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"I'm never drinking again," I said pushing myself off the bed.

Eight hours before....

I had just finished my shift and was getting changed and on my way out from the club when Roman stopped me. "Come up to my apartment and have a drink with me, we can discuss how your first night went," he said.

"I should really be getting home," I said.

"Come on Ash, one drink?" He said.

"Fine," I said giving in, "but just one drink," I gestured with my finger.

"That's what I like to hear," he said and took me upstairs to his apartment.

"Wow! Neat place," I said looking around. "How did these heads get so tiny?" I asked wandering over to them.

"The skin of their enemies are boiled, shrinking it," he told me.

"Oh cool," I said and took a shot from him.

"For someone so small you can drink," he said.

"I take after my mother," I giggled, and fell into his sofa. "Oopsies, I fell."


I sat up and placed a hand on my head. It was pounding, I looked onto my bedside table and found a glass of water aspirin and a note:

Morning Ash,

I have popped out to get groceries, you rest up and I'll see you when I get home.


I smiled and dragged myself to the shower. Bruce followed me until I shut the door in his face. I heard him whine. "Sorry boy, just don't need your shenanigans," I called stepping into the shower. The warm water woke me up a little bit, after an hour I climbed out and got changed into my pink unicorn onesie and threw myself onto the couch with a bowl of cereal in my lap. I turned on the tv and watched cartoons. Bruce threw himself on the sofa next to me. "Harley is going to kill ya," I said. He just whined and turned over with his paws in the air.

"Fine," I said and scratched his belly. "For a hyena, you're a soppy boy." Harley returned throwing her groceries into the kitchen.

"Oh good you're up," she said and pushed Bruce off the sofa. "How would you feel about having a girly day?"

"You mean doing my nails, face packs and hair?" I asked.

"No, although it could use some attention. How about we go rob a few stores?" She said.

"No, if we get caught it wouldn't look good on Roman, and it's dangerous," I replied. Her face fell.

"Then I guess we could just watch films all day then?" She suggested.

"Okay, that sounds good to me," I said staggering up, still a little wobbly from last night. I threw snacks at her, and Bruce.

"Thank you," she said. "Ya know you were a mess last night when you came in."

"I was?" I asked.

"Yes, but it seems like ya had a good time though," she said.

"I don't remember anything," I said.

"You were harping on about Roman, how he is such a gentleman," she said.

"Oh dear god," I said raking my fingers through my hair.

"I also cut the tracker out of your arm," she said taking a bite out of a marshmallow.

"A tracker?" I asked.

"Yes, Roman must have put it in while you were drunk," she said. "He doesn't trust ya."

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