Dates and the ugly truth

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Over the past few days, Superman started to frown jealousy over krypton's relationship with a cat.

Superman was taking out a robber when he saw krypton on a date with fueling, they share a plate of pasta, everyone was awed by the furry couple and taking pictures of them, Superman saw how much krypto was smiling at furlina it was the same look he made at lois.

Then at the park, Superman saw krypto carrying bouquet of fresh red roses in his mouth and taking them to furlina, he drops it in front of her, she is pleased and sniffs the flowers before eating one of the roses, thrn she smiles at krypto and rubs her head against his chest, krypto was surprised but smiles and rubs his chin on her head, but Superman opened his eyes in horror.

Then when he and krypto were saving people from a burning building, after Superman ran carried Lois bridal style to safety, he saw krypto carrying furlina with his mouth and setting her down, he dropped Lois.

"Ah" Lois rubs her head when she saw how Superman was looking at krypto.

Krypto and furlina stare deeply into each other then furlina reaches up and licks kryto's cheek, he melts and stomps his foot, his tail wagging in excitement, but Superman looked horrified.

Then Clark was outside when he saw krypto holding a diamond crested collar, he was falling him and in an alleyway.

He was horrified to see that he was putting on his new girlfriend cat, furlina was flattered by the gift, she touches it, then looks away as krypto looks at her then furlina flashes her eyes at him then their noses touched each other.

Clark then snapped, he sees a hot dog vendor and gets an idea, he whistle, interrupting krypto and furlina, they turn to see Clark waving a hot dog to krypto.

"Oh hey thanks" krypto walks up to him, taking the hot dog thrn he walks back to furlina and drops it in front of her, she licks the condiments off the hot dog as krypto takes a bite, sharing the hot dog.

Clark sat down on a bench feeling defeated when he was accompanied by Bruce.

"Hey don't worry, all dogs need a special lady in his life" he points to ace who was eye browing a cat.

"What-come on krypto is smarter then that, this is all just a-a game, soon he'll leave that cat for a female dog and everything will go back to normal"

Clark tried to deny it as he puts on a fake smile.

"I don't know Clark, I love romance, when a guy falls for a girl, it's all flirting and goo goo eyes till they want to take it to the next level"

Clark saw Bruce was right when krypto was about to lick furlina's muzzle.

He panics and rushes, getting in between them, krypto and furlina looked up at him, both in confusion as Clark smiles and wrapped his arm around krypto.

"So guys...what are we talking about" he turns to krypto and furlina.

"Well we were having a moment till you ruined it-"

Krypto barked at Clark then he leaned him, "well this has been fun but we got to go" Clark says as he pulls krypto, krypto tries to stay but was pulled away, he looks at furlina who was looking at him.

Later at the justice league, krypto was flying way high, he was that in love.

"I'm telling you guys, she's amazing, she makes me feel happy, I think she could be the one, I'm going to tell her tonight"

PB was sitting on a pillow, "aw well I think it's cute that you have a girlfriend krypto"

"But she's a cat" Merton says.

"Merton" PB shout at him.

"No it's ok PB, that's what everyone says but yes, she is a cat but she's different, she's special, she makes me feel-ah" he sighs as he flies down, daydreaming about her.

"And we met ace girlfriend remember, he's in relationship with a cat too" PB reminded everyone of ace's cat girlfriend.

"Oh yeah, the feline floozy"

Ace was resting then he gets up as he gets offended.

"Hey you leave Cathy out of this, she's a good cat"

Then chip joins in, "so what does your friend think"

Krypto gets up, he was looking nervous, "uh...he's not exactly warmed up to the idea"

Then ace pats his shoulders, "aw don't worry, I'm sure he'll get used to your new girlfriend"

"Well whatever you chose to date krypto, we support you" PB says.

Krypto was feeling better, "thanks guys" but then he saw the time, "oh I better get going now, I'm goin to be late for my date" he flies out in the air.

Ace looks up as he was still facing problems of his own.

"At least you won't have to deal with a girl from the past"

"Everything ok ace" PB asked.

"No...I few days ago...I ran into my old owner, you remember that little girl I told you about"

"YOU FOUND YOUR OLD OWNERS" PB sequels in joy.

"More like she found shouldn't have seen her, she's really grown"

"It must've been exited to see her" chip asked.

"Not exactly, she doesn't seem to remember what I did to her"

"Then that means you might have a chance to reunite with your old owners, I'm sure they know you have changed" PB says.

"It's nit as simple as that PB, she hugged me, I think she's been looking for me"

"Then why don't-why didn't-"

"I don't want to hurt her again and I rather not relived my horrible past and I feel like she's better off without me"

"How did she reacted when she saw you" PB asked.

"She looked happy, she hugged me but I wasn't ready for that reunion, I got a great thing here with the Batman and you guys, I can't give that up"

As ace was thinking, somewhere in downtown metropolis, furlina was in the sidewalks looking for krypto when he came flying down.

"Ah" she got spoke.

"Hey" he had a black bow tie on, "hope I'm not late" he asked.

She smiles and chuckles, "actually're a bit early, so where are we going tonight"

"To Paris"

"Paris...isn't that a bit far and how are we going to get there, take the plane" she asked but then krypto puts her on his back.

"No...we're going to fly there"

"What?" She opened here eyes wide as krypto gets ready to take off like a rocket.

"Ready" he asked.

"No" she shook head.

Then he blast off, furlina screamed, she was terrified being high above the air was scary, she left her nine lives were running out.

She dinked her claws deep in him, he clenched a little but smiles, seeing her holding on tight to him was a romantic gesture.

"Hey easy calm down, I won't drop you"

"Are you insane, we're high in the air, not all cars land on their feet"

"Just relax a bit" he calms her down.

She left the breeze in her fur then she opened her eyes to see the city lights of Paris.

It was beautiful then in postcards, she was amazed by it as krypto gives her a tour around Paris, romantic music filled the air to lighten the mood then he takes her up on the defile tower.

"See didn't i tell you" krypto asked her.

"It's amazing, it's even for beautiful at night"

They looked to see the rest of Paris, "yeah it's nice but their are more things I find beautiful and a sight to see"

She looks at him, flattered by his words, then he pours a bowl of champagne for them, furlina takes a few licks.

"You know furlina how long have we been dating"

She gets up to think, "I say...about almost a month why"

Krypto smiles and walks closer to her, "well I thinks been thinking...maybe it's time that we...well you know...we could finally do that thing we talked about"

"Oh really" she smirked as they pressed their snouts together.

Then somewhere in a house, Cassandra was telling her parents about ace.

They looked worry but fake a smile, "can't believe it's been so long but I finally found him, I think we can bring him back"

"Cassandra" her mom calls her.

"I know where he is"

"Cassandra" then her dad called her.

"We can go get him now"

"Cassandra we can't bring him back" her dad shout out as she felt a pain in her heart.

"What? Why?"

"Because he...he's a bad dog"

"No..that can't be right, he's a good guy"

"When you were a baby he bite you so we had to take him back"

Cassandra couldn't believed what she heard, "what"

Honey" her mom tries to explain.

"But you told me that ace ran away and that he was-"

"We we're just trying to protect you, we didn't wanted you to know the was for the best, you understand" her dad tells her.

They try to comfort her but Cassandra was angry and sad, her eyes swell up.

"Come could you do this to me"

"Cassandra please understand we did this for you"


"he hurt your, he could've done worst, you don't understand"

"I HATE YOU GUYS, I HATE YOU" she ran upstairs, her parents flinched when she slammed her door.

In her room was a bulletin board of ace, apparently she's been searching him for years, and now that she finally found him, she wants him back but since her parents won't let her.

She looks up an old baby picture of her and ace hugging and smile.

That's when she knew, she had to get ace back on her own.

So she packed her backpack, climbed out the window and ran away.

A teen on a mission to find her dog, meanwhile Clark was heading back home with Lois.

"I'll telling you Lois, there's something about that cat I don't like, he's changing krypto and I don't like that, there something suspicious about that cat"

But Lois sees a different eye as she places her hands on his chest.

"Well I think it's great that krypto has a girlfriend we can have some time alone" she tries to woo him.

But he pushes her away, "yeah...I better Go on him to see how he is doing" he runs, Lois rolls his eyes in annoyance.

Then back on his appointment, krypto was sitting on the couch with furlina next to him, they both looked pleased.

"Ah, that was amazing" krypto says.

"I concur, it was nice and you were right, this movie is amazing"

It revealed they were watching lady and the tramp.

"it's even more romantic on tv" furlina says as they get up, "but are you sure it's a good idea to sit on the couch, wouldn't your friend noticed"

"Oh I don't think he'll be back for awhile" he looks at the calendar as he knows for a fact it's Tuesday, and every Tuesday is a justice league meeting, "might as well as enjoy the time we have"

Just then he flies in excitement, "oh-oh, speaking of which I have something  for you" he grabs form behind his cape, her purple bow.

" bow, you found it" she was flattered as he placed by her left ear.

"It looks a lot better on you"

"Thank you" she says.

"You dropped a few weeks ago and I was waiting for the right time to give it to you"

"That's very sweet of you"

"It was the day when I first saw you, it's a very nice bow, I never seen anything like it"

She looks away as she frowns when she thinks of her past.

"It was a gift, you know krypto, I used to be like you"

Krypto ear raised up and his tail wagged, "you used to have superpowers" he asked.

" owner had a girlfriend too, you see many years ago, I had an amazing owner"

A flashback plays to a kitten furlina, she was playing the box with the rest of the orphan kittens when she gets picked but by a bearded skinny man with glasses, he puts a purple bow on her and takes furlina home.

"We were inseparable"

Time passes as furlina grew, "it'll one day, ge met someone"

Furlina was laying on the floor when she saw her owner bringing home a short hair brunette women in a red dress.

"After awhile he stopped paying attention to me"

Furlina was on the couch when her owner puts her on the floor, she looks hurt when her owner cuddke next to his girlfriend.

"His new girlfriend didn't liked me, she hated me"

The women snarled at the cat pushing her out of her owner's bedroom, glaring at furlina.

Furlina backed away as she was terrified, krypto felt bad for furlina.

"What kind of guy who date a cat hater, that's crazy" he chuckles hoping to make her laugh, she smiles a bit.

" wasn't long till, they had a baby together"

A flashback shows furlina looking in a room where her owner and his girlfriend were looking at their baby boy, furlina felt sad.

"Then one day, he abandoned me"

Her owner dropped her off next to the pet shop and driving off, furlina watched as her owner abandoned her, her ears went down and she went in a alleyway, sitting in a box, crying.

"I went abandoned and hurt, then that's when I meet him, a guy who took me in"

She looks up to see a familiar face, a face that no one not even krypto or Superman might see again.

Lex Luther...

He picked her up and takes her to his car.

"He gave me a home when my owner abandoned me"

Her flashback ended with krypto feeling empathy.

"So you see, I hate owners, their nothing but backstabbed and I just want to eliminate them"

"Well you know I got angry at my owner too but then i realized, they need you more then you think, they'll always love you, and I think you just need to find the right owner for you"

Furlina turns to krypto, "you don't know me that well how can trust, for all you know, I could be bad news, working for some villain that wants to bring you and Superman down" she asked him.

But krypto was too blinded by love, "because I know that you would never do anything to hurt me, not personally, willingly or physically mentally "

Furlina looks down in guilt, then krypto places his paws on top of hers and she looks up at him.

"you're too sweet kind and beautiful to be bad, that's one of the best traits about you, you...are a rose and I don't know why but there is something about you I like more then your looks, I guess it's your eyes, their jade green but when they glimmer in the sun they shine to emerald, you give me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside, and I would never let anything bad happen to you"

His smile and eyes made her feel warm too then she could feel her own heart beating.

"So what does your master think of us" krypto asked.

"I haven't told him when are you going to tell your friend about us"

"Should he know" krypto chuckles.

"Well yeah..if we're going to take this to the next level"

Then they slowly leaned in, tongues out as they were about ready to kiss.

When the door opens revealing clark, he gasped in horror when he saw they were about to kiss, krypto and furlina looked at him like they been caught.

"Ah, Clark buddy hey, how you doing" he chuckles and smiles nervously.

Then both pets jump off the couch, "I thought you said he wasn't going to be home soon" furlina asked.

"I didn't think the meeting would be fast"

Then clark grabs the broom, he was going to sweep furlina out.

"Go on, scat shoo, we don't need unwanted guest in the house"

Furlina ran and krypto protects her, "whoa hey buddy calm down, she didn't mean any harm"

They went outside of the balcony, "I'm sorry about him, are we still good for tomorrow night" krypto asked as furlina stands on the railings.

"Yeah but I don't think your friend likes me"

"Oh he'll get over it"

Furlina then jumps off, krypto watches her heading home, then he glares looking back at clark for interrupting the kiss.

"Ok man what is your problem, you didn't have to do that to furlina" krypto howled at him.

But to clark all he could hear was krypto barking at him.

"Hey I know you're angry at me but this is for your own good, she's not good enough for you, she's bad news"

Oh what would you know about dating" krypto says but clark still couldn't understand him.

"Krypto, she's a cat and cats and dogs can't be together"

Krypto growled at him and continued to glare as he sat on the clay head away from clark, he was clearly mad at him.

But clark was right, furlina was not to be trusted.

In the city of metropolis, at a building called left corp international, furlina went through the air vent ducts.

And as she crawls inside, she walks in a study room a chair was facing the fire place.

Furlina walks to chair as it revealed to be Lex Luther.

"Did you do it" he asked and she gave Lex a tracking chip.

"Good girl" Lex says as he hits on his phone a tracking beacon, he was tracking krypto, it was the ultimate revenge plan.

"Finally revenge will be mines" Lex Luther laughed.

But furlina looked down after everything that has happened between her and krypto.

She like this wasn't right, after what krypton's dove for her, she was going to stab him in the back.

But she was also feeling something else, something she hasn't felt in awhile.

She realized what it was, she realized she was in love with krypto and it hurt her that she was planning to betray him.

Can she real hurt krypto or...will she have a change in heart.

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