get some of their personalities off.

Also let's pretend that Kuro knows all of their pronouns. It'll save me some time for writing. I'm writing everyone's pronouns down in my notes so I don't get them wrong.

Cya in the next one -Flare

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