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I was in a trance state that no one could understand. I don't know where am I I dont even know if I am a living creature.
My doubts are killing me and my instincts are flowing like a river to nowhere. I don't know why I am here? What should I do here? The place is plenty with no human beings, but only has air to inhale. My wing's is dead. I tried hard to identify this place, but it's useless. My head aches when I turned to other side of me, I am feeling another presence near me continuously.

I am panicking for unknown reason. My fate goes on like this to neither end or starting point. I am clueless with my life. I need answers for this, or am I cursed. I stood on the sandy place blinking with the sunshine. Sand is so soft like a cotton candy, that we can slip and fell into the pit of white snowy desert. Even if it is sunlights brighter in sky I am feeling strange cold.

Why! Am I cursed as an Angel!

No this can't happen!

If it happens how will I go back!

I don't need to be cursed if it is, what did I do wrong?

Leaving the loved ones behind me?

Or did I do anything wrong in my past life.

This is torture, absolutely turoture. My thoughts and my instincts are not at all connecting. I quickly wiped my tears that is flowing recklessly. I hugged my knees and shrikes to myself like a shocked rotten orange which has hole of dirt and tiny instincts that is craving for it.

I looked strange enough, my body is not listening me. It's going opposite direction, I am feeling more pain in my heart. My heart is breaking each second with the past memories.

"Don't be scared sweety.."

I heard a voice from the sky suddenly. When I looked up my mom was there smiling with fear and hatred.


"Sweety I know, I have to say something now."

"What do you mean mom? Now at this time I don't know the place and I am alone, am I cursed? I miss someone but I couldn't remember them, I don't remember anything, I felt my memory is gone."


I still didn't get over with my complaints.
"I am alone mom, nobody was with me, I only know I was an Angel, but after that what happened to me, and what made me reach here. "

"Sweety let me explain."

Mom sighed looking down and continued tears were falling gloomy through my lashes.
"I hide one thing one from my children."


"Yes. It wasn't planned in my life history. The devil and ruler of the hell who tried to capture innocemt souls of the Earth and captured my children later after our death is my first husband who got killed in a mission."

My eyes widen in her statement.

"Mom! It means what, I didn't get cleared, who is your children you are referring, am I only your child?"

"Sweety it is out of my hands I couldn't stop him from forcing me, there were seven children who is elder than you."

"Who were they? What the hell is this mom?"

Her tears falled and she feared of me. No this can't happen.

"On that day on the accident day I saw him appearing from the sky."


(She is saying the story still, but I will be narrating this in her pov)

I was catching my breath in the blood covered valley in between our car and the other family's car that were drowned to the valley with us from the road. I watched with a horror as two beam of white and red light appearing in the dark sky intimidating with silence echoed through my dead moments.

I proved my false there, I proved my mistake there, the reason of my and my family's death and other family dying opposite of me with closed eyes. Your dad was near me who got in dead chambers and his pain is gone. I saw with my own eyes from that light a big creature with wing's like a cursed eagle coming with its chattering wing's . It's shining armour of dark highlights was really horrible enthusiasticly caught my throats. I couldn't believe what yet happened that moment. It came near me and roared in my face making me shiver. It said. I marked that words that I forget a long time ago in my love life.

"You were in happiness honey, now you are in middle of sins and sorrows that will hunt you in your death time. Your soul will get punished forever for living me and marrying other man who has killed me."

He said looking the dead man. Mr. Kim a business man that can't avoid. His eyes clench with words.

"Now I shall punish your children too except your daughter who will be cursed in after life in her immortality. Your son's is still hidden from the world but will know after her immortality."

I shivered under his words. I couldn't underestimate a devil.

Flashback end...

"But mom, how can you hide this, and who are the other children, are they my brothers too?"
My eyes got wet and tears flowed continuously.

"Sweety, let me explain if I didn't tell even now I will be devastated to you, I will be your reason of your hate and ungrateful life coming ahead. On one month before of my wedding with your dad, I was helpless and in loneliness with my first husband Mr. Kang Jung Seo. He was my love of life that we fell in love first time when we met at a substation, when he helped me from missing the train that I had to go to my office. That day was beautiful and after one month he promised me and we decide to marry by seeing each other parents. But faith was in our side, we couldn't leave until our death, and he died in that mission. That time I was pregnant with my children, it's first month of my pregnancy period we haven't had any ultrasound scan. Later I found that I am pregnant with seven babies, and I felt more happy. I believe he was watching me and my babies from the heaven. But there also the mystery held in me with the hateful life I had later.'

The whole scenario is making me in more pain. No women shall experience this much tragic effect in their life. How mom lived there, and how happy she was in my childhood days. How did she tried to hide these all from me? I believed everything but it tuned out to be fake. Now what is there now to come than this? Should I come back or die here without hearing anymore from my beloved mom. I couldn't hate anyone, it's not anyone's fault, life is playing with me, I need to stop everything from happening.

I saw mom crying after many years of my life in this dessert at the beautiful lavish sky that is covering mom in a cloud light of crescendo.

"Mom okay I won't hate you, because it's not your fault what is happened continue it I want to hear it now what all things you suffered mom, I want to help you."

"Sweety you can't help me, I am already cursed for destroying my children and my soul is in solitaire live, and days that no one could change even a poet or God of heaven."

She stopped in her track of words I could feel the pain of her in my heart ringing in most cold faith.

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