Act Two: Chapter III: Resistance

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July 10 2535

Multiple Voices were heard in Alex's head as Alex was trying to calm down and tried to keep his sanity but Instead he was met with visions and talkings.

????: Is He alive?

Doctor: Truly Remarkable.

Doctor: Its a matter of Life And Death

Alex started seeing some strange symbols in his head as He was confused by it.

Peyton: Death is waiting for you.

Alex saw the marker as He was having memories of The USG Titan until........

Esmeray: Hey Alex?!?!

Alex broke out of his thoughts as Esmeray looked at him.

Esmeray: You Alright again?

Alex: Maybe.........

Esmeray: You've been acting odd since I saved you. You know you can talk to me.

Alex didn't want to tell her that he was hallucinating and that he survived a Necromorph outbreak in the past. Alex also had Peyton haunting him for Three years and seemingly He's starting to lose it.

Alex: Ray......How did another Necromorph Outbreak Started in Neon City?

Esmeray: I'm not sure Alex. It could be a marker or It could be an infection that came to Neon City.

Alex: It does make any sense. This whole city is crawling with Necromorphs. Almost as if They wanted it to happen.

Esmeray: Well Me and My Team have been investigating the incident for a couple of days and so far we had no luck but we did rescued this one crazy patient. He was telling us something strange.

Alex: What was it?

Esmeray: Steps to destroying the Marker.

Alex was confused by it. Alex didn't know what to say about the incident and just stayed quiet. He was again starting to see symbols and much more.

Esmeray: Hey, We're almost there by the way.

Alex: Alright.

Esmeray: Let me recap for a moment. You crashed a train into District's 8 Night club and You did that on purpose.

Alex: I didn't know that was gonna happen.

Esmeray: Well It did kinda worked until you ran out of ammo. Thank God I was here to save you. Otherwise you could have been those things next meal.

Alex: Yeah Thank God for that.

They finally made it to the base as Alex saw a huge door and was confused by it. Esmeray went to the speaker and said her name as The Doors were opening by themselves.

Esmeray and Alex saw someone walking towards them as The Person had a pulse rifle and was staring at them.

Unknown: Another Survivor huh?

Esmeray: Yup but he's friendly and not one of those crazy guys we found.

Unknown: Is he-?

Esmeray: He's not infected well He was close to getting eaten though.

Alex: Seriously?

Esmeray chuckled as The Women removed her helmet and showed her face to them.

Unknown: Names Maria Marshall, Marker Ops and Field Medic. You?

Alex: Alex Ambrose.........

Esmeray: He's kinda shy by the way.

Maria: I can tell.

Unknown: Maria. Ellie needs you for a second.

Maria: Roger that.

Maria put her helmet back on As A Man in a security suit was approaching them.

Unknown: Hey Esmeray.

Esmeray: What's up Tobias?

The Man removed his mask as he smiled at them.

Tobias: Ohh Its nothing. Just patrolling the place and killed some Necromorphs that tried to get in the base.

Esmeray: That's great to hear but Be Careful next time.

Tobias: Roger that.

Tobias guided Alex and Esmeray inside the base as Alex saw people eating while many other resistance team members were looking around while holding their weapons. Tobias and Esmeray went to talk about something as Alex was exploring the place until He bumped into someone as He saw who it was.

Unknown: You really need to be careful......

Alex:......My Bad.

Unknown: Your new here?

Alex: Yeah. I'm Alex Ambrose and You must be.

The Women removed her mask as she revealed her face to Alex.

Unknown: Michelle Shaw,Marker Ops.

Alex: That's great Michelle and Sorry again by the way.

Michelle: No worries Ambrose.

Michelle put her helmet back on as Alex saw her go outside as He continued exploring the place.

Alex kept looking around until Maria bumped into him.

Maria: Sorry about that but we need you for a minute.

Alex was confused as Maria guided him to a meeting room where Alex saw someone fixing a control panel.

The Man removed his mask as he looked at the control panel.

Unknown: Okay, Almost got it.

Maria: Daniel is it done now?

Daniel: Almost Maria. Just one more tweak and I should be able to-

The Lights of the room came back on as Daniel smirked to himself.

Daniel: All Done Now.

Maria: Great Work Daniel.

Daniel: Thanks and Who's that?

Maria: A Survivor. His Name's Alex Ambrose.

Daniel: Well Alex. It's nice to meet you. I'm Daniel Boyce. Engineer and a Scientist.


The Trio kept waiting until a man in a special forces type suit showed up as He was fixing his helmet.

The Man removed his mask as he took a breather while showing his face to them.

Daniel: Chris, Doing Alright?

Chris: Aside from surviving. I can say yeah I'm doing good.

Maria: Well Let's stay focused.

Just Then. Esmeray, Michelle, Tobias all entered the meeting room as Alex was confused by what's going on.

Alex: Why am I here first of all?

Chris: You'll see buddy. By the way I didn't catch your name.

Esmeray: Alex Ambrose.

Chris: Alex. I remember that.

Just then someone entered the room as He was a suit similar to Daniel but it was different.

The Man removed his mask and showed his face as he had a scar on his eye but He looked confident and pretty serious.

The Man introduced himself to Alex as Issac Clarke. He was a Survivor of the Original Aegis VII Outbreak and since then served as a soldier to take down the Necromorph Threats.

Issac: So Food Supply is starting to run low again and The Situation in the city continues to get worse.

Michelle: Those Necromorphs have been acting different lately. They've grown much smarter and stronger then before.

Tobias: Which is bad news for us.

Chris: So What do we do now?

Issac: Well Daniel was telling us something about the Necromorphs so Tell me What it is?

Daniel: So I have been studying the Necromorphs Behaviour for quite a long time and-

Alex: Wait You were studying these things?

Daniel: Not to use them as weapons but more as to how they're acting. I noticed how they're acting. They seem to plan out a good strategy and attack mostly in groups.

Maria: Basically The Way We Think. They think the same as us.

Esmeray: Which makes them more scary and a enemy not to be messed with.

Issac: That's great information Boyce. Now Ellie told us about Outpost Four not responding to us for the last three hours which kinda worries us since then.

Chris: We should go check it out.

Issac: That's great to hear. Alex Do you know this person?

Issac let a man inside as it was a guy with a strange look on their face. He went towards Alex and looked at him.

Crazed Man: Alex.....You remember me?

Alex: I don't know you actually.

Crazed Man: Yeah because they tried to wipe out your memories with the drugs. Look Alex, There are three steps into destroying the Marker.

Alex: What?

Crazed Man: Oh no Shes here......

Alex: Who's here?

Crazed Man: She had a bloody face and is pale as a ghost.


Crazed Man: No Get away from me!!!

Tobias helped the man outside as Alex kept staring at him. Issac looked at Alex for a second and wanted to ask him something.

Issac: You know him?

Alex: I really don't know him.

Maria: That's weird. He seems to know your name.

Esmeray: Maybe Its a different Alex?

Chris: It could be.......

They heard a door open as a women entered the room and looked at them.

Issac: Alex, Meet Ellie Langford. She leads the Resistance.

Ellie: Good to meet you Alex.

Alex: You too.

Issac: Now That We have this talk. I want Chris, Maria, Esmeray, Tobias, Michelle and Alex to head to that Outpost. Daniel You need to check the weapons at the moment.

Esmeray: Come on Rookie. Let's get you some ammo and guns.

Alex nodded as He kept walking while Ellie and Issac were having a talk.

Ellie: Alex seems strange.

Issac: I even notice that. He seems to be scared of something.

Ellie: The Necromorphs do scare people but-

Issac: I don't think it's the Necromorphs that's scaring him. Something else is bothering him and he doesn't seem to tell any of us.

Ellie: We should get to know him even more.

Meanwhile Alex reloaded his Plasma Cutter as He grabbed a pulse rifle and put it on his back. The Rest got their weapons ready as They headed outside to the outpost that went silent.

Tobias: Keep your eyes peeled.

Michelle: And Dont split up.

Esmeray: And Shoot anything that acts strange.

Alex was walking with them until Peyton started talking to him.

Peyton: Please Alex.....I dont want to die......

Alex: Your Not Peyton. Peyton's Already dead.

Alex was holding his head until Chris touched Alex's shoulder and he got spooked by it.

Chris: Easy there buddy. You were holding your head and you were acting strange.

Alex: I just......have a headache.

Maria: Well After We Check out this outpost. You can get some sleep.

Alex: Sounds great.

The Rest of them were heading towards the outpost as they were ready to investigate it but unknown to them. They'll be seeing something far worse.

A/N: Thanks for Reading and..........

Tobias Matteson is Saint_Maverick
Maria Marshall is QueenZain3
Daniel Boyce is DanielRB3169
Michelle Shaw is MichelleShw717
Chris Johnson is MartinGraf98
Esmeray Dixon is moonkissedgirl

Thank you all for letting me use your Ocs and tell me how it is.
Stay cool and stay safe :)

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