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Taehyung and other boys scared from the hell with the storm. They could feel they flying and after some hours they landed on a floor. The storm removed from them. They were free now. No handcuffs or no torturing. But they heard the birds chirping and it turned into the loud cries of birds and nature. The trees shed their leafs in prescribe of the boys. They were not boys, they were devil's. They saw their feet is covered in a white smoke and they saw themselves in cools and paradise heart of Earth in sky. The clouds glared at them, all nature elements are scared of the devil's who footed in heaven. They couldn't believe they are in heaven. The storm stopped swirling and it revealed the white colour and then formed an old man in his eighties with white fur longed in his chin with white eyebrows. All are white except his dress.

Jimin tried to move but the God stopped him.
"Don't move the nature of heaven is mad at me for taking you here and that's why the atmosphere here is tensed."

They waited for themselves to process what just happened. All the boys jaw hinged down opened in full string of shock. Jungook and Jimin looked at each other and to God in a dumb manner. Taehyung was still in a daze of shock. Namjoon and Jin looking here and there at heaven's beauty emitting at their dark side. Going and Hoseok bewildered in their place and they couldn't speak a word. Out of blue it all happened. They still don't know why God himself appeared and saved them from Lucifer. Lucifer is not dead, he only turned into ashes. He is powerful, he can reform the ashes by years. The hell is burned, boys is afraid if he seek revenge later again by getting reborn they are dead, they need energy for fight back. All just happened in a full turn of each second.

God now standing infront of them, still boys thinking deeply and watching the God concerned. Taehyung felt done in pain, he can feel someone's heart beating fast. God took his rod from his waist band with a blue jewel attached at the tip of it. He need to calm the nature of heaven first. Then only he could proceed them to inside of heaven. He took the rod in air and twinkled in blue beam of light rays and it emitted through the sky creating a lightening again like last time. When he strike the lightening each time with the rod, the nature became silent, the wind stopped, the scream of birds stopped, the fruits and leaves that kept falling stopped, the sky that kept melting stopped and reformed to the form of cloud again. Devil's witnessed whole amateurs of heaven in a mesmerizing tone with their red spotting eyes.

Nature calmed down getting back it rhythmic mode of paradise. Birds chirped in a rhythmic tone. Boys got misted by the template of heaven. God turned to them and sighed.
"Come kids, let's get inside and make sure to change into a human form than that scary forms."

God said eyeing them. Taehyung and other looked at each other and nodded. Heaven is heaven, it doesn't need a devil presence. On the way they changed into their handsome human form. All boys walked in making the heaven sparkle in anger.

"Calm down!"
God yelled.
They flinched in a sudden outbursts.

"We are sorry."
Namjoon spoke.

God said without turning back.
"Don't say sorry, little devil's, you are only sinned but you all have a heart  deep inside which you can use later on to cherish yourself. You have still a long path to go. Now concentrate on our mission."

"Yes Lord."
Jin said on behalf of them. God skilled and turned around hearing wings flattering each other. Messenger of heaven came on its wings with an envelope tied in a red ribbon. It beaked the envelope into God's hands and gone back. Boys watched the whole incident and thought ; how peaceful is the atmosphere.

He opened it and read the envelope. His eyes scanned each words and lines and closed it back.
"Boys you need to be more careful around surrounding here, don't let any Angels to be scared of you."

They hummed in response.
"One more thing, remember don't let any other Angels here to fall for you, beauty and lust is your sin remember. Here we have pure souls died without any sins, don't make them impure."

Boys let out a scoff, they always see them as a bad crowd of devil's. They feel burden to themselves. They tried to avoid it more than anything. When they grow up in Earth by seeing other people they felt guilty. They felt feared and felt outcasted. Devil's walked in and the Angel watched them in disbelief. They are seeing such handsome man in a young age after many years. They haven't seen a Angelic handsome man ever since they were dead. They looked down in blush. Flickers indicated their highlighted wings. Wings flinched down in shy. They fiddled with their frock. Floral prints shined in elegance and purity. Boys bowed to them in respect and honour of their innocency. They couldn't believe they are walking near the Angel. Guardian Angel's of Earth and innocent souls. Their saviours and knights.

Cloud formed a shape to protect heaven.
Weather was calm and pure as their souls. Pigeon watched them walking in the lamp of the door in  way to the chamber's of Angels. God crossed his arms on back and led them to Sarah's chamber. God stopped infront of a wooden door that is locked in a golden key holder.

"Keep in mind your mission is to save her only the selected devil can do it, for the  others stay silent. Don't make it mess again. Love will get blind, I know, I have experienced it before I come here. But if you control yourself you can avoid the other side of love."

Except Taehyung other gritted teeth. Even if they are in heaven they are still blood of Lucifer and hell. They are sinned unconditionally.

God glanced at Taehyung.
"Go in and do what you are informed, and come back saving her, if you don't need to regret."

God waited for it to happen. Her friends tensed up, they know it will happen, if they allow him to do it they will lose an Angel permanently and a devil for hell too.

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