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Little bit mature content.

After being wrecked by devil in those drugs, she kissed those lips smudging into lust of hell and her pleasure, he sees her eyes full of sin and easy to trap in his cage of hell.

"Are you ready for me to pleasure you as a reward babe?"
Taehyung said these words to the girl who was in heaven of herown, not knowing her life will be over by the night.

"Yes, I am ready".
She said with crack voice as her legs start to get shaking in unbelievable pleasure she was getting now by fucking by his strong fingers, not to be blamed, they were sinners of Earth, they can do more than this.

She slowly closed her eyes, as she get into a deep hell of the king altar where she wakeup suddenly, and seeing the king, the sinned women, who was not leading a innocent life, get zoned in kings beauty.

He took her chin up and seductively smilled at him, making him shocked.

"You slut, who sent you?"
He asked in a deep voice.

"I was sent by Taehyung".

He nodded.

He paused for a moment, understanding the soul was not innocent.

"I am ready for serve you king in any way".
She get on her knees and bowed at him and he was utterly shocked.

"Yes, young sinned soul, you are welcomed to my kingdom for teaching these unworthy souls who were begging for their lives, teach them as much as you know, you will be rewarded".

He smirked and left from the altar that was on fire of sins that never removed.

In Earth!

The morning office was so restless, the staffs were rushing here and there holding their stuffs in Kim's corporation of designs.

But they didn't think the unexpected would have happen last night.Namjoon was notted in the cafe of Taehyung's were they met unexpectedly and decided to be part of their combany.

Namjoon was sitting at his cabinet waiting for hus day, as he welcomed Taehyung, and his other childhood friends to his office with a wide grin on his office.

"Well, look who we have here".
Namjoon exclaimed to Hoseok, Jin and Yoongi who look stunned seeing them here.

"After a long time, we could celebrate this right, how you find them Namjoon".
Yoongi asked.

"They still look same".
Jin said huggig all of them in a group.

"Well it pretty unexpectedly happened".

Flashback to last night!

Namjoon was walking clumsily of being tired from his house to the streets to the club, that he could get a relief even by the drinks that made him unconvinced on his next day to proceed.He tipped in a can recklessly cursing himself he stopped in a beautiful cafe, tagged, 'Seoul Cafe'.

He found it interesting, he looked his wrist watch amd to the glass door, for looking the sign of opened board.But he couldn't get that board ij his eyes, and he pushed the door, and greeted by long familiar unmeeted voice and face.He covered his mouth, quickly in shock getting goosebumps.


He quickly hugged Taehyung who was still in the process of the man's familiarity and how the hell, he knows his name.For him he is just a customer in the closing time.

"Yahh, its me Namjoon".

He told with a wide grin that Taehyung recognized him and tightly higged him that he thought there will be no tomorrow.

"You could tell me taeh".

Jimin come with a glass of water sipping it and it spit out unconscious in witness of Namjoon his dearly brother and hugged him uncontrollably, and also suddenly a bunny voice popped from the kitchen area.


They noticed Jungook was little bunny still now and Taehyung and Jimin was still amused how he suddenly changed to whinning attitude.

They sighed.

"Yes its me your hyung".

Flashback end.

"That's how we met, but their was something undiscovered from that night, right?"

Taehyung asked eyeing all of them who fell to their memory soon.


Two boys run through the park, to see their mom's coming with the ice creams un their hands, and they snatched it and start to lick it uncontrollably in its taste, and it flipped their eyes, seeing other five unfamiliar boys playing in arcade.

Thier parents sat by the bench watching over kids.The other family too joined them with their kids, where they were called Seoul's welthiest family and their sons who were know for spoiled innocent kids in their kintergarden.

"Honey our kids shall be protected from those enemies of yours".

Spoke Mrs.Kim of Kim Jung, who dazed his son with dovey eyes, and turned to his wife when he heard the worried voice.

"No honey, they will not get harmed, our other Kim's are here too, to protect each other, no matter what happens, business and our loved ones should be separated".

She nodded.

"Why should we get out family all to a picnic?"
Mrs.Kim Nam exhibit her ideas to Mr.Kim Joon, who was scrolling in his phone.

"Yes ofcourse, why not, its been long, you could have tell these little bit earlier ".

She crossed her arms whinning seeing how her husband blamed her for a simple matter.

Mrs.Kim Shin laughed on her attitude seeing her cute, and other joined.


A little bunny boy with wild shoulders run to Mrs.Shine jeon's arms and scrawled to her lap, cutely.

She punched his cheecks, and other kids followed by Mrs.Park's kid Jimin and her husband Mr.Park was ll their and Yoongi little heir of the combany of Mrs.Min and Mr.Min.

But they dont know when thier happy family would get collapsed in a mere midnight, whike they enkoy their happy moments and it will be a headache to Seoul's government officials, if these family would get vanished out if a midnight into their bloody mess.

They left the park and kids whined in their mom's arms for the picnic and the long night started if by laughters .

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