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The wind blew smoothly slightly touching Taehyung's checks. He shivered under the cold weather. The atmosphere is such a sticky weather where we could smuggle in blanket instead of having our eyes on creepy night without stars hidden moon. Taehyung took a deep breath and opened the door of the heaven of her chamber.

He saw her love of the life sleeping like a Cinderella, in a white mattress. He felt heavenly vibe surrounding her. She is the heroine of his heart, and he is the hero of her heart. He could never leave her in behind. He know the consequences. As a devil if they kiss any of the girl he met with utmost love and affection for some cure it will affect both of them. He let out a tear after walking to her and kneeling beside her bed. Her eye lashes never made move each other. He gently squeezed her hands.

"Sarah! I would never leave you believe me. I got fall for your deeply and you are my girl. After I kiss you I hope there is no twist in our love, everything will be smooth."

Her lashes and senses were timid without any flaw like a dead one.
He felt pity, for himself. Is this is his faith? If not what is it? How long he need to wait for her to come back.
Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes, but he couldn't hold it back, and let it out to get a relief from his coming griefs. He decide to do it finally, because he have no other options left.

"I am going to kiss you Sarah, this kiss is not like the other kiss I have given its completely different and I am afraid to touch your lips now. But I have to do it."

He said hoping she will hear him. He leaned forward while his lips brushed with her and slowly got immersed in the kiss. It was deep and fractionate, but it is only because of faith. He pulled out from the kiss. He loaded his life and his feelings now. He felt numb. His heart is shivering. His skin turned pale in blue color. He couldn't find himself and his whole devil forms appeared including his dark odd wings and smoke of black emitting from his body. He stretched his hands into air and let out a roar making the heaven shake in fear in presence of devils. The door opened suddenly hearing the sound and everyone watched Taehyung in horror.

Next they saw Taehyung started getting burned by fire flames popping up in each part of his body and he himself turning to glittering orange and black ashes. His friends stood there watching him with tears. The ashes melted into air and they saw another thing that they couldn't afford. They felt anger, loss griefs, a long time affection towards her grown up and get pierced into a broken heart causing it to bleed.

Sarah turning into blue smoke emitting from her body, and slowly getting change in her human forms. Her features twisted into another form, a trance state that nobody could understand.

Her hairs got invisible, her body got invisible, her organs got invisible, lastly white wing's skeleton remained. After some second it also got mixed with air.

"What the hell happened here!"

Jimin yelled at God causing heaven to shake. He only could answer one sentence.

"It's the faith, no one could change. It's an untold prophecy that they couldn't avoid."

"Are you saying they are dead now?"
Jin asked with so much impolite manner. Jin is representing for the most bad devil that a human soul could face.

"Yes dead being in immortal stage."

"What do you mean?"
Jungook asked gritting teeth.

"You all know this will happen why now surprised, are you in love with her, if you are you should not have."

"Don't teach us tell us what you are hiding more!"
Jungook groaned in his anger. He couldn't control himself anymore.

"They will undergo a serious loneliness in coming days in cold desert between path of hell and heaven, if they survive they will turn into humans."

"Wow that is a new one."
Hoseok growled.

"Shut up!"
Jin muttered.

Hoseok stood dumbfounded seeing Jim's anger.
"Why can't you shut up your mouth you idiot, you are the reason now I lossed her."

Hoseok grabbed his collars and yelled at him making others eyes popped up in shock.

"What the hell stop this stupid quarrel Jin and Hoseok, you dimwits, now we are in same boat, we don't have to do this anymore unless we decide on a mission to get her back."
Namjoon being a genius devil and most arrogated devil he put forward his opinion.

Other hummed. Hoseok and Jin calm down but they were still burning in anger. God chuckled hearing their fight for a girl who is gone to other world now.

"You sure you all are devils?"

Boys turned to God and looked at questioning form.

"She and Taehyung will not have a trace of past memory in their brain when they come back."

Serenity has doomed now. Hell tripped more fires to Earth causing Earth and souls to demolish and turning into ashes. The awakening hell propounded with a circling shape and it growled in its mothers womb, for new missions of devils. Boys faces turned pale, they restarted to recall ever moment with her in their eyes. Truth untold is very painful to them. Sorrows of lamps lightened in the pathway of hell fire, causing other soldiers of devils to scan the hell to see what is happening. Boys groaned in pain and vanished from heaven with aching heart. Tales of fire and Tales of heart is now collided. A war is happening in hell, a war that devils and angels kill each other. Mother of Earth witnessed each souls of her getting thrown into pit of fire by devils covering with their sins.

Seven devils proved their sins to the Earth, in loss of their loved girl. An obsession made the Earth to crack in middle and devils crawled in to the Earth into the branches of innocemt souls.
Meanwhile loneliness took over two people...

Kim Taehyung and Kim Sarah....

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