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Just made some mistakes that I never discover myself in my life and regrets on my faults, and going on my bussy life tracks.The sign that I made with large busienss Kim coordinators were just a sample of me to discover of where the hell was and what they trying to do next, I hope no one gets on my path that make me stop on my game.

The life get stucks were I saw a girl walking in the umbrella holding a boy who look muscular and tall, moreover he was handsome wih his clutching muscles, he was too tempting to that girl, her stares into his eyes was making me loose control.

I myself a fairy a who came from heaven on the in charge of disgusting sins that kept occurring in day to day Earth lives, and destroy who were forcing others to do that.

Last day in heaven!

I need to present myself infront of god whose identity is still unknown to us, 'Angels'.The heaven is incredibly beautiful in its paradise that a human is not worthy to it.

I bowed to god flipping my wings, and he said.
"You need to go tomorrow to Earth, as I saw there were many sins that need to stop and the people who were kept doing it".

I nervously said as it was my first mission, my friends waited in the palace gate.

"God, but the process to destroy them was too tricky and maybe I will get involved in their deadly sins also".

He stood up from the chair and walked to me.
"Don't worry your mission is easy, you have enough powers that you can take to them, and don't worry about getting involved with their deals,  you are exempted,  but don't go overbroad".

I nodded and bid goodbye to them and I presented to Earth.

"Miss Kim Sarah".
I got a voice and turned to saw a lady in her middle age.

"Hi, how can I help you and how you know my name,?"

She didn't said anything and stretched out her scrambled hand showing her aged signs and a piece of paper and she walked away.

I read it loudly.
"Kkm corporation of design's,  heirs and sons of directors.
"Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi".

So this was my mission, but there was something missing, I saw a cafe stood by the corner of the street.'Cafe of Seoul'.
I put the paper into my bag and walked to the cafe and saw some staffs who all are breathtaking handsome and I couldn't stop my gaze at them.
I ordered my capouchino and stared at them and one of them was rude, they tried usig their strange powers on me, I guess they were the ones lady missed adding to the paper.They were also devils to the human souls, I kept reading the article of the highschool girl that went missing and no one found even her body,  its been a week.

Poor parents  and that soul.I walked out from the cafe and my car and bodyguards came, I could felt their stares at me, and their radiating powers which were so heart breaken, the guy named Kim Taehyhng so called owner of the cafe, was shooting his death glares at me seeing, how his ray of powers didn't hit on me, and other two idiots kept murmered.

Flashback end.

It was evening so i decided to go to club, but I won't drink , I already had a VIP room that I took for business purposes. The light and music was making my ears break so I soon get into the room after greeting the men on outside and I found Kim Kim Namjoon and other three handsome men sitting their with the crossed legs.There were some sluts too clingy to them sexily.

I raised my voice little bit.
"Girls if you want your lives , get out from hear, before I shot you".

I know in Earth I need to play some dirty tricks so I came with a small gun.

"Who are you to order it?"
One of the girl asked stood up from Namjoon's lap.

The boys were so eager that they kept looking at the scene eagerly.They even didn't shoved them out, since they have a guest, why should they keep girls.Stupids!I guess I need to deal with my own powers.

"You gold digger lady why you came hear, and don't meddle your filthy".

Cut by the punch that I give to her on her front lips and now its bleeding.She landed on floor, with pain in her back.

I grabbed her white shirt collar and said.
"Don't ever show this attitude to other's, get out".

I yelled and the girls runoff with their lives in their pocket safely.

I saw the boys smirking seeing how can I do this and knowing my skills.

"Don't need to smirk, I will punch of it, come into business".

I sat with them and discussed and we had a funny chit chat later.

"I guess why you canceled your Italy trip ?"
Namjoon asked sipping his wine.

"I like to stay here till our two year project finished and I quite like your company".

"Seems like Miss.Fighter lady, is fond of us".
Yoongi said.

"Not figher, Miss.Wonder women".

I pocked my inner godess and I need to kill these two brats, Yoongi and Hoseok.I saw Jin sitting with his wine and zoning out to somewhere.

"What about your family, and why your surname is Kim?"

I looked him confused, as Jin suddenly asked that question.

"Its my grandfather's family name that my father took over it and handed to me".

He nodded.

"And about your parents?"
He asked it.Why, I have only some memories of Mom and dad, before I came into heaven means before I died.

"Actually my mom died and dad also".
I lied.

'Does they have the power to detect the lies!'
I thought.

He hummed in response.

"Its pretty lae, I should go".

I grabbed my bag, but Namjoon stopped me.

"I will drop you".

"No its fine, I have car and bodyguards too".

He shot me glarely.
"Don't worry they can me hamm to like a beautiful girl like you in this pretty dark night and I will drive".


I give him carkeys and his hyungs bid good byes and soon I reach my home.

"Good night".

Yoongi came with his car to pick him and I saw my beautiful white bed waiting for me and I dazed into my comfy sleep dreams of heaven.

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